2,153 research outputs found

    Metonymy in the city onomasticon

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    The article discusses the names of urban onomasticon in terms of using such a stylistic device as metonymy. Although metonymy is used in the name of various urban establishments (ШПИЛЬКА, КОЛЕСО, ЛОКОН), the focus is on the names of food establishments. It is shown how the designation of all elements of a food situation becomes from such a name - from its preparation to the effect of satiety: eater, cook, dish, its quality, food and cooking tools, place of eating, satiety as a result of the development of the situation. In each of the cases, both Russian and borrowed vocabulary are used, including in writing in the original language (ЕДА / FOOD). It is argued that metonymy as a creative strategy is combined with other modern tendencies in the formation of urban names - replicas, precedent names, rhyming, beating homonyms and the graphic appearance of the word.В статье рассматриваются имена городского ономастикона в плане использования такого стилистического приема, как метонимия. Хотя метонимия используется в наименовании разных городских заведений (ШПИЛЬКА, КОЛЕСО, ЛОКОН), в центре внимания оказываются имена заведений еды. Показано, как таким именем становятся обозначения всех элементов ситуации еды – от ее приготовления до эффекта сытости: едок, повар, блюдо, его качество, инструменты еды и приготовления пищи, место еды, сытость как результат развития ситуации. В каждом из случаев используется как русская лексика, так и заимствованная, в том числе в написании на языке оригинала (ЕДА / FOOD). Утверждается, что метонимия как креативная стратегия совмещается с другими современными тенденция образования городских имен – репликами, прецедентными именами, рифмовкой, обыгрыванием омонимов и графического облика слова


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    The effect of cerium impurity on the shape of the curve and kinetic parameters of TL of magnesium oxide ceramics obtained in a fast electron beam is revealed


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    In this work intensity of immunity to diphtheria on the basis of indicating antitoxic antidiphtherial antiboies level in the blood sera of healthy adults aged 20 to 51 and elder, living in England, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia and Finland is analyzed. Diphtheria disease incidence shift through the epidemic in 1993—1996 in Russia to the elder age groups had resulted in inclusion of obligatory adults revaccination each 10 years after the last revaccination of teenagers in 14 year in 1998. Chosen tactics of vaccinal prevention of diphtheria didn't find reflection in National prophylactic immunization calendars of other countries including European, except Finland. On the basis of the received analysis for optimization of diphtheria vaccinal prevention, authors offer: to transfer a revaccination of children from age of 18 months to age of 3—6 years (according to the scheme in Italy, England, Finland); to carry out vaccination of adults individually depending on antitoxic antibodies concentration in blood sera

    Бокапарвовирусная инфекция у детей в Республике Беларусь: молекулярно-эпидемиологические аспекты

