16 research outputs found


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    У статті запропоновано та побудовано систему розпізнавання томографічних і рентгенівських знімків для пошуку і локалізації патологій. Дана система включає блоки: введення інформації про пацієнта, обробки медичних зображень, для встановлення висновку, для класифікації виявлених патологій, базу даних, підготовки звіту. У запропонованій системі початковим етапом є отримання томографічних чи рентгенівських знімків, які, далі, поступають до блоків введення інформації про пацієнта і обробки медичних зображень. Інформація про пацієнта в результаті введення потрапляє до бази даних разом із томографічними чи рентгенівськими знімками. Блок обробки медичних зображень включає 4 підсистеми, які охоплюють автоматичну обробку томографічних чи рентгенівських знімків, а також обробку в ручному режимі лікарем-діагностом. На основі розробленої системи розпізнавання томографічних і рентгенівських знімків для пошуку і локалізації патологій можна надати висновок про хворобу автоматично, або на основі суджень лікаря-діагноста.Ключові слова: система розпізнавання, томографічні та рентгенівські знімки, пошук і локалізація патологій, лікар-діагност, база даних.The article proposed and built a tomographic and X-ray recognition system for the search and localization of pathologies. This system includes blocks: the entry of patient information, medical image processing, to establish a conclusion, to classify the pathologies identified, a database and a report. In the proposed system, the initial step is to obtain tomographic or X-ray images, which are then transferred to the patient information and medical image processing units. As a result of the introduction of information about the patient enters the database along with tomographic or x-ray images. The medical image processing unit includes 4 subsystems that cover the automatic processing of tomographic or X-ray images, as well as manual processing by a diagnostician. On the basis of the developed tomographic and X-ray recognition system for the search and localization of pathologies, it is possible to give an opinion about the disease automatically, or based on the judgments of the diagnostician.Key words: recognition system, tomography and X-rays, pathology search and localization, diagnostician, database

    Binary planetesimals and their role in planet formation

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    One of the main evolutionary stages of planet formation is the dynamical evolution of planetesimal disks. These disks are thought to evolve through gravitational encounters and physical collisions between single planetesimals. In recent years, many binary planetesimals have been observed in the Solar system, indicating that the binarity of planetesimals is high. However, current studies of planetesimal disks formation and evolution do not account for the role of binaries. Here we point out that gravitational encounters of binary planetesimals can have an important role in the evolution of planetesimal disks. Binary planetesimals catalyze close encounters between planetesimals, and can strongly enhance their collision rate. Binaries may also serve as additional heating source of the planetesimal disk, through the exchange of the binaries gravitational potential energy into the kinetic energy of planetesimals in the disk.Comment: Accepted to ApJ


