141 research outputs found

    Understanding the need for novelty from the perspective of self-determination theory

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    A fundamental tenet of self-determination theory is that the satisfaction of three basic, innate psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness is necessary for optimal functioning. The aim of this research was to propose novelty as a basic psychological need in self-determination theory and develop a new measure to assess novelty need satisfaction, the Novelty Need Satisfaction Scale (NNSS). Two studies were performed, one at the global lifestyle level (Study 1: general adults, N = 399, Mage = 31.30 years) and the other at a contextual level in physical education (Study 2: first-year post-compulsory secondary school students, N = 1035, Mage = 16.20 years). Participants completed the NNSS alongside measures of psychological needs and regulation styles from self-determination theory and psychological well-being. The six-item NNSS showed adequate psychometric properties and discriminant validity with other psychological needs in both studies. Novelty need satisfaction predicted life satisfaction (Study 1) and intrinsic motivation in physical education (Study 2) independent of the other three psychological needs. Results provide preliminary evidence that need for novelty is a unique candidate need alongside existing needs from self-determination theory, but further confirmatory and experimental research is required

    Integration of contemporary art in pre-school education. Jules Verne trips through the artistic installation

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    Ante la necesidad de generar nuevos espacios de participación y creación de conocimiento, esta investigación propone un cambio que posibilite “la pasión de aprender”, analizando cómo el inconsciente desbarata las intenciones especulares del modelo tradicional” (Acaso, 2013), y para ello debe entrar a formar parte del aprendizaje el factor sorpresa, lo inesperado. Propuestas metodológicas y de evaluación que consideramos deben comenzar desde la base de la educación, desde Educación Infantil. Con esta finalidad nace este proyecto, planteando como objetivo principal introducir metodologías de trabajo activas, participativas y democráticas a través de la instalación artística. Para crear espacios donde se generan experiencias de aprendizaje interactivas y analizar sus posibilidades educativas y psicosociales transversales fundamentadas en la película de dibujos animados, "La vuelta al mundo en 80 días”, del escritor Julio Verne, viajes y aventuras que el niño/a “presenta” como creador y productor a través del arte de acción, fusionando el lenguaje audiovisual y corporal. Convirtiendo la clase, en “un lugar” habitado por niños y docentes” pasando del “simulacro educativo” a la “experiencia educativa”.Abstract: Facing the need to create new dialogue, participation and knowledge creation areas, the aim of this investigation is a change which will make possible a “Passion for learning, analyzing how the subconscious spoils the specular of the traditional method” (Acaso, 2013), being part of the learning process the element of surprise, the unexpected. Evolving changes in methodology and assessment should be carried out from the first moment the learning process begins, since pre-school education. This is the aim of this project, considering as the main goal the introduction of new active, participatory, democratic and working methodologies through an artistic installation. To create spaces where interactive learning experiences are generated and question their educational opportunities and psychosocial crusade based on the cartoon movie “Around the World in 80 Days", book written by Jules Verne, trips and adventures children “deliver” as creative and producer students through “Action Art”, fusing the visual and body language. Therefore, the classroom which will become “a place inhabited by children and teachers”, is changing this way from an “educative simulation” to the “educative experience”

    The Sun's Preferred Longitudes and the Coupling of Magnetic Dynamo Modes

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    Observations show that solar activity is distributed non-axisymmetrically, concentrating at "preferred longitudes". This indicates the important role of non-axisymmetric magnetic fields in the origin of solar activity. We investigate the generation of the non-axisymmetric fields and their coupling with axisymmetric solar magnetic field. Our kinematic generation (dynamo) model operating in a sphere includes solar differential rotation, which approximates the differential rotation obtained by inversion of helioseismic data, modelled distributions of the turbulent resistivity, non-axisymmetric mean helicity, and meridional circulation in the convection zone. We find that (1) the non-axisymmetric modes are localised near the base of the convection zone, where the formation of active regions starts, and at latitudes around 3030^{\circ}; (2) the coupling of non-axisymmetric and axisymmetric modes causes the non-axisymmetric mode to follow the solar cycle; the phase relations between the modes are found. (3) The rate of rotation of the first non-axisymmetric mode is close to that determined in the interplanetary space.Comment: 22 pages, 18 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Agentes sociales de la comunidad educativa, satisfacción de novedad y actividad física

