8 research outputs found

    Towards faster RNA Sequencing analysis

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    Processing data produced by next-generation sequencing technologies is a computationally intensive task. We aim to speed up this task by means of parallel computing. Our paralel computing solution employs Slurm for managing workload between different nodes. It can be used on top of Anduril, a workflow management software for scientific data analysis, as well as on its own. To test the performance of our solution, we use a workflow for post-processing and analyzing RNA-Seq data that originates from lymphoma patients. Data consists of 447 samples independent from each other that can be processed in parallel. To evaluate the performance we employ three different metrics: a level of parallelization, execution time and CPU load. The workflow achieved an excellent level of parallelization for the provided data of 447 samples with the upper bound of 894 cores. Execution times were compared in two different manners: with a set of homogenous samples of various sizes and heterogenous samples. Homogenous samples took on average the similar amount of time regardless of the size of the set. With heterogenous sets the execution time of the largest sample was chosen as a reference and the total execution time was 32% longer than the baseline. Finally, the CPU load of each component was measured. With homogenous sets high CPU load was observed, while with heterogenous sets CPU idling was detected

    Trigonometry of 'complex Hermitian' type homogeneous symmetric spaces

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    This paper contains a thorough study of the trigonometry of the homogeneous symmetric spaces in the Cayley-Klein-Dickson family of spaces of 'complex Hermitian' type and rank-one. The complex Hermitian elliptic CP^N and hyperbolic CH^N spaces, their analogues with indefinite Hermitian metric and some non-compact symmetric spaces associated to SL(N+1,R) are the generic members in this family. The method encapsulates trigonometry for this whole family of spaces into a single "basic trigonometric group equation", and has 'universality' and '(self)-duality' as its distinctive traits. All previously known results on the trigonometry of CP^N and CH^N follow as particular cases of our general equations. The physical Quantum Space of States of any quantum system belongs, as the complex Hermitian space member, to this parametrised family; hence its trigonometry appears as a rather particular case of the equations we obtain.Comment: 46 pages, LaTe

    Mitigating traffic load with a swarming based approach

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    Liikennekuorman lievittäminen web-palvelimissa on edelleenkin merkittävä ongelma. Nykypäiväiset ratkaisut ovat joko tehottomia tai vaativat suuria sijoituksia verkon infrastruktuuriin. Toisaalta vertaisverkot tarjoavat lupaavan tavan jakaa ja siirtää suuria tietomääriä. Tarkastelemme tätä kuormalieventämisongelmaa, sekä pyrimme saamaan selville miten vertaisverkkotekniikka voi helpottaa liikennekuormaa HTTP-palvelimissä. Tämä diplomityö esittää ongelmaan ratkaisun, joka perustuu swarming-tekniikkaan (eräs tapa siirtää tiedostoja vertaisverkkojen yli). Tämän työn varsinainen tulos on kahden protokollan suunnitteluperiatteet. Fishtrip on DHT-tekniikkaan perustuva protokolla, joka toteuttaa swarming-tekniikan. Hyperfish on HTTP-laajennus, jonka tehtävä on sidota HTTP:n ja Fishtripin yhteen. Sen lisäksi pohdimme, miten voi muuttaa ratkaisun toimivaksi muiden protokollien kanssa. Ratkaisun toteutus toimi riittävän hyvin simulatioympäristössä ja täytti suurimman osan esitetyistä vaatimuksista. Simulaatiotestit myös paljastivat ongelmia kummankin protokollan kanssa, jotka ovat tärkeitä tulevan tutkimuksen kannalta

    Wirtschaftliche und politische Beziehungen Russlands mit Kasachstan und Kirgisien

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    Summary in EnglishAvailable from Bibliothek des Instituts fuer Weltwirtschaft, ZBW, Duesternbrook Weg 120, D-24105 Kiel W 127 (1995.6) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Bibliography on domination in graphs and some basic definitions of domination parameters

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