1,036 research outputs found

    Theoretical Transmission Spectra During Extrasolar Giant Planet Transits

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    The recent transit observation of HD 209458 b - an extrasolar planet orbiting a sun-like star - confirmed that it is a gas giant and determined that its orbital inclination is 85 degrees. This inclination makes possible investigations of the planet atmosphere. In this paper we discuss the planet transmission spectra during a transit. The basic tenet of the method is that the planet atmosphere absorption features will be superimposed on the stellar flux as the stellar flux passes through the planet atmosphere above the limb. The ratio of the planet's transparent atmosphere area to the star area is small, approximately 10^{-3} to 10^{-4}; for this method to work very strong planet spectral features are necessary. We use our models of close-in extrasolar giant planets to estimate promising absorption signatures: the alkali metal lines, in particular the Na I and K I resonance doublets, and the He I 23S2^3S - 23P2^3P triplet line at 1083.0 nm. If successful, observations will constrain the line-of-sight temperature, pressure, and density. The most important point is that observations will constrain the cloud depth, which in turn will distinguish between different atmosphere models. We also discuss the potential of this method for EGPs at different orbital distances and orbiting non-solar-type stars.Comment: revised to agree with accepted paper, ApJ, in press. 12 page

    Lyalpha heating and its impact on early structure formation

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    In this paper we have calculated the effect of Lyalpha photons emitted by the first stars on the evolution of the IGM temperature. We have considered both a standard Salpeter IMF and a delta-function IMF for very massive stars with mass 300 M_sun. We find that the Lyalpha photons produced by the stellar populations considered here are able to heat the IGM at z<25, although never above ~100 K. Stars with a Salpeter IMF are more effective as, due to the contribution from small-mass long-living stars, they produce a higher Lyalpha background. Lyalpha heating can affect the subsequent formation of small mass objects by producing an entropy floor that may limit the amount of gas able to collapse and reduce the gas clumping.We find that the gas fraction in halos of mass below ~ 5 x 10^6 M_sun is less than 50% (for the smallest masses this fraction drops to 1% or less) compared to a case without Lyalpha heating. Finally, Lyalpha photons heat the IGM temperature above the CMB temperature and render the 21cm line from neutral hydrogen visible in emission at z<15.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, to be printed in MNRA

    Can early years professionals determine which preschoolers have comprehension delays? A comparison of two screening tools

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    Language comprehension delays in pre-schoolers are predictive of difficulties in a range of developmental domains. In England, early years setting staff are required to assess the language comprehension of two-year-olds in their care. Many use a format based on the Early Years Foundation Stage My Unique Child (EYFS:UCCS ) in which the child’s language comprehension is assigned to an age band based on written guidance. Seventy 2Âœ-3-year-olds were assessed on the comprehension component of the Preschool Language Scale (PLS) by psychology graduates. Early years practitioners assessed language comprehension in the same children using the EYFS:UCCS and the WellComm which involves some direct testing. The EYFS:UCCS had poor sensitivity and specificity and the understanding section did not correlate with the PLS. The WellComm had good-acceptable levels of sensitivity and specificity and significantly correlated with the PLS. Early years setting staff can accurately assess the language comprehension of two-year-olds if provided with a tool which gives specific instructions on administration, but current frequently used procedures (EYFS:UCCS) are not fit for this purpose

    An Improved Method for Estimating the Masses of Stars with Transiting Planets

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    To determine the physical parameters of a transiting planet and its host star from photometric and spectroscopic analysis, it is essential to independently measure the stellar mass. This is often achieved by the use of evolutionary tracks and isochrones, but the mass result is only as reliable as the models used. The recent paper by Torres et al (2009) showed that accurate values for stellar masses and radii could be obtained from a calibration using T_eff, log g and [Fe/H]. We investigate whether a similarly good calibration can be obtained by substituting log rho - the fundamental parameter measured for the host star of a transiting planet - for log g, and apply this to star-exoplanet systems. We perform a polynomial fit to stellar binary data provided in Torres et al (2009) to obtain the stellar mass and radius as functions of T_eff, log rho and [Fe/H], with uncertainties on the fit produced from a Monte Carlo analysis. We apply the resulting equations to measurements for seventeen SuperWASP host stars, and also demonstrate the application of the calibration in a Markov Chain Monte Carlo analysis to obtain accurate system parameters where spectroscopic estimates of effective stellar temperature and metallicity are available. We show that the calibration using log rho produces accurate values for the stellar masses and radii; we obtain masses and radii of the SuperWASP stars in good agreement with isochrone analysis results. We ascertain that the mass calibration is robust against uncertainties resulting from poor photometry, although a good estimate of stellar radius requires good-quality transit light curve to determine the duration of ingress and egress.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Bayesian analysis of exoplanet and binary orbits

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    We introduce BASE (Bayesian astrometric and spectroscopic exoplanet detection and characterisation tool), a novel program for the combined or separate Bayesian analysis of astrometric and radial-velocity measurements of potential exoplanet hosts and binary stars. The capabilities of BASE are demonstrated using all publicly available data of the binary Mizar A.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Small-scale dynamo action during the formation of the first stars and galaxies. I. The ideal MHD limit

