37 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of a multidisciplinary care program on recovery and return to work of patients after gynaecological surgery; design of a randomized controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Return to work after gynaecological surgery takes much longer than expected, irrespective of the level of invasiveness. In order to empower patients in recovery and return to work, a multidisciplinary care program consisting of an e-health intervention and integrated care management including participatory workplace intervention was developed.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>We designed a randomized controlled trial to assess the effect of the multidisciplinary care program on full sustainable return to work in patients after gynaecological surgery, compared to usual clinical care. Two hundred twelve women (18-65 years old) undergoing hysterectomy and/or laparoscopic adnexal surgery on benign indication in one of the 7 participating (university) hospitals in the Netherlands are expected to take part in this study at baseline. The primary outcome measure is sick leave duration until full sustainable return to work and is measured by a monthly calendar of sickness absence during 26 weeks after surgery. Secondary outcome measures are the effect of the care program on general recovery, quality of life, pain intensity and complications, and are assessed using questionnaires at baseline, 2, 6, 12 and 26 weeks after surgery.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The discrepancy between expected physical recovery and actual return to work after gynaecological surgery contributes to the relevance of this study. There is strong evidence that long periods of sick leave can result in work disability, poorer general health and increased risk of mental health problems. We expect that this multidisciplinary care program will improve peri-operative care, contribute to a faster return to work of patients after gynaecological surgery and, as a consequence, will reduce societal costs considerably.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Netherlands Trial Register (NTR): <a href="http://www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/admin/rctview.asp?TC=2087">NTR2087</a></p

    Genome-wide association study of offspring birth weight in 86 577 women identifies five novel loci and highlights maternal genetic effects that are independent of fetal genetics

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    Funding Information: Researchers were funded by investment from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF) Convergence Programme for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly [J.T.]; European Research Council (ERC) [grant: SZ-245 50371-GLUCOSEGENES-FP7-IDEAS-ERC to T.M.F., A.R.W.], [ERC Consolidator Grant, ERC-2014-CoG-648916 to V.W.V.J.], [P.R.N.]; University of Bergen, KG Jebsen and Helse Vest [P.R.N.]; Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator Awards [A.T.H. (WT098395), M.I.M. (WT098381)]; National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Senior Investigator Award (NF-SI-0611–10219); Sir Henry Dale Fellowship (Wellcome Trust and Royal Society grant: WT104150) [R.M.F., R.N.B.]; 4-year studentship (Grant Code: WT083431MF) [R.C.R]; the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007– 2013)/ERC Grant Agreement (grant number 669545; Develop Obese) [D.A.L.]; US National Institute of Health (grant: R01 DK10324) [D.A.L, C.L.R]; Wellcome Trust GWAS grant (WT088806) [D.A.L] and NIHR Senior Investigator Award (NF-SI-0611–10196) [D.A.L]; Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Award (WT097835MF) [M.A.T.]; The Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation Non-Clinical Fellowship [J.T.]; Australian National Health and Medical Research Council Early Career Fellowship (APP1104818) [N.M.W.]; Daniel B. Burke Endowed Chair for Diabetes Research [S.F.A.G.]; UK Medical Research Council Unit grants MC_UU_12013_5 [R.C.R, L.P, S.R, C.L.R, D.M.E., D.A.L.] and MC_UU_12013_4 [D.M.E.]; Medical Research Council (grant: MR/M005070/1) [M.N.W., S.E.J.]; Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (FT130101709) [D.M.E] and (FT110100548) [S.E.M.]; NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre (BRC); Oak Foundation Fellowship and Novo Nordisk Foundation (12955) [B.F.]; FRQS research scholar and Clinical Scientist Award by the Canadian Diabetes Association and the Maud Menten Award from the Institute of Genetics– Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) [MFH]; CIHR— Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships [C.A.]; FRQS [L.B.]; Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw–VIDI 016.136.361) [V.W.V.J.]; National Institute on Aging (R01AG29451) [J.M.M.]; 2010–2011 PRIN funds of the University of Ferrara—Holder: Prof. Guido Barbujani, Supervisor: Prof. Chiara Scapoli—and in part sponsored by the European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD) Albert Renold Travel Fellowships for Young Scientists, ‘5 per mille’ contribution assigned to the University of Ferrara, income tax return year 2009 and the ENGAGE Exchange and Mobility Program for ENGAGE training funds, ENGAGE project, grant agreement HEALTH-F4–2007-201413 [L.M.]; ESRC (RES-060–23-0011) [C.L.R.]; National Institute of Health Research ([S.D., M.I.M.], Senior Investigator Award (NF-SI-0611–10196) [D.A.L]); Australian NHMRC Fellowships Scheme (619667) [G.W.M]. For study-specific funding, please see Supplementary Material. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health. Funding to pay the Open Access publication charges for this article was provided by the Charity Open Access Fund (COAF). Funding Information: We are extremely grateful to the participants and families who contributed to all of the studies and the teams of investigators involved in each one. These include interviewers, computer and laboratory technicians, clerical workers, research scientists, volunteers, managers, receptionists and nurses. This research has been conducted using the UK Biobank Resource (Application numbers 7036 and 12703). For additional study-specific acknowledgements, please see Supplementary Material. Conflict of Interest statement. D.A.L. has received support from Roche Diagnostics and Medtronic for biomarker research unrelated to the work presented here. Funding Researchers were funded by investment from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF) Convergence Programme for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly [J.T.]; European Research Council (ERC) [grant: SZ-245 50371-GLUCOSEGENES-FP7-IDEAS-ERC to T.M.F., A.R.W.], [ERC Consolidator Grant, ERC-2014-CoG-648916 to V.W.V.J.], [P.R.N.]; University of Bergen, KG Jebsen and Helse Vest [P.R.N.]; Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator Awards [A.T.H. (WT098395), M.I.M. (WT098381)]; National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Senior Investigator Award (NF-SI-0611-10219); Sir Henry Dale Fellowship (Wellcome Trust and Royal Society grant: WT104150) [R.M.F., R.N.B.]; 4-year studentship (Grant Code: WT083431MF) [R.C.R]; the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013)/ERC Grant Agreement (grant number 669545; Develop Obese) [D.A.L.]; US National Institute of Health (grant: R01 DK10324) [D.A.L, C.L.R]; Wellcome Trust GWAS grant (WT088806) [D.A.L] and NIHR Senior Investigator Award (NF-SI-0611-10196) [D.A.L]; Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Award (WT097835MF) [M.A.T.]; The Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation Non-Clinical Fellowship [J.T.]; Australian National Health and Medical Research Council Early Career Fellowship (APP1104818) [N.M.W.]; Daniel B. Burke Endowed Chair for Diabetes Research [S.F.A.G.]; UK Medical Research Council Unit grants MC_UU_12013_5 [R.C.R, L.P, S.R, C.L.R, D.M.E., D.A.L.] and MC_UU_12013_4 [D.M.E.]; Medical Research Council (grant: MR/M005070/1) [M.N.W., S.E.J.]; Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (FT130101709) [D.M.E] and (FT110100548) [S.E.M.]; NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre (BRC); Oak Foundation Fellowship and Novo Nordisk Foundation (12955) [B.F.]; FRQS research scholar and Clinical Scientist Award by the Canadian Diabetes Association and the Maud Menten Award from the Institute of Genetics-Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) [MFH]; CIHR-Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships [C.A.]; FRQS [L.B.]; Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw-VIDI 016.136.361) [V.W.V.J.]; National Institute on Aging (R01AG29451) [J.M.M.]; 2010-2011 PRIN funds of the University of Ferrara-Holder: Prof. Guido Barbujani, Supervisor: Prof. Chiara Scapoli-and in part sponsored by the European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD) Albert Renold Travel Fellowships for Young Scientists, '5 per mille' contribution assigned to the University of Ferrara, income tax return year 2009 and the ENGAGE Exchange and Mobility Program for ENGAGE training funds, ENGAGE project, grant agreement HEALTH-F4-2007-201413 [L.M.]; ESRC (RES-060-23-0011) [C.L.R.]; National Institute of Health Research ([S.D., M.I.M.], Senior Investigator Award (NFSI-0611-10196) [D.A.L]); Australian NHMRC Fellowships Scheme (619667) [G.W.M]. For study-specific funding, please see Supplementary Material. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health. Funding to pay the Open Access publication charges for this article was provided by the Charity Open Access Fund (COAF). Publisher Copyright: © The Author(s) 2018.Genome-wide association studies of birth weight have focused on fetal genetics, whereas relatively little is known about the role of maternal genetic variation. We aimed to identify maternal genetic variants associated with birth weight that could highlight potentially relevant maternal determinants of fetal growth. We meta-analysed data on up to 8.7 million SNPs in up to 86 577 women of European descent from the Early Growth Genetics (EGG) Consortium and the UK Biobank. We used structural equation modelling (SEM) and analyses of mother-child pairs to quantify the separate maternal and fetal genetic effects. Maternal SNPs at 10 loci (MTNR1B, HMGA2, SH2B3, KCNAB1, L3MBTL3, GCK, EBF1, TCF7L2, ACTL9, CYP3A7) were associated with offspring birth weight at P<5 x 10(-8). In SEM analyses, at least 7 of the 10 associations were consistent with effects of the maternal genotype acting via the intrauterine environment, rather than via effects of shared alleles with the fetus. Variants, or correlated proxies, at many of the loci had been previously associated with adult traits, including fasting glucose (MTNR1B, GCK and TCF7L2) and sex hormone levels (CYP3A7), and one (EBF1) with gestational duration. The identified associations indicate that genetic effects on maternal glucose, cytochrome P450 activity and gestational duration, and potentially on maternal blood pressure and immune function, are relevant for fetal growth. Further characterization of these associations in mechanistic and causal analyses will enhance understanding of the potentially modifiable maternal determinants of fetal growth, with the goal of reducing the morbidity and mortality associated with low and high birth weights.Peer reviewe

