1,149 research outputs found

    Phonological awareness and phonics

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    Research shows that a student\u27s phonics and phonemic awareness skills are learned and practiced through direct instruction with follow up activities. This literature review shows some of the many ways in which teachers could help grow their students\u27 knowledge and deeper understanding of phonics and phonemic awareness. This literature review will spotlight peer reviewed, scholarly journals that were used in order to inform the reader. The results of the many journal findings show that frequent practice of learned phonetic skills will encourage growth of the child’s mind. Direct, explicit instruction followed by activities that include abundant teaching strategies have been found greatly successful


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    Physical exercise training and coronary artery disease

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    Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a leading cause of death worldwide, despite improvements in medical and interventional therapies. Based on many studies in large cohorts, regular physical exercise training plays a central and indispensable role in both the primary and secondary prevention of CAD. Exercise training was shown to improve blood pressure control, lipid profile, glucose control, and enhance weight loss in obese patients. Moreover, exercise training not only affects clinical symptoms, it reduces CAD mortality and morbidity in addition to dietary, pharmacological and interventional treatments. Different kinds of exercise training (aerobic, interval, resistance training) have been studied and all are feasible, well tolerated, and beneficial in patients with CAD. Therefore, exercise training has the highest recommendation class (I) and level of evidence (A) in the European guidelines for patients with coronary artery disease. Nonetheless, exercise training is underutilized in patients with cardiac diseases and only a minority of eligible patients is referred to a cardiac rehabilitation or structured exercise training program by their physician

    Le recyclage des soldats allemands en Moselle à partir de 1947

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    En 1947, les États-Unis et la France signèrent l’accord de libération des soldats allemands détenus sur son sol depuis 1944. Toutefois, les signataires avaient prévu que les prisonniers volontaires pouvaient, s’ils le souhaitaient, rester travailler en France. Mais, le gouvernement excluait le département de la Moselle du bénéfice de cette mesure, malgré la réelle pénurie de main-d’œuvre de la région. On voulait définitivement éradiquer tout signe de présence germanique dans cette partie de la France. Néanmoins, ce ne qu’après discussions que le pouvoir infléchit sa position car la reconstruction était prioritaire.The recycling of German soldiers in Moselle from 1947.In 1947, the United States and France signed the agreement on release of German war prisoners detained on its soil since 1944. However, the signatories had provided that prisoners, if they wanted, could volunteer to continue working in France. But the government excluded the Moselle from the benefit of this measure, despite the real labor shortage in the region. They definitely wanted to eradicate any sign of German presence in this part of France. However, this was only after discussions about shifting its position of power because reconstruction had priority

    Approaches to Automatic Text Structuring

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    Structured text helps readers to better understand the content of documents. In classic newspaper texts or books, some structure already exists. In the Web 2.0, the amount of textual data, especially user-generated data, has increased dramatically. As a result, there exists a large amount of textual data which lacks structure, thus making it more difficult to understand. In this thesis, we will explore techniques for automatic text structuring to help readers to fulfill their information needs. Useful techniques for automatic text structuring are keyphrase identification, table-of-contents generation, and link identification. We improve state of the art results for approaches to text structuring on several benchmark datasets. In addition, we present new representative datasets for users’ everyday tasks. We evaluate the quality of text structuring approaches with regard to these scenarios and discover that the quality of approaches highly depends on the dataset on which they are applied. In the first chapter of this thesis, we establish the theoretical foundations regarding text structuring. We describe our findings from a user survey regarding web usage from which we derive three typical scenarios of Internet users. We then proceed to the three main contributions of this thesis. We evaluate approaches to keyphrase identification both by extracting and assigning keyphrases for English and German datasets. We find that unsupervised keyphrase extraction yields stable results, but for datasets with predefined keyphrases, additional filtering of keyphrases and assignment approaches yields even higher results. We present a de- compounding extension, which further improves results for datasets with shorter texts. We construct hierarchical table-of-contents of documents for three English datasets and discover that the results for hierarchy identification are sufficient for an automatic system, but for segment title generation, user interaction based on suggestions is required. We investigate approaches to link identification, including the subtasks of identifying the mention (anchor) of the link and linking the mention to an entity (target). Approaches that make use of the Wikipedia link structure perform best, as long as there is sufficient training data available. For identifying links to sense inventories other than Wikipedia, approaches that do not make use of the link structure outperform the approaches using existing links. We further analyze the effect of senses on computing similarities. In contrast to entity linking, where most entities can be discriminated by their name, we consider cases where multiple entities with the same name exist. We discover that similarity de- pends on the selected sense inventory. To foster future evaluation of natural language processing components for text structuring, we present two prototypes of text structuring systems, which integrate techniques for automatic text structuring in a wiki setting and in an e-learning setting with eBooks

