143 research outputs found


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    Premesso un breve excursus del variegato panorama giurisprudenziale sulla determinazione del danno risarcibile per l'illegittima apposizione del termine a contratti stipulati con la p.a., in mancanza della conversione del contratto a tempo indeterminato nel settore del pubblico impiego e di un criterio univoco di quantificazione del pregiudizio economico, la nota analizza criticamente la soluzione interpretativa fornita dalla sentenza in commento. Il giudice condanna la p.a. a risarcire una somma pari alle retribuzioni “future”, che sarebbero state percepite dalla scadenza del termine illegittimo fino al raggiungimento dell'età pensionabile delle ricorrenti, utilizzando criteri volti a dilatare in maniera spropositata le somme dovute.Starting from an excursus of various jurisprudence on determination of damages for illegitimate fix term in contracts with the PA, (in laking both of conversion in employment in the public sector employment and of equal measure for economic prejudice) the paper case critically analyses the solution provided by the judgment in question. The p.a. is ordered to pay a sum equal to the "future" wages, that would have been perceived by the end of the illegitimate term in contracts until the retirement age of the applicants, using criteria which dilate excessively the sums due

    Identification and Genetic Diversity of Lake Sturgeon Larvae on Artificial Reefs in the Huron-Erie Corridor

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    There are 27 species of sturgeon worldwide and most are currently extinct, endangered or threatened. Lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens, one of the oldest species on the planet, evolved about 136 million years ago, and have had little morphological change, and are endemic to the freshwater lakes and rivers created by receding glaciers of the Laurentian ice sheet. Lake sturgeon have seen immense habitat loss due to human development and industrialization has nearly decimated populations. Changes to water and habitat quality, along with overharvesting, have caused declines to nearly 1% of their original population size. The Huron-Erie Corridor (HEC), includes the St. Clair and Detroit rivers that connect the upper and lower Great Lakes. This area in particular has experienced adverse effects over nearly 200 years of human activities, including the removal of spawning habitat to accommodate shipping traffic. Conservation efforts include regulations, endangered species listing, and habitat reconstruction. The creation of artificial reefs may be a sustainable management option by allowing the fish to increase their population sizes naturally. Three artificial reefs were built in the HEC in hopes of replacing spawning habitat. To verify the success and efficacy of the artificial reefs, genetics were used to determine the source and numbers of adult lake sturgeon spawning on the reefs and to determine if genetic diversity is maintained in their offspring. The maintenance of genetic diversity is required to expand population sizes and prevent negative side effects, such as the founder effect, in future generations. Eggs were collected from each reef and hatched into larvae in the lab. DNA was extracted from larval tail clips and PCR was performed to amplify 12 microsatellite loci. The samples were run using a capillary electrophoresis to obtain allele sizes at each locus for each individual. Their genotypes were then compared to 22 previously studied adult lake sturgeon populations in the Great Lakes to determine where the parental population came from. The effective population sizes for each reef were calculated to determine how many adults successfully spawned on each reef. The larval genotypes were then compared to the source population to determine if there were any losses in genetic diversity by calculating observed heterozygosity, allelic richness, and inbreeding coefficients that are indicative of the founder effect. The St. Clair and Detroit River adult populations were found to be the source parental population for the larvae collected on all three artificial reefs. There were large numbers of contributing adults when compared to total population sizes within the Great Lakes. There was no loss in genetic diversity in the larval samples compared to their parents, and therefore no evidence of the founder effect. This supports continued protection of lake sturgeon spawning habitat as well as the construction of additional reefs in the HEC


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    In linea con la costruzione di un Modello sociale europeo e con i principi di flexicurity e lotta all’esclusione sociale elaborati nel quadro della Strategia Europa 2020, lo studio ripercorre le tappe dell’auspicato processo di razionalizzazione/universalizzazione del sistema degli ammortizzatori sociali in Italia, al fine di conciliare le istanze di flessibilità del mercato del lavoro con un incremento della sicurezza sociale e dell’occupabilità. In particolare, si analizzano le rilevanti modifiche introdotte dalla legge n. 92 del 2012 (cd. Riforma Fornero), nonché quelle proposte, a distanza di neanche due anni, nell’ennesimo percorso di riforma prefigurato all’interno del cd. Jobs Act , in direzione di un welfare più inclusivo ed efficiente, e di una protezione universalistica contro il rischio di disoccupazione e quello di esclusione sociale

