1,028 research outputs found

    Calculus of reirradiation in in-field metastatic recurrences of spinal cord

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    Proteogenomics of the novel Dehalobacterium formicoaceticum strain EZ94 highlights a key role of methyltransferases during anaerobic dichloromethane degradation

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABDichloromethane (DCM, methylene chloride) is a toxic, high-volume industrial pollutant of long-standing. Anaerobic biodegradation is crucial for its removal from contaminated environments, yet prevailing mechanisms remain unresolved, especially concerning dehalogenation. In this study, we obtained an assembled genome of a novel DCM-degrading strain, Dehalobacterium formicoaceticum strain EZ94, from a stable DCM-degrading consortium, and we analyzed its proteome during degradation of DCM. A gene cluster recently predicted to play a major role in anaerobic DCM catabolism (the mec cassette) was found. Methyltransferases and other proteins encoded by the mec cassette were among the most abundant proteins produced, suggesting their involvement in DCM catabolism. Reductive dehalogenases were not detected. Genes and corresponding proteins for a complete Wood-Ljungdahl pathway, which could enable further metabolism of DCM carbon, were also found. Unlike for the anaerobic DCM degrader "Ca. F. warabiya," no genes for metabolism of the quaternary amines choline and glycine betaine were identifed. This work provides independent and supporting evidence that mecassociated methyltransferases are key to anaerobic DCM metabolism

    Les ruines de Sombernon sous le crayon de Francesc Fontanals, prisonnier politique à Dijon (1808-1814)

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    Le carnet de dessins inédit, réalisé par Francesc Fontanals Rovirosa (1777-1827), peintre et graveur espagnol ayant vécu entre le XVIIIe et le XIXe siècle, révèle les errances d’un artiste qui fut prisonnier politique à Dijon en raison de sa fidélité à la couronne de Ferdinand VII. Ce carnet est intéressant non seulement pour les historiens espagnols et français, mais également pour les Bourguignons, puisque ses trente-deux pages contiennent des représentations de châteaux, couvents et domaines nobles de Bourgogne, dont certains ne subsistent plus qu’à l’état de ruines ou dans les mémoires.</p

    Unexpected distribution of the fluoroquinolone-resistance gene qnrB in Escherichia coli isolates from different human and poultry origins in Ecuador

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    Fluoroquinolone resistance can be conferred through chromosomal mutations or by the acquisition of plasmids carrying genes such as the quinolone resistance gene (qnr). In this study, 3,309 strains of commensal Escherichia coli were isolated in Ecuador from: (i) humans and chickens in a rural northern coastal area (n = 2368, 71.5%) and (ii) chickens from an industrial poultry operation (n = 827, 25%). In addition, 114 fluoroquinolone-resistant strains from patients with urinary tract infections who were treated at three urban hospitals in Quito, Ecuador were analyzed. All of the isolates were subjected to antibiotic susceptibility screening. Fluoroquinolone-resistant isolates (FRIs) were then screened for the presence of qnrB genes. A significantly higher phenotypic resistance to fluoroquinolones was determined in E. coli strains from chickens in both the rural area (22%) and the industrial operation (10%) than in strains isolated from humans in the rural communities (3%). However, the rates of qnrB genes in E. coli isolates from healthy humans in the rural communities (11 of 35 isolates, 31%) was higher than in chickens from either the industrial operations (3 of 81 isolates, 6%) or the rural communities (7 of 251 isolates, 2.8%). The occurrence of qnrB genes in human FRIs obtained from urban hospitals was low (1 of 114 isolates, 0.9%). These results suggested that the qnrB gene is more widely distributed in rural settings, where antibiotic usage is low, than in urban hospitals and industrial poultry operations. The role of qnrB in clinical resistance to fluoroquinolones is thus far unknown. [Int Microbiol 2015; 18(2):85-90]Keywords: Escherichia coli &middot; gene qnrB &middot; quinolone resistance &middot; urban hospitals &middot; industral poultry operation

    Structure des grands bassins glaciaires dans le nord de la péninsule ibérique: comparaison entre les vallées d'Andorre (Pyrénées orientales), du Gállego (Pyrénées centrales) et du Trueba (Chaîne Cantabrique).

