1,331 research outputs found

    The Markers Of Bone Metabolism And System Inflammation In Patients With Osteoarthritis Depending On Body Mass, The Influence Of Symptomatic Slow Acting Drugs

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    Aim. To assess the levels of markers of the bone synthesis and system inflammation in patients with osteoarthritis (OA) in combination with obesity and their dynamic under the influence of basic treatment.Materials and methods. The research included 40 women with OA, 46–78 years old (mean age – 59,8±1,5 years). Duration of the disease varied from 3 to 36 years (mean duration – 10,0±1,1 years). Mean body mass index (BMI) among patients was 30,6±0,7 [22,3; 39,5]kg/m2, according to which patients were divided in 3 groups: patients with OA without obesity (n=17), patients with OA with 1 degree of obesity (n=14), patients with OA with 2 degree of obesity (n=9). The level of osteochondral metabolism was assessed using quantitative measuring of the levels of procollagen IC-terminal propeptide (РІСР), (Cloud-CloneCorp. “procollagen IC-Terminal Propeptide”, USA) and osteocalcin (Roche Diagnostics «N-MID Osteocalcin», Switzerland) on analyzer «ELECSYS 2010» by the method of immune-enzyme analysis; the level of the system inflammation was assessed by the level of C-reactive protein (CRP) by the method of immunoturbidimetry. The clinical efficacy was assessed by the dynamics of intensity levels of pain syndromes at physical load and at rest by the visual-analogue scale (VAS). The measuring of РІСР, osteocalcin and CRP levels and also the assessment of clinical efficacy as to the decrease of pain syndrome were carried out twice – at the beginning and at the end of observation. The period of observation is 2 months.Results. The presence of direct correlation between РІСР and BMI (r=0,62; р=0,008) among patients with OA in combination with the normal body weight was established at the research, whereas among patients with OA in combination with obesity the analogous correlation was demonstrated between SRP and BMI (r=0,43; р=0,04) on the background of correlation of PICP and OC levels (r=0,46; р=0,03).Obesity in patients with OA was associated with the reliably higher levels of pain at both rest and physical load from the side of knee joints, with maximal intensity of the pain syndrome among patients with OA and 1 degree of obesity.Statistical analysis did not reveal the reliable dependence of РІСР and OC in patients with OA from the initial CRP level on the background of tendency to the higher РІСР level and lower OC level among patients with initially increased CRP level comparing with ones with normal CRP level. The therapy with basic preparations at OA during 2 months among patients with OA with increased CRP level led to the reliable decrease of РІСР level (р=0,0076) and the tendency to increase of OC level (р˃0,05), without the reliably significant difference between the initial and final РІСР and OC levels among patients with OA and normal CRP level.At the end of observation period the maximal analgesic effect was demonstrated as to the articulate pain at rest from the side of knee joints (р˂0,001) among patients with OA, who received diacerein, with clinically comparable effect from the side of other aticulate zones (р˂0,05), that was associated with reliable decrease of CRP level (р=0,013).Discussion. The received results testify that the control of the system inflammation level at OA is a target not only relative to the decrease of pain syndrome but also conditions the stable state of subchondral bone (SCB), providing the compensation of processes of destruction and synthesis in bone tissue. The significance of procollagen IC-terminal propeptide (РІСР) and osteocalcin (OC) as the markers of bone synthesis that are able to reflect metabolic processes in SCB at OA, and also the discordant influence of CRP level on PICP level at the relative stability of OC level were demonstrated at the research.The received results allow consider the inflammatory process at OA as a target for preservance of the bone tissue, conditioning the expedience of taking into account the ability of OA basic preparations to realize the control influence on the level of system inflammation. Diacerein that in ESCEO recommendations (2014) is related to the preparations of the 1 step of treatment of patients with OA provides the control on inflammation and stability of osteocalcin level that testifies to the balance of catabolic processes in SCB.Conclusions. At OA the levels of procollagen IC-terminal propeptide (РІСР) and osteocalcin (OC) were not associated with obesity and did not depend on the initial CRP level at the presence of correlation between РІСР level and BMI among patients with OA with the normal body weight and BMI and CRP level among patients with OA in combination with obesity.The absence of reliable dynamics from РІСР side and maintenance of the stable OC level on the background of the reliable anti-inflammatory effect at using diacerein in patients with OA can testify to the compensatory adequacy of reparation processes in SCB


