532 research outputs found

    Encapsulation of Gallic acid in solid lipid core surrounded with maltodextrin shell

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    ArticleMultiple phase capsules had been prepared in a single spray drying process. The main goal of the present study was to investigate whether the conversion of a portion of the modified starch (wall material used in spray drying) to resistant starch (RS) would offer added protection of encapsulated material. To achieve this, dry gallic acid (GA; a model water soluble phenol compound used in the present study) was initially dispersed in palm oil and stabilized with Polyglycerol Polyricinoleate (PGPR 4175) as an emulsifier. This dispersion was homogenized with a modified starch (MS, dextrose equivalent of 15) solution, that was previously treated with high pressure and increased temperature to achieve starch retrogradation, and then spray dried. It was possible to produce only small amounts of RS from modified starch, varying from 0.1 to 0.2% of total carbohydrate content. GA content in the lipid phase of the capsule was determined by lipid droplet size in the O/W emulsion (the feeding solution), as smaller droplet s results in the significantly bigger surface area, and more intensive GA diffusion from O to W phase. Maltodextrin shell wall was able to prevent leaking of the melted palm oil form the capsule core to the surface during seating tests, preventing agglomer ation of capsules. This could be very important for the storage/transportation of capsules in the uncontrolled temperature conditions

    Abundance, distribution, composition, and weathering resistance of microplastics in different marine systems

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    This study investigated the abundance and weathering processes of microplastics in different aquatic systems. Particle flux analysis showed that polyethylene (PE) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) were the most abundant in the deep subtropical Northeast Atlantic during the period 2003-2015. In addition, an atmospheric transport pathway for PE and a seasonal dependence of PVC fluxes were found. The weathering experiment showed that polypropylene was the most susceptible polymer type, with a correspondingly low abundance in the deep Atlantic particle flux.In dieser Arbeit wurden die Abundanz und die Verwitterungsprozesse von Mikroplastik in verschiedenen aquatischen Systemen untersucht. Die Analyse der Partikelflüsse zeigte, dass Polyethylen (PE) und Polyvinylchlorid (PVC) im Zeitraum 2003-2015 im tiefen subtropischen Nordostatlantik am häufigsten vorkamen. Außerdem wurde ein atmosphärischer Transportweg für PE und eine saisonale Abhängigkeit der PVC-Flüsse festgestellt. Das Verwitterungsexperiment zeigte, dass Polypropylen der anfälligste Polymertyp war, dessen Häufigkeit im Partikelfluss des tiefen Atlantiks entsprechend gering war

    Liposomes in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine

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    Liposomes are vesicular structures made of lipids that are formed in aqueous solutions. Structurally, they resemble the lipid membrane of living cells. Therefore, they have been widely investigated, since the 1960s, as models to study the cell membrane, and as carriers for protection and/or delivery of bioactive agents. They have been used in different areas of research including vaccines, imaging, applications in cosmetics and tissue engineering. Tissue engineering is defined as a strategy for promoting the regeneration of tissues for the human body. This strategy may involve the coordinated application of defined cell types with structured biomaterial scaffolds to produce living structures. To create a new tissue, based on this strategy, a controlled stimulation of cultured cells is needed, through a systematic combination of bioactive agents and mechanical signals. In this review, we highlight the potential role of liposomes as a platform for the sustained and local delivery of bioactive agents for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine approaches. liposomesscaffoldsdelivery systemsbioactive agentsstem cellsThe authors thank the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology for the PhD grant to N.S.M. (SFRH/BD/62465/2009), the post-doctoral grants of A.M. (SFRH/BPD/73663/2010). This study was also partly supported by POLARIS (FP7-REGPOT-2012-2013-1), RL3-TECT-NORTE-01-0124-FEDER-000020, co-financed by the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (ON.2-O Novo Norte), under the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the OsteoGraphy (PTDC/EME-MFE/2008) and MaxBone (PTDC/SAU-ENB/115179/2009) projects

    Inactivation of palladium-based oxygen scavenger system by volatile sulphur compounds present in the headspace of packaged food

