859 research outputs found

    Large-scale dynamos at low magnetic Prandtl numbers

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    Using direct simulations of hydromagnetic turbulence driven by random polarized waves it is shown that dynamo action is possible over a wide range of magnetic Prandtl numbers from 10^-3 to 1. Triply periodic boundary conditions are being used. In the final saturated state the resulting magnetic field has a large-scale component of Beltrami type. For the kinematic phase, growth rates have been determined for magnetic Prandtl numbers between 0.01 and 1, but only the case with the smallest magnetic Prandtl number shows large-scale magnetic fields. It is less organized than in the nonlinear stage. For small magnetic Prandtl numbers the growth rates are comparable to those calculated from an alpha squared mean-field dynamo. In the linear regime the magnetic helicity spectrum has a short inertial range compatible with a -5/3 power law, while in the nonlinear regime it is the current helicity whose spectrum may be compatible with such a law. In the saturated case, the spectral magnetic energy in the inertial range is in slight excess over the spectral kinetic energy, although for small magnetic Prandtl numbers the magnetic energy spectrum reaches its resistive cut off wavenumber more quickly. The viscous energy dissipation declines with the square root of the magnetic Prandtl number, which implies that most of the energy is dissipated via Joule heat.Comment: 8 pages, 12 figures, Astrophys. J. (in press

    Study on the large scale dynamo transition

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    Using the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) description, we develop a nonlinear dynamo model that couples the evolution of the large scale magnetic field with turbulent dynamics of the plasma at small scale by electromotive force (e.m.f.) in the induction equation at large scale. The nonlinear behavior of the plasma at small scale is described by using a MHD shell model for velocity field and magnetic field fluctuations.The shell model allow to study this problem in a large parameter regime which characterizes the dynamo phenomenon in many natural systems and which is beyond the power of supercomputers at today. Under specific conditions of the plasma turbulent state, the field fluctuations at small scales are able to trigger the dynamo instability. We study this transition considering the stability curve which shows a strong decrease in the critical magnetic Reynolds number for increasing inverse magnetic Prandlt number Pm1\textrm{Pm}^{-1} in the range [106,1][10^{-6},1] and slows an increase in the range [1,108][1,10^{8}]. We also obtain hysteretic behavior across the dynamo boundary reveling the subcritical nature of this transition. The system, undergoing this transition, can reach different dynamo regimes, depending on Reynolds numbers of the plasma flow. This shows the critical role that the turbulence plays in the dynamo phenomenon. In particular the model is able to reproduce the dynamical situation in which the large-scale magnetic field jumps between two states which represent the opposite polarities of the magnetic field, reproducing the magnetic reversals as observed in geomagnetic dynamo and in the VKS experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    On geometric properties of passive random advection

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    We study geometric properties of a random Gaussian short-time correlated velocity field by considering statistics of a passively advected metric tensor. That describes universal properties of fluctuations of tensor objects frozen into the fluid and passively advected by it. The problem of one-point statistics of co- and contravariant tensors is solved exactly, provided the advected fields do not reach dissipative scales, which would break the symmetry of the problem. Asymptotic in time duality of the problem is established, which in the three-dimensional case relates the probabilities of the volume deformations into "tubes" and into "sheets".Comment: latex, 8 page

    A solvable model of Vlasov-kinetic plasma turbulence in Fourier-Hermite phase space

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    A class of simple kinetic systems is considered, described by the 1D Vlasov-Landau equation with Poisson or Boltzmann electrostatic response and an energy source. Assuming a stochastic electric field, a solvable model is constructed for the phase-space turbulence of the particle distribution. The model is a kinetic analog of the Kraichnan-Batchelor model of chaotic advection. The solution of the model is found in Fourier-Hermite space and shows that the free-energy flux from low to high Hermite moments is suppressed, with phase mixing cancelled on average by anti-phase-mixing (stochastic plasma echo). This implies that Landau damping is an ineffective route to dissipation (i.e., to thermalisation of electric energy via velocity space). The full Fourier-Hermite spectrum is derived. Its asymptotics are m3/2m^{-3/2} at low wave numbers and high Hermite moments (mm) and m1/2k2m^{-1/2}k^{-2} at low Hermite moments and high wave numbers (kk). These conclusions hold at wave numbers below a certain cut off (analog of Kolmogorov scale), which increases with the amplitude of the stochastic electric field and scales as inverse square of the collision rate. The energy distribution and flows in phase space are a simple and, therefore, useful example of competition between phase mixing and nonlinear dynamics in kinetic turbulence, reminiscent of more realistic but more complicated multi-dimensional systems that have not so far been amenable to complete analytical solution.Comment: 35 pages, minor edits, final version accepted by JP

