13 research outputs found
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Brain iron metabolism and its perturbation in neurological diseases
- Author
- A Catala
- AE Oakley
- AH Schapira
- AL Bush
- B Lozoff
- BS Berlett
- C Schneider
- David T. Dexter
- E Ortiz
- EH Morgan
- EH Morgan
- EM Hwang
- ER Stadtman
- G Münch
- HF Woods
- I Dalle-Donne
- I Domenico De
- J Beard
- J Fischer
- JC Sipe
- JL Babitt
- JL Beard
- JL Beard
- JR Burdo
- JR Connor
- JT Rogers
- K Honda
- K Honda
- K Zarkovic
- KL Ward
- L Silvestri
- L Silvestri
- L Zecca
- L Zecca
- LJ Wu
- LM Sayre
- M Goedert
- M Hashimoto
- M Takanashi
- M Zimmer
- MA Smith
- ME Götz
- MF Beal
- MS Burhans
- MW Hentze
- MWB Bradbury
- N Golts
- N Ostrerova-Golts
- N Zarkovic
- NG Seidah
- NJ Abbott
- P Sangchot
- PA Grimsrud
- PR Dallman
- PR Dallman
- R Rao
- R Rao
- R Rao
- RJ Castellani
- Robert R. Crichton
- Roberta J. Ward
- RR Crichton
- RR Crichton
- RS Ohgami
- S Altamura
- S Arawaka
- S McMahon
- S Mueller
- SC Burdette
- SY Jeong
- T Moos
- T Moos
- T Moos
- T Moos
- T Moos
- T Moos
- T Oe
- TA Rouault
- WH Zhang
- Y Tachida
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Framing Theaetetus:
- Author
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- Akrill J. L.
- Arieti James A.
- Aristides
- Aristotle
- Austin J. L.
- Bacon Francis
- Benardete Seth
- Bernal Martin
- Beversluis John
- Bostock David
- Brisson Luc
- Burnyeat Myles
- Carol Poster
- Cherniss Harold
- Cooper Lane
- Cornford Francis MacDonald
- Covino William
- Crombie I. M.
- Curran Jane V.
- Dillon John
- Dorter Kenneth
- Edelstein Ludwig
- Erickson Keith
- Findlay J. N.
- Fine Gail
- Fish Stanley Eugene
- Ford Andrew
- Freese John Henry
- Freis
- Freis Richard
- Gadamer Hans‐Georg
- Gaines Robert N.
- Golden James L.
- Gonzalez Francisco J.
- Grayeff Felix
- Grice H. P.
- Griswold Charles L.
- Gross Alan
- Guthrie W. K. C.
- Hallett Judith P.
- Hart Richard
- Havelock Eric
- Heath Malcolm
- Heath Malcolm
- Hicks R. D.
- Jarratt Susan C.
- Johnstone Christopher
- Kastely James
- Kirby John T.
- Krämer Hans Joachim
- Kuhn Thomas S.
- Ledger G. R.
- Lefkowitz Mary
- Lefkowitz Mary R.
- Lentz Tony M.
- Mansfeld Jaap
- Merlan Philip
- Mill James
- Morrow Glenn R.
- Murray James S.
- Neel Jasper
- Nehemas Alexander
- Nelms Gerald
- Olympiodorus
- Osborne Catherine
- Owen G. E. L.
- Plato
- Popper Karl Raimund
- Porphyry
- Poster Carol
- Press Gerald
- Proclus
- Quimby Rollin
- Reale Giovanni
- Robb Kevin
- Roberts Rhys
- Rosen Stanley
- Ryle Gilbert
- Sayre Kenneth
- Shorey Paul
- Sickinger James P.
- Strauss Leo
- Swearingen C. Jan
- Szlezák Thomas Alexander
- Taylor Alfred Edward
- Thesleff Holger
- Tigerstedt E. N.
- Tschemplik Andrea
- Vickers Brian
- Vitanza Victor J.
- Vlastos Gregory
- von Fritz Kurt
- Welch Kathleen
- West Elinor J. M.
- Westerink L.G.
- Whately Richard
- White Nicholas
- Woodard Roger D.
- Woods Marjorie Gurry
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Musical Theatre since World War II
- Author
- Abbott
- Abramson
- Adler
- Adler
- Adler
- Adler
- Albee
- Albee
- Altman
- Amacher
- Ambush
- Anderson
- Appelbaum
- Appia
- Arnott
- Aronson
- Aronson
- Artaud
- Atkinson
- Auerbach
- Ball
- Banes
- Banes
- Banes
- Banfield
- Baraka
- Barnett
- Barnouw
- Bartow
- Battcock
- Baumol
- Bay
- Beck
- Beck
- Beeson
- Behr
- Behr
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Benston
- Bentley
- Bentley
- Bergman
- Bergreen
- Berkowitz
- Berkowitz
- Berson
- Betsko
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Biner
- Blau
- Block
- Blum
- Blumenthal
- Blumenthal
- Boleslavski
- Bordman
- Bordman
- Bordman
- Bordman
- Bordman
- Brando
- Brantley
- Brater
- Brecht
- Breuer
- Brockett
- Bronner
- Bronson
- Brooks
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown-Guillory
- Broyles-Gonzalez
- Brustein
- Brustein
- Brustein
- Bryant-Jackson
- Bryer
- Buchmuller
- Burdick
- Burke
- Cage
- Cage
- Camus
- Carlson
- Carra
- Carter
- Case
- Case
- Centola
- Chaikin
- Champagne
- Chapman
- Charnin
- Cheney
- Citron
- Citron
- Clurman
- Clurman
- Clurman
- Cogswell
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cole
- Cole
- Copeland
- Cordell
- Corey
- Corrigan
- Craig
- Craig
- Craig
- Craig
- Crandell
- Croyden
- Danforth
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davy
- Dawidziak
- Dean
- Debusscher
- Demastes
- Demastes
- Dent
- DeRose
- Devlin
- DeVries
- Dixon
- Docherty
- Dolan
- Downer
- Drake
- Duberman
- Dunn
- Easton
- Ellison
- Engel
- Engel
- Engle
- Epstein
- Esslin
- Ewen
- Falk
- Farber
- Fehl
- Fichandler
- Fichandler
- Fiedler
- Flanagan
- Flinn
- Flinn
- Fordin
- Foreman
- Foreman
- Forsyth
- Frankel
- Frascina
- Freedman
- Frick
- Frink
- Fromm
- Frost
- Galbraith
- Gard
- Garebian
- Garebian
- Garebian
- Gates
- Gener
- Giantvalley
- Ginsberg
- Gitlin
- Goldberg
- Goldman
- Goldstein
- Gordon
- Gottfried
- Gottfried
- Gottfried
- Gottfried
- Gottfried
- Green
- Green
- Green
- Greenberg