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    An oxygen scavenger based on a catalytic system with palladium (CSP) was recently developed to remove oxygen in food packagings. Although the CSP worked with various types of food, with some foods, an inhibition of the CSP was observed. Because such catalytic systems are susceptible to poisoning by sulfurcontaining compounds, the aim of this study was to understand the inactivation of palladium-based catalysts in presence of foods containing volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs). To achieve this, the oxygen scavenging activity (OSA) of the CSP was evaluated in presence of selected food products. Afterwards, VSCs mainly present in these foods were exposed to the CSP, and the influence on the OSA was evaluated. Finally, headspace analysis was performed with the diluted VSCs and with the packaged food products using proton transfer reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometry. It was found that the catalytic activity of the CSP was inhibited when VSCs were present in the headspace in concentrations ranging between 10.8–36.0 ppbv (dimethyl sulfide, DMS), 1.2–7.2 ppbv (dimethyl disulfide), 0.7–0.9 ppbv (dimethyl trisulfide), 2.1–5.8 ppbv methional) and 4.6–24.5 ppbv (furfuryl thiol). It was concluded that in packaged roast beef and cheese, DMS may be the compound mainly responsible for the inactivation of the CSP. In packagings containing ham, the key compounds were hydrogen sulfide and methanethiol; in peanuts, it was methanethiol; and in par-baked buns, an accumulation of methional, DMS, butanethiol and methionol. When potato chips were packaged, it was demonstrated that when VSCs are present in low concentrations, oxygen can still be scavenged at a reduced OSA

    Impact of milk protein type on the viability and storage stability of microencapsulated Lactobacillus acidophilus using spray drying

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    Three different milk proteins — skim milk powder (SMP), sodium caseinate (SC) and whey protein concentrate (WPC) — were tested for their ability to stabilize microencapsulated L. acidophilus produced using spray drying. Maltodextrin (MD) was used as the primary wall material in all samples, milk protein as the secondary wall material (7:3 MD/milk protein ratio) and the simple sugars, d-glucose and trehalose were used as tertiary wall materials (8:2:2 MD/protein/sugar ratio) combinations of all wall materials were tested for their ability to enhance the microbial and techno-functional stability of microencapsulated powders. Of the optional secondary wall materials, WPC improved L. acidophilus viability, up to 70 % during drying; SMP enhanced stability by up to 59 % and SC up to 6 %. Lactose and whey protein content enhanced thermoprotection; this is possibly due to their ability to depress the glass transition and melting temperatures and to release antioxidants. The resultant L. acidophilus powders were stored for 90 days at 4 °C, 25 °C and 35 °C and the loss of viability calculated. The highest survival rates were obtained at 4 °C, inactivation rates for storage were dependent on the carrier wall material and the SMP/d-glucose powders had the lowest inactivation rates (0.013 day−1) whilst the highest was observed for the control containing only MD (0.041 day−1) and the SC-based system (0.030 day−1). Further increase in storage temperature (25 °C and 35 °C) was accompanied by increase of the inactivation rates of L. acidophilus that followed Arrhenius kinetics. In general, SMP-based formulations exhibited the highest temperature dependency whilst WPC the lowest. d-Glucose addition improved the storage stability of the probiotic powders although it was accompanied by an increase of the residual moisture, water activity and hygroscopicity, and a reduction of the glass transition temperature in the tested systems

    Determination of antioxidant compounds in foodstuff

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    © 2017 Scrivener Publishing LLC. Phenolic compounds, vitamins and carotenoids are naturally found in different foodstuff. These antioxidant compounds play an important role in human health and are of interest for the food, pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical industries. Modern chromatographic and spectrometric techniques have made analysis easier than ever before, but their success depends on the extraction method used. In fact, the different antioxidants are identifified using chromatographic techniques coupled to diff erent specififi c detectors according to the characteristics of each molecule. Beyond their well-known health-promoting effects, antioxidant molecules can also be used to functionalize or preserve the freshness, nutritive value, flflavor and color of foodstuff s, which justify their incorporation into several matrices. In this chapter, the most common antioxidant compounds in foodstuff will be described, as well as the methodologies involved in their extraction, separation, identifification and quantifification. The bioactive properties and industrial applications of these compounds through innovative techniques will also be taken into account.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio