208 research outputs found

    Organization of career support and development by means of building an individual educational trajectory

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    The current stage of socio-economic development of Russia is characterized by intensive changes in the field of interaction between the labor sphere and the education system. In terms of the organization of career support and development as a structural unit of the pedagogical process aimed at the development of the function of self-realization of the individual, we consider the situation of self-realization as a complex multilateral phenomenon, causing the result of the assimilation of material and personal development. A prerequisite for the development of educational trajectories is the developed and implemented in practice monitoring system, which is based on the following principles: purposefulness, continuity, integrity and diversity, consistency of actions of its subjects, targeting and publicity of the extracted information. A necessary condition for the development of educational trajectories is continuity, which provides: the unity of goals and objectives of the educational process; the content and methods of work of the teacher and students at all stages of their development; common understanding of the development laws, which reveal the relationship of learning, education and personal development. Analysis of the forms of joint activities of different educational institutions found that multi-level integrated training of specialists is carried out on the basis of the interaction of different types of professional educational institutions that retain legal independence, and meaningful one – on the basis of successive curricula and optimization of the content of academic disciplines. There are a number of problems that are being slowly solved: training of professional personnel lags behind the pace of structural adjustment of high-tech industries, there is a “washing out” of high-tech expensive specialties, the demand of national production is significantly ahead of the supply of educational institutions in terms of volumes and structure of personnel training, etc

    Formation of economic competence of the head of the educational organization in terms of professional development

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    Today, the professional activity of the head of an educational organization is inseparable from the economic context. Economic activity of the head of the educational organization is to provide the organization with the necessary resources for its effective functioning and demand for educational services. In the context of modernization of the Russian education system, the key factor is the compliance of professional competence of heads of educational institutions with the needs of the time.   Professional competence of the head of the educational institution is determined by a set of competencies, which are characterized by the ability to use theories and concepts, knowledge in various fields of activity, the gained experience; the ability to positive intellectual, volitional self-development, interaction with other people, groups, team; the presence of motives to respect the rights and interests of the individual in the course of management; personal attitude to activity. In the structure of economic competence of the head of the educational institution knowledge, activity, motivational and personal components are identified that provide professional and personal improvement and self-development of the head, the formation of his abilities, characterized by three types of competencies: marketing, business and economic and legal. To determine the level of economic competence formation in the educational process of the professional development system four formation levels (insufficient, basic, advanced and leadership) of economic competence of the head are identified, where each previous determines the subsequent one and is included in its composition. The study is aimed at solving one of the important problems of modern postgraduate education – ensuring the effectiveness of the process of professional development of heads of educational institutions. The professional development system is able to solve the problem of formation of economic competence of heads of educational institutions quickly

    Psychological and Pedagogical Support of the Future Social Work Specialist’s Professional Development

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    The article focuses on the issue of psychological and pedagogical support in the professional growth of a social worker. The main structural components of the professional and personal development cover the cognitive, motivation-axiological, social-perceptive, emotional-volitional and communicative spheres of the human activity. The future social work specialist’s competency development is a result of a continuous internal struggle for the spiritual perfection, realization of the creative potential, achievement of wholeness, and the determination to abandon the “thing-in-oneself”-state in behalf of the “better-self”-development. The essential premise for the professional development of a social worker is the possibility to choose ways of professional self-realization in the ambiguity zone and the necessity of the certainty zone existence. These two zones allow the future specialists to actualize their motivation of choosing the ways to their professional development. This actualization goes more efficiently if there is interaction of the parties united by the shared goal and activity, which develops different forms of collaboration and discloses individual creative features. It has been established that the psychological and pedagogical model of the future social work specialist’s development includes the following core constituents: the study and development of the professionalism structure and its components on the basis of its development indicators; the consideration of psychological and pedagogical conditions and factors ensuring productive development of the social sphere specialists; the formation of the need in self-realization, the development of communicative skills, creative and individual potentials, teaching self-regulation and self-perfection skills. The model creates premises for the effective realization of the continuity principle as it characterizes the nature of the ‘actual development zone’ and focuses on the “proximal development zone”