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    Apoyado en la teoría de la autodeterminación (TAD), este estudio tuvo por objetivo investigar si la percepción de los estudiantes de un apoyo a la autonomía para adoptar un estilo de vida saludable por parte del tutor de clase, padres, compañeros y docente de educación física se relacionaba con la práctica de actividad física moderada-vigorosa (AFMV). Se analizó también el papel que jugaban en esta relación la percepción de la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas, la satisfacción de la necesidad de novedad y la motivación autodeterminada para adoptar un estilo de vida saludable. Participaron 215 estudiantes, 107 chicos y 108 chicas, de educación primaria con edades entre 11 y 13 años (Medad = 11.35 años; DT = .51) que contestaron instrumentos basados en la TAD, e informaron sobre la AFMV. Los resultados del path análisis revelaron que la percepción de apoyo a la autonomía del tutor predijo positivamente la satisfacción de novedad, mientras que la percepción de apoyo a la autonomía de los compañeros predijo positivamente la satisfacción de novedad y el constructo de satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas. A su vez, ambas satisfacciones predijeron positivamente la motivación autodeterminada. La percepción de apoyo a la autonomía de los compañeros también predijo positiva y directamente la AFMV en el tiempo de ocio. Este trabajo aporta evidencias sobre la contribución de la satisfacción de novedad como constructo de la TAD y la importancia de involucrar a los agentes sociales de la comunidad educativa para fomentar la AFMV. Based on self-determination theory (SDT), the present study aimed to investigate whether adolescents’ perception of autonomy support to adopt a healthy lifestyle from their class tutor, family, peers, and physical education teacher was related to adolescents’ self-reported moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA). The role played by perceived basic psychological need satisfaction, novelty need satisfaction and self-determined motivation towards a healthy lifestyle was also analyzed. Two hundred and fifteen students (107 boys and 108 girls) from elementary school, aged between 11 to 13 years old (Mage = 11.35 years; SD =.51), answered different SDT-based measures and reported their MVPA. The results of the path analysis revealed that perceived autonomy support from tutor positively predicted novelty need satisfaction, while perceived autonomy support from peers positively predicted novelty need satisfaction and the construct of basic psychological need satisfaction. In turn, both need satisfactions positively predicted self-determined motivation. Perceived autonomy support from peers also positively and directly predicted MVPA in leisure time. This work provides evidence of the contribution of novelty need satisfaction as a construct of SDT and the importance of involving social agents of the educational community to promote MVPA

    Perspectiva paleobotánica y geológica de la biodiversidad en México

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    The origin of the extant vegetation and diversity of Mexico has a long history. Possibly the extent of this history is the point where the proposals differ, one states that the history begins in the Cretaceous (ca. 132 my) while other emphasize processes restricted to the Plio-Pleistocene (5.3 my), especially if referring the appearance of extant vegetation. Increased knowledge of the geological evolution of Mexico, and the constant change in physiography, along with the study of fossil angiosperms of the region, generates a clearer concept of how and when life forms differentiated and partnered. A hypothesis that combines geological processes and physiographic changes with the presence of plants and vegetation on the emerged continental parts is presented. It is proposed that existing biodiversity does indeed start ca. 132 million years ago, and although lineages that live in Mexico today can be recognized from this time, it is difficult to place their representants within a family, probably because they may represent members of the stem group. By the Paleogene (65-32 my) families, and even genera, that continue to live in Mexico are more easily recognized, but groups of extinct plants or plants growing today in other regions are still common. Based on the morphological/anatomical approach the Neogene (32-1.8 my) fossil plants resemble more those living naturally in Mexico, but still have important differences supporting the recognition of new species only. If in relatively recent times extant and fossil plants in Mexico seem closer based on their morphology/anatomy, it is to be expected that with the vegetation types a similar process can be recognized. The fossil record suggests that from communities that developed under hot-humid conditions in the Cretaceous, vegetation types with different capabilities to tolerate water stress, and communities that favored cool temperate conditions diverged. The process of divergence apparently occurred at two different times in two different regions. During the Paleogene it affected northern Mexico and during the Neogene it affected central and southern Mexico. Further geological and paleobotanical work will refine this proposal that suggests that changes that enable or constrain biological responses are part of other components of the Earth System.El origen de la vegetación actual de México y su diversidad tiene larga historia. Posiblemente es la extensión de esta historia el punto en que discrepan las propuestas, una planteando que inicia en el Cretácico (ca. 132 ma) y otras haciendo énfasis en procesos restringidos al Plio-Pleistoceno (5.3 ma), sobre todo si se refieren al origen de la vegetación actual. El aumento del conocimiento sobre la evolución geológica de México, y del constante cambio en su fisiografía, así como del estudio de las angiospermas fósiles de la región, genera un concepto más claro de cómo y cuándo las formas de vida fueron llegando y asociándose. Se presenta una hipótesis en la que se combinan procesos geológicos y cambios fisiográficos, con la presencia de plantas y vegetación en las partes emergidas que se van desarrollando. Se propone que la biodiversidad actual efectivamente inicia hace ca. 132 millones de años, aunque linajes que hoy viven en México se pueden reconocer desde este tiempo, es complicado ubicarlos en familias, pues posiblemente representen miembros del grupo troncal. En el Paleógeno (65-32 ma) las familias, y aun géneros, que continúan viviendo en el país son más fácilmente reconocidos, pero grupos extintos o que hoy crecen en otras regiones siguen siendo comunes. Es en el Neógeno (32-1.8 ma) que desde un punto de vista de la morfológico/anatómico las plantas fósiles se parecen más a las que viven de forma natural actualmente en el país, pero muestran diferencias que en general permiten proponer nuevas especies. Si las plantas fósiles y actuales de México se relacionan morfo/anatómicamente más solo en tiempos relativamente recientes, es de esperar que con los tipos de vegetación suceda algo similar. El registro fósil sugiere que a partir de comunidades que se desarrollaron bajo condiciones cálido-húmedas en el Cretácico, divergieron tipos de vegetación con capacidades diferentes ante el estrés hídrico, y comunidades que se favorecieron de condiciones templadas a frías. Esto sucede aparentemente en dos momentos distintos en dos regiones diferentes; durante el Paleógeno se afecta al norte y en al Neógeno al centro y sur del país. Trabajo geológico y paleobotánico conjunto y comparativo permitirá refinar esta propuesta que sugiere que los cambios que activan o restringen respuestas biológicas forman parte de otros componentes del Sistema Tierra

