7 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Discovery Rules

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    Recent studies have suggested that an increasingly large proportion of a building's energy cost consists of energy consumption during the building process, before the building becomes operational. A large part of this "early energy" consists of indirect energy that has been used to manufacture building materials and components and to transport material to the construction site. Furthermore, there is the more direct energy used in construction projects such as construction electricity, district heating, LPG and diesel fuel used on-site. These costs are in a more direct and comprehensible way linked to the construction site and can be influenced by the developer and / or contractor. Therefore, this report focuses primarily on the direct energy involved during a building’s constructions phase. The problems that exist today are several. For example, both clients and contractors have very poor means of monitoring energy consumption on construction sites thus making it difficult to optimize the costs. There are no reliable statistics regarding energy usage, which makes it difficult to analyze problems and to suggest improvements. One of the reasons is that the cost of construction energy, or at least the monetary value of the potential savings, is considered to be negligible in the context of a major construction project and the subject has therefore rather low priority. Furthermore, the clients rely heavily on the contractor’s expertise and have big faith in the contractor’s ability to optimize energy usage. On the other hand, contractors assume that the customers are fully informed and aware of their own needs and that the contractor should only offer what the customer asks for, as cheaply as possible. However, it would be possible for both parties to make substantial savings by adopting a more efficient energy management. In order to achieve this, construction energy issues have to be considered early in the planning process and throughout the entire project. The best results are achieved when the developer and contractor share a common vision and there is open exchange of knowledge and experience. To facilitate this dialogue and to create a tool to address the issue early in the project, this exam-work has led to a prototype for a template that is intended to be used as a letter of intent between the parties, by which they can jointly or individually clarify and specify their energy goals within a specific projectNya utredningar tyder pĂ„ att en allt större andel av en byggnads energiĂ„tgĂ„ng Ă„terfinns i de tidiga skedena, innan huset Ă€nnu tagits i drift, det vill sĂ€ga under produktionsfasen. En stor del av denna "tidiga energi" bestĂ„r av indirekt energi som har anvĂ€nts i framstĂ€llningen av byggmaterial och byggnadskomponenter samt till transporter för att fĂ„ materialet pĂ„ plats. DĂ€rtill finns den mer direkta energin, i form av byggström, fjĂ€rrvĂ€rme, gasol och diesel som anvĂ€nds pĂ„ byggena. Dessa kostnader Ă€r pĂ„ ett mer direkt och lĂ€ttöverskĂ„dligt sĂ€tt knutna till byggarbetsplatsen och bakomliggande processer Ă€r nĂ„got som bestĂ€llare och entreprenör har inflytande över och kan förbĂ€ttra. Följaktligen kommer denna rapport frĂ€mst behandla den direkta energin som anvĂ€nds under en byggnads uppförandefas. Problemen som finns idag Ă€r flera. Delvis har mĂ„nga aktörer, bĂ„de pĂ„ bestĂ€llar- och utförarsidan, bristfĂ€lligt statistiskt underlag angĂ„ende byggenergin. Detta resulterar i en undermĂ„lig eller obefintlig uppföljning och identifiering av förbĂ€ttringsmöjligheter gĂ€llande energianvĂ€ndningen. En bidragande anledning till problemet Ă€r att kostnaden för byggenergi, eller Ă„tminstone det monetĂ€ra vĂ€rdet av en potentiell besparing, av mĂ„nga anses som en försumbar del av ett stort byggprojekt och frĂ„gan blir dĂ€rför nedprioriterad. Vidare verkar det inom bestĂ€llarleden finnas en viss överdriven tilltro till entreprenörernas expertis och vilja att utveckla branschen i energihĂ€nseende medan det omvĂ€nda förhĂ„llandet delvis rĂ„der bland entreprenörerna, dĂ€r man utgĂ„r frĂ„n att kunderna Ă€r aktiva bestĂ€llare som vet vad de vill ha. Entreprenörerna föreslĂ„r sĂ€llan alternativa lösningar utan försöker snarare uppfylla kundernas kravspecifikationer till ett sĂ„ billigt pris som möjligt. Det skulle dock kunna vara möjligt för bĂ€gge parter att spara bĂ„de pengar och koldioxid genom en effektivare energihantering. Dessa Ă„tgĂ€rder krĂ€ver att byggenergifrĂ„gan finns med tidigt i projekten och i planeringsprocessen. Allra bĂ€st resultat uppnĂ„s nĂ€r bestĂ€llare och entreprenör har en gemensam mĂ„lbild och ett öppet utbyte av kunskaper och erfarenheter. För att underlĂ€tta denna dialog har vi tagit fram ett förslag till en mall som Ă€r tĂ€nkt att fungera som en intentionsförklaring mellan parterna varigenom man gemensamt eller individuellt kan tydliggöra och konkretisera energimĂ„len i byggprojekten. Vi har Ă€ven tagit fram förslag till formuleringar gĂ€llande energieffektivitet som kan inkluderas vid upphandlingar