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    Paleomagnetic data are the priority source of information for global paleotectonic reconstructions representing horizontal movements of the crustal blocks. Upon receipt of new paleomagnetic data, kinematic models of the East European platform in the Paleozoic are regularly revised and improved. The article presents results of the paleomagnetic study of sedimentary gray-colored and red beds of the Silurian and Lower Devonian sequences located in the Dniester river basin, Podolia region, SW Ukraine. The study covered 17 outcrops that are stratigraphically correlated with the Wenlock, Ludlow, Pridoli states of the Sillurian and the Lochkovian stage of the Devon. Over 400 samples of grey limestone, argillite, dolomite, red limestone and sandstone were analyzed, and two components of natural remnant magnetization (NRM) were revealed. The first component with SSW declination and negative inclination is revealed in the majority of the samples during AF- and T-magnetic cleaning. Its pole positions, that are calculated separately for each series, are trending to the Permian segment of the apparent polar wander path (APWP) published by Torsvik et al. [2012] for Baltica / Stable Europe. Considering its chemical origin, this NRM component is related to formation of authigenic minerals due to rock remagnetization. The second component is revealed only in some samples taken from the red beds (during thermal demagnetization in the range of unblocking temperatures from 590 to 690 °С) and in few samples of grey limestone (in AF fields from 30 to 70 mT or in the range of unblocking temperatures from 300 to 460 °С). This component has SW declination and positive inclination, goes to the origin of coordinates of the diagrams, and has all the indicators of primary magnetization of sediments. Calculated positions of the poles (0 ºS and 329 ºE for grey limestone of the Tiverskaya series, 2.3 °S and 338.4 °E for red beds of the Dniestrovskaya series, etc.) are well correlated with the Devonian segments of APWP for Baltica / Stable Europe. The same is true for the Silurian poles. The new results suggest that in the Ludlow, the East European platform was located at the near-equatorial latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere, and in the Pridoli, it moved to the north towards the equatorial latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere. Later on, the drifting mode was changed, and the platform moved to the south. In the Lochkovian, its position was stabilized at the equatorial latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere. Drifting of the platform can be described by counterclockwise rotation by 16° around the Euler pole (Φ=34 °S, Λ=247 °E). Палеомагнитным данным отводится приоритетная роль при глобальных палеотектонических реконструкциях, которые отображают горизонтальные перемещения отдельных блоков земной коры. Построенные на их основе кинематические модели миграции Восточно-Европейской платформы (ВЕП) в палеозое по мере поступления нового фактического материала постоянно уточняются. В работе приводятся результаты палеомагнитных исследований осадочных сероцветных и красноцветных отложений силура и нижнего девона юго-запада Украины (район Подолии, бассейн реки Днестр). Для палеомагнитных исследований были выбраны 17 обнажений, которые стратиграфически сопоставимы с венлокским, лудловским, пржидольским отделами силура и лохковским ярусом девона и представлены сероцветными известняками, аргиллитами, доломитами и красноцветными известняками и песчаниками. В результате исследований коллекции более 400 образцов были выделены две компоненты естественной остаточной намагниченности (ЕОН). Первая выделяется на большинстве образцов при Н- и Т-чистках, имеет юг-юго-западное склонение и отрицательное наклонение. Соответствующие ей палеомагнитные полюсы, рассчитанные для каждой серии отдельно, тяготеют к пермскому сегменту сегмента траектории кажущейся миграции полюса (ТКМП) для Балтики / стабильной Европы [Torsvik et al., 2012]. Эта компонента химической природы связана с образованием аутигенных минералов при перемагничивании пород. Другая компонента, выделяемая в только в отдельных образцах красноцветов (при температурной чистке в диапазоне деблокирующих температур 590–690 °С) и в единичных образцах сероцветов (в переменных полях 30–70 мТл либо в диапазоне деблокирующих температур 300–460 °С), имеет юго-западное склонение и положительное наклонение, идет к началу координат диаграмм и характеризуется всеми признаками первичной намагниченности. Рассчитанные палеомагнитные полюса (0 °S, 329 °E для сероцветов тиверской серии, 2.3 °S, 338.4 °E для красноцветов днестровской серии и др.) хорошо согласуются с нижнедевонским фрагментом ТКМП для Балтики / стабильной Европы. Это же справедливо и для силурийских полюсов. Согласно новым результатам, в лудлове ВЕП располагалась в приэкваториальных широтах Южного полушария, в пржидольское время перемещалась к северу в экваториальные широты Южного полушария. Далее характер дрейфа изменяется – происходит перемещение уже в южном направлении, и в лохковское время положение ВЕП стабилизируется в приэкваториальных широтах Южного полушария. Характер дрейфа платформы можно описать поворотом против часовой стрелки на 16º вокруг полюса Эйлера, с координатами Φ=34 °S, Λ=247 °E.