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    Understanding the role of positive and negative cognitions in psycho-emotional adjustment is essential to improve the effectiveness of CBT practice. Schwartz and Garamoni (1986; 1987) proposed a model for the dynamic relationship of negative and positive cognitions based on the golden-section hypothesis or the optimal balance: The States-Of-Mind Model (SOM). The model proposes an asymmetrical balance of positive and negative cognitions represented numerically by the golden-section ratio of .62 positive to .38 negative cognitions [positive cognitions / (positive + negative cognitions)]. To date, the SOM model has mainly been assessed with measures of automatic thoughts or self-statement, which represent more surface structure cognitions that are close to a person’s emotional experience (DiGiuseppe, David, & Venezia, 2016). The model has not been used with more enduring trait like cognitive measures such as dysfunctional attitudes, irrational beliefs, or schema. The current study tested the validity of the States-of-Mind model (SOM) with irrational and rational beliefs of Ellis’ Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT: Ellis 1994). This study tested the SOM ratios using REBT framework by analyzing survey data from 221 participants on their self-reports of Rational and Irrational Beliefs (RBs/IBs), psychopathology and life satisfaction. Past research on the SOM has supported the presence of psychopathology in individuals whose ratios are lower than the optimal golden-section proportion of .62 (Kendal et. al., 1989; Michelson et. al., 1991). Replicating past research, lower belief SOM ratios in this study were linked to higher levels of psychopathology. However, the optimal balance set point of .62 was not confirmed. Our research findings support the original formulation of Schwartz and Garamoni’s work in that individuals balance their cognitive states asymmetrically, but the asymmetry index was higher than the theorized optimal ratio of .62. Implications for future research and the practice of school psychology are discussed

    Synthesis and thermal study of dual coordination compound of gadolinium (III) and chromium (III)

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    The paper presents experimental data of thermal studies of coordination compound based on gadolinium nitrate with the DSCmethod; the study was performed in the temperature range from 298 to 1273 C. The thermal analysis has several advantages over the other methods: experimental set up flexibility, fast data receive, automatic data processing, small substance amount. The process of thermal decomposition of the received compound was carried out in both inert and oxidizing environments. During the experiment the temperature was defined, above which heating causes decomposition of the investigated substance and weight loss of the sample

    Characterizing Locality, Evolution, and Life Span of Accesses in Enterprise Media Server Workloads

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    The main issue we address in this paper is the workload analysis of today's enterprise media servers. This analysis aims to establish a set of properties specific for enterprise media server workloads and to compare them with well known related observations about web server workloads. We propose two new metrics to characterize the dynamics and evolution of the accesses, and the rate of change in the site access pattern, and illustrate them with the analysis of two different enterprise media server workloads collected over a significant period of time. Another goal of our workload analysis study is to develop amedia server log analysis tool, called ############, that produces a media server traffic access profile and its system resource usage in a way useful to service providers