    A Spherical Plasma Dynamo Experiment

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    We propose a plasma experiment to be used to investigate fundamental properties of astrophysical dynamos. The highly conducting, fast-flowing plasma will allow experimenters to explore systems with magnetic Reynolds numbers an order of magnitude larger than those accessible with liquid-metal experiments. The plasma is confined using a ring-cusp strategy and subject to a toroidal differentially rotating outer boundary condition. As proof of principle, we present magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the proposed experiment. When a von K\'arm\'an-type boundary condition is specified, and the magnetic Reynolds number is large enough, dynamo action is observed. At different values of the magnetic Prandtl and Reynolds numbers the simulations demonstrate either laminar or turbulent dynamo action

    The origin and evolution of cluster magnetism

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    Random motions can occur in the intergalactic gas of galaxy clusters at all stages of their evolution. Depending on the poorly known value of the Reynolds number, these motions can or cannot become turbulent, but in any case they can generate random magnetic fields via dynamo action. We argue that magnetic fields inferred observationally for the intracluster medium require dynamo action, and then estimate parameters of random flows and magnetic fields at various stages of the cluster evolution. Polarization in cluster radio halos predicted by the model would be detectable with the SKA.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, to be published by Astronomische Nachrichten (proceedings of "The Origin and Evolution of Cosmic Magnetism", 29 August - 2 September 2005, Bologna, Italy); version updated to match the accepted tex

    MHD simulations of the magnetorotational instability in a shearing box with zero net flux: the case Pm=4

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    This letter investigates the transport properties of MHD turbulence induced by the magnetorotational instability at large Reynolds numbers Re when the magnetic Prandtl number Pm is larger than unity. Three MHD simulations of the magnetorotational instability (MRI) in the unstratified shearing box with zero net flux are presented. These simulations are performed with the code Zeus and consider the evolution of the rate of angular momentum transport as Re is gradually increased from 3125 to 12500 while simultaneously keeping Pm=4. To ensure that the small scale features of the flow are well resolved, the resolution varies from 128 cells per disk scaleheight to 512 cells per scaleheight. The latter constitutes the highest resolution of an MRI turbulence simulation to date. The rate of angular momentum transport, measured using the alpha parameter, depends only very weakly on the Reynolds number: alpha is found to be about 0.007 with variations around this mean value bounded by 15% in all simulations. There is no systematic evolution with Re. For the best resolved model, the kinetic energy power spectrum tentatively displays a power-law range with an exponent -3/2, while the magnetic energy is found to shift to smaller and smaller scales as the magnetic Reynolds number increases. A couple of different diagnostics both suggest a well-defined injection length of a fraction of a scaleheight. The results presented in this letter are consistent with the MRI being able to transport angular momentum efficiently at large Reynolds numbers when Pm=4 in unstratified zero net flux shearing boxes.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Fast growth of magnetic fields in galaxy clusters: a self-accelerating dynamo

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    We propose a model of magnetic-field growth in galaxy clusters whereby the field is amplified by a factor of about 10^8 over a cosmologically short time of ~10^8 yr. Our model is based on the idea that the viscosity of the intracluster medium during the field-amplification epoch is determined not by particle collisions but by plasma microinstabilities: these give rise to small-scale fluctuations, which scatter particles, increasing their effective collision rate and, therefore, the effective Reynolds number. This gives rise to a bootstrap effect as the growth of the field triggers the instabilities which increase the Reynolds number which, in turn, accelerates the growth of the field. The growth is explosive and the result is that the observed field strength is reached over a fraction of the cluster lifetime independent of the exact strength of the seed field (which only needs to be above ~10^{-15} G to trigger the explosive growth).Comment: latex (AN style), 5 pages, 2 figure