89 research outputs found

    The implications of nongenetic inheritance for evolution in changing environments

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    Nongenetic inheritance is a potentially important but poorly understood factor in population responses to rapid environmental change. Accumulating evidence indicates that nongenetic inheritance influences a diverse array of traits in all organisms and can allow for the transmission of environmentally induced phenotypic changes (‘acquired traits’), as well as spontaneously arising and highly mutable variants. We review models of adaptation to changing environments under the assumption of a broadened model of inheritance that incorporates nongenetic mechanisms of transmission, and survey relevant empirical examples. Theory suggests that nongenetic inheritance can increase the rate of both phenotypic and genetic change and, in some cases, alter the direction of change. Empirical evidence shows that a diversity of phenotypes – spanning a continuum from adaptive to pathological – can be transmitted nongenetically. The presence of nongenetic inheritance therefore complicates our understanding of evolutionary responses to environmental change. We outline a research program encompassing experimental studies that test for transgenerational effects of a range of environmental factors, followed by theoretical and empirical studies on the population-level consequences of such effects

    The pancreatic beta cell surface proteome

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    The pancreatic beta cell is responsible for maintaining normoglycaemia by secreting an appropriate amount of insulin according to blood glucose levels. The accurate sensing of the beta cell extracellular environment is therefore crucial to this endocrine function and is transmitted via its cell surface proteome. Various surface proteins that mediate or affect beta cell endocrine function have been identified, including growth factor and cytokine receptors, transporters, ion channels and proteases, attributing important roles to surface proteins in the adaptive behaviour of beta cells in response to acute and chronic environmental changes. However, the largely unknown composition of the beta cell surface proteome is likely to harbour yet more information about these mechanisms and provide novel points of therapeutic intervention and diagnostic tools. This article will provide an overview of the functional complexity of the beta cell surface proteome and selected surface proteins, outline the mechanisms by which their activity may be modulated, discuss the methods and challenges of comprehensively mapping and studying the beta cell surface proteome, and address the potential of this interesting subproteome for diagnostic and therapeutic applications in human disease

    Sound Signalling in Orthoptera

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    The sounds produced by orthopteran insects are very diverse. They are widely studied for the insight they give into acoustic behaviour and the biophysical aspects of sound production and hearing, as well as the transduction of sound to neural signals in the ear and the subsequent processing of information in the central nervous system. The study of sound signalling is a multidisciplinary area of research, with a strong physiological contribution. This review considers recent research in physiology and the links with related areas of acoustic work on the Orthoptera

    Environment-dependent genetic correlations between development time and body mass in a scorpionfly

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    Engqvist L. Environment-dependent genetic correlations between development time and body mass in a scorpionfly. Zoology. 2007;110(5):344-353.Development time and body mass at maturation are two important fitness traits fundamental for our understanding of life history theory. Generally, fast development is associated with small adult body mass, as it will take longer to grow large. However, the strength of this trade-off may depend on average food availability, as the potential benefit of long development will depend on the rate of food intake. Here, I report results of a food manipulation experiment during larval development of the scorpionfly Panorpa cognata (Insecta, Mecoptera). Development time showed considerable genetic variation, yet food level had no influence and there was a strong genetic correlation in development time across environments. As expected, larval and adult body weight was significantly affected by food availability. Furthermore, body mass was influenced by a highly significant genotype-by-environment interaction. The reaction norm for body mass in response to food treatment was much stronger in families with long development time compared with rapidly developing genotypes. This effect was accompanied by a shift in the genetic correlation between development time and body size when comparing the two food levels. Specifically, the genetic correlation between body mass and development time changed from being positive at high food levels to a negative genetic correlation at low food levels. These results are consistent with other empirical findings demonstrating a similar shift in genetic correlations between body mass and development time when comparing favourable and unfavourable environmental conditions