11 research outputs found

    Differences between 1999 and 2010 across the Falkland Plateau: fronts and water masses

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    Decadal differences in the Falkland Plateau are studied from the two full-depth hydrographic data collected during the ALBATROSS (April 1999) and MOC-Austral (February 2010) cruises. Differences in the upper 100 dbar are due to changes in the seasonal thermocline, as the ALBATROSS cruise took place in the austral fall and the MOCAustral cruise in summer. The intermediate water masses seem to be very sensitive to the wind conditions existing in their formation area, showing cooling and freshening for the decade as a consequence of a higher Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) contribution and of a decrease in the Subantarctic Mode Water (SAMW) stratum. The deeper layers do not exhibit any significant change in the water mass properties. The Subantarctic Front (SAF) in 1999 is observed at 52.2–54.8 W with a relative mass transport of 32.6 Sv. In contrast, the SAF gets wider in 2010, stretching from 51.1 to 57.2 W (the Falkland Islands), and weakening to 17.9 Sv. Changes in the SAF can be linked with the westerly winds and mainly affect the northward flow of Subantarctic Surface Water (SASW), SAMW and AAIW/Antarctic Surface Water (AASW). The Polar Front (PF) carries 24.9 Sv in 1999 (49.8–44.4 W), while in 2010 (49.9–49.2 W) it narrows and strengthens to 37.3 Sv.En prens

    Spatial patterns of plankton biomass and stable isotopes reflect the influence of the nitrogen-fixer Trichodesmium along the subtropical North Atlantic.

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    proyecto Malaspina-2010 (CSD2008-00077) del programa CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010, Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn y proyecto EURO-BASIN (FP7-ENV-2010 264933) e Instituto Español de Oceanografia (IEO). C.M. recibiĂł un contrato PFPI del IEO.The spatial variability of biomass and stable isotopes in plankton size fractions in the upper 200 m was studied in a high spatial resolution transect along 24°N from the Canary Islands to Florida to determine nitrogen and carbon sources. Vertical advection of waters predominated in lateral zones, while the central Atlantic (30–70°W) was characterized by strong stratification and oligotrophic surface waters. Plankton biomass was low in the central zone and high on both the eastern and the western sides, with most of the variability due to either large (>2000 ”m) or small plankton (50% of organic nitrogen in the central zone, and even >30% in the eastern and the western zones. The impact of diazotrophy increased with the size of the organisms, supporting the wide participation of all trophic levels in the processing of recently fixed nitrogen. These results indicate that atmospheric sources of carbon and nitrogen prevail over deep water sources in the subtropical North Atlantic and that the zone influenced by diazotrophy is much larger than reported in previous studies.CONSOLIDER-INGENIO, 7FPPreprint1,749

    Water mass age and ageing driving chromophoric dissolved organic matter in the dark global ocean

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    Research articleThe omnipresence of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in the open ocean enables its use as a tracer for biochemical processes throughout the global overturning circulation. We made an inventory of CDOM optical properties, ideal water age (τ), and apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) along the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Ocean waters sampled during the Malaspina 2010 expedition. A water mass analysis was applied to obtain intrinsic, hereinafter archetypal, values of τ, AOU, oxygen utilization rate (OUR), and CDOM absorption coefficients, spectral slopes and quantum yield for each one of the 22 water types intercepted during this circumnavigation. Archetypal values of AOU and OUR have been used to trace the differential influence of water mass aging and aging rates, respectively, on CDOM variables. Whereas the absorption coefficient at 325nm (a325) and the fluorescence quantum yield at 340nm (Ί340) increased, the spectral slope over the wavelength range 275–295nm (S275–295) and the ratio of spectral slopes over the ranges 275–295nm and 350–400nm (SR) decreased significantly with water mass aging (AOU). Combination of the slope of the linear regression between archetypal AOU and a325 with the estimated global OUR allowed us to obtain a CDOM turnover time of 634 ± 120 years, which exceeds the flushing time of the dark ocean (>200 m) by 46%. This positive relationship supports the assumption of in situ production and accumulation of CDOM as a by-product of microbial metabolism as water masses turn older. Furthermore, our data evidence that global-scale CDOM quantity (a325) is more dependent on aging (AOU), whereas CDOM quality (S275–295, SR, Ί340) is more dependent on aging rate (OUR).VersiĂłn del editor4,785