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    Objective: To study molecular and epidemiological aspects bocaparvovirus infection at the hospitalized, children in Republic of Belarus.Materials and methods: the studies were as part of a sentinel surveillance of influenza and. other agents of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) in the period. 2010 — 2018. Investigated, nasopharyngeal swabs (3907), serum. (149) hospitalized. children from 0 to 18 years with symptoms of ARVI, as well as lymphoepithelial tissue of adenoids by real-time PCR (Rotor Gene 6000, Corbett research, Australia) for the presence of respiratory DNA/RNA viruses: influenza, respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, metapneumovirus, bocaparvovirus, and. coronavi-ruses. The full genomic DNA sequencing of the bocaparvovirus was performed, using the commercial kit «Genome Lab DTCS Quick Start Kit» (Beckman Coulter, USA). Electrophoresis and. analysis of the reaction products were performed, on a Beckman Coulter CEQ 8000 automated, capillary DNA analyzer (Beckman Coulter, USA).Results: the genetic material of respiratory viruses was detected, in 2781 cases (71,2%). Bocaparvovirus was detected in 337 (12,1%,) patients. Bocaparvovirus infection showed, an increase in the incidence rate in the autumn period. The most susceptible to this infection are children aged. 2 years to 4 years. The duration of viremia in these patients ranged, from 6 to 15 days. Phylogenetic analysis, the Belarusian, viruses HBoV1BLR/Mogilev/241/14, HBoV1BLR/Minsk/10/14, HBoV1BLR/Minsk/11/14, HBoV1BLR/Gomel/285/15 were combined into a separate group and showed genetic similarity with the ST2 virus. Analysis of the primary structure of the Belarusian bocaparvoviruses showed the presence of amino acid substitutions.Conclusion: Bocaparvovirus became the fourth, virus in frequency of occurrence along with other respiratory viruses. Bocaparvovirus infection may have a severe course. All amino acid, substitutions were located, in functionally significant regions of the virus genome.Цель: изучить молекулярно-эпидемиологические аспекты, бокапарвовирусной инфекции у госпитализированных детей в Республике Беларусь.Материалы и методы: исследования проводились в рамках дозорного надзора за гриппом и другими возбудителями острых респираторных вирусных инфекций (ОРВИ) в период 2010—2018 гг. Исследовали назофарингеальных мазки (3907), сыворотки крови (149) госпитализированных детей от 0 до 18 лет с симптомами ОРВИ, а также лимфоэпителиальную ткань аденоидов методом. ПЦР в реальном, времени (RotorGenu6000, Corbettresearch, Австралия) на наличие ДНК/РНК респираторных вирусов: гриппа, респираторно-синцитиального вируса, вируса парагриппа, риновируса, аденовируса, бокапарвовируса и коронавируса. Полногеномное секвенирование ДНК бокапарвовируса проводили с использованием, коммерческого набора «GenomeLabDTCSQuickStartKit» (BeckmanCoulter, США). Электрофорез и анализ продуктов реакции выполняли на автоматическом капиллярном ДНК-анализаторе BeckmanCoulter «CEQ 8000» (BeckmanCoulter, США).Результаты: генетический материал респираторных вирусов выявлен, в 2781 случае (71,2%). Бокапарвови-рус был выявлен, у 337 (12,1%,) пациентов. При анализе внутригодовой динамики бокапарвовирусной инфекции отмечен подъем, заболеваемости в осенний период. Наиболее восприимчивыми к данной инфекции являются дети в возрасте от 2 до 4 лет. Длительность виремии у данных пациентов варьировала от. 6 до 15 дней. Согласно данным, филогенетического анализа, белорусские вирусы HBoV1BLR/Mogilev/241/14, HBoV1BLR/Minsk/10/14, HBoV1BLR/Minsk/11/14 HBoV1BLR/Gomel/285/15 объединялись в отдельную группу и показали генетическое родство с референс-вирусом ST2. Анализ первичной структуры, белорусских бокапарвовирусов показал наличие ряда аминокислотных замен.Заключение: бокапарвовирус стал четвертым вирусом по частоте встречаемости, наряду с другими респираторными вирусами. Бокапарвовирусная инфекция может, иметь тяжелое течение. Все аминокислотные замены располагались в функционально-значимых регионах генома вируса


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    In the article using the binomial distribution analysis of the intensity of рориlation antitoxic (AT) and antibacterial (AB) of immunity to diphtheria in terms of specific diphtheria antibodies in the sera of healthy adults aged 20 to 51 years and. older, living in Russia and. Italy. The latter, in contrast to Russia, during the epidemic was only a few cases of diphtheria. For the population of people from Italy the optimal parameters of tension antibody immunity (bimodal distribution of the concentrations of AT antibodies) are determined, whereas for the adult population of Russia experienced an abnormally high, overvoltages antibody immunity (lack of bimodal distribution). The level of concentration of antibody isotypes AB M, G, A in both countries match the total synthesis of immunoglobulin isotypes in the ontogeny of these: thus, in the sera of adults aged 20 to 40 years AB antibody IgG prevail. Low concentrations of antitoxin in the blood of most adults living in Italy, recharged high AB IgG in these same serum, and. optimal concentrations of AB IgM and. IgA. This indicates the possibility lifting the mass revaccination of adults, and. creating an individual approach to their boosters. Optimal bimodal distribution of AB antibodies in the population of healthy adults, both in Russia and. in Italy, is an additional protection to the diphtheria antitoxic resistance