- Greenberg
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Grotowski
- Grubb
- Guare
- Guernsey
- Guilbaut
- Gussow
- Guthrie
- Guthrie
- Gänzl
- Gänzl
- Hagen
- Hagen
- Hainaux
- Halberstam
- Hamlisch
- Harris
- Hart
- Hartmann
- Haskell
- Hay
- Hay
- Hay
- Henderson
- Henderson
- Henderson
- Herman
- Hethmon
- Hill
- Hill
- Hirsch
- Holmberg
- Holmes
- Horn
- Hornby
- Houghton
- Howell
- Hulbert
- Ilson
- Isenberg
- Ives
- Izenour
- Izenour
- Jablonski
- Jablonski
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jacobs
- Jacobus
- Jacobus
- James
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Kahn
- Kane
- Kaprow
- Kaprow
- Kazan
- Kelly
- Keniston
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Kernan
- Keyssar
- Kienzle
- Kilgore
- King
- King
- King
- Kintz
- Kirby
- Kislan
- Kislan
- Kissel
- Klaus
- Knight
- Kohtes
- Kolin
- Kolin
- Kolin
- Kolin
- Konas
- Kornbluth
- Kostelanetz
- Kostelanetz
- Kostelanetz
- Krutch
- Kullman
- Lahr
- Lahr
- Langley
- Langworthy
- Larson
- Laufe
- Lees
- Leeson
- Leiter
- Leiter
- Leiter
- Lerner
- Lesnick
- Leverich
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Little
- Loeffler
- Loesser
- Logan
- London
- Londré
- Loney
- Lowell
- Lowry
- Luce
- Ludlam
- Ludlam
- Malina
- Malina
- Mamet
- Mamet
- Mandelbaum
- Mandelbaum
- Marcus
- Marranca
- Marranca
- Marranca
- Martin
- Martin
- Martin
- Martine
- Maslon
- Mast
- McCandless
- McCandless
- McCandless
- McDonough
- McDonough
- McGovern
- McKnight
- McLuhan
- McNamara
- McNamara
- Meisner
- Melville
- Mendus
- Menta
- Meserve
- Mielziner
- Mielziner
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Mitchell
- Moore
- Morales
- Mordden
- Mordden
- Mordden
- Mordden
- Morgan
- Morrow
- Morrow
- Moss
- Motherwell
- Mottram
- Mullin
- Murphy
- Nadel
- Napoleon
- Nassour
- Nolan
- Novick
- Oenslager
- Oenslager
- Oenslager
- Oliphant
- Orzel
- Oumano
- Overmyer
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Palmer
- Parker
- Pasolli
- Patterson
- Pearce
- Pecktal
- Pendleton
- Perry
- Perry
- Phillips
- Poggi
- Polakov
- Poland
- Porter
- Porterfield
- Postman
- Prince
- Quintero
- Reinelt
- Reische
- Rich
- Rich
- Riesman
- Rischbeiter
- Robert
- Robinson
- Robinson
- Rockefeller
- Rodgers
- Rogoff
- Roose-Evans
- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg
- Rosenthal
- Roth
- Roth
- Roudané
- Roudané
- Roudané
- Roudané
- Roudané
- Rubin
- Russell
- Rutenberg
- Ryzuk
- Sainer
- Savran
- Savran
- Savran
- Savran
- Savran
- Sayre
- Schechner
- Schechner
- Schechner
- Schevill
- Schlueter
- Schlueter
- Schlueter
- Schmitt
- Schneider
- Schneider
- Schroeder
- Schwartz
- Seitz
- Selden
- Sellman
- Sheehy
- Shepard
- Shepard
- Sheward
- Shewey
- Shyer
- Sievers
- Silverman
- Silvester
- Silvester
- Simon
- Simonson
- Simonson Lee.
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Sontag
- Sponberg
- Spoto
- Stanislavski
- Stanislavski
- Stanislavski
- Stanton
- Starr
- Stein
- Stoddard
- Strasberg
- Suskin
- Suskin
- Swain
- Taubman
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Tharpe
- Tischler
- Tomkins
- Tomkins
- Trilling
- Tucker
- Tytell
- Updike
- Vaughan
- Venturi
- Viagas
- Voss
- Wade
- Wager
- Walsh
- Wardle
- Watson
- Watson
- Watt
- Weales
- Weber
- Weinberg
- Weisman
- Welland
- Wellman
- Wetzsteon
- Whyte
- Wiles
- Williams
- Williams
- Willis
- Wills
- Willson
- Wilmeth
- Wilmeth
- Wilson
- Woll
- Woods
- Yacowar
- Young
- Zadan
- Zarrilli
- Zeigler
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2000
- Field of study
Directors and Direction
- Author
- Abbott
- Abramson
- Adler
- Adler
- Adler
- Adler
- Albee
- Albee
- Altman
- Amacher
- Ambush
- Anderson
- Appelbaum
- Appia
- Arnott
- Aronson
- Aronson
- Artaud
- Atkinson
- Auerbach
- Ball
- Banes
- Banes
- Banes
- Banfield
- Baraka
- Barnett
- Barnouw
- Bartow
- Battcock
- Baumol
- Bay
- Beck
- Beck
- Beeson
- Behr
- Behr
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Benston
- Bentley
- Bentley
- Bergman
- Bergreen
- Berkowitz
- Berkowitz
- Berson
- Betsko
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Biner
- Blau
- Block
- Blum
- Blumenthal
- Blumenthal
- Boleslavski
- Bordman
- Bordman
- Bordman
- Bordman
- Bordman
- Brando
- Brantley
- Brater
- Brecht
- Breuer
- Brockett
- Bronner
- Bronson
- Brooks
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown-Guillory
- Broyles-Gonzalez
- Brustein
- Brustein
- Brustein
- Bryant-Jackson
- Bryer
- Buchmuller
- Burdick
- Burke
- Cage
- Cage
- Camus
- Carlson
- Carra
- Carter
- Case
- Case
- Centola
- Chaikin
- Champagne
- Chapman
- Charnin
- Cheney
- Citron
- Citron
- Clurman
- Clurman
- Clurman
- Cogswell
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cole
- Cole
- Copeland
- Cordell
- Corey
- Corrigan
- Craig
- Craig
- Craig
- Craig
- Crandell
- Croyden
- Danforth
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davy
- Dawidziak
- Dean
- Debusscher
- Demastes
- Demastes
- Dent
- DeRose
- Devlin
- DeVries
- Dixon