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    Les grandes vallées glaciaires de la Péninsule Ibérique sont situées dans la chaîne pyrénéo-cantabrique, principalement dans le bassin de l'Èbre. Ainsi, les vallées d'Andorre, de la Noguera Pallaresa et de la haute vallée du Gállego, dans les Pyrénées, ont eu des appareils glaciaires longs de 42, 50 et 40 km respectivement. Dans les vallées du Sil (bassin du Miño) et du Trueba, dans la Chaîne Cantabrique, ils atteignaient 42 et 16,5 km (Serrano-Cañadas, 1996 ; Gómez-Ortiz et al., 2001 ; Turu & Peña, 2006a et b ; Redondo-Vega et al., 2006). L'une des caractéristiques géomorphologiques de la plupart de ces vallées est l'existence d'une dépression morphologique du substratum dans les parties moyennes et terminales, interprétée comme la conséquence de l'érosion glaciaire. Dans tous les cas, on observe une architecture litho-stratigraphique commune (Vilaplana & Casas, 1983 ; Bordonau et al., 1989 ; Bordonau, 1992 ; Turu et al., 2002) représentée par trois unités géoélectriques : une unité inférieure très épaisse, avec des résistivités électriques basses (70 - 200 Ohms par mètre), qui traduit la présence de matériaux fins considérés comme d'origine lacustre ; une unité intermédiaire, moins épaisse, avec des valeurs de résistivité plus élevées (400 - 800 Ohms par mètre), pouvant être interprétée comme un système fluvio-deltaïque pro-glaciaire et une unité géoélectrique supérieure, avec des valeurs de résistivité très variables (100 - 1500 Ohms par mètre), constituée de sédiments alluviaux subactuels. La comparaison des données de type géophysique et géomécanique (sismique à réfraction et essais pressiométriques) montre que l'unité intermédiaire, considérée comme d'origine fluvio-deltaïque, présente des valeurs de vitesse sismique anormalement élevées, ainsi que de hautes valeurs de consolidation. Cette observation effectuée pour la première fois dans la vallée d'Andorre (Turu, 2000) montre des remarquables corrélations entre les hautes vitesses sismiques et les valeurs élevées de consolidation, ainsi que la très nette corrélation entre les hautes valeurs de consolidation et les tills sous-glaciaires. Elle permet d'interpréter l'unité intermédiaire comme essentiellement glaciaire et de remettre en question le modèle simple d'une séquence de comblement lacustre et deltaïque proposé jusqu´à maintenant

    Dual electromagnetism: Helicity, spin, momentum, and angular momentum

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    The dual symmetry between electric and magnetic fields is an important intrinsic property of Maxwell equations in free space. This symmetry underlies the conservation of optical helicity, and, as we show here, is closely related to the separation of spin and orbital degrees of freedom of light (the helicity flux coincides with the spin angular momentum). However, in the standard field-theory formulation of electromagnetism, the field Lagrangian is not dual symmetric. This leads to problematic dual-asymmetric forms of the canonical energy-momentum, spin, and orbital angular momentum tensors. Moreover, we show that the components of these tensors conflict with the helicity and energy conservation laws. To resolve this discrepancy between the symmetries of the Lagrangian and Maxwell equations, we put forward a dual-symmetric Lagrangian formulation of classical electromagnetism. This dual electromagnetism preserves the form of Maxwell equations, yields meaningful canonical energy-momentum and angular momentum tensors, and ensures a self-consistent separation of the spin and orbital degrees of freedom. This provides rigorous derivation of results suggested in other recent approaches. We make the Noether analysis of the dual symmetry and all the Poincar\'e symmetries, examine both local and integral conserved quantities, and show that only the dual electromagnetism naturally produces a complete self-consistent set of conservation laws. We also discuss the observability of physical quantities distinguishing the standard and dual theories, as well as relations to quantum weak measurements and various optical experiments.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figur

    Charge separation relative to the reaction plane in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}= 2.76 TeV

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    Measurements of charge dependent azimuthal correlations with the ALICE detector at the LHC are reported for Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 2.76 TeV. Two- and three-particle charge-dependent azimuthal correlations in the pseudo-rapidity range η<0.8|\eta| < 0.8 are presented as a function of the collision centrality, particle separation in pseudo-rapidity, and transverse momentum. A clear signal compatible with a charge-dependent separation relative to the reaction plane is observed, which shows little or no collision energy dependence when compared to measurements at RHIC energies. This provides a new insight for understanding the nature of the charge dependent azimuthal correlations observed at RHIC and LHC energies.Comment: 12 pages, 3 captioned figures, authors from page 2 to 6, published version, figures at http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/ArtSubmission/node/286