    Simulations of Direct Collisions of Gas Clouds with the Central Black Hole

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    We perform numerical simulations of clouds in the Galactic Centre (GC) engulfing the nuclear super-massive black hole and show that this mechanism leads to the formation of gaseous accretion discs with properties that are similar to the expected gaseous progenitor discs that fragmented into the observed stellar disc in the GC. As soon as the cloud hits the black hole, gas with opposite angular momentum relative to the black hole collides downstream. This process leads to redistribution of angular momentum and dissipation of kinetic energy, resulting in a compact gaseous accretion disc. A parameter study using thirteen high resolution simulations of homogeneous clouds falling onto the black hole and engulfing it in parts demonstrates that this mechanism is able to produce gaseous accretion discs that could potentially be the progenitor of the observed stellar disc in the GC. A comparison of simulations with different equations of state (adiabatic, isothermal and full cooling) demonstrates the importance of including a detailed thermodynamical description. However the simple isothermal approach already yields good results on the radial mass transfer and accretion rates, as well as disc eccentricities and sizes. We find that the cloud impact parameter strongly influences the accretion rate whereas the impact velocity has a small affect on the accretion rate.Comment: 21 pages, 18 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Numerical Modelling of the Vertical Structure and Dark Halo Parameters in Disc Galaxies

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    The non-linear dynamics of bending instability and vertical structure of a galactic stellar disc embedded into a spherical halo are studied with N-body numerical modelling. Development of the bending instability in stellar galactic disc is considered as the main factor that increases the disc thickness. Correlation between the disc vertical scale height and the halo-to-disc mass ratio is predicted from the simulations. The method of assessment of the spherical-to-disc mass ratio for edge-on spiral galaxies with small bulges is considered. Modelling of eight edge-on galaxies: NGC 891, NGC 4738, NGC 5170, UGC 6080, UGC 7321, UGC 8286, UGC 9422 and UGC 9556 is performed. Parameters of stellar discs, dark haloes and bulges are estimated. The lower limit of the dark-to-luminous mass ratio in our galaxies is of the order of 1 within the limits of their stellar discs. The dark haloes dominate by mass in the galaxies with very thin stellar discs (NGC 5170, UGC 7321 and UGC 8286).Comment: Accepted by the Astronomische Nachrichte

    In situ formation of SgrA* stars via disk fragmentation: parent cloud properties and thermodynamics

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    The formation of the massive young stars surrounding SgrA* is still an open question. In this paper, we simulate the infall of a turbulent molecular cloud towards the Galactic Center (GC). We adopt two different cloud masses (4.3x10^4 and 1.3x10^5 solar masses). We run five simulations: the gas is assumed to be isothermal in four runs, whereas radiative cooling is included in the fifth run. In all the simulations, the molecular cloud is tidally disrupted, spirals towards the GC, and forms a small, dense and eccentric disk around SgrA*. With high resolution simulations, we follow the fragmentation of the gaseous disk. Star candidates form in a ring at ~0.1-0.4 pc from the super-massive black hole (SMBH) and have moderately eccentric orbits (~0.2-0.4), in good agreement with the observations. The mass function of star candidates is top-heavy only if the local gas temperature is high (>~100 K) during the star formation and if the parent cloud is sufficiently massive (>~10^5 solar masses). Thus, this study indicates that the infall of a massive molecular cloud is a viable scenario for the formation of massive stars around SgrA*, provided that the gas temperature is kept sufficiently high (>~100 K).Comment: 16 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The Origins of AGN Obscuration: The 'Torus' as a Dynamical, Unstable Driver of Accretion

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    Multi-scale simulations have made it possible to follow gas inflows onto massive black holes (BHs) from galactic scales to the accretion disk. When sufficient gas is driven towards the BH, gravitational instabilities generically form lopsided, eccentric disks that propagate inwards. The lopsided stellar disk exerts a strong torque on the gas disk, driving inflows that fuel rapid BH growth. Here, we investigate whether the same gas disk is the 'torus' invoked to explain obscured AGN. The disk is generically thick and has characteristic ~1-10 pc sizes and masses resembling those required of the torus. The scale heights and obscured fractions of the predicted torii are substantial even in the absence of strong stellar feedback providing the vertical support. Rather, they can be maintained by strong bending modes and warps excited by the inflow-generating instabilities. Other properties commonly attributed to feedback processes may be explained by dynamical effects: misalignment between torus and host galaxy, correlations between local SFR and turbulent gas velocities, and dependence of obscured fractions on AGN luminosity or SFR. We compare the predicted torus properties with observations of gas surface density profiles, kinematics, scale heights, and SFR densities in AGN nuclei, and find that they are consistent. We argue that it is not possible to reproduce these observations and the observed column density (N_H) distribution without a clumpy gas distribution, but allowing for clumping on small scales the predicted N_H distribution is in good agreement with observations from 10^20-27 cm^-2. We examine how N_H scales with galaxy and AGN properties, and find that AGN feedback may be necessary to explain some trends with luminosity and/or redshift. The torus is not merely a bystander or passive fuel source for accretion, but is itself the mechanism driving accretion.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, accepted to MNRAS (matches accepted version