    Allergen-specific immunotherapy provides immediate, long-term and preventive clinical effects in children and adults: the effects of immunotherapy can be categorised by level of benefit -the centenary of allergen specific subcutaneous immunotherapy

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    Allergen Specific Immunotherapy (SIT) for respiratory allergic diseases is able to significantly improve symptoms as well as reduce the need for symptomatic medication, but SIT also has the capacity for long-term clinical effects and plays a protective role against the development of further allergies and symptoms. The treatment acts on basic immunological mechanisms, and has the potential to change the pathological allergic immune response. In this paper we discuss some of the most important achievements in the documentation of the benefits of immunotherapy, over the last 2 decades, which have marked a period of extensive research on the clinical effects and immunological background of the mechanisms involved. The outcome of immunotherapy is described as different levels of benefit from early reduction in symptoms over progressive clinical effects during treatment to long-term effects after discontinuation of the treatment and prevention of asthma. The efficacy of SIT increases the longer it is continued and immunological changes lead to potential long-term benefits. SIT alone and not the symptomatic treatment nor other avoidance measures has so far been documented as the therapy with long-term or preventive potential. The allergic condition is driven by a subset of T-helper lymphocytes (Th2), which are characterised by the production of cytokines like IL-4, and IL-5. Immunological changes following SIT lead to potential curative effects. One mechanism whereby immunotherapy suppresses the allergic response is through increased production of IgG4 antibodies. Induction of specific IgG4 is able to influence the allergic response in different ways and is related to immunological effector mechanisms, also responsible for the reduced late phase hyperreactivity and ongoing allergic inflammation. SIT is the only treatment which interferes with the basic pathophysiological mechanisms of the allergic disease, thereby creating the potential for changes in the long-term prognosis of respiratory allergy. SIT should not only be recognised as first-line therapeutic treatment for allergic rhinoconjunctivitis but also as secondary preventive treatment for respiratory allergic diseases

    The Early Growth Genetics (EGG) and EArly Genetics and Lifecourse Epidemiology (EAGLE) consortia : design, results and future prospects

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    The impact of many unfavorable childhood traits or diseases, such as low birth weight and mental disorders, is not limited to childhood and adolescence, as they are also associated with poor outcomes in adulthood, such as cardiovascular disease. Insight into the genetic etiology of childhood and adolescent traits and disorders may therefore provide new perspectives, not only on how to improve wellbeing during childhood, but also how to prevent later adverse outcomes. To achieve the sample sizes required for genetic research, the Early Growth Genetics (EGG) and EArly Genetics and Lifecourse Epidemiology (EAGLE) consortia were established. The majority of the participating cohorts are longitudinal population-based samples, but other cohorts with data on early childhood phenotypes are also involved. Cohorts often have a broad focus and collect(ed) data on various somatic and psychiatric traits as well as environmental factors. Genetic variants have been successfully identified for multiple traits, for example, birth weight, atopic dermatitis, childhood BMI, allergic sensitization, and pubertal growth. Furthermore, the results have shown that genetic factors also partly underlie the association with adult traits. As sample sizes are still increasing, it is expected that future analyses will identify additional variants. This, in combination with the development of innovative statistical methods, will provide detailed insight on the mechanisms underlying the transition from childhood to adult disorders. Both consortia welcome new collaborations. Policies and contact details are available from the corresponding authors of this manuscript and/or the consortium websites.Peer reviewe

    The Early Growth Genetics (EGG) and EArly Genetics and Lifecourse Epidemiology (EAGLE) consortia:design, results and future prospects

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    The Early Growth Genetics (EGG) and EArly Genetics and Lifecourse Epidemiology (EAGLE) consortia: design, results and future prospects

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    The impact of many unfavorable childhood traits or diseases, such as low birth weight and mental disorders, is not limited to childhood and adolescence, as they are also associated with poor outcomes in adulthood, such as cardiovascular disease. Insight into the genetic etiology of childhood and adolescent traits and disorders may therefore provide new perspectives, not only on how to improve wellbeing during childhood, but also how to prevent later adverse outcomes. To achieve the sample sizes required for genetic research, the Early Growth Genetics (EGG) and EArly Genetics and Lifecourse Epidemiology (EAGLE) consortia were established. The majority of the participating cohorts are longitudinal population-based samples, but other cohorts with data on early childhood phenotypes are also involved. Cohorts often have a broad focus and collect(ed) data on various somatic and psychiatric traits as well as environmental factors. Genetic variants have been successfully identified for multiple traits, for example, birth weight, atopic dermatitis, childhood BMI, allergic sensitization, and pubertal growth. Furthermore, the results have shown that genetic factors also partly underlie the association with adult traits. As sample sizes are still increasing, it is expected that future analyses will identify additional variants. This, in combination with the development of innovative statistical methods, will provide detailed insight on the mechanisms underlying the transition from childhood to adult disorders. Both consortia welcome new collaborations. Policies and contact details are available from the corresponding authors of this manuscript and/or the consortium websites

    A novel common variant in DCST2 is associated with length in early life and height in adulthood

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