    Markanvisning och markanvisningsavtal : definitioner och innebörd i ett antal Stockholmskommuner

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    The purpose with this thesis is to investigate how a number of municipalities in Stockholm County proceed when they allocate land and establish land allocation agreements for exploitation, and to investigate how a number of municipalities define land allocations and land allocation agreements on the occasion of public land sales. The aim of this thesis is to describe the allocation methods a municipally uses when they offer land for sale and to give an insight regarding which correlation different land allocation agreements have in different municipalities.Methods used are: (1) a literature review where the underlying theory for land allocations and land allocation agreements have been studied; (2) a questionnaire have been done to complement the literature review and to provide a picture of how a number of different municipalities in Stockholm County use and apply land allocations; (3) an agreement audit have been done to see the extent to which different agreement terms exists.Responses from the questionnaire, together with the definitions form different municipality’s land allocation policies and the literature review, resulted in a definition of a land allocation and a land allocation agreement. The agreement audit shows that agreement terms regarding: price or price indication, location, cost-sharing and planning costs are the most common agreement terms within the municipalities we have investigated.The study suggests that there is some confusion regarding land allocation agreements and the meaning of these, that became apparent when agreements where gathered, despite a careful explanation that it was land allocation agreements we requested, we still got exploitation agreements and purchase agreements. Therefore, we consider it necessary with an official definition of a land allocation agreement well anchored in the Planning and Building Act together with the rules of development agreements or other legislation.That there is a lack of research within the subject becomes evident when reports, essays, and other literature generally refers so the same sources.Keywords: land allocation, land allocation agreement and public land sale

    Byggström - systematiskt energiarbete pÄ byggarbetsplatsen

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    Recent studies have suggested that an increasingly large proportion of a building's energy cost consists of energy consumption during the building process, before the building becomes operational. A large part of this "early energy" consists of indirect energy that has been used to manufacture building materials and components and to transport material to the construction site. Furthermore, there is the more direct energy used in construction projects such as construction electricity, district heating, LPG and diesel fuel used on-site. These costs are in a more direct and comprehensible way linked to the construction site and can be influenced by the developer and / or contractor. Therefore, this report focuses primarily on the direct energy involved during a building’s constructions phase. The problems that exist today are several. For example, both clients and contractors have very poor means of monitoring energy consumption on construction sites thus making it difficult to optimize the costs. There are no reliable statistics regarding energy usage, which makes it difficult to analyze problems and to suggest improvements. One of the reasons is that the cost of construction energy, or at least the monetary value of the potential savings, is considered to be negligible in the context of a major construction project and the subject has therefore rather low priority. Furthermore, the clients rely heavily on the contractor’s expertise and have big faith in the contractor’s ability to optimize energy usage. On the other hand, contractors assume that the customers are fully informed and aware of their own needs and that the contractor should only offer what the customer asks for, as cheaply as possible. However, it would be possible for both parties to make substantial savings by adopting a more efficient energy management. In order to achieve this, construction energy issues have to be considered early in the planning process and throughout the entire project. The best results are achieved when the developer and contractor share a common vision and there is open exchange of knowledge and experience. To facilitate this dialogue and to create a tool to address the issue early in the project, this exam-work has led to a prototype for a template that is intended to be used as a letter of intent between the parties, by which they can jointly or individually clarify and specify their energy goals within a specific projectNya utredningar tyder pĂ„ att en allt större andel av en byggnads energiĂ„tgĂ„ng Ă„terfinns i de tidiga skedena, innan huset Ă€nnu tagits i drift, det vill sĂ€ga under produktionsfasen. En stor del av denna "tidiga energi" bestĂ„r av indirekt energi som har anvĂ€nts i framstĂ€llningen av byggmaterial och byggnadskomponenter samt till transporter för att fĂ„ materialet pĂ„ plats. DĂ€rtill finns den mer direkta energin, i form av byggström, fjĂ€rrvĂ€rme, gasol och diesel som anvĂ€nds pĂ„ byggena. Dessa kostnader Ă€r pĂ„ ett mer direkt och lĂ€ttöverskĂ„dligt sĂ€tt knutna till byggarbetsplatsen och bakomliggande processer Ă€r nĂ„got som bestĂ€llare och entreprenör har inflytande över och kan förbĂ€ttra. Följaktligen kommer denna rapport frĂ€mst behandla den direkta energin som anvĂ€nds under en byggnads uppförandefas. Problemen som finns idag Ă€r flera. Delvis har mĂ„nga aktörer, bĂ„de pĂ„ bestĂ€llar- och utförarsidan, bristfĂ€lligt statistiskt underlag angĂ„ende byggenergin. Detta resulterar i en undermĂ„lig eller obefintlig uppföljning och identifiering av förbĂ€ttringsmöjligheter gĂ€llande energianvĂ€ndningen. En bidragande anledning till problemet Ă€r att kostnaden för byggenergi, eller Ă„tminstone det monetĂ€ra vĂ€rdet av en potentiell besparing, av mĂ„nga anses som en försumbar del av ett stort byggprojekt och frĂ„gan blir dĂ€rför nedprioriterad. Vidare verkar det inom bestĂ€llarleden finnas en viss överdriven tilltro till entreprenörernas expertis och vilja att utveckla branschen i energihĂ€nseende medan det omvĂ€nda förhĂ„llandet delvis rĂ„der bland entreprenörerna, dĂ€r man utgĂ„r frĂ„n att kunderna Ă€r aktiva bestĂ€llare som vet vad de vill ha. Entreprenörerna föreslĂ„r sĂ€llan alternativa lösningar utan försöker snarare uppfylla kundernas kravspecifikationer till ett sĂ„ billigt pris som möjligt. Det skulle dock kunna vara möjligt för bĂ€gge parter att spara bĂ„de pengar och koldioxid genom en effektivare energihantering. Dessa Ă„tgĂ€rder krĂ€ver att byggenergifrĂ„gan finns med tidigt i projekten och i planeringsprocessen. Allra bĂ€st resultat uppnĂ„s nĂ€r bestĂ€llare och entreprenör har en gemensam mĂ„lbild och ett öppet utbyte av kunskaper och erfarenheter. För att underlĂ€tta denna dialog har vi tagit fram ett förslag till en mall som Ă€r tĂ€nkt att fungera som en intentionsförklaring mellan parterna varigenom man gemensamt eller individuellt kan tydliggöra och konkretisera energimĂ„len i byggprojekten. Vi har Ă€ven tagit fram förslag till formuleringar gĂ€llande energieffektivitet som kan inkluderas vid upphandlingar

