694 research outputs found

    The elimination of the influence of ambient environmental effects on the structure of `inert\u27 polymers

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    The construction and use of a vacuum chamber suitable for conventional X-ray diffraction has revealed the influence of the ambient environment, including moisture, on the bulk structure of very thin polymer films. It is concluded that studies of thin film organic systems, even those thought not to be perturbed by ambient water vapor and other contaminants, may benefit from undertaking some studies in such small sample vacuum chambers

    The elimination of the influence of ambient environmental effects on the structure of `inert\u27 polymers

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    The construction and use of a vacuum chamber suitable for conventional X-ray diffraction has revealed the influence of the ambient environment, including moisture, on the bulk structure of very thin polymer films. It is concluded that studies of thin film organic systems, even those thought not to be perturbed by ambient water vapor and other contaminants, may benefit from undertaking some studies in such small sample vacuum chambers

    Estudos sorológicos para pesquisa de anticorpos de arbovírus em população humana da região do Vale do Ribeira: II - inquérito em pacientes do Hospital Regional de Pariquera-Açú, 1980

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    A serological survey for hemagglutination - inhibition antibodies to arbovirus was carried out on 516 residents of the rural and urban zones of the Ribeira Valley, Brazil, a largely forested area where there recently occurred an encephalitis epidemic attributed to Flavivirus Rocio. It was discovered that 24.2% of the sample population presented HI antibodies (11.2% against Alphavirus, 13.2% against Flavivirus, 4.6% against the Caraparu virus and 0.8% against other arboviruses). Neutralizing antibodies for Eastern equine encephalitis, St. Louis encephalitis and yellow fever virus were detected in some of the people, not vaccinated against yellow fever, who have always lived in the region. These last two viruses have never before been isolated in the area. The characteristics of people who presented antibodies suggest that the transmission of arboviruses has been going on for a long time, in and outside the forested area, in at least nine districts of the region. Men, and especially fishermen, among other professions, who generally work in the evening and at night, present the highest risk of infection.Foi realizado inquérito sorológico para pesquisa de anticorpos inibidores de hemaglutinaçãc de arbovírus em 516 moradores das zonas urbana e rural da região do Vale do Ribeira, Brasil, área extensamente coberta de florestas onde ocorreu recentemente uma epidemia de encefalite atribuída ao Flavivirus Rocio. Verificou-se que 24,2% destas pessoas tinham anticorpos IH para um ou mais arbovírus (11,2% para Alphavirus; 13,2% para Flavivirus; 4,6% para o Bunyavirus Caraparu e 0,8% para outros arbovírus). Alguns dos investigados, sem antecedente de vacinação contra febre amarela, apresentaram anticorpos neutralizantes para o vírus da encefalite equina do Leste, St. Louis e da febre amarela, os dois últimos ainda não isolados na região. A análise das características dos indivíduos com sorologia positiva sugeria que a transmissão de arboviroses não era fato recente e estava se fazendo em pelo menos 9 municípios da área, não só no ambiente silvestre como fora do mesmo. Os indivíduos de sexo masculino e entre estes os que trabalham em pesca, em geral no período vespertino e noturno, apresentaram maior risco à infecções arbovíricas

    Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma with Desmoid-Type Fibromatosis: Review of Published Cases.

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    Desmoid-type fibromatosis (DTF) is a very rare variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC). It is essentially a dual tumor with a component of classical PTC with malignant epithelial proliferation (BRAF-mutated) and another component of mesenchymal proliferation (CTNNB1-mutated). We conducted a literature review on PTC-DTF. In total, 31 articles were identified, that together reported on 54 patients. The mean age was 47 years, with a 2.2:1 female predominance. No ultrasound features were found to be helpful in differentiating PTC-DTF from other PTC variants. Of the 43 cases that reported histological details, 60% had locally infiltrative disease (T3b or T4). Around 48% had cervical lymph node metastases, but none had distant metastases. While PTC-DTF may be locally more aggressive than classic PTC, its overall behavior is similar and can include extrathyroidal extension and lymph node metastases, which may contain a stromal component and show extranodal invasion. The mainstay of treatment for PTC-DTF is surgery, and the DTF component is not expected to be sensitive to radioactive iodine. External radiotherapy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, tyrosine kinase inhibitors and chemotherapy have also been used in selected cases. Due to the rarity of these tumors and the lack of specific treatment guidelines, management should be discussed in a multidisciplinary team

    Trajectory versus probability density entropy

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    We study the problem of entropy increase of the Bernoulli-shift map without recourse to the concept of trajectory and we discuss whether, and under which conditions if it does, the distribution density entropy coincides with the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy, namely, with the trajectory entropy.Comment: 24 page

