1,907 research outputs found

    Event anisotropy in 4.2A GeV/c C+C collisions

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    The directed and elliptic flow of protons and negative pions in 4.2A GeV/c C+C collisions is studied using the Fourier analysis of azimuthal distributions. It is found that the protons exhibit pronounced directed flow, while the flow of pions is either non existent or too weak to be detected experimentally. Also, it is found that in the entire rapidity interval the elliptic flow is very small if not zero. These results are confirmed by the Quark-Gluon-String Model (QGSM) and the relativistic transport model (ART 1.0), except that these models predict very weak antiflow of pions. The more detailed comparison with the QGSM suggests that the decay of resonances and rescattering of secondaries dominantly determine the proton and negative pion flow at this energy.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, TeX file changed from double to single-spacin

    Correlator Analysis of Multiparticle Events

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    A procedure for the evaluation of correlators of any order in a reasonable computer time is presented. Connection between correlators and fluctuations of the event mean values of observables is discussed. Extension of the procedure to event-by-event approach is suggested. The usefulness of the method is demonstrated using the events simulated within various models of multipaticle production.Comment: LaTeX, 15 pages including 4 table

    Transition to meson-dominated matter at RHIC. Consequences for kaon flow

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    Anisotropic flow of kaons and antikaons is studied in heavy-ion collisions at CERN SPS and BNL RHIC energies within the microscopic quark-gluon string model. In the midrapidity range the directed flow of kaons v_1 differs considerably from that of antikaons at SPS energy (E_{lab} = 160 AGeV), while at RHIC energy (\sqrt{s} = 130 AGeV) the excitation functions of both, kaon and antikaon, flows coincide within the statistical error bars. The change is attributed to formation of dense meson-dominated matter at RHIC, where the differences in interaction cross-sections of kaons and antikaons become unimportant. The time evolution of the kaon anisotropic flow is also investigated. The elliptic flow of these hadrons is found to develop at midrapidity at times 3 < t < 10 fm/c, which is much larger than the nuclear passing time t^{pass} = 0.12 fm/c. As a function of transverse momentum the elliptic flow increases almost linearly with rising p_t. It stops to rise at p_t > 1.5 GeV/c reaching the saturation value v2K(pt)10v_2^K (p_t) \approx 10%.Comment: REVTEX, 14 pages, 4 figure

    Light-Front Analysis of pi^{-} Mesons Produced in Mg - Mg Collisions at 4.3 a Gev/c

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    Light-front analysis of pi^{-} mesons in Mg-Mg collisions is carried out. The phase space of secondary pions is naturally divided into two parts in one of which the thermal equilibration assumption seems to be in a good agreement with data. Corresponding temperatures are extracted and compared to the results of other experiments. The experimental results have been compared with the predictions of the Quark Gluon String Model (QGSM) and satisfactory agreement between the experimental data and the model has been found.Comment: 14 pages with 7 postscript figures. accepted for publication in Nucl. Phys.

    Elliptic flow at collider energies and cascade string models: The role of hard processes and multi-Pomeron exchanges

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    Centrality, rapidity, and transverse momentum dependence of hadron elliptic flow is studied in Au+Au collisions at BNL RHIC energies within the microscopic quark-gluon string model. The QGSM predictions coincide well with the experimental data at s=130\sqrt{s}=130 AGeV. Further investigations reveal that multi-Pomeron exchanges and hard gluon-gluon scattering in primary collisions, accompanied by the rescattering of hadrons in spatially anisotropic system, are the key processes needed for an adequate description of the data. These processes become essentially important for heavy-ion collisions at full RHIC energy s=200\sqrt{s}=200 AGeV.Comment: LATEX, 12 pages incl. 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Lett.

    How many of the scaling trends in pppp collisions will be violated at sqrt{s_NN} = 14 TeV ? - Predictions from Monte Carlo quark-gluon string model

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    Multiplicity, rapidity and transverse momentum distributions of hadrons produced both in inelastic and nondiffractive pppp collisions at energies from s=200\sqrt{s} = 200\,GeV to 14\,TeV are studied within the Monte Carlo quark-gluon string model (QGSM). Good agreement with the available experimental data up to s=13\sqrt{s} = 13\,TeV is obtained, and predictions are made for the collisions at top LHC energy s=14\sqrt{s} = 14\,TeV. The model indicates that Feynman scaling and extended longitudinal scaling remain valid in the fragmentation regions, whereas strong violation of Feynman scaling is observed at midrapidity. The Koba-Nielsen-Olesen (KNO) scaling in multiplicity distributions is violated at LHC also. The origin of both maintenance and violation of the scaling trends is traced to short range correlations of particles in the strings and interplay between the multistring processes at ultrarelativistic energies

    Microscopic description of anisotropic flow in relativistic heavy ion collisions

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    Anisotropic flow of hadrons is studied in heavy ion collisions at SPS and RHIC energies within the microscopic quark-gluon string model. The model was found to reproduce correctly many of the flow features, e.g., the wiggle structure of direct flow of nucleons at midrapidity, or centrality, rapidity, and transverse momentum dependences of elliptic flow. Further predictions are made. The differences in the development of the anisotropic flow components are linked to the freeze-out conditions, which are quite different for baryons and mesons.Comment: Proceedings of the Erice School on Nuclear Physics (Erice, Italy, September 16-24, 2003

    Microscopic study of freeze-out in relativistic heavy ion collisions at SPS energies

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    The freeze-out conditions in the light (S+S) and heavy (Pb+Pb) colliding systems of heavy nuclei at 160 AGeV/cc are analyzed within the microscopic Quark Gluon String Model (QGSM). We found that even for the most heavy systems particle emission takes place from the whole space-time domain available for the system evolution, but not from the thin ''freeze-out hypersurface", adopted in fluid dynamical models. Pions are continuously emitted from the whole volume of the reaction and reflect the main trends of the system evolution. Nucleons in Pb+Pb collisions initially come from the surface region. For both systems there is a separation of the elastic and inelastic freeze-out. The mesons with large transverse momenta, ptp_t, are predominantly produced at the early stages of the reaction. The low ptp_t-component is populated by mesons coming mainly from the decay of resonances. This explains naturally the decreasing source sizes with increasing ptp_t, observed in HBT interferometry. Comparison with S+S and Au+Au systems at 11.6 AGeV/cc is also presented.Comment: REVTEX, 26 pages incl. 9 figures and 2 tables, to be published in the Physical Review

    Writing Sample

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    Includes four untitled poems

    Monte Carlo model for nuclear collisions from SPS to LHC energies

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    A Monte Carlo model to simulate nuclear collisions in the energy range going from SPS to LHC, is presented. The model includes in its initial stage both soft and semihard components, which lead to the formation of color strings. Collectivity is taken into account considering the possibility of strings in color representations higher than triplet or antitriplet, by means of string fusion. String breaking leads to the production of secondaries. At this point, the model can be used as initial condition for further evolution by a transport model. In order to tune the parameters and see the results in nucleus-nucleus collisions, a naif model for rescattering of secondaries is introduced. Results of the model are compared with experimental data, and predictions for RHIC and LHC are shown.Comment: LaTeX, 48 pages, 6 tables, 15 postscript figures included using epsfi