7 research outputs found

    Data for "Variscan magmatic evolution of the Strandja Zone (Southeast Bulgaria and Northwest Turkey) and its relationship to other North Gondwanan margin terranes"

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    Supplementary Tables:Supplementary Table 1. Analytical Procedure of electron microprobe analyses and representative analyses of plagioclase, alkali feldspar, biotite, muscovite, apatite and titanite from the granites sample SAK-13, SAK-24, SAK-27 from the Sakar Batholith and granodiorite sample SAK-33 from Levka Pluton.Supplementary Table 2. Whole-rock major and trace-element compositions from the Late Carboniferous to Triassic plutons in the Strandja Zone. Supplementary Table 3. LA-ICP-MS U–Th-Pb zircon data from Sakar Batholith for: (a) granite sample SAK-13 from south-east of Hlyabovo; (b) granite sample SAK-24 from south-east of Cherepovo; (c) granite sample SAK-27 from north-west of Ovcharovo; and Levka Pluton for (d) granodiorite sample SAK-33 from Levka.Supplementary Table 4. Summary of U-Pb and Pb-Pb zircon ages from Late Carboniferous to Triassic magmatic rocks in the Strandja Zone.Supplementary Table 5. Summary of U-Pb concordant data from Late Carboniferous intrusive and extrusive rocks in the Sakar Unit.THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

    Tobacco smoking among first year students of Rzeszow universities

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    Wstęp. Uzależnienie od wyrobów tytoniowych jest poważnym problemem w skali globalnej. Jest również głównym czynnikiem ryzyka w zakresie chorób układu krążenia, nowotworów czy chorób układu oddechowego. Z badań przeprowadzonych przez WHO wynika, że na świecie z powodu chorób odtytoniowych umiera 6 mln osób, zaś w 2030 liczba ta przekroczy 8 mln. W Polsce pali papierosy 31% obywateli. Niepokoi fakt, iż po produkty tytoniowe coraz częściej sięga nie tylko młodzież szkół średnich, ale również młodzież gimnazjalna oraz ze szkół podstawowych. Zasadne wydaje się zatem poznanie zachowań ryzykownych wśród młodzieży akademickiej w zakresie używania produktów tytoniowych. Cel pracy. Celem pracy była ocena rozpowszechnienia palenia tytoniu wśród studentów pierwszego roku uczelni rzeszowskich. Materiał i metoda. Badaniami objęto ogółem 924 studentów pierwszego roku Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego oraz Politechniki Rzeszowskiej, studiujących na kierunkach: medycznym, humanistycznym i ścisłym. Badania przeprowadzono metodą sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem techniki ankiety. W opracowaniu statystycznym wykorzystano test niezależności chi-kwadrat. Wyniki. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, iż ponad połowa badanej młodzieży akademickiej (67,4%) nie paliła papierosów (kierunek medyczny 71,6%, kierunek ścisły 67,7%, kierunek humanistyczny 66,0%). Okazjonalne palenie deklarowało 14,9% ankietowanych, codzienne 11,9%, kilka razy w tygodniu 3,6% respondentów. Ankietowani studenci za najczęstszą przyczynę palenia produktów tytoniowych podawali spotkania towarzyskie (15,4%) oraz uczucie przyjemności (8,0%). Większość respondentów (84,1%) uważała, iż palenie tytoniu powoduje choroby, zaś palenie w obecności innych osób jest bardzo szkodliwe (79,8%). Badani studenci (78,5%) uznali, iż zakaz palenia w miejscach publicznych jest słuszny. Wnioski. Niniejsza praca ukazała, iż palenie produktów tytoniowych staje się coraz mniej atrakcyjne w kręgach studenckich. Ankietowana młodzież pali papierosy najczęściej podczas spotkań towarzyskich, pomimo twierdzenia, że palenie w obecności innych osób jest bardzo szkodliwe.Introduction. Addiction to tobacco products is a serious global problem. It is also a main risk factor of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, or respiratory diseases. Studies conducted by the WHO show that 6 million people worldwide die due to tobacco-related diseases, and in 2030 this number will exceed 8 million. In Poland, 31% of citizens are smokers. It is an alarming fact that increasingly more frequently not only secondary school adolescents, but also those attending junior high and primary schools, reach for cigarettes. Therefore, it seems justifiable to recognize risky behaviours in the area of the use of tobacco products among university students. Aim of research. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of smoking among first year students of Rzeszow universities. Material and methods. The study covered a total of 942 first year students from the University of Rzeszów and Rzeszów University of Technology, studying the following disciplines: medical, humanities and exact sciences. The study was performed by the method of a diagnostic survey using a questionnaire technique. Statistical analysis was performed by chi-square test for independence. Findings. The results of the study showed that more than a half of the students examined (67.4%) did not smoke cigarettes (71.6% students of medical disciplines, 67.7% from exact sciences and 66.0% students of humanistic disciplines). Occasional smoking was declared by 14.9% of respondents: 11.9% – daily, several times a week – 3.6%. The students in the survey indicated as the most common cause of smoking tobacco products: socializing (15.4%), and the feeling of pleasure (8.0%). The majority of respondents (84.1%) believed that smoking causes diseases and, in the presence of others, is very harmful (79.8%). The students (78.5%) agreed that prohibition of smoking in public places is right. Conclusions. The study showed that smoking tobacco products is becoming increasingly less attractive among students. The young people in the survey most often smoke cigarettes during social gatherings, despite their declarations that smoking in the presence of others is very harmful