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    Paleomagnetic data are the priority source of information for global paleotectonic reconstructions representing horizontal movements of the crustal blocks. Upon receipt of new paleomagnetic data, kinematic models of the East European platform in the Paleozoic are regularly revised and improved. The article presents results of the paleomagnetic study of sedimentary gray-colored and red beds of the Silurian and Lower Devonian sequences located in the Dniester river basin, Podolia region, SW Ukraine. The study covered 17 outcrops that are stratigraphically correlated with the Wenlock, Ludlow, Pridoli states of the Sillurian and the Lochkovian stage of the Devon. Over 400 samples of grey limestone, argillite, dolomite, red limestone and sandstone were analyzed, and two components of natural remnant magnetization (NRM) were revealed. The first component with SSW declination and negative inclination is revealed in the majority of the samples during AF- and T-magnetic cleaning. Its pole positions, that are calculated separately for each series, are trending to the Permian segment of the apparent polar wander path (APWP) published by Torsvik et al. [2012] for Baltica / Stable Europe. Considering its chemical origin, this NRM component is related to formation of authigenic minerals due to rock remagnetization. The second component is revealed only in some samples taken from the red beds (during thermal demagnetization in the range of unblocking temperatures from 590 to 690 °С) and in few samples of grey limestone (in AF fields from 30 to 70 mT or in the range of unblocking temperatures from 300 to 460 °С). This component has SW declination and positive inclination, goes to the origin of coordinates of the diagrams, and has all the indicators of primary magnetization of sediments. Calculated positions of the poles (0 ºS and 329 ºE for grey limestone of the Tiverskaya series, 2.3 °S and 338.4 °E for red beds of the Dniestrovskaya series, etc.) are well correlated with the Devonian segments of APWP for Baltica / Stable Europe. The same is true for the Silurian poles. The new results suggest that in the Ludlow, the East European platform was located at the near-equatorial latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere, and in the Pridoli, it moved to the north towards the equatorial latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere. Later on, the drifting mode was changed, and the platform moved to the south. In the Lochkovian, its position was stabilized at the equatorial latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere. Drifting of the platform can be described by counterclockwise rotation by 16° around the Euler pole (Φ=34 °S, Λ=247 °E)


