59 research outputs found


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    OBJECTIVES: The aims of this study were to examine and compare the predictive validity of 4 risk assessment scales used for the prediction of pressure ulcer (PrU) development and to identify risk factors. DESIGN: Cross-sectional descriptive study. SETTING: A general hospital in Sweden. PARTICIPANTS: Patients (all aged ≄18 years) admitted to medical, surgical, orthopedic, oncology, and rehabilitation wards. Of 412 patients available, a total of 346 patients participated in the study. METHOD: Data were collected using the Swedish version of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel minimum data set as well as the Norton, Modified Norton, Braden, and Risk Assessment Pressure Sore (Ulcer) (RAPS) scales. The predictive validity was estimated by measuring sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to determine risk factors associated with PrUs. RESULTS: The RAPS scale reached best balance between sensitivity and specificity at the recommended cutoff level of ≀29, followed by the Braden scale and the Norton scale at recommended cutoff levels ≀18 versus ≀16, respectively. The modified Norton scale also reached an acceptable balance between sensitivity and specificity but at the cutoff level of ≀23, which is a higher cutoff level than recommended. General physical condition, physical activity, moisture, friction, and shear emerged as significant risk factors. CONCLUSIONS: The results support that the recommended cutoff levels of the RAPS, Norton, and Braden scales are valid in a general hospital setting. However, the recommended cutoff level of the modified Norton scale (≀20) has to be increased when used in this care context

    Validating a common tick survey method: cloth-dragging and line transects

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    Cloth-dragging is the most widely-used method for collecting and counting ticks, but there are few studies of its reliability. By using cloth-dragging, we applied a replicated line transects survey method, in two areas in Sweden with different Ixodes ricinus tick-densities (low at Grimsö and high at Bogesund) to evaluate developmental stage specific repeatability, agreement and precision in estimates of tick abundance. 'Repeatability' was expressed as the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC), 'agreement' with the Total Deviation Index (TDI) and 'precision' by the coefficient of variation (CV) for a given dragging distance. Repeatability (ICC) and agreement (TDI) were higher for the most abundant instar (nymphs) and in the area of higher abundance. At Bogesund tick counts were higher than at Grimsö and so also repeatability, with fair to substantial ICC estimates between 0.22 and 0.75, and TDI ranged between 1 and 44.5 counts of difference (thus high to moderate agreement). At Grimsö, ICC was poor to moderate and ranged between 0 and 0.59, whereas TDI remained low with estimates lower or equal to 1 count (thus high agreement). Despite a 100-fold lower abundance at Grimsö, the same level of precision for nymphs could be achieved with a 70% increase of dragging effort. We conclude that the cloth-dragging technique is useful for surveying ticks' and primarily to estimate abundance of the nymphal stage, whereas it rarely will be recommended for larvae and adults

    Expansion of spatial and host range of Puumala virus in Sweden: an increasing threat for humans?

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    Hantaviruses are globally distributed and cause severe human disease. Puumala hantavirus (PUUV) is the most common species in Northern Europe, and the only hantavirus confirmed to circulate in Sweden, restricted to the northern regions of the country. In this study, we aimed to further add to the natural ecology of PUUV in Sweden by investigating prevalence, and spatial and host species infection patterns. Specifically, we wanted to ascertain whether PUUV was present in the natural reservoir, the bank vole (Myodes glareolus) further south than Dalalven river, in south-central Sweden, and whether PUUV can be detected in other rodent species in addition to the natural reservoir. In total, 559 animals were collected at Grimso (59 degrees 43 ' N; 15 degrees 28 ' E), Sala (59 degrees 55 ' N; 16 degrees 36 ' E) and Bogesund (59 degrees 24 ' N; 18 degrees 14 ' E) in south-central Sweden between May 2013 and November 2014. PUUV ELISA-reactive antibodies were found both in 2013 (22/295) and in 2014 (18/264), and nine samples were confirmed as PUUV-specific by focus reduction neutralization test. Most of the PUUV-specific samples were from the natural host, the bank vole, but also from other rodent hosts, indicating viral spill-over. Finally, we showed that PUUV is present in more highly populated central Sweden

    New genetic loci link adipose and insulin biology to body fat distribution.

