21 research outputs found

    Evaluation at the Federal University of Applied Adminstrative Sciences

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    Dulisch, Linssen und Reiter (2001) legten ein umfassendes Evaluationskonzept für die FH Bund vor. In den zehn Fachbereichen und im Zentralbereich der FH Bund erfolgt/e eine Diskussion, Modifikation und konkrete Anpassung an die Belange vor Ort. Dieser Prozess wurde in einer Evaluationtagung an der FH Bund im Juni 2003 gebündelt. Die Tagung zeigte, dass alle Fachbereiche und der Zentralbereich Fortschritte machen, wenn auch in unterschiedlichem Tempo. Dieser Band dokumentiert den Status Quo der Evaluation in den Fachbereichen und dem Zentralbereich und folgt damit § 6 Hochschulrahmengesetz (HRG), wonach die Arbeit der Hochschulen bewertet und das Ergebnis der Bewertung veröffentlicht werden soll. Inhaltsübersicht: - Evaluation an Fachhochschulen - Überblick - Empfehlungen des Benchmarking Clubs - Evaluationstagung der FH Bund 2003 - Zentralbereich - Allgemeine und Innere Verwaltung - Arbeitsverwaltung - Auswärtige Angelegenheiten - Bundesgrenzschutz - Bundeswehrverwaltung - Finanzen - Landwirtschaftliche Sozialversicherung - Öffentliche Sicherheit - Gesamtkonzept - Öffentliche Sicherheit - Abteilung Kriminalpolizei - Sozialversicherung - Wetterdiens

    Forty years of carabid beetle research in Europe - from taxonomy, biology, ecology and population studies to bioindication, habitat assessment and conservation

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    Volume: 100Start Page: 55End Page: 14

    Detection of spinal long fiber tract degeneration in HSP: Improved diffusion tensor imaging

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    Spinal diffusion tensor imaging (sDTI) is still a challenging technique for selectively evaluating anatomical areas like the pyramidal tracts (PT), dorsal columns (DC), and anterior horns (AH) in clinical routine and for reliably quantifying white matter anisotropy and diffusivity. In neurodegenerative diseases, the value of sDTI is promising but not yet well understood. The objective of this prospective, single-center study was to evaluate the long fiber tract degeneration within the spinal cord in normal aging (n = 125) and to prove its applicability in pathologic conditions as in patients with molecular genetically confirmed hereditary spastic paraplegias (HSP; n = 40), a prototypical disease of the first motor neuron and in some genetic variants with affection of the dorsal columns. An optimized monopolar Stejskal-Tanner sequence for high-resolution, axial sDTI of the cervical spinal cord at 3.0 T with advanced standardized evaluation methods was developed for a robust DTI value estimation of PT, DC, and AH in both groups. After sDTI measurement at C2, an automatic motion correction and an advanced semi-automatic ROI-based, standardized evaluation of white matter anisotropy and diffusivity was performed to obtain regional diffusivity measures for PT, DC, and AH. Reliable and stable sDTI values were acquired in a healthy population without significant decline between age 20 and 65. Reference values for PT, DC, and AH for fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), and radial diffusivity (RD) were established. In HSP patients, the decline of the long spinal fiber tracts could be demonstrated by diffusivity abnormalities in the pyramidal tracts with significantly reduced PT(FA) (p < 0.001), elevated PT(RD) (p = 0.002) and reduced PT(MD) (p = 0.003) compared to healthy controls. Furthermore, FA was significantly reduced in DC(FA) (p < 0.001) with no differences in AH. In a genetically homogeneous subgroup of SPG4 patients (n = 12) with affection of the dorsal columns, DC(RD) significantly correlated with the overall disease severity as measured by the Spastic Paraplegia Rating Scale (SPRS) (r = − 0.713, p = 0.009). With the most extensive sDTI study in vivo to date, we showed that axial sDTI combined with motion correction and advanced data post-processing strategies enables robust measurements and is ready to use, allowing recognition and quantification of disease- and age-related changes of the PT, DC, and AH. These results may also encourage the usage of sDTI in other neurodegenerative diseases with spinal cord involvement to explore its capability as selective biomarkers