    CaracterizaciĂłn del Banco de La ConcepciĂłn

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    Se integra informaciĂłn hidrogrĂĄfica, geomorfolĂłgica, sedimentolĂłgica, biolĂłgica, sobre hĂĄbitats marinos y pesquera, para establecer las bases ecolĂłgicas necesarias para la protecciĂłn y conservaciĂłn del Banco de La ConcepciĂłnEl proyecto INDEMARES ha permitido utilizar amplios medios econĂłmicos y personales para estudiar en detalle y desde mĂșltiples perspectivas la zona del Banco de La ConcepciĂłn. Se han aplicado metodologĂ­as para el estudio de la hidrografĂ­a, caracterizando la regiĂłn, describiendo sus principales masas de agua y la hidrodinĂĄmica de las corrientes. TambiĂ©n se ha abordado la geologĂ­a de la zona, incluyendo levantamientos batimĂ©tricos, perfiles sĂ­smicos, muestreos de sedimento y petrolĂłgicos, obteniendo modelos digitales del terreno, mapas de tipos de fondo, geomorfolĂłgicos. Se han caracterizado las comunidades bentopelĂĄgicas, demersales, epibentĂłnicas y endobentĂłnicas, prestando especial atenciĂłn a aquellas que conforman o estructuran los hĂĄbitats sensibles cuyo inventariado y cartografĂ­a era objeto principal del proyecto. Los trabajos de identificaciĂłn de hĂĄbitats se han realizado con muestreadores directos, pero tambiĂ©n con muestreadores visuales, que han permitido hacer un mayor esfuerzo de muestreo sin aumentar el impacto sobre los fondos de la zona. Por otro lado se ha estudiado la huella pesquera de la zona por medio del anĂĄlisis de los datos VMS y los cuadernos de pesca proporcionados por la SGP, ademĂĄs de una ardua labor a pie de puerto de entrevistas y encuestas. Toda la informaciĂłn ha sido gestionada y analizada por diferentes grupos de investigaciĂłn de diferentes centros (Universidad de La Laguna, Instituto Universitario de Ciencias PolĂ­ticas y Sociales, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar de Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona, Centro de Investigaciones Medioambientales del AtlĂĄntico, Centro OceanogrĂĄfico de Santander y Centro OceanogrĂĄfico de MĂĄlaga del Instituto Español de OceanografĂ­a, 
), aunque el grueso de esta labor, ademĂĄs de la coordinaciĂłn, se ha llevado a cabo en el Centro OceanogrĂĄfico de Canarias del Instituto Español de OceanografĂ­a. Los resultados permiten tener un conocimiento profundo y multidisciplinar de la zona de estudio comparable a pocos proyectos de investigaciĂłn marina en la macaronesia. El estudio oceanogrĂĄfico, el geolĂłgico, y el de las comunidades biolĂłgicas, ha permitido la caracterizaciĂłn de los hĂĄbitats de la zona, y su cartografiado mediante el intenso muestreo y la aplicaciĂłn de anĂĄlisis de idoneidad de hĂĄbitats.INDEMARES Project made possible to bring together economic and staff resources to study in detail, and from multiple perspectives, the area of Banco de La ConcepciĂłn. Methodologies have been applied to study hydrography, making a regional characterization, depicting main water masses, and current hydrodynamics. Geology has been tackled including bathymetric uplifting, seismic profiles, sediment and petrological sampling, obtaining digital terrain models, type of bottom maps, geomorphological maps, as an output. Benthopelagic, demersal, epibenthic and endobenthic communities have been characterized, paying special attention to sensitive habitats which inventory and mapping was the project’s main aim. Habitat identification has been made with direct and visual samplers, the latter making a major sampling effort possible without an increase of bottom impact. Moreover, fisheries footprint has been identified by Vessel Monitoring System data, together with logbooks from SecretarĂ­a General de Pesca (Fisheries Ministry), as well as a hard interviewing and surveying task at landing points. Information has been managed and analysed by different research groups from different Centres (Universidad de La Laguna, Instituto Universitario de Ciencias PolĂ­ticas y Sociales, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar de Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona, Centro de Investigaciones Medioambientales del AtlĂĄntico, Centro OceanogrĂĄfico de Santander y Centro OceanogrĂĄfico de MĂĄlaga del Instituto Español de OceanografĂ­a), although the main body of the work, plus coordination, has been made by the Canary Islands Oceanographic Centre, from the Spanish Institute of Oceanography. Results let us have a multidisciplinary profound knowledge of the study zone, comparable to few other marine research projects off Macaronesia. The study about oceanography, geology and biologic communities has allowed the habitats characterization and mapping by means of intensive sampling and habitat suitability analysis.Instituto Español de OceanografĂ­a, ComisiĂłn Europea Programa LIFE+, FundaciĂłn Biodiversida

