759 research outputs found

    Algorithmic Information Theory and Foundations of Probability

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    The use of algorithmic information theory (Kolmogorov complexity theory) to explain the relation between mathematical probability theory and `real world' is discussed

    Is it Physically Sound to Add a Topologically Massive Term to Three-Dimensional Massive Electromagnetic or Gravitational Models ?

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    The addition of a topologically massive term to an admittedly non-unitary three-dimensional massive model, be it an electromagnetic system or a gravitational one, does not cure its non-unitarity. What about the enlargement of avowedly unitary massive models by way of a topologically massive term? The electromagnetic models remain unitary after the topological augmentation but, surprisingly enough, the gravitational ones have their unitarity spoiled. Here we analyze these issues and present the explanation why unitary massive gravitational models, unlike unitary massive electromagnetic ones, cannot coexist from the viewpoint of unitarity with topologically massive terms. We also discuss the novel features of the three-term effective field models that are gauge-invariant

    “Tsar and God”

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    Featuring a number of distinguished essays by internationally known Russian cultural historians Boris Uspenskij and Victor Zhivov, this collection encompasses various ground-breaking works appearing in English for the first time. Focusing on several of the most interesting and problematic aspects of Russia’s cultural development, these essays examine the survival and reconceptualization of Russia’s past in later systems, and some of the key transformations of Russian cultural consciousness. This volume contains important examples of cultural semiotics and indispensable contributions to the history of Russian civilization

    Algorithmic Complexity Bounds on Future Prediction Errors

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    We bound the future loss when predicting any (computably) stochastic sequence online. Solomonoff finitely bounded the total deviation of his universal predictor MM from the true distribution mumu by the algorithmic complexity of mumu. Here we assume we are at a time t>1t>1 and already observed x=x1...xtx=x_1...x_t. We bound the future prediction performance on xt+1xt+2...x_{t+1}x_{t+2}... by a new variant of algorithmic complexity of mumu given xx, plus the complexity of the randomness deficiency of xx. The new complexity is monotone in its condition in the sense that this complexity can only decrease if the condition is prolonged. We also briefly discuss potential generalizations to Bayesian model classes and to classification problems.Comment: 21 page

    Clinical studies of phytogel "Kvertulidon" stomatoprotective action in patients with helicobacter gastritis

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    Background. To determine the therapeutic and prophylactic effect of oral applications of the Kvertulidon phytogel on the condition of the oral cavity in patients with Helicobacter gastritis. Methods. A total of 28 patients with a diagnosis of gastritis of Helicobacter pylori and 18 healthy individuals were surveyed. Phytogel was used as oral applications for 15 days. Hygiene and dental indices were determined, and the level of biochemical markers of inflammation, dystrophy and defenses in the oral fluid: elastase, catalase, urease, lysozyme activity, MDA content, API index and degree of dysbiosis. Results. A significant increase in all hygienic and dental indices was found in patients with gastritis with a decrease in the level of catalase and lysozyme. Applications of phytogel reduce the activity of elastase, urease, the content of MDA, the degree of dysbiosis and increase the activity of catalase, lysozyme, and the API index. Conclusion. Phytogel "Kvertulidon" has stomatoprotective effect in patients with helicobacter gastritis

    STARE velocity at large flow angles: is it related to the ion acoustic speed?

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    International audienceThe electron drift and ion-acoustic speed in the E region inferred from EISCAT measurements are compared with concurrent STARE radar velocity data to investigate a recent hypothesis by Bahcivan et al. (2005), that the electrojet irregularity velocity at large flow angles is simply the product of the ion-acoustic speed and the cosine of an angle between the electron flow and the irregularity propagation direction. About 3000 measurements for flow angles of 50°?70° and electron drifts of 400?1500 m/s are considered. It is shown that the correlation coefficient and the slope of the best linear fit line between the predicted STARE velocity (based solely on EISCAT data and the hypothesis of Bahcivan et al. (2005)) and the measured one are both of the order of ~0.4. Velocity predictions are somewhat better if one assumes that the irregularity phase velocity is the line-of-sight component of the E×B drift scaled down by a factor ~0.6 due to off-orthogonality of irregularity propagation (nonzero effective aspect angles of STARE observations)

    Rivalry of the Descendants of Chinggis Khan and His Brother Khasar as a Factor in Mongolian History

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    Relations between Chinggis Khan and his younger brother Khasar were somewhat strained at times. In accordance with Mongolian tradition Chinggis Khan’s brothers and their descendants were allotted lands in the eastern part of the Mongolian Plateau. This fact became a crucial point in the early seventeenth century when descendants of Khasar turned rather to the resurging Manchu state than to the last Mongolian ruler Ligdan Khan. At that time another famous Khasar’s descendant Gushi Khan crushed the remaining supporters of Ligdan Khan in the Qinghai area and established the paramountcy of the Gelugpa school in Tibet with his military forces. Owing to continuous intermarriages with Manchu Qing emperors Khasar’s descendants became closely linked to the ruling dynasty during its entire reign

    Methodology of study of oil-bitumen perspective territories and objects

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    The goal of the research is development of methodological basis for regional and local forecasting and scientific evidence of top-priority directions of exploration works taking into account national and international theory and practice of effective complex management of native bitumen. The developed theoretical ideas and methodologies of crustal platforms studies as a whole are presented as a new scientific approach to the solution of the problem of management of non-traditional hydrocarbon sources, that is being based on system analysis: from geological study, prediction, prospecting and exploration to the application of geophysical methods while making native bitumen management preparations. The methodology presented in the paper is considered to be an effective technique of evaluation of perspectives of oil-bitumen-rich shallow horizons of sedimentary cover of frontier territories