4,775 research outputs found

    Treatment of end-of-life concrete in an innovative heating-air classification system for circular cement-based products

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    A stronger commitment towards Green Building and circular economy, in response to environmental concerns and economic trends, is evident in modern industrial cement and concrete production processes. The critical demand for an overall reduction in the environmental impact of the construction sector can be met through the consumption of high-grade supplementary raw materials. Advanced solutions are under development in current research activities that will be capable of up-cycling larger quantities of valuable raw materials from the fine fractions of End-of-Life (EoL) concrete waste. New technology, in particular the Heating-Air classification System (HAS), simultaneously applies a combination of heating and separation processes within a fluidized bed-like chamber under controlled temperatures (±600 °C) and treatment times (25–40 s). In that process, moisture and contaminants are removed from the EoL fine concrete aggregates (0–4 mm), yielding improved fine fractions, and ultrafine recycled concrete particles (<0.125 mm), consisting mainly of hydrated cement, thereby adding value to finer EoL concrete fractions. In this study, two types of ultrafine recycled concrete (either siliceous or limestone EoL concrete waste) are treated in a pilot HAS technology for their conversion into Supplementary Cementitious Material (SCM). The physico-chemical effect of the ultrafine recycled concrete particles and their potential use as SCM in new cement-based products is assessed by employing substitutions of up to 10% of the conventional binder. The environmental viability of their use as SCM is then evaluated in a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The results demonstrated accelerated hydration kinetics of the mortars that incorporated these SCMs at early ages and higher mechanical strengths at all curing ages. Optimal substitutions were established at 5%. The results suggested that the overall environmental impact could be reduced by up to 5% when employing the ultrafine recycled concrete particles as SCM in circular cement-based products, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 41 kg CO2 eq./ton of cement (i.e. 80 million tons CO2 eq./year). Finally, the environmental impacts were reduced even further by running the HAS on biofuel rather than fossil fuel.The authors of the present paper, prepared in the framework ofthe Project VEEP "Cost-Effective Recycling of C&DW in High AddedValue Energy Efficient Prefabricated Concrete Components forMassive Retrofitting of our Built Environment", wish to acknowl-edge the European Commission for its support. This project hasreceived funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 researchand innovation programme under grant agreement No 723582.This paper reflects only the author’s view and the European Com-mission is not responsible for any use that may be made of theinformation it contains.The authors are also grateful to the Spanish Ministry of Science,Innovation and Universities (MICIU) and the European RegionalDevelopment Fund (FEDER) for funding this line of research(RTI2018-097074-B-C21)

    Data Adequacy by an Extended Analytic Hierarchy Process for Inverse Uncertainty Quantification in Nuclear Safety Analysis

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    Data Adequacy (DA) assessment of experimental databases must be performed to control the impact of user effects on the results provided by the Thermal-Hydraulic (T-H) codes employed for the safety assessment of Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs). The activity is typically based on expert judgement, which, however, lacks a rigorous treatment of the uncertainties. With the objective to overcome this limitation, we propose a Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) approach to consider the Representativeness (R) and Completeness (C) of the databases by an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) combined with Interval Analysis (IA) and Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) to quantify the uncertainty. The approach for DA is exemplified on the databases made available to the participants of the ATRIUM (Application Tests for Realization of Inverse Uncertainty quantification and validation Methodologies in thermal hydraulics) project promoted by the WGAMA of the OECD-NEA, whose ultimate objective is the systematic application of Inverse Uncertainty Quantification (IUQ) methodologies to assess the uncertainties affecting the T-H model of an Intermediate Break Loss Of Coolant Accident (IBLOCA) of a Light Water Reactor (LWR). The outcomes of the application show that the proposed approach allows overcoming some of the limitations of expert-based approaches, reducing the reliance on subjective evaluations through the incorporation of quantitative metrics in the analysis and via the proper quantification of the uncertainty

    The PS ABS on-line software

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    Evaluation of the Economic Performance of Coastal Trawling off the Southern Coast of Sicily (Central Mediterranean Sea)

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    The economic performances of four trawling fleets (those of the Sicilian cities of Trapani, Sciacca, Licata and Porto Palo di Capo Passero) operating in the coastal waters along the southern coast of Sicily (geographical Subarea 16), and potentially affected by the establishment of the Fisheries Restricted Areas (FRAs), were analysed. The main economic performance results (revenues, costs and profits) of 37 trawlers were calculated prior to the implementation of FRAs and compared with those estimated by the spatial bio-economic model SMART after the FRAs’ establishment. Results showed that the fleets of Sciacca and Licata, located in the central part of the southern Sicilian coast, had a short-term reduction of profits as a result of the implementation of the FRAs; conversely, a short-term increase in the economic performances of Trapani and Porto Palo di Capo Passero fleets was expected. Although the FRAs represent a good tool for rebuilding overexploited stocks, the different socio-economic impacts of the single fleets should be assessed before adopting them and the implementation of specific compensative measures should be planned for the impacted fleet until a more productive state of the stock is reached

    In vivo manipulation of the extracellular matrix induces vascular regression in a basal chordate.