    CaracterizaciĂłn del Sur de Fuerteventura

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    Se integra informaciĂłn hidrogrĂĄfica, geomorfolĂłgica, sedimentolĂłgica, biolĂłgica, sobre hĂĄbitats marinos y pesquera, para establecer las bases ecolĂłgicas necesarias para la protecciĂłn y conservaciĂłn del Sur de Fuerteventura (Montes de Amanay y El Banquete)El proyecto INDEMARES ha permitido utilizar amplios medios econĂłmicos y personales para estudiar en detalle y desde mĂșltiples perspectivas la zona del Sur de Fuerteventura (montes de Amanay y El Banquete). Se han aplicado metodologĂ­as para el estudio de la hidrografĂ­a, caracterizando la regiĂłn, describiendo sus principales masas de agua y la hidrodinĂĄmica de las corrientes. TambiĂ©n se ha abordado la geologĂ­a de la zona, incluyendo levantamientos batimĂ©tricos, perfiles sĂ­smicos, muestreos de sedimento y petrolĂłgicos, obteniendo modelos digitales del terreno, mapas de tipos de fondo, geomorfolĂłgicos. Se han caracterizado las comunidades bentopelĂĄgicas, demersales, epibentĂłnicas y endobentĂłnicas, prestando especial atenciĂłn a aquellas que conforman o estructuran los hĂĄbitats sensibles cuyo inventariado y cartografĂ­a era objeto principal del proyecto. Los trabajos de identificaciĂłn de hĂĄbitats se han realizado con muestreadores directos, pero tambiĂ©n con muestreadores visuales, que han permitido hacer un mayor esfuerzo de muestreo sin aumentar el impacto sobre los fondos de la zona. Por otro lado se ha estudiado la huella pesquera de la zona por medio del anĂĄlisis de los datos VMS y los cuadernos de pesca proporcionados por la SGP, ademĂĄs de una ardua labor a pie de puerto de entrevistas y encuestas. Toda la informaciĂłn ha sido gestionada y analizada por diferentes grupos de investigaciĂłn de diferentes centros (Universidad de La Laguna, Instituto Universitario de Ciencias PolĂ­ticas y Sociales, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar de Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona, Centro de Investigaciones Medioambientales del AtlĂĄntico, Centro OceanogrĂĄfico de Santander y Centro OceanogrĂĄfico de MĂĄlaga del Instituto Español de OceanografĂ­a, 
), aunque el grueso de esta labor, ademĂĄs de la coordinaciĂłn, se ha llevado a cabo en el Centro OceanogrĂĄfico de Canarias del Instituto Español de OceanografĂ­a. Los resultados permiten tener un conocimiento profundo y multidisciplinar de la zona de estudio comparable a pocos proyectos de investigaciĂłn marina en la Macaronesia. El estudio oceanogrĂĄfico, el geolĂłgico, y el de las comunidades biolĂłgicas, ha permitido la caracterizaciĂłn de los hĂĄbitats de la zona, y su cartografiado mediante el intenso muestreo y la aplicaciĂłn de anĂĄlisis de idoneidad de hĂĄbitats.Abstract: INDEMARES Project made possible to bring together economic and staff resources to study in detail, and from multiple perspectives, the area of South of Fuerteventura (Amanay and El Banquete Semounts). Methodologies have been applied to study hydrography, making a regional characterization, depicting main water masses, and current hydrodynamics. Geology has been tackled including bathymetric uplifting, seismic profiles, sediment and petrological sampling, obtaining digital terrain models, type of bottom maps, geomorphological maps, as an output. Benthopelagic, demersal, epibenthic and