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    The purpose of this work is to analyze the information value of the rheographic parameters of the lower extremities of a person with various diseases. The purpose of the study is the state of filling the blood vessels of the lower limbs of a person. The subject of the work is the rheographic parameters of the lower limbs of a person. Cardiovascular diseases are the most common diseases among the Ukrainian population, and mortality from them is the highest (≈63%) among others. Atherosclerosis and hypertension are major causes of such serious complications as cerebral circulation disruption, myocardial infarction, and peripheral arterial and vascular lesions. In addition, arterial hypertension is considered as an independent and significant factor in the development and progression of atherosclerosis. At the present stage, 5088 new cases of diseases of the circulatory system diseases per 100,000 population are registered annually in Ukraine.One of the effective non-invasive methods for diagnosing the state of blood flow to the body and the state of the vascular system is rheography. Reorthography is a fast, easy to use, non-invasive diagnostic method of blood-filling of organs and tissues.The use of the results of the reography can reveal the disruption of blood circulation, the state of vessels, the effectiveness and validity of therapy, treatment and rehabilitation measures. Such measures, in turn, lead to a reduction in the morbidity and mortality rates of the diseases of the crossover system. This stipulates the need to improve the technology of reography, algorithms for processing the data obtained, which consists of more accurate methods of removing the indicators and interpreting the result. Despite the large amount of information on reography in contemporary research, the interpretation of its results is ambiguous. Therefore, the purpose of our work is to study the informativeness of the parameters of the rheography of the lower extremities of a person with various diseases. There are many regographic parameters, but their informational value is not sufficiently described. This research determines the informational value and occupies the rheographic parameters of the lower limbs of the person, respectively. To do this, we applied methods of mathematical statistics and energy approach to the definition of information valueЦелью работы является оценка информативности диагностических параметров реографии нижних конечностей людей при различных заболеваниях.Объект исследования – состояние кровенаполнения нижних конечностей человека. Предмет исследования – параметры реографии нижних конечностей человека.Болезни систем кровообращения являются наиболее распространёнными среди населения Украины. Реография быстрый, простой, не инвазивный метод диагностики кровенаполнения сосудов. Существует множество параметров реографии, но информативность их описана слабо. В работе определено информативность и ранжировано по ней параметры реографии нижних конечностей человека. Для этого мы использовали методы математической статистики и энергетический подход определения информативностиМетою цієї роботи є аналіз інформативності параметрів реографії нижніх кінцівок людини при різних захворюваннях. Об’єктом дослідження є стан кровонаповнення судин нижніх кінцівок людини. Предмет роботи – параметри реографії нижніх кінцівок людини. Хвороби системи кровообігу є найбільш розповсюджені серед населення України. Реографія є швидким, простим у застосуванні, не інвазійним методом діагностики кровонаповнення судин. Існує велика кількість параметрів реографії, але інформативність їх описана мало. У роботі визначено інформативність і проранговано за нею параметри реографії нижніх кінцівок людини. Для цього нами було використано методи математичної статистики та енергетичний підхід визначення інформативност

    Направлена диференціація стовбурових клітин, що виділені з жирової тканини

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    The authors have carried out an experimental study for the purpose of determining a possibility of differentiating stem cells that are isolated from the adipose tissue according to the adipogenic orientation. The results of the research were indicative of the fact that the cells isolated from the adipose tissue are of specific differentiation, namely, an osteogenic, chondrogenic and, above all, adipogenic orientation that is an evidence of the multipotency of the stem mesenchymal cells of the adipose tissue. The adipose tissue is an alternative source to the bone marrow of multipotent mesenchymal stem cells that can be used as a protection of transplanted autologous adipose tissue from resorption by lipofilling.Проведено экспериментальное исследование с целью определения возможностей дифференциации стволовых клеток, выделеных из жировой ткани по ангиогенному направлению. Результаты исследования свидетельствуют о том, что клетки, выделенные из жировой ткани, способны к специфическому дифференцированию, а именно в остеогенном, хондрогенном и адипогеном направлениях, что является свидетельством мультипотентности мезенхимальных стволовых клеток жировой ткани. Жировая ткань является альтернативой костному мозгу, как источнику мультипотентных мезенхимальных стволовых клеток, которые могут быть использованы для дальнейших исследований по изучению возможностей использования стволовых клеток в качестве защиты пересаженной, путем липофилинга автологической жировой ткани от тканевой резорбции.Проведено експериментальне дослідження з метою визначення можливості диференціювання стовбурових клітин, що виділені з жирової тканини за адипогенним напрямом. Результати дослідження засвідчили про те, що клітини, які виділені з жирової тканини, здатні до специфічного диференціювання, а саме в остеогенному, хондрогенному та головне адипогенному напрямі, що є свідченням мультипотентності стовбурових мезенхімальних клітин жирової тканини. Жирова тканина є альтернативним кістковому мозку джерелом мультипотентних мезенхімальних стовбурових клітин, які можуть бути використані для подальших досліджень із визначення можливості використання стовбурових клітин як захисту пересадженої, шляхом ліпофілінгу, автологічної жирової тканини від тканинної резорбції