- Docherty
- Dolan
- Downer
- Drake
- Duberman
- Dunn
- Easton
- Ellison
- Engel
- Engel
- Engle
- Epstein
- Esslin
- Ewen
- Falk
- Farber
- Fehl
- Fichandler
- Fichandler
- Fiedler
- Flanagan
- Flinn
- Flinn
- Fordin
- Foreman
- Foreman
- Forsyth
- Frankel
- Frascina
- Freedman
- Frick
- Frink
- Fromm
- Frost
- Galbraith
- Gard
- Garebian
- Garebian
- Garebian
- Gates
- Gener
- Giantvalley
- Ginsberg
- Gitlin
- Goldberg
- Goldman
- Goldstein
- Gordon
- Gottfried
- Gottfried
- Gottfried
- Gottfried
- Gottfried
- Green
- Green
- Green
- Greenberg
- Greenberg
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Grotowski
- Grubb
- Guare
- Guernsey
- Guilbaut
- Gussow
- Guthrie
- Guthrie
- Gänzl
- Gänzl
- Hagen
- Hagen
- Hainaux
- Halberstam
- Hamlisch
- Harris
- Hart
- Hartmann
- Haskell
- Hay
- Hay
- Hay
- Henderson
- Henderson
- Henderson
- Herman
- Hethmon
- Hill
- Hill
- Hirsch
- Holmberg
- Holmes
- Horn
- Hornby
- Houghton
- Howell
- Hulbert
- Ilson
- Isenberg
- Ives
- Izenour
- Izenour
- Jablonski
- Jablonski
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jacobs
- Jacobus
- Jacobus
- James
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Kahn
- Kane
- Kaprow
- Kaprow
- Kazan
- Kelly
- Keniston
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Kernan
- Keyssar
- Kienzle
- Kilgore
- King
- King
- King
- Kintz
- Kirby
- Kislan
- Kislan
- Kissel
- Klaus
- Knight
- Kohtes
- Kolin
- Kolin
- Kolin
- Kolin
- Konas
- Kornbluth
- Kostelanetz
- Kostelanetz
- Kostelanetz
- Krutch
- Kullman
- Lahr
- Lahr
- Langley
- Langworthy
- Larson
- Laufe
- Lees
- Leeson
- Leiter
- Leiter
- Leiter
- Lerner
- Lesnick
- Leverich
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Little
- Loeffler
- Loesser
- Logan
- London
- Londré
- Loney
- Lowell
- Lowry
- Luce
- Ludlam
- Ludlam
- Malina
- Malina
- Mamet
- Mamet
- Mandelbaum
- Mandelbaum
- Marcus
- Marranca
- Marranca
- Marranca
- Martin
- Martin
- Martin
- Martine
- Maslon
- Mast
- McCandless
- McCandless
- McCandless
- McDonough
- McDonough
- McGovern
- McKnight
- McLuhan
- McNamara
- McNamara
- Meisner
- Melville
- Mendus
- Menta
- Meserve
- Mielziner
- Mielziner
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Mitchell
- Moore
- Morales
- Mordden
- Mordden
- Mordden
- Mordden
- Morgan
- Morrow
- Morrow
- Moss
- Motherwell
- Mottram
- Mullin
- Murphy
- Nadel
- Napoleon
- Nassour
- Nolan
- Novick
- Oenslager
- Oenslager
- Oenslager
- Oliphant
- Orzel
- Oumano
- Overmyer
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Palmer
- Parker
- Pasolli
- Patterson
- Pearce
- Pecktal
- Pendleton
- Perry
- Perry
- Phillips
- Poggi
- Polakov
- Poland
- Porter
- Porterfield
- Postman
- Prince
- Quintero
- Reinelt
- Reische
- Rich
- Rich
- Riesman
- Rischbeiter
- Robert
- Robinson
- Robinson
- Rockefeller
- Rodgers
- Rogoff
- Roose-Evans
- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg
- Rosenthal
- Roth
- Roth
- Roudané
- Roudané
- Roudané
- Roudané
- Roudané
- Rubin
- Russell
- Rutenberg
- Ryzuk
- Sainer
- Savran
- Savran
- Savran
- Savran
- Savran
- Sayre
- Schechner
- Schechner
- Schechner
- Schevill
- Schlueter
- Schlueter
- Schlueter
- Schmitt
- Schneider
- Schneider
- Schroeder
- Schwartz
- Seitz
- Selden
- Sellman
- Sheehy
- Shepard
- Shepard
- Sheward
- Shewey
- Shyer
- Sievers
- Silverman
- Silvester
- Silvester
- Simon
- Simonson
- Simonson Lee.
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Sontag
- Sponberg
- Spoto
- Stanislavski
- Stanislavski
- Stanislavski
- Stanton
- Starr
- Stein
- Stoddard
- Strasberg
- Suskin
- Suskin
- Swain
- Taubman
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Tharpe
- Tischler
- Tomkins
- Tomkins
- Trilling
- Tucker
- Tytell
- Updike
- Vaughan
- Venturi
- Viagas
- Voss
- Wade
- Wager
- Walsh
- Wardle
- Watson
- Watson
- Watt
- Weales
- Weber
- Weinberg
- Weisman
- Welland
- Wellman
- Wetzsteon
- Whyte
- Wiles
- Williams
- Williams
- Willis
- Wills
- Willson
- Wilmeth
- Wilmeth
- Wilson
- Woll
- Woods
- Yacowar
- Young
- Zadan
- Zarrilli
- Zeigler
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2000
- Field of study
Actors and Acting
- Author
- Abbott
- Abramson
- Adler
- Adler
- Adler
- Adler
- Albee
- Albee
- Altman
- Amacher
- Ambush
- Anderson
- Appelbaum
- Appia
- Arnott
- Aronson
- Aronson
- Artaud
- Atkinson
- Auerbach
- Ball
- Banes
- Banes
- Banes
- Banfield
- Baraka
- Barnett
- Barnouw
- Bartow
- Battcock
- Baumol
- Bay
- Beck
- Beck
- Beeson
- Behr
- Behr
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Benston
- Bentley
- Bentley
- Bergman
- Bergreen
- Berkowitz
- Berkowitz
- Berson
- Betsko
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Biner
- Blau
- Block
- Blum
- Blumenthal
- Blumenthal
- Boleslavski
- Bordman
- Bordman
- Bordman
- Bordman
- Bordman
- Brando
- Brantley
- Brater
- Brecht
- Breuer
- Brockett
- Bronner
- Bronson
- Brooks
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown-Guillory
- Broyles-Gonzalez
- Brustein
- Brustein
- Brustein
- Bryant-Jackson
