11 research outputs found

    Uporaba konjev v vojskovanju

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    The correlation between the manga and the painting

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    V diplomski nalogi raziskujem, na kakšen način se japonska manga uvršča v umetnost. Zanima me njen pojav v kulturi in svet, ki ga manga predstavlja. Raziščem psihološke vzgibe/ozadja za zgodbe, in sicer kot zgodovino nastanka mange. Zanima me, ali je na vključitev/ne vključitev v umetnost vplivala razlika v odprtosti/zaprtosti japonske družbe. Skozi poglavja o Mangi, Figuri v barvnem prostoru, Barvi, Svetlobi in inkarnatu, Kadriranju/sekvencah pa sem reflektirala povezavo mange in slike na podlagi lastnega dela.In my thesis, I investigate how Japanese manga is classified as art. I am interested in its appearance in culture and world that manga represents. I explore both the psychological motivations/backgrounds for the stories, namely as the history of the creation of the manga. I am interested in whether the inclusion/non-inclusion in the arts was influenced by the difference in openness/closedness of Japanese society. Through the chapters on Manga, Figures in Colour Space, Colour, Light and Incarnate, Framing/Sequences, I reflected on the connection between manga and painting based on my own work

    Buying behaviour of customers in online stores

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    Nakupi v spletnih prodajalnah predstavljajo eno izmed bolj priljubljenih aktivnosti, ki se odvijajo na spletu. Potrošnikom omogočajo hiter in enostaven nakup, podjetjem pa pomembne finančne prihranke, saj lahko dosežejo velik obseg kupcev s precej nižjimi stroški, kot bi jih zahtevala postavitev fizičnih prodajaln. Kljub možnim tveganjem, s katerimi se kupci soočajo ob nakupovanju na spletu, pa število spletnih kupcev čedalje bolj narašča. V diplomskem delu je obravnavano vedenje kupcev v spletnih prodajalnah ter dejavniki, ki vplivajo na kupčeve nakupne odločitve. Prav tako so podrobneje analizirane stopnje v procesu nakupnega vedenja, ki se začnejo s prepoznavanjem potrebe, čemur sledi iskanje informacij o izdelkih, ki jih posameznik smatra kot potencialne za zadovoljitev potreb. Iskanju informacij sledi vrednotenje alternativ, pri čemer vsak posameznik presoja niz alternativ po lastnih kriterijih. Ovrednotenju sledi nakupna odločitev, sam proces pa se konča z opuščanjem izdelka po njegovi iztrošenosti ali pa kadar preprosto ne zadovoljuje več posameznikovih potreb.Shopping in online stores is one of the most popular activities that take place on the Internet. They enable customers to buy qucikly and easy and also provide benefits for businesess like significant financial savings because they are able to reach a large volume of customers at a much lower costs than setting up physical stores. Despite many potential risks that customers face when shopping online, the number of online customers is growing. The thesis describes the behavior of customers in online stores and the factors influencing their purchase decisions. The work also describes the stages in the process of buying behavior, starting with the identification of a need, followed by the search for information on products that an individual considers as potential to satisfy the need. The search for information is followed by an evaluation of alternatives, where each individual assesses a set of alternatives according to his own criteria. The penultimate step is the purchase decision and later the process ends with the product being discontinued when it is worn out or when it simply no longer meets the individual\u27s needs

    Military dictionary by students of defence studies

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    The military dictionary by students of defense sciences was created during the course Slovenian language and Slovenian military idioms (2012/13 and 2013/14) at the Faculty of Social Sciences. It was created by second-year students under the supervision of Dr. Nataša Logar and Dr. Erik Kopač. The starting point for the selection of terms was the Military Doctrine (2006) and the Military Logistics Doctrine (2008). The dictionary consists of 192 terms with definitions and English equivalents. The dictionary is distributed in XML using the TBX (TermBase eXchange) standard for representing and exchanging information from termbases

    New Dual Inhibitors of Bacterial Topoisomerases with Broad-Spectrum Antibacterial Activity and In Vivo Efficacy against Vancomycin-Intermediate Staphylococcus aureus

