73 research outputs found

    Dynamical effects of subducting ridges: Insights from 3-D laboratory models

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    We model the subduction of buoyant ridges and plateaus to study their effect on slab dynamics. Oceanic ridges parallel to the trench have a stronger effect on the process of subduction because they simultaneously affect a longer trench segment. Large buoyant slab segments sink more slowly into the asthenosphere, and their subduction result in a diminution of the velocity of subduction of the plate. We observe a steeping of the slab below those buoyant anomalies, resulting in smaller radius of curvature of the slab, that augments the energy dissipated in folding the plate and further diminishes the velocity of subduction. When the 3D geometry of a buoyant plateau is modelled, the dip of the slab above the plateau decreases, as a result of the larger velocity of subduction of the dense "normal" oceanic plate on both sides of the plateau. Such a perturbation of the dip of the slab maintains long time after the plateau has been entirely incorporated into the subduction zone. We compare experiments with the present-day subduction zone below South America. Experiments suggest that a modest ridge perpendicular to the trench such as the present-day Juan Fernandez ridge is not buoyant enough to modify the slab geometry. Already subducted buoyant anomalies within the oceanic plate, in contrast, may be responsible for some aspects of the present-day geometry of the Nazca slab at depth

    Tectonic history of northern New Caledonia Basin from deep offshore seismic reflection: Relation to late Eocene obduction in New Caledonia, southwest Pacific

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    International audienceNew, high-quality multichannel seismic reflection data from the western New Caledonia offshore domain allow for the first time the direct, continuous connection of seismic reflectors between the Deep Sea Drilling Project 208 drill hole on the Lord Howe Rise and the New Caledonia Basin. A novel seismic interpretation is hence proposed for the northern New Caledonia Basin stratigraphy, which places the Eocene/Oligocene unconformity deeper than previously thought and revisits the actual thickness of the pre-Oligocene sequences. A causal link is proposed between the obduction of the South Loyalty Basin over New Caledonia (NC) and the tectonic history of the northern New Caledonia Basin. Here it is suggested that as the South Loyalty Basin was being obducted during early Oligocene times, the NC Basin subsided under the effect of the overloading and underthrusted to accommodate the compressional deformation, which resulted in (1) the uplift of the northern Fairway Ridge and (2) the sinking of the western flank of New Caledonia. This event also had repercussions farther west with the incipient subsidence of the Lord Howe Rise

    Back-arc strain in subduction zones: Statistical observations versus numerical modeling

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    International audience1] Recent statistical analysis by Lallemand et al. (2008) of subduction zone parameters revealed that the back-arc deformation mode depends on the combination between the subducting (nu(sub)) and upper (nu(up)) plate velocities. No significant strain is recorded in the arc area if plate kinematics verifies nu(up) = 0.5 vsub - 2.3 (cm/a) in the HS3 reference frame. Arc spreading ( shortening) occurs if nu(up) is greater ( lower) than the preceding relationship. We test this statistical law with numerical models of subduction, by applying constant plate velocities far away from the subduction zone. The subducting lithosphere is free to deform at all depths. We quantify the force applied on the two converging plates to sustain constant surface velocities. The simulated rheology combined viscous (non-Newtonian) and brittle behaviors, and depends on water content. The influence of subduction rate vs is first studied for a fixed upper plate. After 950 km of convergence ( steady state slab pull), the transition from extensional to compressive stresses in the upper plate occurs for vs similar to 1.4 cm/a. The effect of upper plate velocity is then tested at constant subduction rate. Upper plate retreat ( advance) with respect to the trench increases extension ( compression) in the arc lithosphere and increases ( decreases) the subducting plate dip. Our modeling confirms the statistical kinematic relationship between vsub and nu(up) that describes the transition from extensional to compressive stresses in the arc lithosphere, even if the modeled law is shifted toward higher rates of upper plate retreat, using our set of physical parameters ( e. g., 100 km thick subducting oceanic plate) and short- term simulations. Our results make valid the choice of the HS3 reference frame for assessing plate velocity influence on arc tectonic regime. The subduction model suggests that friction along the interplate contact and the mantle Stokes reaction could be the two main forces competing against slab pull for upper mantle subductions. Besides, our simulations show that the arc deformation mode is strongly time dependent

