137 research outputs found


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    Indonesia merupakan negara dengan tingkat keanekaragaman tumbuhan yang tinggi (mega biodiversity). Tetapi, setiap tahunnya tumbuhan di Indonesia mulai mengalami kelangkaan dan terancam punah. Menurunnya jumlah spesies tumbuhan langka disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti hilangnya habitat dan terjadi ketidakstabilan genom pada tumbuhan langka sehingga tumbuhan tersebut tidak mampu beradaptasi dengan lingkungannya. Tumbuhan langka di Indonesia masih banyak yang belum teridentifikasi, sehingga diperlukan suatu teknik untuk mengidentifikasi dan menentukan status kelangkaan tumbuhan secara cepat. Salah satu teknik identifikasi spesies yang dapat dilakukan secara cepat adalah analisis DNA Barcode. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan primer deteksi kelangkaan tumbuhan menggunakan penanda rbcL dengan analisis DNA Barcode. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara in silico, menggunakan data sekunder berupa 50 sekuen DNA tumbuhan langka berdasarkan penanda rbcL dari Genbank NCBI. Selanjutnya membuat fasta format, pensejajaran sekuen, perolehan sekuen konsensus, desain primer, dan uji coba primer dengan in silico PCR terhadap seluruh sampel tumbuhan langka. Penelitian ini berhasil mendapatkan sepasang primer tumbuhan langka berdasarkan penanda rbcL, yaitu F1_174-196 (forward) dan R2_656-678 (reverse). Berdasarkan hasil uji coba, dapat diketahui bahwa sepasang primer tersebut dapat mengamplifikasi spesies tumbuhan langka dengan persentase keberhasilan sebesar 78%. Primer ini nantinya dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui status kelangkaan tumbuhan dengan cepat dan menjadi salah satu upaya dalam konservasi tumbuhan langka yang terancam punah di Indonesia


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh permasalahan yang sering dialami saat pembelajaran dasar desain, ditambah kurang efektifnya pemanfaatan media ajar sehingga pembelajaran menjadi kurang menarik minat siswa dalam belajar, sedangkan dalam hal ini mata pelajaran dasar desain merupakan mata pelajaran yang membutuhkan tingkat pemahaman yang tinggi. Multimedia pembelajaran berbasis komputer mampu memvisualisasikan materi yang selama ini sulit dijelaskan secara lebih baik, khususnya game edukatif dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran untuk menarik minat siswa dan memotivasi siswa dalam belajar. Model Discovery Learning menggunakan pendekatan kontruktivis yang bertujuan meningkatkan pemahaman siswa terhadap suatu materi. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1) mengembangkan game edukatif “Nirmana Land” berbantuan model Discovery Learning sebagai media pembelajaran dasar desain. 2) mengimplementasikan game edukatif “Nirmana Land” 3) mengukur peningkatan pemahaman dasar desain siswa yang dalam pembelajarannya menggunakan game edukatif “Nirmana Land”. 4) mengetahui tanggapan peserta didik terhadap pembelajaran menggunakan game edukatif “Nirmana Land”. Metode siklus hidup menyeluruh diadopsi dalam penelitian ini, yang terdiri dari tahap analisis, tahap desain, tahap pengembangan, tahap penerapan. Game edukatif tersebut diujicobakan di salah satu Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan di Kota Bandung. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah sebagai berikut : 1) game edukatif yang telah dikembangkan dinyatakan layak oleh ahli media dan ahli materi, persentasenya masing-masing adalah sebesar 80% dan 83%; 2) kemudian, implementasi game edukatif kepada kelas X jurusan Animasi 3) implementasi game edukatif dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar kognitif siswa dengan indeks gain sebesar 0,3 yang termasuk dalam kategori “sedang”; 4) Respon siswa terhadap game edukatif mendapatkan hasil “baik” dengan rata-rata sebesar 85.52%.;---This research is motivated by the problems that are often experienced when learning basic design subject, plus the less effective use of teaching media so that lessons become less interest of students in learning, whereas in this case the basic design subject is a subject that requires a high level of comprehension. Computer-based learning multimedia is able to visualize the material that has been described hard, especially educative games can be used as a media of learning to attract students and motivate students in learning. Discovery Learning model uses a constructivist approach that aims to improve students' understanding of a material. Therefore this study aims to: 1) develop educational games "Nirmana Land" which utilize Discovery Learning model as a learning media of basic design subject. 2) testing the "Nirmana Land" educative game 3) measure the increase of comprehension of the students in basic design subject who in their learning using "Nirmana Land " educative game. 4) knowing the students responses to learning using "Nirmana Land" educative games. Life cycle method was adopted in this research, which consists of analysis phase, design phase, development stage, implementation stage. Educative games are tested in one of Vocational High School in Bandung. The results obtained are as follows: 1) educative games that have been developed is eligible by media experts and material experts, the percentage respectively are 80% and 83%; 2) then, the implementation of educative games to the X class of animation course 3) the implementation of educative games can improve students' cognitive learning outcomes with a gain index of 0.3 which is included in the category "medium"; 4) Student responses to educational games get "good" results with an average of 85.52%

    How Servant Leadership Influences Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Roles of LMX, Empowerment and Proactive Personality

