387 research outputs found

    Mädchenbeschneidung und Geburt

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    Kinetic Energy Analysis for Soccer Players and Soccer Matches

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    A simple and practical semi-empirical formula for the calculation of the Mean Specific Kinetic Energy (MSKE) of a soccer player over a match is developed based on the statistical analysis of the detailed records of the time courses of locations of all players for a single match. This formula is further supported by additional tests and some theoretical analysis. The formula is then applied to five matches. This formula can be used not only to compare different players, but also to compare different teams, to see how active and how energetic they are during a match. This formula can also be used to test whether there is a significant effect of a training program on the kinetic energy of players of a team. Key Words: Soccer; Energy; Statistics; Trainin

    Statistical Analysis for the First Bundesliga in the Current Soccer Season

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    Statistical analysis for the 153 matches of First Bundesliga, i.e. the first national soccer league in Germany, in the first 17 “playing days” (August 10, 2013 to January 29, 2014) of the current soccer season was made. Various team parameters were compared between the winning and losing teams in the 118 non-drawing matches. The results support the conclusions of our earlier analysis (Yue, Broich, & Mester, 2014) that the quality of shots, represented by the goal efficiency, defined by the number of goals divided by the number of shots, is more important than the quantity of shots for winning a soccer game. This conclusion is also confirmed by the correlation analysis based on all the 153 matches: The correlation between the number of goals and the goal efficiency is found to be much stronger than the correlation between the number of goals and the number of shots. The team parameters of the second to the fourth importance are the number of shots, the number of passes and the number of ball contacts respectively. In contrast, the distance coverage is found to be statistically not important for winning a game

    Propriedades antioxidantes de produtos de origem natural com potencial medicinal: proteção da ação de espécies reativas de oxigênio e de nitrogênio sobre membranas lipídicas e ação como sequestradores de radicais livres

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Físicas e Matemáticas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química

    Síntese, investigação eletroquímica, titulação potenciométrica e estudos farmacológicos do trans-diclorotetraquis-(3,5-dicarboxipiridina) rutênio (II)

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    Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Físicas e Matemáticas. Curso de Pós-Graduação em QuímicaEste trabalho relata síntese, a caracterização espectroscópica, a titulação potenciométrica, a investigação eletroquímica e o estudo das propriedades biológicas do complexo trans-[RuCl2(dinic)4] (dinic= ácido piridinadicarboxílico). O complexo foi sintetizado utilizando-se uma solição de azul de rutênio como precursor da rota sintética. O composto foi caracterizado por análise elementar, espectroscopia eletrônica, espectroscopia FT-IR, espectroscopia Raman e de RMN de 1H e 13C. Os resultados indicaram que o complexo apresenta geometria trans com simetria D4h. Experimentos de Voltametria Cíclica foram conduzidas em uma solução binária água/acetona 1:1, revelando um processo quasi-reversível centrado no átomo de rutênio, bem como uma dependência do potencial redox (E1/2) com o pH. O espectro eletrônico revelou uma banda de transferência de carga metal ligante (MLCT), a qual apresentou um deslocamento hiposocrômico com o aumento do pH. As análises espectroeletroquímicas indicaram que a banda na região do UV-Visível desapareceu progressivamente durante o processo de oxidação. Estudos potenciométricos revelaram a presença de 16 espécies em solução, cujas constantes de protonação foram determinadas. O complexo exibiu ainda a habilidade de complexar íons cálcio. O complexo estudado não exibiu a atividade da enzima óxido nítrico sintase e também não atuou como captador de monóxido de nitrogênio. Entretanto, o complexo mostrou propriedades antinociceptivas e foi capaz de captar radicais hidroxilas

    Danos extrapatrimoniais coletivos e indenização punitiva: uma visão brasileira a partir do direito comparado

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.Localização na estante: 347.426.6 B136

    Defining and characterizing team resilience in elite sport

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    Objectives: The objectives of this study were to develop a definition of team resilience and to identify the resilient characteristics of elite sport teams. Design and Method: Focus groups consisting of a total of 31 participants were conducted with five elite teams from a range of sports. An interpretive thematic analysis using inductive and deductive reasoning was employed to analyze the data. Results and Conclusions: Team resilience was defined as a dynamic, psychosocial process which protects a group of individuals from the potential negative effect of the stressors they collectively encounter. It comprises of processes whereby team members use their individual and combined resources to positively adapt when experiencing adversity. Findings revealed four main resilient characteristics of elite sport teams: group structure, mastery approaches, social capital, and collective efficacy. This study extends resilience research in sport psychology by providing greater conceptual clarity of resilience at a team level. The implications of the findings for those conducting research in this area and for those consulting with elite sport teams are discussed

    Slime mould: The fundamental mechanisms of biological cognition

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    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. The slime mould Physarum polycephalum has been used in developing unconventional computing devices for in which the slime mould played a role of a sensing, actuating, and computing device. These devices treated the slime mould as an active living substrate, yet it is a self-consistent living creature which evolved over millions of years and occupied most parts of the world, but in any case, that living entity did not own true cognition, just automated biochemical mechanisms. To “rehabilitate” slime mould from the rank of a purely living electronics element to a “creature of thoughts” we are analyzing the cognitive potential of P. polycephalum. We base our theory of minimal cognition of the slime mould on a bottom-up approach, from the biological and biophysical nature of the slime mould and its regulatory systems using frameworks such as Lyon's biogenic cognition, Muller, di Primio-Lengelerś modifiable pathways, Bateson's “patterns that connect” framework, Maturana's autopoietic network, or proto-consciousness and Morgan's Canon