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    Aim. To assess the levels of markers of the bone synthesis and system inflammation in patients with osteoarthritis (OA) in combination with obesity and their dynamic under the influence of basic treatment. Materials and methods. The research included 40 women with OA, 46–78 years old (mean age – 59,8±1,5 years). Duration of the disease varied from 3 to 36 years (mean duration – 10,0±1,1 years). Mean body mass index (BMI) among patients was 30,6±0,7 [22,3; 39,5]kg/m2, according to which patients were divided in 3 groups: patients with OA without obesity (n=17), patients with OA with 1 degree of obesity (n=14), patients with OA with 2 degree of obesity (n=9). The level of osteochondral metabolism was assessed using quantitative measuring of the levels of procollagen IC-terminal propeptide (РІСР), (Cloud-CloneCorp. “procollagen IC-Terminal Propeptide”, USA) and osteocalcin (Roche Diagnostics «N-MID Osteocalcin», Switzerland) on analyzer «ELECSYS 2010» by the method of immune-enzyme analysis; the level of the system inflammation was assessed by the level of C-reactive protein (CRP) by the method of immunoturbidimetry. The clinical efficacy was assessed by the dynamics of intensity levels of pain syndromes at physical load and at rest by the visual-analogue scale (VAS). The measuring of РІСР, osteocalcin and CRP levels and also the assessment of clinical efficacy as to the decrease of pain syndrome were carried out twice – at the beginning and at the end of observation. The period of observation is 2 months. Results. The presence of direct correlation between РІСР and BMI (r=0,62; р=0,008) among patients with OA in combination with the normal body weight was established at the research, whereas among patients with OA in combination with obesity the analogous correlation was demonstrated between SRP and BMI (r=0,43; р=0,04) on the background of correlation of PICP and OC levels (r=0,46; р=0,03). Obesity in patients with OA was associated with the reliably higher levels of pain at both rest and physical load from the side of knee joints, with maximal intensity of the pain syndrome among patients with OA and 1 degree of obesity. Statistical analysis did not reveal the reliable dependence of РІСР and OC in patients with OA from the initial CRP level on the background of tendency to the higher РІСР level and lower OC level among patients with initially increased CRP level comparing with ones with normal CRP level. The therapy with basic preparations at OA during 2 months among patients with OA with increased CRP level led to the reliable decrease of РІСР level (р=0,0076) and the tendency to increase of OC level (р˃0,05), without the reliably significant difference between the initial and final РІСР and OC levels among patients with OA and normal CRP level. At the end of observation period the maximal analgesic effect was demonstrated as to the articulate pain at rest from the side of knee joints (р˂0,001) among patients with OA, who received diacerein, with clinically comparable effect from the side of other aticulate zones (р˂0,05), that was associated with reliable decrease of CRP level (р=0,013). Discussion. The received results testify that the control of the system inflammation level at OA is a target not only relative to the decrease of pain syndrome but also conditions the stable state of subchondral bone (SCB), providing the compensation of processes of destruction and synthesis in bone tissue. The significance of procollagen IC-terminal propeptide (РІСР) and osteocalcin (OC) as the markers of bone synthesis that are able to reflect metabolic processes in SCB at OA, and also the discordant influence of CRP level on PICP level at the relative stability of OC level were demonstrated at the research. The received results allow consider the inflammatory process at OA as a target for preservance of the bone tissue, conditioning the expedience of taking into account the ability of OA basic preparations to realize the control influence on the level of system inflammation. Diacerein that in ESCEO recommendations (2014) is related to the preparations of the 1 step of treatment of patients with OA provides the control on inflammation and stability of osteocalcin level that testifies to the balance of catabolic processes in SCB. Conclusions. At OA the levels of procollagen IC-terminal propeptide (РІСР) and osteocalcin (OC) were not associated with obesity and did not depend on the initial CRP level at the presence of correlation between РІСР level and BMI among patients with OA with the normal body weight and BMI and CRP level among patients with OA in combination with obesity. The absence of reliable dynamics from РІСР side and maintenance of the stable OC level on the background of the reliable anti-inflammatory effect at using diacerein in patients with OA can testify to the compensatory adequacy of reparation processes in SCB

    Impact of COVID-19 on achieving the goal of sustainable research and education: case of Volgograd State University

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    It is of no doubt that the pandemic had and still has a great impact on all the spheres of human activities. The situation has changed the traditional way of life and we have to get used to the new “normality”. Given the unusual and never experienced circumstances, educational institutions all over the world have been forced to establish new ways out and paths to keep the balance and be sustainable. Despite the various obstacles, universities around the globe are still fighting for the SDG 4 and seeking appropriate solutions for achieving this and other goals. Research and education practices have undergone consequential changes which can be positive or negative. In the case of Volgograd State University the authors will try to get the reader acquainted with its best practices that have been implemented to support the students, the faculty and administrative staff during this fluctuating period and go on achieving SDG 4.Keyword: sustainable development, sustainable education, SDG 4, green thinking, green educatio

    Measuring the capacity of a streaming media server in a Utility Data Center environment

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    Percolation of the aligned dimers on a square lattice

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    Percolation and jamming phenomena are investigated for anisotropic sequential deposition of dimers (particles occupying two adjacent adsorption sites) on a square lattice. The influence of dimer alignment on the electrical conductivity was examined. The percolation threshold for deposition of dimers was lower than for deposition of monomers. Nevertheless, the problem belongs to the universality class of random percolation. The lowest percolation threshold (pc = 0.562) was observed for isotropic orientation of dimers. It was higher (pc = 0.586) in the case of dimers aligned strictly along one direction. The state of dimer orientation influenced the concentration dependence of electrical conductivity. The proposed model seems to be useful for description of the percolating properties of anisotropic conductors.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, submitted to EPJ

    Vibration recycling technologies for mining and mineral processing waste for construction purposes

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    The problem of waste generation and recycling in the production of building crushed stone is considered. A comprehensive approach is proposed, involving developing of new technologies based on the application of vibration effects. The main scientific novelty of the solutions consists in the wide use of vibration effects and equipment to solve the most complex technology problems, in the same time with the substantiation of technological conditions and ingredients compositions. The results allow improving the grade of commercial crushed stone, while reducing the output of crushing screenings, and recycling of the screenings with the production of high-grade graded artificial sand and vibration compacted products based on this sand. A technology is developed for utilizing the dust-like component of the waste for the production of mineral wool. The environmental effects from the proposed technological solutions are evaluated