1,110 research outputs found

    A Binary Progenitor for the Type IIb Supernova 2011dh in M51

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    We perform binary stellar evolutionary calculations following the simultaneous evolution of both stars in the system to study a potential progenitor system for the Type IIb supernova 2011dh. Pre-explosion photometry as well as light-curve modeling have provided constraints on the physical properties of the progenitor system. Here we present a close binary system that is compatible with such constraints. The system is formed by stars of solar composition with 16 Msun + 10 Msun on a circular orbit with an initial period of 125 days. The primary star ends its evolution as a yellow supergiant with a mass of ~4 Msun, a final hydrogen content of ~3-5E-03 Msun and with an effective temperature and luminosity in agreement with the HST pre-explosion observations of SN 2011dh. These results are nearly insensitive to the adopted accretion efficiency factor beta. At the time of explosion, the companion star has an effective temperature of 22 to 40 thousand Kelvin, depending on the value of beta, and lies near the zero age main sequence. Considering the uncertainties in the HST pre-SN photometry the secondary star is only marginally detectable in the bluest observed band. Close binary systems, as opposed to single stars, provide a natural frame to explain the properties of SN 2011dh.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal on October June 27, 201

    The Massive Progenitor of the Possible Type II-Linear Supernova 2009hd in Messier 66

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    We present observations of SN2009hd in the nearby galaxy M66. This SN is one of the closest to us in recent years but heavily obscured by dust, rendering it unusually faint in the optical, given its proximity. We find that the observed properties of SN2009hd support its classification as a possible Type II-L SN, a relatively rare subclass of CC-SNe. High-precision relative astrometry has been employed to attempt to identify a SN progenitor candidate, based on a pixel-by-pixel comparison between HST F555W and F814W images of the SN site prior to explosion and at late times. A progenitor candidate is identified in the F814W images only; this object is undetected in F555W. Significant uncertainty exists in the astrometry, such that we cannot definitively identify this object as the SN progenitor. Via insertion of artificial stars into the pre-SN HST images, we are able to constrain the progenitor's properties to those of a possible supergiant, with M(F555W)0>-7.6 mag and (V-I) 0>0.99 mag. The magnitude and color limits are consistent with a luminous RSG; however, they also allow for the possibility that the star could have been more yellow than red. From a comparison with theoretical massive-star evolutionary tracks, which include rotation and pulsationally enhanced mass loss, we can place a conservative upper limit on the initial mass for the progenitor of <20 M_sun. If the actual mass of the progenitor is near the upper range allowed by our derived mass limit, then it would be consistent with that for the identified progenitors of the SNII-L 2009kr and the high-luminosity SNII-P 2008cn. The progenitors of these three SNe may possibly bridge the gap between lower-mass RSG that explode as SNeII-P and LBV, or more extreme RSG, from which the more exotic SNeII-n may arise. Very late-time imaging of the SN2009hd site may provide us with more clues regarding the true nature of its progenitor.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    A Massive Progenitor of the Luminous Type IIn Supernova 2010jl

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    The bright, nearby, recently discovered supernova SN2010jl is a member of the rare class of relatively luminous Type~IIn events. Here we report archival HST observations of its host galaxy UGC5189A taken roughly 10yr prior to explosion, as well as early-time optical spectra of the SN. The HST images reveal a bright, blue point source at the position of the SN, with an absolute magnitude of -12.0 in the F300W filter. If it is not just a chance alignment, the source at the SN position could be (1) a massive young (less than 6 Myr) star cluster in which the SN resided, (2) a quiescent, luminous blue star with an apparent temperature around 14,000K, (3) a star caught during a bright outburst akin to those of LBVs, or (4) a combination of option 1 and options 2 or 3. Although we cannot confidently choose between these possibilities with the present data, any of them imply that the progenitor of SN2010jl had an initial mass above 30Msun. This reinforces mounting evidence that many SNe IIn result from very massive stars, that massive stars can produce visible SNe without collapsing quietly to black holes, and that massive stars can retain their H envelopes until shortly before explosion. Standard stellar evolution models fail to account for these observed properties.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Ap

    The Yellow and Red Supergiants of M33

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    Yellow and red supergiants are evolved massive stars whose numbers and locations on the HR diagram can provide a stringent test for models of massive star evolution. Previous studies have found large discrepancies between the relative number of yellow supergiants observed as a function of mass and those predicted by evolutionary models, while a disagreement between the predicted and observed locations of red supergiants on the HR diagram was only recently resolved. Here we extend these studies by examining the yellow and red supergiant populations of M33. Unfortunately, identifying these stars is difficult as this portion of the color-magnitude diagram is heavily contaminated by foreground dwarfs. We identify the red supergiants through a combination of radial velocities and a two-color surface gravity discriminant and, after re-characterizing the rotation curve of M33 with our newly selected red supergiants, we identify the yellow supergiants through a combination of radial velocities and the strength of the OI λ\lambda7774 triplet. We examine ~1300 spectra in total and identify 121 yellow supergiants (a sample which is unbiased in luminosity above log(L/L\odot) ~ 4.8) and 189 red supergiants. After placing these objects on the HR diagram, we find that the latest generation of Geneva evolutionary tracks show excellent agreement with the observed locations of our red and yellow supergiants, the observed relative number of yellow supergiants with mass and the observed red supergiant upper mass limit. These models therefore represent a drastic improvement over previous generations.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Circumstellar dust as a solution to the red supergiant supernova progenitor problem