    Sensitivity analysis of the two dimensional application of the Generic Ecological Model (GEM) to algal bloom prediction in the North Sea

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    Harmful algae can cause damage to co-existing organisms, tourism and farmers. Accurate predictions of algal future composition and abundance as well as when and where algal blooms may occur could help early warning and mitigating. The Generic Ecological Model is an instrument that can be applied to any water system (fresh, transitional or coastal) to calculate the primary production, chlorophyll-a concentration and phytoplankton species composition. It consists of physical, chemical and ecological model components which are coupled together to build one generic and flexible modelling tool. In this paper the model has been analyzed to assess sensitivity of the simulated chlorophyll-a concentration to a subset of ecologically significant input factors. Only a small number of approaches could be considered as suitable for several reasons including the model complexity, engagement of numerous interacting parameters and relatively long time of a single simulation. Thus, sensitivity analysis has been carried out with the use of the Morris method and later enriched by the computation of the correlation ratios of the selected parameters on the model response at more than a few locations in the modelled area. The obtained results are in agreement with expert knowledge of the ecological processes in the North Sea and correspond well with local characteristics

    The nature of Earth’s first crust

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    International audienceRecycling of crust into the mantle has left only small remnants at Earth’s surface of crust produced within a billion years of Earth formation. Few, if any, of these ancient crustal rocks represent the first crust that existed on Earth. Understanding the nature of the source materials of these ancient rocks and the mechanism of their formation has been the target of decades of geological and geochemical study. This traditional approach has been expanded recently through the ability to simultaneously obtain U-Pb age and initial Hf isotope data for zircons from many of these ancient, generally polymetamorphic, rocks. The addition of information from the short-lived radiometric systems 146Sm-142Nd and 182Hf-182W allows resolution of some of the ambiguities that have clouded the conclusions derived from the long-lived systems. The most apparent of these is clear documentation that Earth experienced major chemical differentiation events within the first tens to hundreds of millions of years of its formation, and that Earth’s most ancient crustal rocks were derived from these differentiated sources, not from primitive undifferentiated mantle. Eoarchean rocks from the North Atlantic Craton and the Anshan Complex of the North China Craton have sources in an incompatible-element-depleted mantle that dates to 4.4-4.5 Ga. Hadean/Eoarchean rocks from two localities in Canada show the importance of remelting of Hadean mafic crust to produce Eoarchean felsic crust. The mafic supracrustal rocks of the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt are a possible example of the Hadean mafic basement that is often called upon to serve as the source for the high-silica rocks that define continental crust. Many, but not all, ancient terranes show a shift in the nature of the sources for crustal rocks, and possibly the physical mechanism of crust production, between 3.0-3.6 Ga. This transition may reflect the initiation of modern plate tectonics. Eoarchean/Hadean rocks from some terranes, however, also display compositional characteristics expected for convergent margin volcanism suggesting that at least some convergent margin related magmatism began in the Hadean. The persistence of isotopic variability in 142Nd/144Nd into the mid-Archean, and the eventual reduction in that variability by the end of the Archean, provides new information on the efficiency by which mantle convection recombined the products of Hadean silicate-Earth differentiation. The rate of crust production and recycling in the Hadean/Archean, however, is not resolved by these data beyond the observation that extreme isotopic compositions, such as expected for Hadean evolved, continent-like, crust are not observed in the preserved Eoarchean rock record. The lack of correlation between 142Nd/144Nd and 182W/184W variation in Archean rocks suggests that these two systems track different processes; the Sm-Nd system mantle-crust differentiation while Hf-W is dominated by core formation. The major silicate differentiation controlling Sm/Nd fractionation occurred at ∼4.4 Ga, possibly as a result of the Moon-forming impact, after the extinction of 182Hf

    The nature of Earth’s first crust

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