20 research outputs found
Fabrication of mirror templates in silica with micron-sized radii of curvature
We present the fabrication of exceptionally small-radius concave microoptics
on fused silica substrates using CO2 laser ablation and subsequent reactive ion
etching. The protocol yields on-axis near-Gaussian depressions with radius of
curvature microns at shallow depth and low surface roughness of 2
angstroms. This geometry is appealing for cavity quantum electrodynamics where
small mode volumes and low scattering losses are desired. We study the optical
performance of the structure within a tunable Fabry-Perot type microcavity,
demonstrate near-coating-limited loss rates (F = 25,000) and small focal
lengths consistent with their geometrical dimensions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
Deterministic enhancement of coherent photon generation from a nitrogen-vacancy center in ultrapure diamond
The nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond has an optically addressable,
highly coherent spin. However, an NV center even in high quality
single-crystalline material is a very poor source of single photons: extraction
out of the high-index diamond is inefficient, the emission of coherent photons
represents just a few per cent of the total emission, and the decay time is
large. In principle, all three problems can be addressed with a resonant
microcavity. In practice, it has proved difficult to implement this concept:
photonic engineering hinges on nano-fabrication yet it is notoriously difficult
to process diamond without degrading the NV centers. We present here a
microcavity scheme which uses minimally processed diamond, thereby preserving
the high quality of the starting material, and a tunable microcavity platform.
We demonstrate a clear change in the lifetime for multiple individual NV
centers on tuning both the cavity frequency and anti-node position, a Purcell
effect. The overall Purcell factor translates to a Purcell
factor for the zero phonon line (ZPL) of and an
increase in the ZPL emission probability from to . By
making a step-change in the NV's optical properties in a deterministic way,
these results pave the way for much enhanced spin-photon and spin-spin
entanglement rates.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
Epitaxial lift-off for solid-state cavity quantum electrodynamics
We present a new approach to incorporate self-assembled quantum dots into a
Fabry-P\'{e}rot-like microcavity. Thereby a 3/4 GaAs layer containing
quantum dots is epitaxially removed and attached by van der Waals bonding to
one of the microcavity mirrors. We reach a finesse as high as 4,100 with this
configuration limited by the reflectivity of the dielectric mirrors and not by
scattering at the semiconductor - mirror interface, demonstrating that the
epitaxial lift-off procedure is a promising procedure for cavity quantum
electrodynamics in the solid state. As a first step in this direction, we
demonstrate a clear cavity-quantum dot interaction in the weak coupling regime
with a Purcell factor in the order of 3. Estimations of the coupling strength
via the Purcell factor suggests that we are close to the strong coupling
regime.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
Spin dynamics in semiconductors
This article reviews the current status of spin dynamics in semiconductors
which has achieved a lot of progress in the past years due to the fast growing
field of semiconductor spintronics. The primary focus is the theoretical and
experimental developments of spin relaxation and dephasing in both spin
precession in time domain and spin diffusion and transport in spacial domain. A
fully microscopic many-body investigation on spin dynamics based on the kinetic
spin Bloch equation approach is reviewed comprehensively.Comment: a review article with 193 pages and 1103 references. To be published
in Physics Reports
genesis, development and contemporary problems of the concept of human rights
Praca skupia się na tematyce prawa człowieka w kontekście ich ewolucyjności na przestrzeni lat. Pierwsza jej część, dotyczy przede wszystkim historii i genezy rozwoju praw człowieka, które kształtowały się głównie dzięki nurtom filozoficznym i religijnym. W pracy opisane zostały też trzy generacje praw człowieka, których podziału dokonał francuski prawnik Karl Vasak. Trzy generacje, to segregacja praw człowieka przede wszystkim ze względu na uwarunkowania historyczne i tak pierwsza generacja to zbiór praw najstarszych, podstawowych. Generacja druga, to postulaty narodowe podczas ruchów socjalistycznych XIX i XX wieku. Ostatnia generacja to prawa współczesne, związane ściśle z gwałtownymi zmianami następującymi w procesie globalizacji. Ostatnia część pracy dotyka problemów praw człowieka w kontekście współczesnych zjawisk społecznych.This thesis focuses on the topic of humann rights and how it evolved throughout the years. First part deals with the history and genesis of the development of human rights, which have been shaped mainly by philosophical and religious currents. Furthermore, the paper describes three generations of human rights, as devided by french lawyer Karl Vasak. This three generations are devided on the basis of historical background. Therefore, the first generation is the collection of the oldest, basic rights. The second generation consists of national demands during the XIX and XX century socialist movements. The last generation, is the contemporary rights, closesly connected with the exponential changes that accompany the proces of globalization. The last part of the thesis concerns the problems of human rights in the context of contemporary social phenomenons
A small mode volume tunable microcavity: development and characterization
We report the realization of a spatially and spectrally tunable air-gap Fabry-Pérot type microcavity of high finesse and cubic-wavelength-scale mode volume. These properties are attractive in the fields of opto-mechanics, quantum sensing, and foremost cavity quantum electrodynamics. The major design feature is a miniaturized concave mirror with atomically smooth surface and radius of curvature as low as 10 μm produced by CO2 laser ablation of fused silica. We demonstrate excellent mode-matching of a focussed laser beam to the microcavity mode and confirm from the frequencies of the resonator modes that the effective optical radius matches the physical radius. With these small radii, we demonstrate wavelength-size beam waists. We also show that the microcavity is sufficiently rigid for practical applications: in a cryostat at 4 K, the root-mean-square microcavity length fluctuations are below 5 pm
Towards high-cooperativity strong coupling of a quantum dot in a tunable microcavity
We investigate the strong-coupling regime of a self-assembled quantum dot in a tunable microcavity with dark-field laser spectroscopy. The high quality of the spectra allows the line shapes to be analyzed revealing subtle quantum interferences. Agreement with a model calculation is achieved only by including exciton dephasing which reduces the cooperativity from a bare value of 9.0 to the time-averaged value 5.5. In the pursuit of high cooperativity, besides a high Q and low mode-volume cavity, we demonstrate that equal efforts need to be taken towards lifetime-limited emitter linewidths