    Creation of an Electronic Textbook for University Students

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    The need for e-learning in modern Russia is caused by the rapid development of informatization, digitalization, information and communication technologies, the creation of a global environment for mutual integration of cultures and disciplines, as well as the formation of open continuous education, which is the basis of a post-industrial (information) society. These processes stimulate an active search for creative educational practices that meet the requirements of the information society. A modern specialist must have a certain amount of knowledge that will allow him to learn constantly, improve his skills and abilities, self-develop and self-actualize in order to keep up with the time of changes in the information society. In the framework of the modern educational paradigm, the student is considered as a subject of knowledge, not an object of pedagogical influence. In the early – mid-2010s, this is actively promoted by electronic learning (e-learning, EL), which should be used in various educational organizations. E-learning allows integrating into the world scientific community, becoming subjects of interaction between cultures, including the exchange of spiritual values. Implementation of EL is one of the key tasks in the context of modernization of national education. The term “electronic learning” is translated into Russian in various ways. The most popular options are: “distance learning/education”, “mobile learning”, and “virtual learning”. The European Commission interprets “e-learning” as “using new multimedia and Internet technologies to improve the quality of learning by improving access to resources and services, as well as remote knowledge sharing and collaboration”. In this study, the concept of “e-learning” will correspond to the phrase “electronic learning”. This is an educational process based on interactive electronic means of storing and providing information: the Internet, corporate networks, and CDs

    Creation of an Electronic Textbook for University Students

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    The need for e-learning in modern Russia is caused by the rapid development of informatization, digitalization, information and communication technologies, the creation of a global environment for mutual integration of cultures and disciplines, as well as the formation of open continuous education, which is the basis of a post-industrial (information) society. These processes stimulate an active search for creative educational practices that meet the requirements of the information society. A modern specialist must have a certain amount of knowledge that will allow him to learn constantly, improve his skills and abilities, self-develop and self-actualize in order to keep up with the time of changes in the information society. In the framework of the modern educational paradigm, the student is considered as a subject of knowledge, not an object of pedagogical influence. In the early – mid-2010s, this is actively promoted by electronic learning (e-learning, EL), which should be used in various educational organizations. E-learning allows integrating into the world scientific community, becoming subjects of interaction between cultures, including the exchange of spiritual values. Implementation of EL is one of the key tasks in the context of modernization of national education. The term “electronic learning” is translated into Russian in various ways. The most popular options are: “distance learning/education”, “mobile learning”, and “virtual learning”. The European Commission interprets “e-learning” as “using new multimedia and Internet technologies to improve the quality of learning by improving access to resources and services, as well as remote knowledge sharing and collaboration”. In this study, the concept of “e-learning” will correspond to the phrase “electronic learning”. This is an educational process based on interactive electronic means of storing and providing information: the Internet, corporate networks, and CDs

    Creation of an Electronic Textbook for University Students

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    The need for e-learning in modern Russia is caused by the rapid development of informatization, digitalization, information and communication technologies, the creation of a global environment for mutual integration of cultures and disciplines, as well as the formation of open continuous education, which is the basis of a post-industrial (information) society. These processes stimulate an active search for creative educational practices that meet the requirements of the information society. A modern specialist must have a certain amount of knowledge that will allow him to learn constantly, improve his skills and abilities, self-develop and self-actualize in order to keep up with the time of changes in the information society. In the framework of the modern educational paradigm, the student is considered as a subject of knowledge, not an object of pedagogical influence. In the early – mid-2010s, this is actively promoted by electronic learning (e-learning, EL), which should be used in various educational organizations. E-learning allows integrating into the world scientific community, becoming subjects of interaction between cultures, including the exchange of spiritual values. Implementation of EL is one of the key tasks in the context of modernization of national education. The term “electronic learning” is translated into Russian in various ways. The most popular options are: “distance learning/education”, “mobile learning”, and “virtual learning”. The European Commission interprets “e-learning” as “using new multimedia and Internet technologies to improve the quality of learning by improving access to resources and services, as well as remote knowledge sharing and collaboration”. In this study, the concept of “e-learning” will correspond to the phrase “electronic learning”. This is an educational process based on interactive electronic means of storing and providing information: the Internet, corporate networks, and CDs

    Desarrollo de la alfabetización intercultural de los docentes en el sistema de educación vocacional adicional