    Markanvisning och markanvisningsavtal : definitioner och innebörd i ett antal Stockholmskommuner

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    The purpose with this thesis is to investigate how a number of municipalities in Stockholm County proceed when they allocate land and establish land allocation agreements for exploitation, and to investigate how a number of municipalities define land allocations and land allocation agreements on the occasion of public land sales. The aim of this thesis is to describe the allocation methods a municipally uses when they offer land for sale and to give an insight regarding which correlation different land allocation agreements have in different municipalities.Methods used are: (1) a literature review where the underlying theory for land allocations and land allocation agreements have been studied; (2) a questionnaire have been done to complement the literature review and to provide a picture of how a number of different municipalities in Stockholm County use and apply land allocations; (3) an agreement audit have been done to see the extent to which different agreement terms exists.Responses from the questionnaire, together with the definitions form different municipality’s land allocation policies and the literature review, resulted in a definition of a land allocation and a land allocation agreement. The agreement audit shows that agreement terms regarding: price or price indication, location, cost-sharing and planning costs are the most common agreement terms within the municipalities we have investigated.The study suggests that there is some confusion regarding land allocation agreements and the meaning of these, that became apparent when agreements where gathered, despite a careful explanation that it was land allocation agreements we requested, we still got exploitation agreements and purchase agreements. Therefore, we consider it necessary with an official definition of a land allocation agreement well anchored in the Planning and Building Act together with the rules of development agreements or other legislation.That there is a lack of research within the subject becomes evident when reports, essays, and other literature generally refers so the same sources.Keywords: land allocation, land allocation agreement and public land sale

    Global change-driven effects on dissolved organic matter composition : Implications for food webs of northern lakes

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    Northern ecosystems are experiencing some of the most dramatic impacts of global change on Earth. Rising temperatures, hydrological intensification, changes in atmospheric acid deposition and associated acidification recovery, and changes in vegetative cover are resulting in fundamental changes in terrestrial-aquatic biogeochemical linkages. The effects of global change are readily observed in alterations in the supply of dissolved organic matter (DOM)-the messenger between terrestrial and lake ecosystems-with potentially profound effects on the structure and function of lakes. Northern terrestrial ecosystems contain substantial stores of organic matter and filter or funnel DOM, affecting the timing and magnitude of DOM delivery to surface waters. This terrestrial DOM is processed in streams, rivers, and lakes, ultimately shifting its composition, stoichiometry, and bioavailability. Here, we explore the potential consequences of these global change-driven effects for lake food webs at northern latitudes. Notably, we provide evidence that increased allochthonous DOM supply to lakes is overwhelming increased autochthonous DOM supply that potentially results from earlier ice-out and a longer growing season. Furthermore, we assess the potential implications of this shift for the nutritional quality of autotrophs in terms of their stoichiometry, fatty acid composition, toxin production, and methylmercury concentration, and therefore, contaminant transfer through the food web. We conclude that global change in northern regions leads not only to reduced primary productivity but also to nutritionally poorer lake food webs, with discernible consequences for the trophic web to fish and humans

    Mechanisms of Glucocorticoid-Induced Insulin Resistance

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    Global change-driven effects on dissolved organic matter composition: Implications for food webs of northern lakes

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