- Bryer
- Buchmuller
- Burdick
- Burke
- Cage
- Cage
- Camus
- Carlson
- Carra
- Carter
- Case
- Case
- Centola
- Chaikin
- Champagne
- Chapman
- Charnin
- Cheney
- Citron
- Citron
- Clurman
- Clurman
- Clurman
- Cogswell
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cole
- Cole
- Copeland
- Cordell
- Corey
- Corrigan
- Craig
- Craig
- Craig
- Craig
- Crandell
- Croyden
- Danforth
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davy
- Dawidziak
- Dean
- Debusscher
- Demastes
- Demastes
- Dent
- DeRose
- Devlin
- DeVries
- Dixon
- Docherty
- Dolan
- Downer
- Drake
- Duberman
- Dunn
- Easton
- Ellison
- Engel
- Engel
- Engle
- Epstein
- Esslin
- Ewen
- Falk
- Farber
- Fehl
- Fichandler
- Fichandler
- Fiedler
- Flanagan
- Flinn
- Flinn
- Fordin
- Foreman
- Foreman
- Forsyth
- Frankel
- Frascina
- Freedman
- Frick
- Frink
- Fromm
- Frost
- Galbraith
- Gard
- Garebian
- Garebian
- Garebian
- Gates
- Gener
- Giantvalley
- Ginsberg
- Gitlin
- Goldberg
- Goldman
- Goldstein
- Gordon
- Gottfried
- Gottfried
- Gottfried
- Gottfried
- Gottfried
- Green
- Green
- Green
- Greenberg
- Greenberg
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Grotowski
- Grubb
- Guare
- Guernsey
- Guilbaut
- Gussow
- Guthrie
- Guthrie
- Gänzl
- Gänzl
- Hagen
- Hagen
- Hainaux
- Halberstam
- Hamlisch
- Harris
- Hart
- Hartmann
- Haskell
- Hay
- Hay
- Hay
- Henderson
- Henderson
- Henderson
- Herman
- Hethmon
- Hill
- Hill
- Hirsch
- Holmberg
- Holmes
- Horn
- Hornby
- Houghton
- Howell
- Hulbert
- Ilson
- Isenberg
- Ives
- Izenour
- Izenour
- Jablonski
- Jablonski
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jacobs
- Jacobus
- Jacobus
- James
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Kahn
- Kane
- Kaprow
- Kaprow
- Kazan
- Kelly
- Keniston
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Kernan
- Keyssar
- Kienzle
- Kilgore
- King
- King
- King
- Kintz
- Kirby
- Kislan
- Kislan
- Kissel
- Klaus
- Knight
- Kohtes
- Kolin
- Kolin
- Kolin
- Kolin
- Konas
- Kornbluth
- Kostelanetz
- Kostelanetz
- Kostelanetz
- Krutch
- Kullman
- Lahr
- Lahr
- Langley
- Langworthy
- Larson
- Laufe
- Lees
- Leeson
- Leiter
- Leiter
- Leiter
- Lerner
- Lesnick
- Leverich
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Little
- Loeffler
- Loesser
- Logan
- London
- Londré
- Loney
- Lowell
- Lowry
- Luce
- Ludlam
- Ludlam
- Malina
- Malina
- Mamet
- Mamet
- Mandelbaum
- Mandelbaum
- Marcus
- Marranca
- Marranca
- Marranca
- Martin
- Martin
- Martin
- Martine
- Maslon
- Mast
- McCandless
- McCandless
- McCandless
- McDonough
- McDonough
- McGovern
- McKnight
- McLuhan
- McNamara
- McNamara
- Meisner
- Melville
- Mendus
- Menta
- Meserve
- Mielziner
- Mielziner
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Mitchell
- Moore
- Morales
- Mordden
- Mordden
- Mordden
- Mordden
- Morgan
- Morrow
- Morrow
- Moss
- Motherwell
- Mottram
- Mullin
- Murphy
- Nadel
- Napoleon
- Nassour
- Nolan
- Novick
- Oenslager
- Oenslager
- Oenslager
- Oliphant
- Orzel
- Oumano
- Overmyer
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Palmer
- Parker
- Pasolli
- Patterson
- Pearce
- Pecktal
- Pendleton
- Perry
- Perry
- Phillips
- Poggi
- Polakov
- Poland
- Porter
- Porterfield
- Postman
- Prince
- Quintero
- Reinelt
- Reische
- Rich
- Rich
- Riesman
- Rischbeiter
- Robert
- Robinson
- Robinson
- Rockefeller
- Rodgers
- Rogoff
- Roose-Evans
- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg
- Rosenthal
- Roth
- Roth
- Roudané
- Roudané
- Roudané
- Roudané
- Roudané
- Rubin
- Russell
- Rutenberg
- Ryzuk
- Sainer
- Savran
- Savran
- Savran
- Savran
- Savran
- Sayre
- Schechner
- Schechner
- Schechner
- Schevill
- Schlueter
- Schlueter
- Schlueter
- Schmitt
- Schneider
- Schneider
- Schroeder
- Schwartz
- Seitz
- Selden
- Sellman
- Sheehy
- Shepard
- Shepard
- Sheward
- Shewey
- Shyer
- Sievers
- Silverman
- Silvester
- Silvester
- Simon
- Simonson
- Simonson Lee.
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Sontag
- Sponberg
- Spoto
- Stanislavski
- Stanislavski
- Stanislavski
- Stanton
- Starr
- Stein
- Stoddard
- Strasberg
- Suskin
- Suskin
- Swain
- Taubman
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Tharpe
- Tischler
- Tomkins
- Tomkins
- Trilling
- Tucker
- Tytell
- Updike
- Vaughan
- Venturi
- Viagas
- Voss
- Wade
- Wager
- Walsh
- Wardle
- Watson
- Watson
- Watt
- Weales
- Weber
- Weinberg
- Weisman
- Welland
- Wellman
- Wetzsteon
- Whyte
- Wiles
- Williams
- Williams
- Willis
- Wills
- Willson
- Wilmeth
- Wilmeth
- Wilson
- Woll
- Woods
- Yacowar
- Young
- Zadan
- Zarrilli
- Zeigler
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2000
- Field of study
The Plays and Playwrights
- Author
- Abbott
- Abramson
- Adler
- Adler
- Adler
- Adler
- Albee
- Albee
- Altman
- Amacher
- Ambush
- Anderson
- Appelbaum
- Appia
- Arnott
- Aronson
- Aronson
- Artaud
- Atkinson
- Auerbach
- Ball
- Banes
- Banes
- Banes
- Banfield
- Baraka
- Barnett
- Barnouw
- Bartow
- Battcock
- Baumol
- Bay
- Beck
- Beck
- Beeson