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    Body fat distribution is a heritable trait and a well-established predictor of adverse metabolic outcomes, independent of overall adiposity. To increase our understanding of the genetic basis of body fat distribution and its molecular links to cardiometabolic traits, here we conduct genome-wide association meta-analyses of traits related to waist and hip circumferences in up to 224,459 individuals. We identify 49 loci (33 new) associated with waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for body mass index (BMI), and an additional 19 loci newly associated with related waist and hip circumference measures (P < 5 × 10(-8)). In total, 20 of the 49 waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI loci show significant sexual dimorphism, 19 of which display a stronger effect in women. The identified loci were enriched for genes expressed in adipose tissue and for putative regulatory elements in adipocytes. Pathway analyses implicated adipogenesis, angiogenesis, transcriptional regulation and insulin resistance as processes affecting fat distribution, providing insight into potential pathophysiological mechanisms

    Marketing on the Internet : a case study of Interflora's on-line floral delivery service

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    During the last part of this decade, the Internet has exerted a major influence on the business environment. To compete effectively, more and more companies use the Internet in their daily business and are present on the World Wide Web, with the result that traditional ways of performing marketing activities no longer apply. This thesis aims to explore and describe the objectives for companies to conduct on-line marketing and the effects the Internet will have on the marketing mix. We have made a qualitative case study of the on-line floral delivery service offered by Interflora AB and conducted two personal interviews and one telephone interview with three persons within the company. We found that Interflora AB only set one clear objective for marketing the floral delivery service “Blommogram” on-line and that was to increase the sales by attracting new customers. The main function of Interflora’s Web site is to be a sales channel and the “Blommogram” was found to be a service well suited for being sold on-line, using a standardized pricing strategy. To Interflora, the focus has been to create a qualitative Web site and most efforts have been concentrated on the Web site as a communication and promotion medium. As a distribution and transaction medium, the Web site is effective, but does not imply any cost or time savings. Furthermore, the Web site has not meant any changes in the physical distribution.Validerat; 20101217 (root


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    Dramawebben started in 2006 as a project at Nationella dramaturgiatet. The aim of the project was to make copyright free Swedish drama written by women freely available. The project received further funding from Riksbankens jubileumsfond 2009-2012. The goal was to develop the existing piece directory to a "non-commercial web site for copyright free drama". In December 2009, www.dramawebben.se was launched with a new database, a new web platform and interfaces corresponding with content, activities and user groups. The work of the project has aimed to build a usable and sustainable infrastructure for research and teaching. Each stage in the process of collecting, processing and publishing the materials have been designed in preparation for research, corresponding to the development of Dramawebben as an infrastructure for digital humanities research. The work of collecting materials, cataloging and publishing has been guided by a gender perspective. Since its inception, a form of descriptive catalog records has developed in the project where the content of the play and the reception at the first performance are summarized. Drama texts have been published in two formats, "facsimile" and "processable text"'. The descriptive catalog contains about 500 pieces from 1600 to modern times (2012). The drama is mainly taken from the following archives: the Royal Dramatic Theatre's archives, Royal theaters Archive, Music and Theatre Library, National Library, Society of Swedish Literature in Finland and the Swedish institute for children's books.Through infrastructure funding by the Swedish Research Council 2012-2014, the texts will be encoded with specific information to enable machine searches for research on cross-cutting structures and relationships within Swedish drama. Purpose: The purpose of Dramawebben is creating a digital piece archive of copyright-free Swedish drama. The drama is freely available at no cost to users to read online or download for process. The drama texts are reproduced in fulltext and are published either in the so-called facsimile, a PDF document where the original print is rendered as a digital photocopy, or processable text, a PDF document with text and image that can be used for editing. By making the digital piece archive freely available, Dramawebben brings Swedish drama up to date.Dramawebben startade 2006 som ett accessprojekt inom Nationella dramaturgiatet. Uppdraget var att tillgÀngliggöra upphovsrÀttsligt fri svensk dramatik skriven av kvinnor. Projektet erhöll infrastrukturstöd frÄn Riksbankens Jubileumsfond för Ären 2009-2012. MÄlet var att utveckla den befintliga pjÀskatalogen till en "icke-kommersiell portal för upphovsrÀttsligt fri dramatik". I december 2009 lanserades www.dramawebben.se med en ny databas, en ny webbplattform och grÀnssnitt i paritet med innehÄll, verksamhet och anvÀndargrupper. Arbetet i projektet har syftat till att bygga upp en anvÀndbar och hÄllbar infrastruktur för forskning och undervisning. Varje moment i arbetet med att samla in, förÀdla och publicera materialet har utformats för att lÀgga en forskningsförberedande grund som hÄller för en utveckling av Dramawebben som infrastruktur för digital humanistisk forskning. Arbetet med insamling av material, katalogisering och publicering har frÄn början styrts av ett genusperspektiv. Sedan starten har en form för beskrivande katalogposter utvecklats i projektet dÀr handlingen i pjÀsen och mottagandet vid urpremiÀren sammanfattats. Dramatexterna har publicerats i tvÄ olika format, "faksimil" och "bearbetningsbar text". 2011 innehÄller den beskrivande katalogen ca 500 pjÀser frÄn 1600-talet till modern tid. Dramatiken Àr huvudsakligen hÀmtad frÄn följande arkiv: Kungliga Dramatiska Teaterns arkiv, Kungliga teatrarnas arkiv, Musik- och teaterbiblioteket, Kungliga biblioteket, Svenska LitteratursÀllskapet i Finland och Svenska barnboksinstitutet. Genom ett infrastrukturstöd frÄn VetenskapsrÄdet 2012- 2014, kommer texterna att kodas med specifik information för att möjliggöra maskinella sökningar för forskning om övergripande strukturer och förhÄllanden inom svensk dramatik. Syfte: Syftet med Dramawebben Àr att skapa ett digitalt pjÀsarkiv över upphovsrÀttsligt fri svensk dramatik. Dramatiken Àr fritt tillgÀnglig utan kostnad för anvÀndarna att lÀsa pÄ nÀtet eller att ladda ner för att bearbeta till spelmanus. Dramatexterna finns Ätergivna i fulltext och Àr publicerade antingen i sk faksimil, ett pdf-dokument dÀr originaltrycket Äterges som en digital fotokopia, eller i bearbetningsbar text, ett pdf-dokument med text och bild som kan anvÀndas för redigering. Dramawebben vÀxer i takt med att nya verk blir kÀnda. Med det digitala pjÀsmaterialet tillgÀngliggör och aktualiserar Dramawebben svensk dramatik