    INGA 3D - creative transfer of competence in 3D footwear CAD to VET professionals

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    INGA 3D project - Creative Transfer of Competence in 3D Footwear CAD to VET Professionals aims to transfer and extend innovative software solutions and 3D technologies for Footwear Computer Aided Design. The project brings together universities, research and training centres, adult education providers and IT companies from Romania, Spain, Portugal, and UK. The project products introduce innovative solutions for e-learning in order to test and to validate new teaching methodologies and approaches suitable for vocational training. The INGA 3D training content, its supportive guide as well as the online learning platform was designed, developed, tested and evaluated in line with the best practices identified by partners in their institutions, countries and elsewhere in Europe. INGA 3D project contributes to developing skills and competencies of VET teachers, trainers, tutors, in order to face the future challenges raised by the necessity of adding to the current curricula in VET institutions ICT skill sets that will enable their graduates to work with highly specialized footwear CAD technologies

    Net primary productivity estimates and environmental variables in the Arctic Ocean: An assessment of coupled physical-biogeochemical models

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    The relative skill of 21 regional and global biogeochemical models was assessed in terms of how well the models reproduced observed net primary productivity (NPP) and environmental variables such as nitrate concentration (NO3), mixed layer depth (MLD), euphotic layer depth (Zeu), and sea ice concentration, by comparing results against a newly updated, quality-controlled in situ NPP database for the Arctic Ocean (1959-2011). The models broadly captured the spatial features of integrated NPP (iNPP) on a pan-Arctic scale. Most models underestimated iNPP by varying degrees in spite of overestimating surface NO3, MLD, and Zeu throughout the regions. Among the models, iNPP exhibited little difference over sea ice condition (ice-free vs. ice-influenced) and bottom depth (shelf vs. deep ocean). The models performed relatively well for the most recent decade and towards the end of Arctic summer. In the Barents and Greenland Seas, regional model skill of surface NO3 was best associated with how well MLD was reproduced. . Regionally, iNPP was relatively well simulated in the Beaufort Sea and the central Arctic Basin, where in situ NPP is low and nutrients are mostly depleted. Models performed less well at simulating iNPP in the Greenland and Chukchi Seas, despite the higher model skill in MLD and sea ice concentration, respectively. iNPP model skill was constrained by different factors in different Arctic Ocean regions. Our study suggests that better parameterization of biological and ecological microbial rates (phytoplankton growth and zooplankton grazing) are needed for improved Arctic Ocean biogeochemical modeling