55 research outputs found

    The interRAI suite of mental health assessment instruments: an integrated system for the continuum of care

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    The lives of persons living with mental illness are affected by psychological, biological, social, economic, and environmental factors over the life course. It is therefore unlikely that simple preventive strategies, clinical treatments, therapeutic interventions, or policy options will succeed as singular solutions for the challenges of mental illness. Persons living with mental illness receive services and supports in multiple settings across the health care continuum that are often fragmented, uncoordinated, and inadequately responsive. Appropriate assessment is an important tool that health systems must deploy to respond to the strengths, preferences, and needs of persons with mental illness. However, standard approaches are often focused on measurement of psychiatric symptoms without taking a broader perspective to address issues like growth, development, and aging; physical health and disability; social relationships; economic resources; housing; substance use; involvement with criminal justice; stigma; and recovery. Using conglomerations of instruments to cover more domains is impractical, inconsistent, and incomplete while posing considerable assessment burden. interRAI mental health instruments were developed by a network of over 100 researchers, clinicians, and policy experts from over 35 nations. This includes assessment systems for adults in inpatient psychiatry, community mental health, emergency departments, mobile crisis teams, and long-term care settings, as well as a screening system for police officers. A similar set of instruments is available for child/youth mental health. The instruments form an integrated mental health information system because they share a common assessment language, conceptual basis, clinical emphasis, data collection approach, data elements, and care planning protocols. The key applications of these instruments include care planning, outcome measurement, quality improvement, and resource allocation. The composition of these instruments and psychometric properties are reviewed, and examples related to homeless are used to illustrate the various applications of these assessment systems

    Changes in the Frontotemporal Cortex and Cognitive Correlates in First-Episode Psychosis

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    Background: Loss of cortical volume in frontotemporal regions has been reported in patients with schizophrenia and their relatives. Cortical area and thickness are determined by different genetic processes, and measuring these parameters separately may clarify disturbances in corticogenesis relevant to schizophrenia. Our study also explored clinical and cognitive correlates of these parameters.Methods: Thirty-seven patients with first-episode psychosis (34 schizophrenia, 3 schizoaffective disorder) and 38 healthy control subjects matched for age and sex took part in the study. Imaging was performed on an magnetic resonance imaging 1.5-T scanner. Area and thickness of the frontotemporal cortex were measured using a surface-based morphometry method (Freesurfer). All subjects underwent neuropsychologic testing that included measures of premorbid and current IQ, working and verbal memory, and executive function.Results: Reductions in cortical area, more marked in the temporal cortex, were present in patients. Overall frontotemporal cortical thickness did not differ between groups, although regional thinning of the right superior temporal region was observed in patients. There was a significant association of both premorbid IQ and IQ at disease onset with area, but not thickness, of the frontotemporal cortex, and working memory span was associated with area of the frontal cortex. These associations remained significant when only patients with schizophrenia were considered.Conclusions: Our results suggest an early disruption of corticogenesis in schizophrenia, although the effect of subsequent environmental factors cannot be excluded. In addition, cortical abnormalities are subject to regional variations and differ from those present in neurodegenerative diseases

    IQ Trajectory, Cognitive Reserve, and Clinical Outcome Following a First Episode of Psychosis: A 3-Year Longitudinal Study

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    Comparison of current and estimated premorbid IQ in schizophrenia suggests that there are subgroups with low IQ, deteriorated IQ (DIQ), or preserved IQ and that this is established by psychosis onset. There are no controlled studies examining the trajectory of these IQ subgroups longitudinally or their relationship with clinical and social outcomes. Of 129 individuals with first-episode schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, 25% showed stable low IQ, 31% showed stable IQ in the average/high range, and 44% demonstrated intellectual deterioration by 10 points or more. Patients in the low and deteriorated groups were equally impaired on tests of memory and executive function compared with the preserved average/high-IQ group and controls and showed more negative and disorganization symptoms than the preserved average/high-IQ group. Sixty patients and 27 controls were assessed again 1 and 3 years later. There was no evidence that those with IQ deterioration at baseline continued on a declining cognitive trajectory or that those with preserved average/high IQ experienced subsequent IQ decline. The low IQ group showed no change in IQ, whereas both the DIQ and the preserved IQ groups improved. However, the rate of improvement of these 2 subgroups was no greater than that of the healthy controls, suggesting that this reflected practice effects. Both the low and the deteriorated groups had longer index admissions, more core negative symptoms, and worse occupational outcomes at 3 years. These data suggest that following psychosis onset, IQ is stable and that it is IQ at psychosis onset rather than premorbid IQ predicts a more severe illness

    Phylogenetic ctDNA analysis depicts early-stage lung cancer evolution.