    Particle identification performance of a straw transition radiation tracker prototype

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    A 864 channel prototype of an integrated straw tracker and transition radiation detector for tracking and electron identification has been tested with and without magnetic field at the CERN SPS. The rejection against hadrons and converted photons has been measured and the dependence of the rejection power on detector parameters has been investigated. Tracking and hadron rejection were also studied in a high multiplicity environment. The results are compared with Monte-Carlo simulations. Wherever possible, conclusions are drawn concerning the performance of a full-scale detector at the future Large Hadron Collider

    Forced Transition to Distance Learning: Students’ Expectations and Concerns

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    Весной 2020 года в связи с угрозой распространения COVID-19 большинство российских университетов перешли на дистанционное обучение. Эта вынужденная мера предъявила новые требования к преподавателям и студентам: им пришлось оперативно подстраиваться к новым образовательным условиям, что вызвало опасения относительно качества обучения в дистанционном формате. В данной исследовательской статье отражены результаты выявления категорий студентов, высказывающих наиболее высокий уровень опасений трудностей, связанных с непониманием учебного материала в новых условиях. В исследовании были задействованы студенты УрФУ (всего 6 230 человек), опрошенные в марте 2020 года. Регрессионный анализ данных показал, что страх не справиться с обучением был более всего характерен для студентов младших курсов обучения, для студентов, невысоко оценивающих свои навыки самоорганизации, для студентов, опасающихся трудностей в коммуникации с преподавателями и своей низкой мотивации, а также для студентов, посещающих занятия с целью приобретения знаний. На основании полученных данных авторами статьи обсуждаются возможные меры поддержки студентов в условиях быстрого и массового перехода на дистанционный режим обучения.Spring 2020 saw most Russian universities’ switch to distant learning due to the threat of COVID-19. The forced transition imposed new demands on faculty and students, who had to quickly adapt to the new educational conditions. These changes raised concerns about the quality of distant learning. The purpose of this study was to identify which students expressed more anxiety on expecting difficulties associated with a lack of understanding educational material under new circumstances. The study was based on the data of 6,230 Ural Federal University students polled in March 2020. Regression data analysis showed that the fear of not being able to cope with learning was more typical for the 1st and the 2nd year bachelors, for students who lowly estimate their self-regulated learning skills, for students who expected difficulties of communicating with teachers and of being motivated, as well as for students who attended classes for the sake of learning. The authors discuss possible measures to support students in the conditions of rapid and mass transition to distant learning

    Single hadron response measurement and calorimeter jet energy scale uncertainty with the ATLAS detector at the LHC

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    The uncertainty on the calorimeter energy response to jets of particles is derived for the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). First, the calorimeter response to single isolated charged hadrons is measured and compared to the Monte Carlo simulation using proton-proton collisions at centre-of-mass energies of sqrt(s) = 900 GeV and 7 TeV collected during 2009 and 2010. Then, using the decay of K_s and Lambda particles, the calorimeter response to specific types of particles (positively and negatively charged pions, protons, and anti-protons) is measured and compared to the Monte Carlo predictions. Finally, the jet energy scale uncertainty is determined by propagating the response uncertainty for single charged and neutral particles to jets. The response uncertainty is 2-5% for central isolated hadrons and 1-3% for the final calorimeter jet energy scale.Comment: 24 pages plus author list (36 pages total), 23 figures, 1 table, submitted to European Physical Journal

    Standalone vertex finding in the ATLAS muon spectrometer

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    A dedicated reconstruction algorithm to find decay vertices in the ATLAS muon spectrometer is presented. The algorithm searches the region just upstream of or inside the muon spectrometer volume for multi-particle vertices that originate from the decay of particles with long decay paths. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated using both a sample of simulated Higgs boson events, in which the Higgs boson decays to long-lived neutral particles that in turn decay to bbar b final states, and pp collision data at √s = 7 TeV collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC during 2011