    Japan Sea, opening history and mechanism: A synthesis

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    Laurent Jolivet est Professeur à l'Université d'Orléans au 1er Septembre 2009International audienceThe respective tectonic effects of back arc spreading and continental collision in Asia are considered either as two independent processes or as closely interrelated. Extrusion tectonics assumes that the opening of the South China Sea and the left-lateral motion along the Red River fault are geometrically linked in a pull-apart manner. This model is not accepted by several workers because the structural link between the two processes is not clearly demonstrated. In the case of the Japan Sea, we can show without ambiguity that back arc opening was controlled by large intracontinental strike-slip faults which can be easily understood as effects of the India-Asia collision far from the indenter. The Japan Sea opened in the early Miocene in a broad pull-apart zone between two major dextral strike-slip shear zones. The first one extends from north Sakhalin to central Japan along 2000 km, it has accommodated about 400 km of finite displacement. Deformation along it varies from dextral transpression in the north to dextral transtension in the south. The second is between Korea and SW Japan and has accommodated a smaller displacement of about 200 km. The extensional domain in between lies in the back arc region of Japan. Distributed stretching of the arc crust resulted in the formation of most of the Japan Sea, while localized oceanic spreading at the southern termination of the eastern transpressional shear zone shaped the Japan Basin. The first oceanic crust was formed in a small triangle based on the eastern shear zone, and spreading propagated westward inside the pull-apart region. Timing of oceanic crust formation, of formation of the dextral shear zones and of block rotation in between, as well as the internal structure of the basins and the geometry of deformation along the master shear zones are used to reconstruct the opening history. This evolution is discussed by comparison to other manifestations of the arc and back arc activity, such as the history of sedimentation and volcanism. The paper then suggests that the collision of India can have tectonic consequences as far north as Japan and Sakhalin and describes the geometrical relation of back arc opening there and diffuse extrusion

    Back arc extension and collision : an experimental approach of the tectonics of Asia

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    International audienceThe deformation of the eastern Asian lithosphere during the first part of the India-Asia collision was dominated by subduction-related extension interacting with far effects of the collision. In order to investigate the role of large-scale extension in collision tectonics, we performed analogue experiments of indentation with a model of lithosphere subjected to extension. We used a three-layer rheological model of continental lithosphere resting upon an asthenosphere of low viscosity and strained along its southern boundary by a rigid indenter progressing northward. The lithosphere model was scaled to be gravitationally unstable and to spread under its ownweight, so that extension occurred in thewhole model. The eastern boundarywas free or weakly confined and always allowed eastward spreading of the model. We studied the pattern of deformation for different boundary conditions. The experimental pattern of deformation includes a thickened zone in front of the indenter, a major northeast-trending left-lateral shear zone starting from the northwest corner of the indenter, antithetic north-south right-lateral shear zones more or less developed to the east of the indenter, and a purely extensional domain in the southeastern part of the model. In this domain, graben opening is driven by gravitational spreading, whereas it is driven by gravitational spreading and indentation in the northeastern part where grabens opened along strike-slip faults. The results are compared with the Oligo- Miocene deformation pattern of Asia consecutive to the collision of India. Our experiments bring a physical basis to models which favour distributed deformation within a slowly extruded wide region extending from the Baikal Rift to the Okhotsk Sea and to southeast Asia and Indonesia. In this large domain, the opening of backarc basins (Japan Sea, Okinawa Trough, South China Sea) and continental grabens (North China grabens) have been associated with approximately north-south-trending right-lateral strike-slip faults, which accommodated the northward penetration of India into Eurasia

    Philippine Sea Plate inception, evolution, and consumption with special emphasis on the early stages of Izu-Bonin-Mariana subduction

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