- Behr
- Behr
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Benston
- Bentley
- Bentley
- Bergman
- Bergreen
- Berkowitz
- Berkowitz
- Berson
- Betsko
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Biner
- Blau
- Block
- Blum
- Blumenthal
- Blumenthal
- Boleslavski
- Bordman
- Bordman
- Bordman
- Bordman
- Bordman
- Brando
- Brantley
- Brater
- Brecht
- Breuer
- Brockett
- Bronner
- Bronson
- Brooks
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown-Guillory
- Broyles-Gonzalez
- Brustein
- Brustein
- Brustein
- Bryant-Jackson
- Bryer
- Buchmuller
- Burdick
- Burke
- Cage
- Cage
- Camus
- Carlson
- Carra
- Carter
- Case
- Case
- Centola
- Chaikin
- Champagne
- Chapman
- Charnin
- Cheney
- Citron
- Citron
- Clurman
- Clurman
- Clurman
- Cogswell
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cole
- Cole
- Copeland
- Cordell
- Corey
- Corrigan
- Craig
- Craig
- Craig
- Craig
- Crandell
- Croyden
- Danforth
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davy
- Dawidziak
- Dean
- Debusscher
- Demastes
- Demastes
- Dent
- DeRose
- Devlin
- DeVries
- Dixon
- Docherty
- Dolan
- Downer
- Drake
- Duberman
- Dunn
- Easton
- Ellison
- Engel
- Engel
- Engle
- Epstein
- Esslin
- Ewen
- Falk
- Farber
- Fehl
- Fichandler
- Fichandler
- Fiedler
- Flanagan
- Flinn
- Flinn
- Fordin
- Foreman
- Foreman
- Forsyth
- Frankel
- Frascina
- Freedman
- Frick
- Frink
- Fromm
- Frost
- Galbraith
- Gard
- Garebian
- Garebian
- Garebian
- Gates
- Gener
- Giantvalley
- Ginsberg
- Gitlin
- Goldberg
- Goldman
- Goldstein
- Gordon
- Gottfried
- Gottfried
- Gottfried
- Gottfried
- Gottfried
- Green
- Green
- Green
- Greenberg
- Greenberg
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Grotowski
- Grubb
- Guare
- Guernsey
- Guilbaut
- Gussow
- Guthrie
- Guthrie
- Gänzl
- Gänzl
- Hagen
- Hagen
- Hainaux
- Halberstam
- Hamlisch
- Harris
- Hart
- Hartmann
- Haskell
- Hay
- Hay
- Hay
- Henderson
- Henderson
- Henderson
- Herman
- Hethmon
- Hill
- Hill
- Hirsch
- Holmberg
- Holmes
- Horn
- Hornby
- Houghton
- Howell
- Hulbert
- Ilson
- Isenberg
- Ives
- Izenour
- Izenour
- Jablonski
- Jablonski
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jacobs
- Jacobus
- Jacobus
- James
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Kahn
- Kane
- Kaprow
- Kaprow
- Kazan
- Kelly
- Keniston
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Kernan
- Keyssar
- Kienzle
- Kilgore
- King
- King
- King
- Kintz
- Kirby
- Kislan
- Kislan
- Kissel
- Klaus
- Knight
- Kohtes
- Kolin
- Kolin
- Kolin
- Kolin
- Konas
- Kornbluth
- Kostelanetz
- Kostelanetz
- Kostelanetz
- Krutch
- Kullman
- Lahr
- Lahr
- Langley
- Langworthy
- Larson
- Laufe
- Lees
- Leeson
- Leiter
- Leiter
- Leiter
- Lerner
- Lesnick
- Leverich
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Little
- Loeffler
- Loesser
- Logan
- London
- Londré
- Loney
- Lowell
- Lowry
- Luce
- Ludlam
- Ludlam
- Malina
- Malina
- Mamet
- Mamet
- Mandelbaum
- Mandelbaum
- Marcus
- Marranca
- Marranca
- Marranca
- Martin
- Martin
- Martin
- Martine
- Maslon
- Mast
- McCandless
- McCandless
- McCandless
- McDonough
- McDonough
- McGovern
- McKnight
- McLuhan
- McNamara
- McNamara
- Meisner
- Melville
- Mendus
- Menta
- Meserve
- Mielziner
- Mielziner
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Mitchell
- Moore
- Morales
- Mordden
- Mordden
- Mordden
- Mordden
- Morgan
- Morrow
- Morrow
- Moss
- Motherwell
- Mottram
- Mullin
- Murphy
- Nadel
- Napoleon
- Nassour
- Nolan
- Novick
- Oenslager
- Oenslager
- Oenslager
- Oliphant
- Orzel
- Oumano
- Overmyer
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Palmer
- Parker
- Pasolli
- Patterson
- Pearce
- Pecktal
- Pendleton
- Perry
- Perry
- Phillips
- Poggi
- Polakov
- Poland
- Porter
- Porterfield
- Postman
- Prince
- Quintero
- Reinelt
- Reische
- Rich
- Rich
- Riesman
- Rischbeiter
- Robert
- Robinson
- Robinson
- Rockefeller
- Rodgers
- Rogoff
- Roose-Evans
- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg
- Rosenthal
- Roth
- Roth
- Roudané
- Roudané
- Roudané
- Roudané
- Roudané
- Rubin
- Russell
- Rutenberg
- Ryzuk
- Sainer
- Savran
- Savran
- Savran
- Savran
- Savran
- Sayre
- Schechner
- Schechner
- Schechner
- Schevill
- Schlueter
- Schlueter
- Schlueter
- Schmitt
- Schneider
- Schneider
- Schroeder
- Schwartz
- Seitz
- Selden
- Sellman
- Sheehy
- Shepard
- Shepard
- Sheward
- Shewey
- Shyer
- Sievers
- Silverman
- Silvester
- Silvester
- Simon
- Simonson
- Simonson Lee.
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Sontag
- Sponberg
- Spoto
- Stanislavski
- Stanislavski
- Stanislavski
- Stanton
- Starr
- Stein
- Stoddard
- Strasberg
- Suskin
- Suskin
- Swain
- Taubman
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Tharpe
- Tischler
- Tomkins
- Tomkins
- Trilling
- Tucker
- Tytell
- Updike
- Vaughan
- Venturi
- Viagas
- Voss
- Wade
- Wager
- Walsh
- Wardle
- Watson
- Watson
- Watt
- Weales
- Weber
- Weinberg
- Weisman
- Welland
- Wellman
- Wetzsteon
- Whyte
- Wiles
- Williams
