411 research outputs found


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    Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) becomes a serious problem across the world nowadays due to it could cause death for the community and health workers, hence it becomes a priority of the service to both global health and nation. Knowledge of the student against the pandemic of Covid-19 are significant to reduce the Covid-19 transmission.  This research is aimed to describe the knowledge on Covid-19 prevention to the Student of Citra Bangsa Kupang University. This research used a quantitative research design with a descriptive survey approach. The sample collected consists of 144 respondents of the student at the Citra Bangsa University of Kupang by using a cluster sampling technique. The technique of analyzing data used was a univariate analysis technique with the frequency of distribution variable. The instrument used as a tool of analysis data was a questionnaire shared through a google form. The results of the analysis showed that of the knowledge student against Covid-19 prevention are; total of 97 respondents (67.4%) of student have good knowledge of Covid-19 preventions. The student of the Citra Bangsa University of Kupang is expected to health protocol and continue enhancing knowledge to face the pandemic of Covid-19, to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission.   Keywords: Knowledge,  Covid-19.Corona Virus Dissease (COVID 19) menjadi masalah serius bagi dunia saat ini dan dapat menyebabkan kematian bagi masyarakat maupun tenaga kesehatan, sehingga COVID-19 sampai saat ini masih menjadi prioritas pelayanan bagi dunia kesehatan dan negara. Pengetahuan mahasiswa dalam menghadapi pandemi COVID-19 sangatlah penting untuk dapat mengurangi resiko penularan COVID-19. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengetahuan mahasiswa Universitas Citra Bangsa Kupang tentang pencegahan COVID-19. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif survei. Jumlah sampel yang diambil dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 144 responden mahasiswa di Universitas Citra Bangsa Kupang dengan menggunakan teknik cluster sampling. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah Teknik analisis univariat dengan menyajikan distribusi frekuensi variable. Instrumen yang digunakan sebagai alat analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah kuesioner yang disebarkan melalui google form. Hasil analisis menunjukkan tingkat pengetahuan mahasiswa tentang pencegahan COVID-19 sebagian besar berada pada kategori baik dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 97 (67,4%). Mahasiswa Universitas Citra Bangsa Kupang diharapkan untuk menaati protokol kesehatan dan tetap meningkatkan pengetahuan dalam menghadapi pandemi COVID-19 sehingga mahasiswa dapat mengurangi resiko penularan COVID-19.   Kata Kunci: Pengetahuan, COVID-19

    Infant growth and body composition from birth to 24 months: Are infants developing the same?

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    Background: Given the importance of infancy for establishing growth trajectories, with later-life health consequences, we investigated longitudinal body composition among infants from six economically and ethnically diverse countries.Methods: We recruited mother-infant dyads using the WHO Multicenter Growth Reference Study criteria. We measured fat-free mass (FFM) in 1393 (49% female) infants from birth to 6 months of age (Australia, India, and South Africa; n = 468), 3-24 months of age (Brazil, Pakistan, South Africa, and Sri Lanka; n = 925), and derived fat mass (FM), fat mass index (FMI), and fat-free mass index (FFMI). Height-for-age (HAZ), weight-for-age (WAZ), and weight-for-length (WHZ) Z-scores were computed. Sex differences were assessed using a t-test, and country differences using a one-way analysis of covariance. We further compared subsamples of children with average (-0.25 \u3e HAZ \u3c +0.25), below-average (≤-0.25) and above-average (≥+0.25) HAZ.Results: HAZ performed well between 0 and 6 months, but less so between 3 and 24 months. The stunting prevalence peaked at 10.3% for boys and 7.8% for girls, at 24 months. By 24 months, girls had greater FMI (10%) than boys. There were significant differences in FFM (both sexes in all countries) and FM (Brazilian boys, Pakistani and South African girls) by 24 months of age between infants with average, above-average, and below-average HAZ.Conclusion: In a multi-country sample representing more ideal maternal conditions, body composition was heterogeneous even among infants who exhibited ideal length. Having a mean HAZ close to the median of the WHO standard for length reduced FFM between-country heterogeneity but not FM, suggesting that other factors may influence adiposity