    The modelery: a collaborative web based repository

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    Software development processes are known to produce a large set of artifacts such as models, code and documentation. Keeping track of these artifacts without supporting tools is not easy, and making them available to others can be even harder. Standard version control systems are not able to solve this issue. More than keeping track of versions, a system to help organize and make artifacts available in meaningful ways is needed. In this paper we review a number of alternative systems, and present the requirements and the implementation of a collaborative web repository which we developed to solve this issue.Project LATiCES: Languages And Tools for Critical rEal-time Systems (Ref. NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000062) is financed by the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (ON.2 - O Novo Norte), under the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and by national funds, through the Portuguese funding agency, Fundacão para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)

    Estudos sorológicos para pesquisa de anticorpos de arbovírus em população humana da região do Vale do Ribeira: III - inquérito em coabitantes com casos de encefalite por Flavivirus Rocio

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    A serological survey for hemagglutination-inhibition antibodies to 17 arbovirus was carried out in households with cases of Rocio encephalitis, in the urban zone of four cities of the Ribeira Valley, Brazil, where an epidemic of Rocio encephalitis occurred recently. Among those households the prevalence of Rocio antibodies was not higher than in households without cases of encephalitis. Some facts, which were reported before, were again observed: a large prevalence of antibodies in men, particulary fishermen, an increase of antibodies with age and the presence of one past case of encephalitis that presented only neutralizing antibodies against EEE. That Alphavirus has never been responsible for human disease in the area. There is also a very small proportion of people with Rocio and Flavivirus antibodies which, in view of the recent epidemic, was surprising.Foi realizado inquérito sorológico para pesquisa de anticorpos de 17 arbovírus existentes no país, em coabitantes com doentes de encefalite por Rocio, residentes em zona urbana da região do Vale do Ribeira, São Paulo (Brasil), onde ocorreu recentemente uma extensa epidemia dessa moléstia. Não se verificou maior prevalência de anticorpos IH para vírus Rocio nessas pessoas quando comparadas com indivíduos que não coabitavam com doentes de encefalite. Foram observados e discutidos alguns aspectos já verificados em outros grupos populacionais estudados anteriormente: maior prevalência de anticorpos IH de arbovírus em homens, particularmente pescadores; aumento dessa prevalência com a idade e presença de pessoa com antecedente de encefalite que apresentou, exclusivamente anticorpos neutralizantes para o Alphavirus EEL, o qual até agora não tem sido responsabilizado por moléstia na região. Encontrou-se baixa proporção de indivíduos com anticorpos para Rocio e Flavivirus em geral, fato este estranhável considerando a recente epidemia

    Continental shelf off northern Chilean Patagonia: A potential risk zone for the onset of Alexandrium catenella toxic bloom?

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    Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) pose a severe socio-economic problem worldwide. The dinoflagellate species Alexandrium catenella produces potent neurotoxins called saxitoxins (STXs) and its blooms are associated with the human intoxication named Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP). Knowing where and how these blooms originate is crucial to predict blooms. Most studies in the Chilean Patagonia, were focused on coastal areas, considering that blooms from the adjacent oceanic region are almost non-existent. Using a combination of field studies and modelling approaches, we first evaluated the role of the continental shelf off northern Chilean Patagonia as a source of A. catenella resting cysts, which may act as inoculum for their toxic coastal blooms. This area is characterized by a seasonal upwelling system with positive Ekman pumping during spring-summer, and by the presence of six major submarine canyons. We found out that these submarine canyons increase the vertical advection of bottom waters, and thus, significantly enhance the process of coastal upwelling. This is a previously unreported factor, among those involved in bloom initiation. This finding put this offshore area at high risk of resuspension of resting cysts of A. catenella. Here, we discuss in detail the physical processes promoting this resuspension.Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) pose a severe socio-economic problem worldwide. The dinoflagellate species Alexandrium catenella produces potent neurotoxins called saxitoxins (STXs) and its blooms are associated with the human intoxication named Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP). Knowing where and how these blooms originate is crucial to predict blooms. Most studies in the Chilean Patagonia, were focused on coastal areas, considering that blooms from the adjacent oceanic region are almost non-existent. Using a combination of field studies and modelling approaches, we first evaluated the role of the continental shelf off northern Chilean Patagonia as a source of A. catenella resting cysts, which may act as inoculum for their toxic coastal blooms. This area is characterized by a seasonal upwelling system with positive Ekman pumping during spring-summer, and by the presence of six major submarine canyons. We found out that these submarine canyons increase the vertical advection of bottom waters, and thus, significantly enhance the process of coastal upwelling. This is a previously unreported factor, among those involved in bloom initiation. This finding put this offshore area at high risk of resuspension of resting cysts of A. catenella. Here, we discuss in detail the physical processes promoting this resuspension.Postprint2,35