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    A new series of dual low nanomolar benzothiazole inhibitors of bacterial DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV were developed. The resulting compounds show excellent broad-spectrum antibacterial activities against Gram-positive Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus faecium and multidrug resistant (MDR) Staphylococcus aureus strains [best compound minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs): range, <0.03125-0.25 μg/mL] and against the Gram-negatives Acinetobacter baumannii and Klebsiella pneumoniae (best compound MICs: range, 1-4 μg/mL). Lead compound 7a was identified with favorable solubility and plasma protein binding, good metabolic stability, selectivity for bacterial topoisomerases, and no toxicity issues. The crystal structure of 7a in complex with Pseudomonas aeruginosa GyrB24 revealed its binding mode at the ATP-binding site. Expanded profiling of 7a and 7h showed potent antibacterial activity against over 100 MDR and non-MDR strains of A. baumannii and several other Gram-positive and Gram-negative strains. Ultimately, in vivo efficacy of 7a in a mouse model of vancomycin-intermediate S. aureus thigh infection was also demonstrated

    B. Sprachwissenschaft.

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    Intraoperative transfusion practices and perioperative outcome in the European elderly: A secondary analysis of the observational ETPOS study

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    The demographic development suggests a dramatic growth in the number of elderly patients undergoing surgery in Europe. Most red blood cell transfusions (RBCT) are administered to older people, but little is known about perioperative transfusion practices in this population. In this secondary analysis of the prospective observational multicentre European Transfusion Practice and Outcome Study (ETPOS), we specifically evaluated intraoperative transfusion practices and the related outcomes of 3149 patients aged 65 years and older. Enrolled patients underwent elective surgery in 123 European hospitals, received at least one RBCT intraoperatively and were followed up for 30 days maximum. The mean haemoglobin value at the beginning of surgery was 108 (21) g/l, 84 (15) g/l before transfusion and 101 (16) g/l at the end of surgery. A median of 2 [1–2] units of RBCT were administered. Mostly, more than one transfusion trigger was present, with physiological triggers being preeminent. We revealed a descriptive association between each intraoperatively administered RBCT and mortality and discharge respectively, within the first 10 postoperative days but not thereafter. In our unadjusted model the hazard ratio (HR) for mortality was 1.11 (95% CI: 1.08–1.15) and the HR for discharge was 0.78 (95% CI: 0.74–0.83). After adjustment for several variables, such as age, preoperative haemoglobin and blood loss, the HR for mortality was 1.10 (95% CI: 1.05–1.15) and HR for discharge was 0.82 (95% CI: 0.78–0.87). Preoperative anaemia in European elderly surgical patients is undertreated. Various triggers seem to support the decision for RBCT. A closer monitoring of elderly patients receiving intraoperative RBCT for the first 10 postoperative days might be justifiable. Further research on the causal relationship between RBCT and outcomes and on optimal transfusion strategies in the elderly population is warranted. A thorough analysis of different time periods within the first 30 postoperative days is recommended

    Intraoperative transfusion practices in Europe

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    © 2016 The Author. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Journal of Anaesthesia.Background: Transfusion of allogeneic blood influences outcome after surgery. Despite widespread availability of transfusion guidelines, transfusion practices might vary among physicians, departments, hospitals and countries. Our aim was to determine the amount of packed red blood cells (pRBC) and blood products transfused intraoperatively, and to describe factors determining transfusion throughout Europe. Methods: We did a prospective observational cohort study enrolling 5803 patients in 126 European centres that received at least one pRBC unit intraoperatively, during a continuous three month period in 2013. Results: The overall intraoperative transfusion rate was 1.8%; 59% of transfusions were at least partially initiated as a result of a physiological transfusion trigger- mostly because of hypotension (55.4%) and/or tachycardia (30.7%). Haemoglobin (Hb)- based transfusion trigger alone initiated only 8.5% of transfusions. The Hb concentration [mean (sd)] just before transfusion was 8.1 (1.7) g dl-1 and increased to 9.8 (1.8) g dl-1 after transfusion. The mean number of intraoperatively transfused pRBC units was 2.5 (2.7) units (median 2). Conclusions: Although European Society of Anaesthesiology transfusion guidelines are moderately implemented in Europe with respect to Hb threshold for transfusion (7-9 g dl-1), there is still an urgent need for further educational efforts that focus on the number of pRBC units to be transfused at this threshold

    B. Sprachwissenschaft

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