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    The general trends of contemporary education include the desire to integrate and universalize social relations. This study aims to explain that the process leads to the intensification of intercultural interaction between representatives of different cultural communities. The expansion of intercultural contacts in the modern world emphasizes the importance of achieving mutual understanding between people of different cultures. The study concludes that multicultural education should become an inseparable part of general education, including additional professional education, since interpersonal relationships take place in a multiethnic and multicultural environment.Las tendencias generales de la educación contemporánea incluyen el deseo de integrar y universalizar las relaciones sociales. Este estudio pretende explicar que el proceso conduce a la intensificación de la interacción intercultural entre representantes de diferentes comunidades culturales. La expansión de los contactos interculturales en el mundo moderno enfatiza la importancia de lograr el entendimiento mutuo entre personas de diferentes culturas. El estudio concluye que la educación multicultural debería convertirse en una parte inseparable de la educación general, incluida la e ucación profesional adicional, ya que las relaciones interpersonales tienen lugar en un entorno multiétnico y multicultural

    Geographical and temporal distribution of SARS-CoV-2 clades in the WHO European Region, January to June 2020

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    We show the distribution of SARS-CoV-2 genetic clades over time and between countries and outline potential genomic surveillance objectives. We applied three available genomic nomenclature systems for SARS-CoV-2 to all sequence data from the WHO European Region available during the COVID-19 pandemic until 10 July 2020. We highlight the importance of real-time sequencing and data dissemination in a pandemic situation. We provide a comparison of the nomenclatures and lay a foundation for future European genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2.Peer reviewe


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    The worldwide shift to the market economy has radically changed the key guidelines within the professional education goals, including the training process of future managers. Today the professional activity performed by the head of an educational institution (HEI) is inalienable from the economic issues. The modernization of the education system presupposes the creation of the educational services market, altering the status and broadening the economic self-sufficiency of educational institutions, which leads to certain increase in rectors' and directors' responsibility level and the need to improve their professional competency. The modern society is awaiting the appearance of a new manager who is eager and bound to provide the effectiveness of an educational institution within the market reality. We define the essence of the concept of “the HEI's professional competency” by clarifying its content through a distinction with similar notions: “competency” («компетентность») and “competence” («компетенция»). Analysis of numerous studies dedicated to the nature of competency in specifying the theoretical essence of the above-mentioned notions leads us to the conclusion that they are closely interrelated. In its most general form, the concept of “competency” means the characteristic of a person (competent, knowledgeable, enjoying full professional rights), while the concept of “competence” describes what the person has (duties, range of issues, abilities, knowledge and skills). According to A.V. Khutorskoy and I.A. Zimnyaya, we distinguish “competency” and “competence” as common and individual, as “alienated, pre-set requirements” and a personal quality (characteristics); as “potential - urgent, cognitive - personal”, respectively. The theoretical analysis of the economic aspect of the HEI's professional activity served as the basis for singling out the new professional quality, which we defined as the economic competency . It allows the HEI to successfully complete economic tasks of different complexity levels. Being an individual's qualitative characteristic, the HEI's economic competency is determined by the nature of his/her professional activity and is a unity of theoretical (economic knowledge), practical (economic experience), motivational readiness and ability to carry out this activity, which is embodied in material, socio-economic and personally significant product - sustainable functioning of the educational institution. The following criteria of the economic competency were singled out: the assimilation of economic and legal knowledge (knowledge-based) - awareness of concepts, terms, definitions that form the basis of the chosen profession; mastering relevant skills (activity-based) - analyzing and designing real economic situations, choosing ways to solve economic problems, work with legal texts, predict the future; the formation level of valueoriented economic activity (motivational) - the motives of professional activity, the mental acceptance of the market economy, the consistency of economic and social goals, the concentration on achieving a high level of the economic competency; formation of personal qualities (personalityfocused) - understanding the economic competency as one of the leading professional values, adequate self-assessment of one's abilities. The mentioned criteria indicate the complexity of the process of forming the economic competency within the system of the HEI's advanced training. To determine the degree of the economic competency formation in the educational process of the advanced training system, we identified four levels of the HEI's economic competency formation: insufficient, basic, advanced and leadership. Each previous level determines the next and is included in its composition. The insufficient level was manifested in the HEI's inability to solve most of the standard economic tasks. The basic level characterized the HEI's ability to solve standard economic tasks at the reproductiv