176 research outputs found

    Integration of general amino acid control and TOR regulatory pathways in yeast

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Two important nutrient sensing and regulatory pathways, the general amino acid control (GAAC) and the target of rapamycin (TOR), participate in the control of yeast growth and metabolism in response to changes in nutrient availability. Starvation for amino acids activates the GAAC through Gcn2p phosphorylation of the translation initiation factor eIF2 and preferential translation of GCN4, a transcription activator. TOR senses nitrogen availability and regulates transcription factors, such as Gln3p. We used microarray analyses to address the integration of the GAAC and TOR pathways in directing the yeast transcriptome during amino acid starvation and rapamycin treatment. We found that the GAAC is a major effector of the TOR pathway, with Gcn4p and Gln3p each inducing a similar number of genes during rapamycin treatment. While Gcn4p activates a common core of 57 genes, the GAAC directs significant variations in the transcriptome during different stresses. In addition to inducing amino acid biosynthetic genes, Gcn4p activates genes required for assimilation of secondary nitrogen sources, such as -amino-butyric acid (GABA). Gcn2p activation upon shifting to secondary nitrogen sources is suggested to occur by means of a dual mechanism. First, Gcn2p is induced by the release of TOR repression through a mechanism involving Sit4p protein phosphatase. Second, this eIF2 kinase is activated by select uncharged tRNAs, which were shown to accumulate during the shift to GABA medium. This study highlights the mechanisms by which the GAAC and TOR pathways are integrated to recognize changing nitrogen availability and direct the transcriptome for optimal growth adaptation

    The parasitic helminth product ES-62 suppresses pathogenesis in collagen-induced arthritis by targeting the interleukin-17–producing cellular network at multiple sites

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    Among many survival strategies, parasitic worms secrete molecules to modulate host immune responses. One such product, ES-62, is protective in the collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) model of rheumatoid arthritis. As IL-17 has been reported to play a pathological role in the development of rheumatoid arthritis, we investigated whether targeting of IL-17 may explain the protection afforded by ES-62 in the CIA model. DBA/1 mice progressively display arthritis following immunization with type-II collagen. The protective effects of ES-62 were assessed by determination of cytokine levels, flow cytometric analysis of relevant cellular populations and in situ analysis of joint inflammation. ES-62 was found to downregulate IL-17 responses in the CIA model. Firstly, it acts to inhibit priming and polarisation of IL-17 responses by targeting a complex IL-17-producing network, involving signalling between dendritic cells and γδ or CD4+ T cells. In addition, ES-62 directly targets Th17 cells by downregulating MyD88 expression to suppress responses mediated by IL-1 and TLR ligands. Moreover, ES-62 modulates migration of γδ T cells and this is reflected by direct suppression of CD44 upregulation and, as evidenced by in situ analysis, dramatically reduced levels of IL-17-producing cells, including lymphocytes, infiltrating the joint. Finally, there is strong suppression of IL-17 production by cells resident in the joint, such as osteoclasts within the bone areas. Such unique multi-site manipulation of the initiation and effector phases of the IL-17 inflammatory network could be exploited in the development of novel therapeutics for rheumatoid arthritis

    Cysteinyl-tRNA Deacylation Can Be Uncoupled from Protein Synthesis

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    Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (ARSs) are critical components of protein translation, providing ribosomes with aminoacyl-tRNAs. In return, ribosomes release uncharged tRNAs as ARS substrates. Here, we show that tRNA deacylation can be uncoupled from protein synthesis in an amino acid specific manner. While tRNAs coupled to radiolabeled Met, Leu Lys, or Ser are stable in cells following translation inhibition with arsenite, radiolabeled Cys is released from tRNA at a high rate. We discuss possible translation independent functions for tRNACys

    Activation of the integrated stress response (ISR) pathways in response to Ref-1 inhibition in human pancreatic cancer and its tumor microenvironment

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    Pancreatic cancer or pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is characterized by a profound inflammatory tumor microenvironment (TME) with high heterogeneity, metastatic propensity, and extreme hypoxia. The integrated stress response (ISR) pathway features a family of protein kinases that phosphorylate eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2) and regulate translation in response to diverse stress conditions, including hypoxia. We previously demonstrated that eIF2 signaling pathways were profoundly affected in response to Redox factor-1 (Ref-1) knockdown in human PDAC cells. Ref-1 is a dual function enzyme with activities of DNA repair and redox signaling, responds to cellular stress, and regulates survival pathways. The redox function of Ref-1 directly regulates multiple transcription factors including HIF-1α, STAT3, and NF-κB, which are highly active in the PDAC TME. However, the mechanistic details of the crosstalk between Ref-1 redox signaling and activation of ISR pathways are unclear. Following Ref-1 knockdown, induction of ISR was observed under normoxic conditions, while hypoxic conditions were sufficient to activate ISR irrespective of Ref-1 levels. Inhibition of Ref-1 redox activity increased expression of p-eIF2 and ATF4 transcriptional activity in a concentration-dependent manner in multiple human PDAC cell lines, and the effect on eIF2 phosphorylation was PERK-dependent. Treatment with PERK inhibitor, AMG-44 at high concentrations resulted in activation of the alternative ISR kinase, GCN2 and induced levels of p-eIF2 and ATF4 in both tumor cells and cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs). Combination treatment with inhibitors of Ref-1 and PERK enhanced cell killing effects in both human pancreatic cancer lines and CAFs in 3D co-culture, but only at high doses of PERK inhibitors. This effect was completely abrogated when Ref-1 inhibitors were used in combination with GCN2 inhibitor, GCN2iB. We demonstrate that targeting of Ref-1 redox signaling activates the ISR in multiple PDAC lines and that this activation of ISR is critical for inhibition of the growth of co-culture spheroids. Combination effects were only observed in physiologically relevant 3D co-cultures, suggesting that the model system utilized can greatly affect the outcome of these targeted agents. Inhibition of Ref-1 signaling induces cell death through ISR signaling pathways, and combination of Ref-1 redox signaling blockade with ISR activation could be a novel therapeutic strategy for PDAC treatment

    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Multiprotein Biomarkers in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal progressive motor neuron disease, for which there are still no diagnostic/prognostic test and therapy. Specific molecular biomarkers are urgently needed to facilitate clinical studies and speed up the development of effective treatments.We used a two-dimensional difference in gel electrophoresis approach to identify in easily accessible clinical samples, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), a panel of protein biomarkers that are closely associated with ALS. Validations and a longitudinal study were performed by immunoassays on a selected number of proteins. The same proteins were also measured in PBMC and spinal cord of a G93A SOD1 transgenic rat model. We identified combinations of protein biomarkers that can distinguish, with high discriminatory power, ALS patients from healthy controls (98%), and from patients with neurological disorders that may resemble ALS (91%), between two levels of disease severity (90%), and a number of translational biomarkers, that link responses between human and animal model. We demonstrated that TDP-43, cyclophilin A and ERp57 associate with disease progression in a longitudinal study. Moreover, the protein profile changes detected in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of ALS patients are suggestive of possible intracellular pathogenic mechanisms such as endoplasmic reticulum stress, nitrative stress, disturbances in redox regulation and RNA processing.Our results indicate that PBMC multiprotein biomarkers could contribute to determine amyotrophic lateral sclerosis diagnosis, differential diagnosis, disease severity and progression, and may help to elucidate pathogenic mechanisms

    Regulation of Amino Acid, Nucleotide, and Phosphate Metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    How do tumours adapt to nutrient stress?

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