- Williams
- Willis
- Wills
- Willson
- Wilmeth
- Wilmeth
- Wilson
- Woll
- Woods
- Yacowar
- Young
- Zadan
- Zarrilli
- Zeigler
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2000
- Field of study
- Author
- Abbott
- Abramson
- Adler
- Adler
- Adler
- Adler
- Albee
- Albee
- Altman
- Amacher
- Ambush
- Anderson
- Appelbaum
- Appia
- Arnott
- Aronson
- Aronson
- Artaud
- Atkinson
- Auerbach
- Ball
- Banes
- Banes
- Banes
- Banfield
- Baraka
- Barnett
- Barnouw
- Bartow
- Battcock
- Baumol
- Bay
- Beck
- Beck
- Beeson
- Behr
- Behr
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Benston
- Bentley
- Bentley
- Bergman
- Bergreen
- Berkowitz
- Berkowitz
- Berson
- Betsko
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Biner
- Blau
- Block
- Blum
- Blumenthal
- Blumenthal
- Boleslavski
- Bordman
- Bordman
- Bordman
- Bordman
- Bordman
- Brando
- Brantley
- Brater
- Brecht
- Breuer
- Brockett
- Bronner
- Bronson
- Brooks
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown-Guillory
- Broyles-Gonzalez
- Brustein
- Brustein
- Brustein
- Bryant-Jackson
- Bryer
- Buchmuller
- Burdick
- Burke
- Cage
- Cage
- Camus
- Carlson
- Carra
- Carter
- Case
- Case
- Centola
- Chaikin
- Champagne
- Chapman
- Charnin
- Cheney
- Citron
- Citron
- Clurman
- Clurman
- Clurman
- Cogswell
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cole
- Cole
- Copeland
- Cordell
- Corey
- Corrigan
- Craig
- Craig
- Craig
- Craig
- Crandell
- Croyden
- Danforth
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davy
- Dawidziak
- Dean
- Debusscher
- Demastes
- Demastes
- Dent
- DeRose
- Devlin
- DeVries
- Dixon
- Docherty
- Dolan
- Downer
- Drake
- Duberman
- Dunn
- Easton
- Ellison
- Engel
- Engel
- Engle
- Epstein
- Esslin
- Ewen
- Falk
- Farber
- Fehl
- Fichandler
- Fichandler
- Fiedler
- Flanagan
- Flinn
- Flinn
- Fordin
- Foreman
- Foreman
- Forsyth
- Frankel
- Frascina
- Freedman
- Frick
- Frink
- Fromm
- Frost
- Galbraith
- Gard
- Garebian
- Garebian
- Garebian
- Gates
- Gener
- Giantvalley
- Ginsberg
- Gitlin
- Goldberg
- Goldman
- Goldstein
- Gordon
- Gottfried
- Gottfried
- Gottfried
- Gottfried
- Gottfried
- Green
- Green
- Green
- Greenberg
- Greenberg
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Grotowski
- Grubb
- Guare
- Guernsey
- Guilbaut
- Gussow
- Guthrie
- Guthrie
- Gänzl
- Gänzl
- Hagen
- Hagen
- Hainaux
- Halberstam
- Hamlisch
- Harris
- Hart
- Hartmann
- Haskell
- Hay
- Hay
- Hay
- Henderson
- Henderson
- Henderson
- Herman
- Hethmon
- Hill
- Hill
- Hirsch
- Holmberg
- Holmes
- Horn
- Hornby
- Houghton
- Howell
- Hulbert
- Ilson
- Isenberg
- Ives
- Izenour
- Izenour
- Jablonski
- Jablonski
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jacobs
- Jacobus
- Jacobus
- James
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Kahn
- Kane
- Kaprow
- Kaprow
- Kazan
- Kelly
- Keniston
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Kernan
- Keyssar
- Kienzle
- Kilgore
- King
- King
- King
- Kintz
- Kirby
- Kislan
- Kislan
- Kissel
- Klaus
- Knight
- Kohtes
- Kolin
- Kolin
- Kolin
- Kolin
- Konas
- Kornbluth
- Kostelanetz
- Kostelanetz
- Kostelanetz
- Krutch
- Kullman
- Lahr
- Lahr
- Langley
- Langworthy
- Larson
- Laufe
- Lees
- Leeson
- Leiter
- Leiter
- Leiter
- Lerner
- Lesnick
- Leverich
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Little
- Loeffler
- Loesser
- Logan
- London
- Londré
- Loney
- Lowell
- Lowry
- Luce
- Ludlam
- Ludlam
- Malina
- Malina
- Mamet
- Mamet
- Mandelbaum
- Mandelbaum
- Marcus
- Marranca
- Marranca
- Marranca
- Martin
- Martin
- Martin
- Martine
- Maslon
- Mast
- McCandless
- McCandless
- McCandless
- McDonough
- McDonough
- McGovern
- McKnight
- McLuhan
- McNamara
- McNamara
- Meisner
- Melville
- Mendus
- Menta
- Meserve
- Mielziner
- Mielziner
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Mitchell
- Moore
- Morales
- Mordden
- Mordden
- Mordden
- Mordden
- Morgan
- Morrow
- Morrow
- Moss
- Motherwell
- Mottram
- Mullin
- Murphy
- Nadel
- Napoleon
- Nassour
- Nolan
- Novick
- Oenslager
- Oenslager
- Oenslager
- Oliphant
- Orzel
- Oumano
- Overmyer
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Palmer
- Parker
- Pasolli
- Patterson
- Pearce
- Pecktal
- Pendleton
- Perry
- Perry
- Phillips
- Poggi
- Polakov
- Poland
- Porter
- Porterfield
- Postman
- Prince
- Quintero
- Reinelt
- Reische
- Rich
- Rich
- Riesman
- Rischbeiter
- Robert
- Robinson
- Robinson
- Rockefeller
- Rodgers
- Rogoff
- Roose-Evans
- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg
- Rosenthal
- Roth
- Roth
- Roudané
- Roudané
- Roudané
- Roudané
- Roudané
- Rubin
- Russell
- Rutenberg
- Ryzuk
- Sainer
- Savran
- Savran
- Savran
- Savran
- Savran
- Sayre
- Schechner
- Schechner
- Schechner
- Schevill
- Schlueter
- Schlueter
- Schlueter
- Schmitt
- Schneider
- Schneider
- Schroeder
- Schwartz
- Seitz
- Selden
- Sellman
- Sheehy
- Shepard
- Shepard
- Sheward
- Shewey
- Shyer
- Sievers
- Silverman
- Silvester
- Silvester
- Simon
- Simonson
- Simonson Lee.