    Justice and conservation: The need to incorporate recognition

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    In light of the Aichi target to manage protected areas equitably by 2020, we ask how the conservation sector should define justice. We focus in particular on ‘recognition’, because it is the least well understood aspect of environmental justice, and yet highly relevant to conservation because of its concern with respect for local knowledge and cultures. In order to explore the meaning of recognition in the conservation context, we take four main steps. First, we identify four components of recognition to serve as our analytical framework: subjects of justice, the harms that constitute injustice, the mechanisms that produce injustices, and the responses to alleviate these. Secondly, we apply this framework to explore four traditions of thinking about recognition: Hegelian inter-subjectivity, critical theory, southern decolonial theory, and the capabilities approach. Thirdly, we provide three case studies of conservation conflicts highlighting how different theoretical perspectives are illustrated in the claims and practices of real world conservation struggles. Fourthly, we finish the paper by drawing out some key differences between traditions of thinking, but also important areas of convergence. The convergences provide a basis for concluding that conservation should look beyond a distributive model of justice to incorporate concerns for social recognition, including careful attention to ways to pursue equality of status for local conservation stakeholders. This will require reflection on working practices and looking at forms of intercultural engagement that, for example, respect alternative ways of relating to nature and biodiversity

    Tabagismo em gestantes de área urbana da região Sul do Brasil: 1982 e 1993

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar as mudanças na prevalência de tabagismo durante a gravidez na cidade de Pelotas, RS, Brasil, com base nos estudos da população materno-infantil realizados nos anos de 1982 e 1993. METODOLOGIA: Estudo transversal, tendo sido identificados 6.011 e 5.304 recém-nascidos, cujas famílias residiam na área urbana da cidade de Pelotas, respectivamente em 1982 e 1993. RESULTADOS: O tabagismo materno durante a gestação apresentou uma discreta redução de 35,7%, em 1982, para 33,5% em 1993 (p < 0,05). O hábito de fumar esteve inversamente relacionado com a renda e o número de consultas no pré-natal.OBJECTIVE: A comparison between on the prevalence of smoking during pregnancy in 1982 and that in 1993 in Pelotas, Southern Brazil. METHODOLOGY: Cross-sectional study. All hospital deliveries in 1982 and 1993 - corresponding to over 99% of all births in those years - were studied. A total of 6,011 and 5,304 mothers were interviewed, respectively. RESULTS: The prevalence of smoking during pregnancy showed a small decrease from 35.7% in 1982 to 33.5% in 1993 (p < 0.05). In the two years under study, family income and number of antenatal care visits were inversely associated with the prevalence of maternal smoking. The rate of stopping smoking during pregnancy was 20.6%

    Violência na infância: desafio para a equipe de enfermagem/ Violence in childhood: challenge for the nursing team

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    Introdução: a criança é um indivíduo em contínuo desenvolvimento, ativo, cercado de curiosidade e criatividade. Porém, ao mesmo tempo é indefeso e delicado, necessitando de amparo e atenção dos seus familiares, da sociedade e do governo. Em muitas situações a criança que sofre algum tipo de violência necessita de atendimento hospitalar, onde neste ambiente o enfermeiro irá conduzir a situação, necessitando estar preparado para melhor condução do caso; sendo preciso equilíbrio para lidar com a criança e sua família. Este estudo, realizado através de buscas avançadas na literatura, evidenciará, portanto, as restrições e facilidades da prática dos profissionais da enfermagem que atuam no hospital de emergência e se deparam diariamente com crianças violentadas. Objetivo: como objetivo têm-se a reflexão sobre o desafio da equipe de enfermagem diante da violência na infância e especificação a partir do levantamento literário das características que compõem o cuidado de enfermagem a essas crianças indefesas. Metodologia: trata-se de um estudo de revisão de literatura e reflexão sobre a temática abordada que oferece, através do estudo de pesquisas anteriores, conhecimentos e aplicabilidade de resultados significativos na prática do cuidado em saúde. Resultados: identificaram-se 505 publicações relacionadas com os descritores utilizados nesta pesquisa nos últimos cinco anos, dentre elas, após as etapas subsequentes de leitura do título 134 foram selecionados para leitura dos resumos e posteriormente a leitura na íntegra. No entanto, 116 deles não continham alguns dos critérios de inclusão. Dos artigos restantes (18), alguns se repetiam nas diferentes bases de dados (seis), sendo, portanto, excluídos deste trabalho. A amostra final foi composta de 11 artigos científicos originais. Considerações finais: destaca-se como desafiador no cotidiano de trabalho do enfermeiro o atendimento às crianças vítima de violência. A pesquisa confirma o pressuposto de que os enfermeiros apresentam dificuldades ao se depararem com crianças vitimizadas e se vêem em meio a conflitos relacionados a normas culturais, éticas e legais, o que requer conhecimento da legislação para uma assistência efetiva às necessidades das vítimas e das suas famílias.