endobenthic communities have been characterized, paying special attention to sensitive habitats which inventory and mapping was the project’s main aim. Habitat identification has been made with direct and visual samplers, the latter making a major sampling effort possible without an increase of bottom impact. Moreover, fisheries footprint has been identified by Vessel Monitoring System data, together with logbooks from SecretarĂ­a General de Pesca (Fisheries Ministry), as well as a hard interviewing and surveying task at landing points. Information has been managed and analysed by different research groups from different Centres (Universidad de La Laguna, Instituto Universitario de Ciencias PolĂ­ticas y Sociales, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar de Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona, Centro de Investigaciones Medioambientales del AtlĂĄntico, Centro OceanogrĂĄfico de Santander y Centro OceanogrĂĄfico de MĂĄlaga del Instituto Español de OceanografĂ­a), although the main body of the work, plus coordination, has been made by the Canary Islands Oceanographic Centre, from the Spanish Institute of Oceanography. Results let us have a multidisciplinary profound knowledge of the study zone, comparable to few other marine research projects off Macaronesia. The study about oceanography, geology and biologic communities has allowed the habitats characterization and mapping by means of intensive sampling and habitat suitability analysis.Instituto Español de OceanografĂ­a, ComisiĂłn Europea Programa LIFE+, FundaciĂłn Biodiversida

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Abstract Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries

    Microstructure turbulence and diffusivity parameterization in the tropical and subtropical Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans during the Malaspina 2010 expedition

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    Measurements of microstructure turbulence were carried out, in the upper 300m, in the tropical and subtropical Atlantic and Pacific oceans during the Malaspina 2010 expedition, by using a microstructure turbulence (MSS) profiler. Diapycnal diffusivity (Kρ) was estimated from dissipation rates of turbulent kinetic energy (Δ) measured by the MSS profiler, and also from hydrographic and meteorological data by using the K-profile parameterization (KPP). In the mixing layer, averaged Kρ (169×10-4m2s-1) and Δ(16.8×10-8Wkg-1) were three and one orders of magnitude higher, respectively, compared to the ocean interior (0.59×10-4m2s-1 and 1.0×10-8Wkg-1). In general, the KPP showed a good agreement with diffusivity estimates derived from microstructure observations, both in the mixing layer and in the ocean interior. The KPP also reproduced the main regional patterns observed in the ocean interior. The analysis of turbulence generation mechanisms below the mixing layer showed that shear-induced mixing was more important in those regions influenced by the equatorial undercurrent, where averaged diffusivity was 2.27-3.62×10-4m2s-1. Favorable conditions for salt fingers formation were more frequently observed in the Atlantic, where, as a consequence of this process, diffusivity could increase up to 20%. This result could have important implications for the transport of heat and dissolved substances in these regions