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Sontag
- Sponberg
- Spoto
- Stanislavski
- Stanislavski
- Stanislavski
- Stanton
- Starr
- Stein
- Stoddard
- Strasberg
- Suskin
- Suskin
- Swain
- Taubman
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Tharpe
- Tischler
- Tomkins
- Tomkins
- Trilling
- Tucker
- Tytell
- Updike
- Vaughan
- Venturi
- Viagas
- Voss
- Wade
- Wager
- Walsh
- Wardle
- Watson
- Watson
- Watt
- Weales
- Weber
- Weinberg
- Weisman
- Welland
- Wellman
- Wetzsteon
- Whyte
- Wiles
- Williams
- Williams
- Willis
- Wills
- Willson
- Wilmeth
- Wilmeth
- Wilson
- Woll
- Woods
- Yacowar
- Young
- Zadan
- Zarrilli
- Zeigler
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2000
- Field of study
A Changing Theatre: Broadway to the Regions
- Author
- Abbott
- Abramson
- Adler
- Adler
- Adler
- Adler
- Albee
- Albee
- Altman
- Amacher
- Ambush
- Anderson
- Appelbaum
- Appia
- Arnott
- Aronson
- Aronson
- Artaud
- Atkinson
- Auerbach
- Ball
- Banes
- Banes
- Banes
- Banfield
- Baraka
- Barnett
- Barnouw
- Bartow
- Battcock
- Baumol
- Bay
- Beck
- Beck
- Beeson
- Behr
- Behr
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Benston
- Bentley
- Bentley
- Bergman
- Bergreen
- Berkowitz
- Berkowitz
- Berson
- Betsko
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Biner
- Blau
- Block
- Blum
- Blumenthal
- Blumenthal
- Boleslavski
- Bordman
- Bordman
- Bordman
- Bordman
- Bordman
- Brando
- Brantley
- Brater
- Brecht
- Breuer
- Brockett
- Bronner
- Bronson
- Brooks
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown-Guillory
- Broyles-Gonzalez
- Brustein
- Brustein
- Brustein
- Bryant-Jackson
- Bryer
- Buchmuller
- Burdick
- Burke
- Cage
- Cage
- Camus
- Carlson
- Carra
- Carter
- Case
- Case
- Centola
- Chaikin
- Champagne
- Chapman
- Charnin
- Cheney
- Citron
- Citron
- Clurman
- Clurman
- Clurman
- Cogswell
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cole
- Cole
- Copeland
- Cordell
- Corey
- Corrigan
- Craig
- Craig
- Craig
- Craig
- Crandell
- Croyden
- Danforth
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davy
- Dawidziak
- Dean
- Debusscher
- Demastes
- Demastes
- Dent
- DeRose
- Devlin
- DeVries
- Dixon
- Docherty
- Dolan
- Downer
- Drake
- Duberman
- Dunn
- Easton
- Ellison
- Engel
- Engel
- Engle
- Epstein
- Esslin
- Ewen
- Falk
- Farber
- Fehl
- Fichandler
- Fichandler
- Fiedler
- Flanagan
- Flinn
- Flinn
- Fordin
- Foreman
- Foreman
- Forsyth
- Frankel
- Frascina
- Freedman
- Frick
- Frink
- Fromm
- Frost
- Galbraith
- Gard
- Garebian
- Garebian
- Garebian
- Gates
- Gener
- Giantvalley
- Ginsberg
- Gitlin
- Goldberg
- Goldman
- Goldstein
- Gordon
- Gottfried
- Gottfried
- Gottfried
- Gottfried
- Gottfried
- Green
- Green
- Green
- Greenberg
- Greenberg
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Grotowski
- Grubb
- Guare
- Guernsey
- Guilbaut
- Gussow
- Guthrie
- Guthrie
- Gänzl
- Gänzl
- Hagen
- Hagen
- Hainaux
- Halberstam
- Hamlisch
- Harris
- Hart
- Hartmann
- Haskell
- Hay
- Hay
- Hay
- Henderson
- Henderson
- Henderson
- Herman
- Hethmon
- Hill
- Hill
- Hirsch
- Holmberg
- Holmes
- Horn
- Hornby
- Houghton
- Howell
- Hulbert
- Ilson
- Isenberg
- Ives
- Izenour
- Izenour
- Jablonski
- Jablonski
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jacobs
- Jacobus
- Jacobus
- James
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Kahn
- Kane
- Kaprow
- Kaprow
- Kazan
- Kelly
- Keniston
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Kernan
- Keyssar
- Kienzle
- Kilgore
- King
- King
- King
- Kintz
- Kirby
- Kislan
- Kislan
- Kissel
- Klaus
- Knight
- Kohtes
- Kolin
- Kolin
- Kolin
- Kolin
- Konas
- Kornbluth
- Kostelanetz
- Kostelanetz
- Kostelanetz
- Krutch
- Kullman
- Lahr
- Lahr
- Langley
- Langworthy
- Larson
- Laufe
- Lees
- Leeson
- Leiter
- Leiter
- Leiter
- Lerner
- Lesnick
- Leverich
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Little
- Loeffler
- Loesser
- Logan
- London
- Londré
- Loney
- Lowell
- Lowry
- Luce
- Ludlam
- Ludlam
- Malina
- Malina
- Mamet
- Mamet
- Mandelbaum
- Mandelbaum
- Marcus
- Marranca
- Marranca
- Marranca
- Martin
- Martin
- Martin
- Martine
- Maslon
- Mast
- McCandless
- McCandless
- McCandless
- McDonough
- McDonough
- McGovern
- McKnight
- McLuhan
- McNamara
- McNamara
- Meisner
- Melville
- Mendus
- Menta
- Meserve
- Mielziner
- Mielziner
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Mitchell
- Moore
- Morales
- Mordden
- Mordden
- Mordden
- Mordden
- Morgan
- Morrow
- Morrow
- Moss
- Motherwell
- Mottram
- Mullin
- Murphy
- Nadel
- Napoleon
- Nassour
- Nolan
- Novick
- Oenslager
- Oenslager
- Oenslager
- Oliphant
- Orzel
- Oumano
- Overmyer
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Palmer
- Parker
- Pasolli
- Patterson
- Pearce
- Pecktal
- Pendleton
- Perry
- Perry
- Phillips
- Poggi
- Polakov
- Poland
- Porter
- Porterfield
- Postman
- Prince
- Quintero
- Reinelt
- Reische
- Rich
- Rich
- Riesman
- Rischbeiter
- Robert
- Robinson
- Robinson
- Rockefeller
- Rodgers
- Rogoff
- Roose-Evans
- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg
- Rosenthal
- Roth
- Roth
- Roudané
- Roudané
- Roudané
- Roudané
- Roudané
- Rubin
- Russell
- Rutenberg
- Ryzuk
- Sainer
- Savran
- Savran
- Savran
- Savran
- Savran
- Sayre
- Schechner
- Schechner
- Schechner
- Schevill
- Schlueter
- Schlueter
- Schlueter
- Schmitt
- Schneider
- Schneider
- Schroeder
- Schwartz
- Seitz
- Selden
- Sellman
- Sheehy
- Shepard
- Shepard
- Sheward
- Shewey
- Shyer
- Sievers
- Silverman
- Silvester
- Silvester
- Simon
- Simonson
- Simonson Lee.