    TEAD-YAP interaction inhibitors and MDM2 binders from DNA-encoded indole-focused Ugi-peptidomimetics

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    DNA-encoded combinatorial synthesis provides efficient and dense coverage of chemical space around privileged molecular structures. The indole side chain of tryptophan plays a prominent role in key, or “hot spot”, regions of protein–protein interactions. A DNA-encoded combinatorial peptoid library was designed based on the Ugi four-component reaction by employing tryptophan-mimetic indole side chains to probe the surface of target proteins. Several peptoids were synthesized on a chemically stable hexathymidine adapter oligonucleotide “hexT”, encoded by DNA sequences, and substituted by azide-alkyne cycloaddition to yield a library of 8112 molecules. Selection experiments for the tumor-relevant proteins MDM2 and TEAD4 yielded MDM2 binders and a novel class of TEAD-YAP interaction inhibitors that perturbed the expression of a gene under the control of these Hippo pathway effectors

    TEAD-YAP Interaction Inhibitors and MDM2 Binders from DNA-Encoded Indole-Focused Ugi Peptidomimetics

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    DNA-encoded combinatorial synthesis provides efficient and dense coverage of chemical space around privileged molecular structures. The indole side chain of tryptophan plays a prominent role in key, or “hot spot”, regions of protein–protein interactions. A DNA-encoded combinatorial peptoid library was designed based on the Ugi four-component reaction by employing tryptophan-mimetic indole side chains to probe the surface of target proteins. Several peptoids were synthesized on a chemically stable hexathymidine adapter oligonucleotide “hexT”, encoded by DNA sequences, and substituted by azide-alkyne cycloaddition to yield a library of 8112 molecules. Selection experiments for the tumor-relevant proteins MDM2 and TEAD4 yielded MDM2 binders and a novel class of TEAD-YAP interaction inhibitors that perturbed the expression of a gene under the control of these Hippo pathway effectors


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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo estabelecer uma relação entre a situação da nascente da Muritiba, localizada na cidade de Lençóis, Bahia e as intervenções humanas por ela sofrida ao longo dos anos. A pesquisa buscou demonstrar como as intervenções se estabeleceram e foram determinantes para a ocorrência das alterações ecológicas. Após uma visita de campo e observações do local, foram levantadas diversas hipóteses, sob olhares de profissionais de diversas áreas, sobre as possíveis causas da nascente, antes permanente, ter se tornado temporária. Historicamente, a facilidade de acesso e a qualidade da água, fez com que a população buscasse a nascente, principalmente nos períodos de seca. Entretanto, a captação de águas subterrâneas no entorno da nascente, inviabilizou a disponibilidade de água, gerando questões socioambientais relevantes. Dessa forma, o estudo apontou a necessidade de atividades do Poder Público local e de Educação Ambiental com vista a proteção ambiental da área

    Ecosystem services mapping and assessment for policy- and decision-making: Lessons learned from a comparative analysis of European case studies

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    This paper analyses and compares a set of case studies on ecosystem services (ES) mapping and assessment with the purpose of formulating lessons learned and recommendations. Fourteen case studies were selected during the EU Horizon 2020 “Coordination and Support Action” ESMERALDA to represent different policy- and decision-making processes throughout the European Union, across a wide range of themes, biomes and scales. The analysis is based on a framework that addresses the key steps of an ES mapping and assessment process, namely policy questions, stakeholder identification and involvement, application of mapping and assessment methods, dissemination and communication and implementation. The analysis revealed that most case studies were policy-orientated or gave explicit suggestions for policy implementation in different contexts, including urban, rural and natural areas. Amongst the findings, the importance of starting stakeholder engagement early in the process was confirmed in order to generate interest and confidence in the project and to increase their willingness to cooperate. Concerning mapping and assessment methods, it was found that the integration of methods and results is essential for providing a comprehensive overview from different perspectives (e.g. social, economic). Finally, lessons learned for effective implementation of ES mapping and assessment results are presented and discussed