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    We investigated the physical role of the extracellular matrix (ECM) in vascular homeostasis in the basal chordate Botryllus schlosseri, which has a large, transparent, extracorporeal vascular network encompassing an area &gt;100 cm2 We found that the collagen cross-linking enzyme lysyl oxidase is expressed in all vascular cells and that in vivo inhibition using β-aminopropionitrile (BAPN) caused a rapid, global regression of the entire network, with some vessels regressing &gt;10 mm within 16 h. BAPN treatment changed the ultrastructure of collagen fibers in the vessel basement membrane, and the kinetics of regression were dose dependent. Pharmacological inhibition of both focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and Raf also induced regression, and levels of phosphorylated FAK in vascular cells decreased during BAPN treatment and FAK inhibition but not Raf inhibition, suggesting that physical changes in the vessel ECM are detected via canonical integrin signaling pathways. Regression is driven by apoptosis and extrusion of cells through the basal lamina, which are then engulfed by blood-borne phagocytes. Extrusion and regression occurred in a coordinated manner that maintained vessel integrity, with no loss of barrier function. This suggests the presence of regulatory mechanisms linking physical changes to a homeostatic, tissue-level response

    LPS, Oleuropein and Blueberry extracts affect the survival, morphology and Phosphoinositide signalling in stimulated human endothelial cells

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    Endothelial cells (EC) act as leading actors in angiogenesis. Understanding the complex network of signal transduction pathways which regulate angiogenesis might offer insights in the regulation of normal and pathological events, including tumours, vascular, inflammatory and immune diseases. The effects of olive oil and of Blueberry extracts upon the phosphoinositide (PI)-specific phospholipase C (PLC) enzymes were evaluated both in quiescent and inflammatory stimulated human umbilical vein EC (HUVEC) using molecular biology (multiliquid bioanalysis) and immunofluorescence techniques. Oleuropein significantly increased the number of surviving HUVEC compared to untreated controls, suggesting that it favours the survival and proliferation of EC. Our results suggest that Oleuropein might be useful to induce EC proliferation, an important event during angiogenesis, with special regard to wound healing. Blueberry extracts increased the number of surviving HUVEC, although the comparison to untreated controls did not result statistically significant. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) administration significantly reduced the number of live HUVEC. LPS can also modify the expression of selected PLC genes. Adding Blueberry extracts to LPS treated HUVEC cultures did not significantly modify the variations of PLC expression induced by LPS. Oleuropein increased or reduced the expression of PLC genes, and statistically significant results were identified for selected PLC isoforms. Oleuropein also modified the effects of LPS upon PLC genes\u2019 expression. Thus, our results corroborate the hypothesis that Oleuropein owns anti-inflammatory activity. The intracellular localization of PLC enzymes was modified by the different treatments we used. Podosome-like structures were observed in differently LPS treated HUVEC


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    Background:Carbamylation is a post-translational modification occurring under several conditions such as uremia, smoking and chronic inflammation as in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) represent a target of carbamylation. Carbamylated-LDL (cLDL) have an increased inflammatory and atherogenic potential. Growing evidence supports an influence of modified lipids on bone cells homeostasis. However, the role of cLDL on bone cells physiology is still unknown.Objectives:Considering the rate of carbamylation and the role of anti-carbamylated proteins antibodies as markers of erosive disease in RA, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of cLDL on bone homeostasis.Methods:In-vitrocarbamylation of LDL was performed as previously described by Ok et al. (Kidney Int. 2005). Briefly, native LDL (nLDL) were treated with potassium cyanate (KOCN) for 4 hours, followed by excessive dialysis for 36 hours to remove KOCN. Both osteoclasts (OCs) and osteoblasts (OBLs) were treated at baseline with 20 μg/ml, 100 μg/ml and 200 μg/ml of cLDL or nLDL. To induce osteoclast differentiation, CD14+ monocytes were isolated from peripheral blood of healthy donors by magnetic microbeads separation and then cultured on a 96-wells plate in DMEM media supplemented with RANKL and M-CSF. After 10 days cells were fixed, stained for tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP), a marker of OC differentiation, and counted. OBLs were isolated from bone specimens of 3 patients who had undergone to knee or hip arthroplasty for osteoarthritis and treated for 5 days with different concentrations of cLDL and nLDL. OBLs were fixed and stained for alkaline phosphatase positive activity (ALP), a marker of osteogenic differentiation. Total RNA was extracted from cell lysates. Copies of single-stranded complementary DNA (cDNA) were synthesized and analyzed by real-time PCR to evaluate RANKL and Osteoprotegerin (OPG) mRNA expression levels.Results:In OCLs culture, cLDL significantly decreased the number of OC compared to untreated cells (200 μg/ml p=0,0015) and nLDL treated cells (200 μg/ml p= 0,011; 20 μg/ml p= 0,0014) (Fig 1). Moreover, treatment with cLDL induced an increase of not terminally differentiated OCs, reduced dimensions of OCs, less intense TRAP staining and vacuolization (Fig 2). In OBLs culture, cLDL (20, 100 μg/ml) significantly reduced the ALP activity of OBLs compared with untreated cells (p<0.05) (Fig 3). nLDL did not affect the ALP expression. Treatment with cLDL stimulated RANKL mRNA expression in osteoblasts increasing the RANKL/OPG ratio (Fig 4).Fig 1.Fig 2.Fig 3.Fig 4.Conclusion:cLDL induce a significant depression of OC and OBL differentiation. Moreover, cLDL increase RANKL expression in OBL, unbalancing bone tissue turnover towards bone resorption. Accordingly, cLDL could be implicated in the bone loss characterizing several conditions associated to an increased carbamylation, such as RADisclosure of Interests:Bruno Lucchino: None declared, Martina Leopizzi: None declared, Tania Colasanti: None declared, Valeria Di Maio: None declared, cristiano alessandri Grant/research support from: Pfizer, Guido Valesini: None declared, fabrizio conti Speakers bureau: BMS, Lilly, Abbvie, Pfizer, Sanofi, Manuela Di Franco: None declared, Francesca Romana Spinelli Grant/research support from: Pfizer, Consultant of: Novartis, Gilead, Lilly, Sanofi, Celgene, Speakers bureau: Lill

    Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia

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    Hospitalizations for respiratory syncytial virus bronchioliti