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    While the link between servant leadership and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) has been established, the individual-level mechanisms underlying this relationship and its boundary conditions remain poorly understood. In this study, we investigate the salience of the mediating mechanisms of leader-member exchange (LMX) and psychological empowerment in explaining the process by which servant leaders elicit discretionary OCB among followers. We also examine the role of followers’ proactive personality in moderating the indirect effects of servant leadership on OCB through LMX and psychological empowerment. Analysis of survey data collected from 446 supervisor-subordinate dyads in a large Chinese multinational firm suggests that while servant leadership is positively related to subordinate OCB through LMX, psychological empowerment does not explain any additional variance in OCB above that accounted for by LMX. Moderated mediation tests confirm the moderating effect of proactive personality through LMX. By providing a nuanced understanding of how and when servant leadership leads followers to go above and beyond their job role, our study assists organizations in deciding how to develop and utilize servant leaders in their organizations

    Pergumulan as the starter and sustainer of Servant Leadership A case of academic leadership in a private University in Indonesia

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    In the disruptive era, every organization is expected to cope with change. This includes the ones in the sector of higher education. Servant leadership is considered as the leadership approach that enables Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) to deal with the inevitable changes. This research explores an academic leadership in a private university in Indonesia, which endorses servant leadership as its leadership approach. The case study involves the interview of twenty-six academic leaders who have asked to answer two fundamental questions: 1) How do they perceive the invitation to lead as an academic leader and 2) What did they do as they consider whether to take the offer to lead as an academic leader? The gathered data was processed using the Qualitative Data Analysis consisting data condensation, data display and drawing and verifying conclusion. Twenty-five academic leaders said no when they first offer and this initial refusal drives the researcher to find a term called �pergumulan� as the common theme across the interviewees. �Pergumulan� or a spiritual struggle happened during the pre-leadership journey and during the leadership journey of these academic leaders. The former suggests that �pergumulan� is spiritual, intrapersonal and interpersonal. The latter indicates that pergumulan happens when the servant leaders search their motivation and figure out the way to improve themselves while serving their followers. Lastly, during their leadership, the servant leaders are also having the �pergumulan� as they have to confront or rebuke their followers

    Servant Leadership and Follower Job Performance: The Mediating Effect of Public Service Motivation

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    This article advances our understanding of the effects of servant leadership, an employee- and community-focused leadership style, on followers’ public service motivation (PSM) and job performance. Based on social learning theory, we argue that by emphasizing to their followers the importance of serving others both inside and outside the organization and by acting as role models by serving others themselves, servant leaders enhance job performance by engendering higher PSM in their followers. A multi-level analysis of three waves of multi-source data from a Chinese government agency reveals that PSM mediates the influence that servant leadership has on followers’ job performance. The results are consistent with the theoretical predications that the altruistic behaviour displayed by servant leaders elicits higher levels of the altruistic behaviours that characterize PSM, which in turn increases job performance. Hence, this study contributes to our overall understanding of how leadership drives performance in the public sector

    Using multi-item psychometric scales for research and practice in human resource management

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    Questionnaires are a widely used research method in human resource management (HRM), and multi-item psychometric scales are the most widely used measures in questionnaires. These scales each have multiple items to measure a construct in a reliable and valid manner. However, using this method effectively involves complex procedures that are frequently misunderstood or unknown. Although there are existing methodological texts addressing this topic, few are exhaustive and they often omit essential practical information. The current article therefore aims to provide a detailed and comprehensive guide to the use of multi-item psychometric scales for HRM research and practice, including their structure, development, use, administration, and data preparation

    Towards Contextualized Islamic Leadership: Paraguiding and the Universities and Muslim Seminaries Project

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    The Universities and Muslim Seminaries Project (UMSEP) addresses three key issues in the narrative of Muslim communal identity and religious leadership in Britain today: firstly, the need for the accreditation of Darul Ulooms (Muslim seminaries) and external validation of their programmes; secondly, understanding the career trajectories of Darul Uloom graduates, and exploring good practice; thirdly, understanding emerging leadership models in the British Muslim community. This project is a community-led, positive response to a large Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)-funded research project (Re/presenting Islam on campus) conducted between 2015–2018, which identified discrimination against Muslim staff and students and the politicization of their identity due to counter terror securitisation measures. The community project summarized here in interim form proposes powerful and informed antidotes to discrimination: pathways to mutual recognition in higher education. We used interviews, workshops, and surveys and triangulated our findings to draw our draft conclusions. Firstly, we found enough interest in universities and Darul Ulooms to proceed with accreditation for an Islamic course with the same standing as a degree. Secondly, we identified barriers to career pathways for Muslims. Thirdly, we developed new models of Muslim community leadership, most notably Muslim chaplaincy with spiritual components: a career path with specific significance for Muslim women. View Full-Tex

    Servant Leadership, Trust, and the Organizational Commitment of Public Sector Employees in China

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    Servant leaders strive selflessly and altruistically to assist others before themselves, work to develop their followers to their greatest potential, and seek to benefit the wider community. This paper examines the trust-based mechanisms by which servant leadership influences organizational commitment in the Chinese public sector, using data from a survey of civil servants. Quantitative analysis shows that servant leadership strongly influences affective and normative commitment, while having no impact on continuance commitment. Furthermore, we find that affective trust rather than cognitive trust is the mechanism by which servant leadership induces higher levels of commitment. Our findings suggest that in a time of decreasing confidence levels in public leaders, servant leadership behavior may be used to reestablish trust and create legitimacy for the Chinese civil service