    Le recyclage des soldats allemands en Moselle à partir de 1947

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    En 1947, les États-Unis et la France signèrent l’accord de libération des soldats allemands détenus sur son sol depuis 1944. Toutefois, les signataires avaient prévu que les prisonniers volontaires pouvaient, s’ils le souhaitaient, rester travailler en France. Mais, le gouvernement excluait le département de la Moselle du bénéfice de cette mesure, malgré la réelle pénurie de main-d’œuvre de la région. On voulait définitivement éradiquer tout signe de présence germanique dans cette partie de la France. Néanmoins, ce ne qu’après discussions que le pouvoir infléchit sa position car la reconstruction était prioritaire.The recycling of German soldiers in Moselle from 1947.In 1947, the United States and France signed the agreement on release of German war prisoners detained on its soil since 1944. However, the signatories had provided that prisoners, if they wanted, could volunteer to continue working in France. But the government excluded the Moselle from the benefit of this measure, despite the real labor shortage in the region. They definitely wanted to eradicate any sign of German presence in this part of France. However, this was only after discussions about shifting its position of power because reconstruction had priority

    As relações afetivas na educação física escolar: espaço de encontros e reencontros

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Desportos. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Física.Este trabalho teve como objetivo refletir sobre a prática pedagógica da Educação Física escolar, tendo como eixo-orientador o movimento humano e as relações emocionais-afetivas entre professores e alunos. A investigação foi caracterizada como teórico-bibliográfica e nasceu do resgate das lembranças guardadas no "baú" de uma caminhada pedagógica da Educação Infantil ao Ensino Superior, na cidade de Blumenau, SC. Partindo de uma busca por aportes teóricos acerca do processo ensino-aprendizagem, identificou-se uma aproximação entre a teoria do "se-movimentar" de Elenor Kunz e a "educação dialógica" de Paulo Freire. Essas concepções educacionais contribuíram sobremaneira para fundamentar esta investigação, principalmente por revelar que quando alunos e professores caminham juntos como sujeitos construtores de conhecimento, diante de um problema ou uma necessidade social, esse saber é transformado em uma permanente troca de experiências. Para isto, no entanto, o processo deve ser significativo, e esse significado se dá na medida em que a apreensão sobre o objeto seja mais do que apenas sua captação, sendo necessária uma interação entre a emoção, o afeto, o amor e os processos mais científicos de ensinar, caso contrário não se tem um processo ensino-aprendizagem. Assim, ampliam-se os caminhos para a produção e expressão de elementos subjetivos singularizados, valorizando as relações que se estabelecem consigo próprio e na esfera coletiva da sua existência social. Como conclusões, entende-se que é por meio das vivências e das relações emocionais-afetivas, do conhecer de si que o aluno participa da sua transformação própria e do meio em que ele está inserido, o que lhe permite compreender o Eu, o Outro e o Mundo, que seria a condição fundamental para criar um mundo mais humanizado, solidário e feliz. The objective of this work is to reflect on the pedagogical practice of school physical education, having as guideline the human movement and the emotional -affective relationships between teachers and students. The investigation was characterized as theoretical-bibliographic and it emerged from the rescue of memories kept in the "trunk" of a pedagogical journey from children education to higher education, in Blumenau, SC - Brazil. Starting from theoretical basis on the teaching- learning process, an approximation between the Elenor Kunz theory of "self-movement" and the "dialogic education" of Paulo Freire was identified. These educational concepts contributed to ground this investigation mainly showing that when students and teachers walk together as knowledge builders, as they face a problem or social need, this knowledge is changed into a permanent experience exchange. For this purpose, however, the process has to be meaningful and this meaning happens as the object apprehension is more than just its captation, an interaction between emotion, affection, love and more scientific teaching processes becomes necessary, otherwise there is no teaching-learning process. Thus, the ways for the production and expression of singularized subjective elements are widened, to value relationships that are established with oneself and in the collective sphere of one's social existence. As conclusions, it is possible to understand that it is through experiences and emotional-affective relationships of knowing himself or herself that the student takes part in his or her own transformation and of the environment in which he or she is inserted, that allows him or her to understand the Self. the Other and the World, that would be a fundamental condition to create a more humanized, solidary and happy world

    A performance case study of energy pile foundation at Rosborg Gymnasium (Denmark)

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    Efeito de solventes na decomposição do dicofol

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciencias Fisicas e Matematicas2012-10-16T20:36:13

    Thermal response testing of precast pile heat exchangers:fieldwork report

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