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    The early detection of relapse following primary surgery for non-small-cell lung cancer and the characterization of emerging subclones, which seed metastatic sites, might offer new therapeutic approaches for limiting tumour recurrence. The ability to track the evolutionary dynamics of early-stage lung cancer non-invasively in circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) has not yet been demonstrated. Here we use a tumour-specific phylogenetic approach to profile the ctDNA of the first 100 TRACERx (Tracking Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Evolution Through Therapy (Rx)) study participants, including one patient who was also recruited to the PEACE (Posthumous Evaluation of Advanced Cancer Environment) post-mortem study. We identify independent predictors of ctDNA release and analyse the tumour-volume detection limit. Through blinded profiling of postoperative plasma, we observe evidence of adjuvant chemotherapy resistance and identify patients who are very likely to experience recurrence of their lung cancer. Finally, we show that phylogenetic ctDNA profiling tracks the subclonal nature of lung cancer relapse and metastasis, providing a new approach for ctDNA-driven therapeutic studies

    Massive edema of the ovary: a case report and review of the pertinent literature.

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    BACKGROUND: Massive edema of the ovary is a rare entity affecting mainly young women. It is often misdiagnosed for a malignancy, posing the young patient at risk for over-treatment with resultant loss of hormonal function and fertility. CASE: A 13-year-old premenarchal girl presented with a large solid pelvic mass after recurrent episodes of self-limited abdominal pain. With a working diagnosis of malignant ovarian tumor, an exploratory laparotomy was done in which a twisted ovarian mass was found and excised completely. Pathological examination of the mass revealed massive edema of the ovary with hemorrhagic necrosis. CONCLUSION: After extensive review of the literature, it seems most cases were over-treated, as was ours. This entity should be suspected in women at the fertile age range with solid enlargement of the ovary and definite treatment should be undertaken only after confirmed pathological diagnosis. Conservative treatment is feasible and should be the rule in these cases, where fertility preservation is mandatory


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    background: PGD for fragile X syndrome (FRAX) is inefficient, probably owing to fewer oocytes, poor embryo quality and difficulties in genetic analysis. We investigated IVF -PGD in FRAX mutation carriers compared with controls, looking at the effects of oocyte and embryo number/quality on live birth outcome. methods: We performed IVF -PGD in 27 patients with the FRAX mutation and 33 controls with other genetic diseases. Genetic testing was by multiplex PCR. results: Seventy-nine and 108 IVF -PGD cycles were started in FRAX mutation carriers and controls, respectively. Twenty-two patients had a premutation (CGG repeat number 60 -200) and five had a full mutation (300-2000 CGG repeats). FRAX patients required higher doses of gonadotrophins (6788 + 2379 versus 4360 + 2330, P , 0.001) but had lower peak serum estradiol levels (8166 + 5880 versus 10 211 + 4673, P ¼ 0.03) and fewer oocytes retrieved (9.8 + 6 versus 14 + 8, P ¼ 0.01). The cancelation rate (unsatisfactory ovarian response) was higher in the FRAX group than in the control group (13 versus 1%, P , 0.001). When embryos were transferred, ongoing pregnancy/live birth rates per transfer were similar (29 versus 36%, P ¼ 0.54). conclusions: Ovarian dysfunction in FRAX carriers is more prevalent and profound than previously appreciated, with a high cancelation rate and reduced efficiency of PGD. The main determinant for successful PGD for FRAX is ovarian dysfunction. When embryo transfer is possible, the results are comparable to PGD for other monogenic diseases