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    We investigate the red supergiant problem: the apparent dearth of Type IIP supernova progenitors with masses between 16 and 30 M_sun. Although red supergiants with masses in this range have been observed, none have been identified as progenitors in pre-explosion images. We show that by failing to take into account the additional extinction resulting from the dust produced in the red supergiant winds, we risk underestimating the luminosity of the most massive red supergiants at the end of their lives. We estimate the initial masses of all Type IIP progenitors for which observations exist and analyse the resulting population. We find that the most likely maximum mass for a Type IIP progenitor is 21^{+2}_{-1} M_sun. This is in closer agreement with the limit predicted from single star evolution models.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures and 4 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Upper limits on bolometric luminosities of ten type Ia supernova progenitors from Chandra observations

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    We present an analysis of Chandra observations of the position of ten nearby (< 25 Mpc) type Ia supernovae, taken before the explosions. No sources corresponding to progenitors were found in any of the observations. We calculated upper limits on the bolometric luminosities of the progenitors assuming black-body X-ray spectra with temperatures of 30-150 eV. This is inspired by the fact that luminous super-soft X-ray sources have been suggested as the direct progenitors of type Ia supernovae. The upper limits of two supernovae in our sample are comparable to the luminosities of the brightest observed super-soft sources, ruling out such sources as the progenitors of these supernovae. In contrast to Liu et al (2012) we find that for SN2011fe we can rule out Eddington luminosity systems for black body temperatures as low as 40 eV. Our findings are consistent with statistical studies comparing the observed type Ia supernova rate to the number of super-soft sources or the integrated X-ray luminosity in external galaxies. This suggest that either the progenitors of type Ia supernovae are not accreting, nuclear burning white dwarfs, or that they do not look like the classical super-soft sources, e.g. because they are obscured.Comment: Accepted, MNRAS. 10 pages, 11 figures, 3 table

    Supernovae from Red Supergiants with Extensive Mass Loss

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    We calculate multicolor light curves (LCs) of supernovae (SNe) from red supergiants (RSGs) exploded within dense circumstellar medium (CSM). Multicolor LCs are calculated by using a multi-group radiation hydrodynamics code STELLA. If CSM is dense enough, the shock breakout signal is delayed and smeared by CSM and kinetic energy of SN ejecta is efficiently converted to thermal energy which is eventually released as radiation. We find that explosions of RSGs are affected by CSM in early epochs when mass-loss rate just before the explosions is higher than 10^{-4} Msun/yr. Their characteristic features are that the LC has a luminous round peak followed by a flat LC, that multicolor LCs are simultaneously bright in ultraviolet and optical at the peak, and that photospheric velocity is very low at these epochs. We calculate LCs for various CSM conditions and explosion properties, i.e., mass-loss rates, radii of CSM, density slopes of CSM, explosion energies of SN ejecta, and SN progenitors inside, to see their influence on LCs. We compare our model LCs to those of ultraviolet-bright Type IIP SN 2009kf and show that the mass-loss rate of the progenitor of SN 2009kf just before the explosion is likely to be higher than 10^{-4} Msun/yr. Combined with the fact that SN 2009kf is likely to be an energetic explosion and has large 56Ni production, which implies that the progenitor of SN 2009kf is a massive RSG, our results indicate that there could be some mechanism to induce extensive mass loss in massive RSGs just before their explosions.Comment: 16 pages, 17 figures, 3 tables, accepted by Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, the unit of Lbol in Table 3 corrected in v

    Generalized Phase Synchronization in unidirectionally coupled chaotic oscillators

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    We investigate phase synchronization between two identical or detuned response oscillators coupled to a slightly different drive oscillator. Our result is that phase synchronization can occur between response oscillators when they are driven by correlated (but not identical) inputs from the drive oscillator. We call this phenomenon Generalized Phase Synchronization (GPS) and clarify its characteristics using Lyapunov exponents and phase difference plots.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    SN 2008jb: A "Lost" Core-Collapse Supernova in a Star-Forming Dwarf Galaxy at ~10 Mpc

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    We present the discovery and follow-up observations of SN 2008jb, a core-collapse supernova in the dwarf irregular galaxy ESO 302-14 at 9.6 Mpc. This transient was missed by galaxy-targeted surveys and was only found in archival optical images obtained by CRTS and ASAS. It was detected shortly after explosion and reached a bright optical maximum, Vmax = 13.6 mag (M_Vmax ~ -16.5). The shape of the light curve shows a plateau of 100 days, followed by a drop of 1.4 mag in V-band to a decline with the approximate Co 56 decay slope, consistent with 0.04 Msun of Ni 56 synthesized in the explosion. A spectrum obtained 2 years after explosion shows a broad, boxy Halpha emission line, which is unusual for type IIP supernovae. We detect the supernova in archival Spitzer and WISE images obtained 8-14 months after explosion, which show clear signs of warm dust emission. The dwarf irregular host galaxy has a low gas-phase oxygen abundance, 12 + log(O/H) = 8.2 (~1/5 Solar), similar to those of the SMC and the hosts of long gamma-ray bursts and luminous core-collapse supernovae. We study the host environment using GALEX FUV, R-band, and Halpha images and find that the supernova occurred in a large star-formation complex. The morphology of the Halpha emission appears as a large shell (R = 350 pc) surrounding the FUV and optical emission. We estimate an age of ~9 Myr and a total mass of ~2 x 10^5 Msun for the star-formation complex. These properties are consistent with the expanding Halpha supershells observed in well-studied nearby dwarf galaxies, which are tell-tale signs of feedback from the cumulative effect of massive star winds and supernovae. The age estimated for the star-forming region suggests a relatively high-mass progenitor star with initial mass of ~20 Msun. We discuss the implications of these findings in the study of core-collapse supernova progenitors. (Abridged)Comment: 41 pages, 10 figures, accepted in ApJ; small changes, conclusions unchange