62 research outputs found

    Structural Covariance in the Hard Sphere Fluid

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    We study the joint variability of structural information in a hard sphere fluid biased to avoid crystallisation and form fivefold symmetric geometric motifs. We show that the structural covariance matrix approach, originally proposed for on-lattice liquids [Ronceray and Harrowell, JCP 2016], can be meaningfully employed to understand structural relationships between different motifs and can predict, within the linear-response regime, structural changes related to motifs distinct from that used to bias the system

    Isomorphs in nanoconfined liquids

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    We study in this paper the possible existence of Roskilde-simple liquids and their isomorphs in a rough-wall nanoconfinement. Isomorphs are curves in the thermodynamic phase diagram along which structure and dynamics are invariant in suitable nondimensionalized units. Two model liquids using molecular dynamics computer simulations are considered: the single-component Lennard-Jones (LJ) liquid and the Kob-Andersen binary LJ mixture, both of which in the bulk phases are known to have isomorphs. Nanoconfinement is implemented by adopting a slit-pore geometry with fcc crystalline walls; this implies inhomogenous density profiles both parallel and perpendicular to the confining walls. Despite this fact and consistent with an earlier study [Ingebrigtsen et. al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 235901 (2013)] we find that these nanoconfined liquids have isomorphs to a good approximation. More specifically, we show good scaling of inhomogenous density profiles, mean-square displacements, and higher-order structures probed using the topological cluster classification algorithm along the isomorphs. From this study, we conjecture that in experiments, Roskilde-simple liquids may exhibit isomorphs if confined in a suitable manner, for example with carbon nanotubes. Our study thus provides an alternative framework for understanding nanoconfined liquids.Comment: 21 page

    Dilute nitride and GaAs n-i-p-i solar cells

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    Abstract We demonstrate for the first time the operation of GaInNAs and GaAs n-i-p-i doping solar cells with ion-implanted selective contacts. Multiple layers of alternate doping are grown by molecular beam epitaxy to form the n-i-p-i structure. After growth, vertical selective contacts are fabricated by Mg and Si ion implantation, followed by rapid thermal annealing treatment and fabrication into circular mesa cells. As means of characterisation, spectral response and illuminated current–voltage (I-V) were measured on the samples. The spectral response suggests that all horizontal layers are able to contribute to the photocurrent. Performance of the devices is discussed with interest in the n-i-p-i structure as a possible design for the GaInP/GaAs/GaInNAs tandem solar cell.</jats:p

    Photon Statistics of Filtered Resonance Fluorescence

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    Spectral filtering of resonance fluorescence is widely employed to improve single photon purity and indistinguishability by removing unwanted backgrounds. For filter bandwidths approaching the emitter linewidth, complex behaviour is predicted due to preferential transmission of components with differing photon statistics. We probe this regime using a Purcell-enhanced quantum dot in both weak and strong excitation limits, finding excellent agreement with an extended sensor theory model. By changing only the filter width, the photon statistics can be transformed between antibunched, bunched, or Poissonian. Our results verify that strong antibunching and a sub-natural linewidth cannot simultaneously be observed, providing new insight into the nature of coherent scattering.Comment: Main manuscript 7 pages with 4 figures, supplementary material of 4 page

    Light scattering from solid-state quantum emitters : beyond the atomic picture

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    Coherent scattering of light by a single quantum emitter is a fundamental process at the heart of many proposed quantum technologies. Unlike atomic systems, solid-state emitters couple to their host lattice by phonons. Using a quantum dot in an optical nanocavity, we resolve these interactions in both time and frequency domains, going beyond the atomic picture to develop a comprehensive model of light scattering from solid-state emitters. We find that even in the presence of a low-Q cavity with high Purcell enhancement, phonon coupling leads to a sideband that is completely insensitive to excitation conditions and to a nonmonotonic relationship between laser detuning and coherent fraction, both of which are major deviations from atomlike behavior

    High Purcell factor generation of indistinguishable on-chip single photons

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    On-chip single-photon sources are key components for integrated photonic quantum technologies. Semiconductor quantum dots can exhibit near-ideal single-photon emission, but this can be significantly degraded in on-chip geometries owing to nearby etched surfaces. A long-proposed solution to improve the indistinguishablility is to use the Purcell effect to reduce the radiative lifetime. However, until now only modest Purcell enhancements have been observed. Here we use pulsed resonant excitation to eliminate slow relaxation paths, revealing a highly Purcell-shortened radiative lifetime (22.7 ps) in a waveguide-coupled quantum dot–photonic crystal cavity system. This leads to near-lifetime-limited single-photon emission that retains high indistinguishablility (93.9%) on a timescale in which 20 photons may be emitted. Nearly background-free pulsed resonance fluorescence is achieved under π-pulse excitation, enabling demonstration of an on-chip, on-demand single-photon source with very high potential repetition rates

    ESPEN Guideline: Clinical Nutrition in inflammatory bowel disease

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    Introduction: The ESPEN guideline presents a multidisciplinary focus on clinical nutrition in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Methodology: The guideline is based on extensive systematic review of the literature, but relies on expert opinion when objective data were lacking or inconclusive. The conclusions and 64 recommendations have been subject to full peer review and a Delphi process in which uniformly positive responses (agree or strongly agree) were required. Results: IBD is increasingly common and potential dietary factors in its aetiology are briefly reviewed. Malnutrition is highly prevalent in IBD – especially in Crohn's disease. Increased energy and protein requirements are observed in some patients. The management of malnu-trition in IBD is considered within the general context of support for malnourished patients. Treatment of iron deficiency (parenterally if necessary) is strongly recommended. Routine provision of a special diet in IBD is not however supported. Parenteral nutrition is indicated only when enteral nutrition has failed or is impossible. The recommended perioperative man-agement of patients with IBD undergoing surgery accords with general ESPEN guidance for patients having abdominal surgery. Probiotics may be helpful in UC but not Crohn's disease. Primary therapy using nutrition to treat IBD is not supported in ulcerative colitis, but is mod-erately well supported in Crohn's disease, especially in children where the adverse conse-quences of steroid therapy are proportionally greater. However, exclusion diets are generally not recommended and there is little evidence to support any particular formula feed when nutritional regimens are constructed. Conclusions: Available objective data to guide nutritional support and primary nutritional therapy in IBD are presented as 64 recommendations, of which 9 are very strong recom-mendations (grade A), 22 are strong recommendations (grade B) and 12 are based only on sparse evidence (grade 0); 21 recommendations are good practice points (GPP)
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