    ICFAR Ideas and Aperitifs, Bonnie Marranca

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    'Ideas and Aperitifs' were regular evening salons for UAL fine art staff. They offer insights into the research processes and activities of key members of UAL research staff

    Blast Theory’s Karen: exploring the ontology of technotexts

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    The continual and rapid emergence of media technologies predominantly since the digital revolution in the late twentieth century has generated a new social, cultural and cognitive ecology. This new environment has shaped the landscape of contemporary theatre and performance, and has brought about new modes such as virtual theatre, multimedia performance and online theatre. These emerging performative responses to the mediatised ecology have heralded transformations in directing, performing and design, and, relatedly, a paradigm shift in the ontology of theatre and performance. The textual dimension of theatre – a strong aspect of British theatre tradition that is mostly associated with playtexts - has also adapted to the changing performance landscape. As a result of this adaptation process, new modes of texts have emerged. The texts that have emerged from practices, whose design and performance are partially or completely based on new technologies and their aesthetics, can be considered in this group. This article is an experiment in forging a vocabulary to identify such texts, which it presents as technotexts, and explore some of their ontological characteristics. It offers an attempt to start a conversation about the changing ontology of text in mediatised theatre practice. To this end, I investigate Blast Theory’s Karen (2015), a smart phone app-based, interactive performance, which illustrates an inventive textual landscape through multiple layers of writing, and invites questions regarding the changing form and role of text as a process and product in relation to performance, authorship and spectatorship, and textual object/archive


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    Le condizioni climatiche delle regioni mediterranee, caratterizzate da frequenti annate siccitose, contribuiscono all’indebolimento degli ecosistemi forestali. Come risultato le foreste riducono le loro capacità produttive e sono più soggette a fenomeni di degrado secondario. Inoltre i contesti economico-sociali possono acuire il degrado con la diffusione di uno scorretto uso della risorsa (tagli boschivi, pascolamento) e con la diffusione degli incendi boschivi. L’obiettivo generale del progetto è preservare i sistemi forestali in ambiente mediterraneo dai rischi derivanti dai cambiamenti climatici, tramite processi di naturalizzazione, aumento di biodiversità e migliorata reattività, nei processi di recupero, in seguito ad eventi destabilizzanti. Obiettivo specifico è implementare una politica forestale regionale in grado di aumentare la capacità di resilienza delle foreste siciliane, migliorandone l’efficienza ecosistemica e favorendo la salvaguardia della biodiversità. Tra le azioni principali previste dal progetto, che si concluderà alla fine del 2015, si possono citare la classificazione delle categorie forestali siciliane in funzione della sensibilità alla desertificazione, l’indagine diacronica sull’uso e copertura del suolo dei principali paesaggi forestali siciliani, la definizione di prassi selvicolturali specifiche; la realizzazione di 120 ettari di interventi dimostrativi in 6 aree della Sicilia; la realizzazione di 6 piani di indirizzo forestali attraverso processi partecipativi con le popolazioni locali. Nella fase finale del progetto è prevista l’implementazione delle linee strategiche sperimentate con ResilForMed nel Piano Forestale Regionale della Sicilia

    Odin Teatret’s The Tree: performing in the interstices

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    Abstract: This article aims to critically engage with Odin Teatret’s most recent addition to the repertoire, The Tree (2016), in order to investigate the ways in which Barba’s dramaturgical decision-making processes create a performance field that metaphorically comments on the status of the group today whilst critiquing contemporary geo-politics. Importantly, we argue that notions of interculturalism - which have often been employed by scholars to critique the Odin’s work - do not address the full complexity of the embodied concatenation of the group’s practice, and we employ the term interstitial to more effectively articulate the complex space produced by the group’s training and performances.</jats:p

    The New Romantics : Ten Stories of Mystery, Passion, Travel & Vampires

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    Les métaphores théâtrales dans le discours militaire

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    Marranca Bonnie. Les métaphores théâtrales dans le discours militaire. In: Les Cahiers du GRIF, n°41-42, 1989. L'imaginaire du nucléaire. pp. 114-118
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