    "Undervisning om fakta - en samsyn?" : Om samarbete mellan förskoleklass och grundskolan Ärskurs 1-3

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    Att frĂ€mja lĂ€rande Ă€r ett av skolans uppdrag och en aktiv diskussion om kunskapsbegrepp och kunskapsutveckling bör ske i den enskilda skolan. År 1998 infördes den frivilliga skolformen för sexĂ„ringar. I skollagen (2010:800) kap 9, stĂ„r det tydligt att elevers utveckling och lĂ€rande ska stimuleras i förskoleklassen samt förbereda dem för fortsatt utbildning. Syftet med denna studie Ă€r att studera hur pedagoger inom förskoleklass och grundskolan i Ă„rskurs 1 – 3 uppger att arbetet med kunskap och lĂ€rande bedrivs och hur samarbetet mellan förskoleklass och Ă„rskurs 1 – 3 fungerar. I denna kvantitativa studie har jag anvĂ€nt mig av positivismen som vetenskapsteori. I studien framkommer det inga skillnader mellan pedagogerna i förskoleklass och lĂ€rarna i Ă„rskurs 1 – 3 i deras sĂ€tt att arbeta med fakta i sin undervisning, hur de uppger att samarbetet fungerar eller hur dialog kring faktakunskap och undervisning förs. Nyckelord: Förskoleklass, grundskolan Ă„rskurs 1 – 3, kunskap, lĂ€randeTo promote learning is one of school's primary objectives and an active discussion regarding skill terminology and skill development should take place at the individual school. In 1998 a voluntary school reform was introduced for six year olds. In the school law, the Education act (2010: 800), chapter 9, it is clear that students' learning and development should be encouraged in the pre-school class and prepare them for further education. The purpose of this study is to examine how teachers in preschool and elementary school in grades 1-3 say that the work of knowledge and learning is conducted and how the cooperation between preschool and grades 1-3 works. In this quantitative study I have used the positivism as scientific theory. The study shows no differences between teachers in preschool classes and teachers in grades 1-3 in their approach to work with facts in his teaching, how they say that cooperation works or how the dialogue on factual knowledge and teaching conducted. Key words: Pre-school class, elementary school grades 1-3, knowledge, learnin

    Smart smyckesförpackning

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    Visionen Àr att skapa en ny design av en smyckesförpackning med ytterligare funktioner dÀr anvÀndaren ser fördelar med att behÄlla förpackningen samt ha en emotionell koppling till den.