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    We explore the amplification of magnetic seed fields during the formation of the first stars and galaxies. During gravitational collapse, turbulence is created from accretion shocks, which may act to amplify weak magnetic fields in the protostellar cloud. Numerical simulations showed that such turbulence is sub-sonic in the first star-forming minihalos, and highly supersonic in the first galaxies with virial temperatures larger than 10^4 K. We investigate the magnetic field amplification during the collapse both for Kolmogorov and Burgers-type turbulence with a semi-analytic model that incorporates the effects of gravitational compression and small-scale dynamo amplification. We find that the magnetic field may be substantially amplified before the formation of a disk. On scales of 1/10 of the Jeans length, saturation occurs after ~10^8 yr. Although the saturation behaviour of the small-scale dynamo is still somewhat uncertain, we expect a saturation field strength of the order ~10^{-7} n^{0.5} G in the first star-forming halos, with n the number density in cgs units. In the first galaxies with higher turbulent velocities, the magnetic field strength may be increased by an order of magnitude, and saturation may occur after 10^6 to 10^7 yr. In the Kolmogorov case, the magnetic field strength on the integral scale (i.e. the scale with most magnetic power) is higher due to the characteristic power-law indices, but the difference is less than a factor of 2 in the saturated phase. Our results thus indicate that the precise scaling of the turbulent velocity with length scale is of minor importance. They further imply that magnetic fields will be significantly enhanced before the formation of a protostellar disk, where they may change the fragmentation properties of the gas and the accretion rate.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, accepted at A&

    Seven-Year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Observations: Power Spectra and WMAP-Derived Parameters

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    (Abridged) We present the angular power spectra derived from the 7-year maps and discuss the cosmological conclusions that can be inferred from WMAP data alone. The third acoustic peak in the TT spectrum is now well measured by WMAP. In the context of a flat LambdaCDM model, this improvement allows us to place tighter constraints on the matter density from WMAP data alone, and on the epoch of matter-radiation equality, The temperature-polarization (TE) spectrum is detected in the 7-year data with a significance of 20 sigma, compared to 13 sigma with the 5-year data. The low-l EE spectrum, a measure of the optical depth due to reionization, is detected at 5.5 sigma significance when averaged over l = 2-7. The BB spectrum, an important probe of gravitational waves from inflation, remains consistent with zero. The upper limit on tensor modes from polarization data alone is a factor of 2 lower with the 7-year data than it was using the 5-year data (Komatsu et al. 2010). We test the parameter recovery process for bias and find that the scalar spectral index, ns, is biased high, but only by 0.09 sigma, while the remaining parameters are biased by < 0.15 sigma. The improvement in the third peak measurement leads to tighter lower limits from WMAP on the number of relativistic degrees of freedom (e.g., neutrinos) in the early universe: Neff > 2.7 (95% CL). Also, using WMAP data alone, the primordial helium mass fraction is found to be YHe = 0.28+0.14-0.15, and with data from higher-resolution CMB experiments included, we now establish the existence of pre-stellar helium at > 3 sigma (Komatsu et al. 2010).Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures, version accepted to Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, added high-l EE detection, consolidated parameter recovery simulation

    Lyalpha versus X-ray heating in the high-z IGM

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    In this paper we examine the effect of X-ray and Lyalpha photons on the intergalactic medium temperature. We calculate the photon production from a population of stars and micro-quasars in a set of cosmological hydrodynamic simulations which self-consistently follow the dark matter dynamics, radiative processes as well as star formation, black hole growth and associated feedback processes. We find that, (i) IGM heating is always dominated by X-rays unless the Lyalpha photon contribution from stars in objects with mass M<10^8 Msun becomes significantly enhanced with respect to the X-ray contribution from BHs in the same halo (which we do not directly model). (ii) Without overproducing the unresolved X-ray background, the gas temperature becomes larger than the CMB temperature, and thus an associated 21 cm signal should be expected in emission, at z<11.5. We discuss how in such a scenario the transition redshift between a 21 cm signal in absorption and in emission could be used to constraint BHs accretion and associated feedback processes.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The 21 Centimeter Forest

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    We examine the prospects for studying the pre-reionization intergalactic medium (IGM) through the so-called 21 cm forest in spectra of bright high-redshift radio sources. We first compute the evolution of the mean optical depth for models that include X-ray heating of the IGM gas, Wouthuysen-Field coupling, and reionization. Under most circumstances, the spin temperature T_S grows large well before reionization begins in earnest. As a result, the optical depth is less than 0.001 throughout most of reionization, and background sources must sit well beyond the reionization surface in order to experience measurable absorption. HII regions produce relatively large "transmission gaps" and may therefore still be observable during the early stages of reionization. Absorption from sheets and filaments in the cosmic web fades once T_S becomes large and should be rare during reionization. Minihalos can produce strong (albeit narrow) absorption features. Measuring their abundance would yield useful limits on the strength of feedback processes in the IGM as well as their effect on reionization.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Dust in Brown Dwarfs IV. Dust formation and driven turbulence on mesoscopic scales

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    Dust formation in brown dwarf atmospheres is studied by utilising a model for driven turbulence in the mesoscopic scale regime. We apply a pseudo-spectral method where waves are created and superimposed within a limited wavenumber interval. The turbulent kinetic energy distribution follows the Kolmogoroff spectrum which is assumed to be the most likely value. Such superimposed, stochastic waves may occur in a convectively active environment. They cause nucleation fronts and nucleation events and thereby initiate the dust formation process which continues until all condensible material is consumed. Small disturbances are found to have a large impact on the dust forming system. An initially dust-hostile region, which may originally be optically thin, becomes optically thick in a patchy way showing considerable variations in the dust properties during the formation process. The dust appears in lanes and curls as a result of the interaction with waves, i.e. turbulence, which form larger and larger structures with time. Aiming on a physical understanding of the variability of brown dwarfs, related to structure formation in substellar atmospheres, we work out first necessary criteria for small-scale closure models to be applied in macroscopic simulations of dust forming astrophysical systems.Comment: A&A accepted, 20 page