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Sontag
- Sponberg
- Spoto
- Stanislavski
- Stanislavski
- Stanislavski
- Stanton
- Starr
- Stein
- Stoddard
- Strasberg
- Suskin
- Suskin
- Swain
- Taubman
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Tharpe
- Tischler
- Tomkins
- Tomkins
- Trilling
- Tucker
- Tytell
- Updike
- Vaughan
- Venturi
- Viagas
- Voss
- Wade
- Wager
- Walsh
- Wardle
- Watson
- Watson
- Watt
- Weales
- Weber
- Weinberg
- Weisman
- Welland
- Wellman
- Wetzsteon
- Whyte
- Wiles
- Williams
- Williams
- Willis
- Wills
- Willson
- Wilmeth
- Wilmeth
- Wilson
- Woll
- Woods
- Yacowar
- Young
- Zadan
- Zarrilli
- Zeigler
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2000
- Field of study
American Theatre Design Since 1945
- Author
- Abbott
- Abramson
- Adler
- Adler
- Adler
- Adler
- Albee
- Albee
- Altman
- Amacher
- Ambush
- Anderson
- Appelbaum
- Appia
- Arnott
- Aronson
- Aronson
- Artaud
- Atkinson
- Auerbach
- Ball
- Banes
- Banes
- Banes
- Banfield
- Baraka
- Barnett
- Barnouw
- Bartow
- Battcock
- Baumol
- Bay
- Beck
- Beck
- Beeson
- Behr
- Behr
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Benston
- Bentley
- Bentley
- Bergman
- Bergreen
- Berkowitz
- Berkowitz
- Berson
- Betsko
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Bigsby
- Biner
- Blau
- Block
- Blum
- Blumenthal
- Blumenthal
- Boleslavski
- Bordman
- Bordman
- Bordman
- Bordman
- Bordman
- Brando
- Brantley
- Brater
- Brecht
- Breuer
- Brockett
- Bronner
- Bronson
- Brooks
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown-Guillory
- Broyles-Gonzalez
- Brustein
- Brustein
- Brustein
- Bryant-Jackson
- Bryer
- Buchmuller
- Burdick
- Burke
- Cage
- Cage
- Camus
- Carlson
- Carra
- Carter
- Case
- Case
- Centola
- Chaikin
- Champagne
- Chapman
- Charnin
- Cheney
- Citron
- Citron
- Clurman
- Clurman
- Clurman
- Cogswell
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cole
- Cole
- Copeland
- Cordell
- Corey
- Corrigan
- Craig
- Craig
- Craig
- Craig
- Crandell
- Croyden
- Danforth
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davy
- Dawidziak
- Dean
- Debusscher
- Demastes
- Demastes
- Dent
- DeRose
- Devlin
- DeVries
- Dixon
- Docherty
- Dolan
- Downer
- Drake
- Duberman
- Dunn
- Easton
- Ellison
- Engel
- Engel
- Engle
- Epstein
- Esslin
- Ewen
- Falk
- Farber
- Fehl
- Fichandler
- Fichandler
- Fiedler
- Flanagan
- Flinn
- Flinn
- Fordin
- Foreman
- Foreman
- Forsyth
- Frankel
- Frascina
- Freedman
- Frick
- Frink
- Fromm
- Frost
- Galbraith
- Gard
- Garebian
- Garebian
- Garebian
- Gates
- Gener
- Giantvalley
- Ginsberg
- Gitlin
- Goldberg
- Goldman
- Goldstein
- Gordon
- Gottfried
- Gottfried
- Gottfried
- Gottfried
- Gottfried
- Green
- Green
- Green
- Greenberg
- Greenberg
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Grotowski
- Grubb
- Guare
- Guernsey
- Guilbaut
- Gussow
- Guthrie
- Guthrie
- Gänzl
- Gänzl
- Hagen
- Hagen
- Hainaux
- Halberstam
- Hamlisch
- Harris
- Hart
- Hartmann
- Haskell
- Hay
- Hay
- Hay
- Henderson
- Henderson
- Henderson
- Herman
- Hethmon
- Hill
- Hill
- Hirsch
- Holmberg
- Holmes
- Horn
- Hornby
- Houghton
- Howell
- Hulbert
- Ilson
- Isenberg
- Ives
- Izenour
- Izenour
- Jablonski
- Jablonski
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jacobs
- Jacobus
- Jacobus
- James
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Kahn
- Kane
- Kaprow
- Kaprow
- Kazan
- Kelly
- Keniston
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Kernan
- Keyssar
- Kienzle
- Kilgore
- King
- King
- King
- Kintz
- Kirby
- Kislan
- Kislan
- Kissel
- Klaus
- Knight
- Kohtes
- Kolin
- Kolin
- Kolin
- Kolin
- Konas
- Kornbluth
- Kostelanetz
- Kostelanetz
- Kostelanetz
- Krutch
- Kullman
- Lahr
- Lahr
- Langley
- Langworthy
- Larson
- Laufe
- Lees
- Leeson
- Leiter
- Leiter
- Leiter
- Lerner
- Lesnick
- Leverich
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Little
- Loeffler
- Loesser
- Logan
- London
- Londré
- Loney
- Lowell
- Lowry
- Luce
- Ludlam
- Ludlam
- Malina
- Malina
- Mamet
- Mamet
- Mandelbaum
- Mandelbaum
- Marcus
- Marranca
- Marranca
- Marranca
- Martin
- Martin
- Martin
- Martine
- Maslon
- Mast
- McCandless
- McCandless
- McCandless
- McDonough
- McDonough
- McGovern
- McKnight
- McLuhan
- McNamara
- McNamara
- Meisner
- Melville
- Mendus
- Menta
- Meserve
- Mielziner
- Mielziner
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Mitchell
- Moore
- Morales
- Mordden
- Mordden
- Mordden
- Mordden
- Morgan
- Morrow
- Morrow
- Moss
- Motherwell
- Mottram
- Mullin
- Murphy
- Nadel
- Napoleon
- Nassour
- Nolan
- Novick
- Oenslager
- Oenslager
- Oenslager
- Oliphant
- Orzel
- Oumano
- Overmyer
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Palmer
- Parker
- Pasolli
- Patterson
- Pearce
- Pecktal
- Pendleton
- Perry
- Perry
- Phillips
- Poggi
- Polakov
- Poland
- Porter
- Porterfield
- Postman
- Prince
- Quintero
- Reinelt
- Reische
- Rich
- Rich
- Riesman
- Rischbeiter
- Robert
- Robinson
- Robinson
- Rockefeller
- Rodgers
- Rogoff
- Roose-Evans
- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg
- Rosenthal
- Roth
- Roth
- Roudané
- Roudané
- Roudané
- Roudané
- Roudané
- Rubin
- Russell
- Rutenberg
- Ryzuk
- Sainer
- Savran
- Savran
- Savran
- Savran
- Savran
- Sayre
- Schechner
- Schechner
- Schechner
- Schevill
- Schlueter
- Schlueter
- Schlueter
- Schmitt
- Schneider
- Schneider
- Schroeder
- Schwartz
- Seitz
- Selden
- Sellman
- Sheehy
- Shepard
- Shepard
- Sheward
- Shewey
- Shyer
- Sievers
- Silverman
- Silvester
- Silvester
- Simon
- Simonson
- Simonson Lee.
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Sontag
- Sponberg
- Spoto
- Stanislavski
- Stanislavski
- Stanislavski
- Stanton
- Starr
- Stein
- Stoddard
- Strasberg
- Suskin
- Suskin
- Swain
- Taubman
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Tharpe
- Tischler
- Tomkins
- Tomkins
- Trilling
- Tucker
- Tytell
- Updike
- Vaughan
- Venturi
- Viagas
- Voss
- Wade
- Wager
- Walsh
- Wardle
- Watson
- Watson
- Watt
- Weales
- Weber
- Weinberg
- Weisman
- Welland
- Wellman
- Wetzsteon
- Whyte
- Wiles
- Williams
- Williams
- Willis
- Wills
- Willson
- Wilmeth
- Wilmeth
- Wilson
- Woll
- Woods
- Yacowar
- Young
- Zadan
- Zarrilli
- Zeigler
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2000
- Field of study