23 research outputs found


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    Dinâmica de nitrogênio no contínuo solo-planta em área alterada e cultivada com à fertilização mineral

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    According to recent estimates, one-fifth of Legal Amazon forest cover has been intensely altered, and although deforestation rates fluctuate, they have remained growing and consequently have promoted forest degradation. Species of the Fabaceae family have been indicated for the recovery of altered areas due to functional characteristics such as rusticity, biological nitrogen fixation, fast growing and great biomass production. An important fact is that only some of these species are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen, a feature that deserves attention given that in degraded tropical areas this element can become a limiting factor to plant establishment and growth. In this sense, we studied the interspecific differences in the mineral nitrogen partitioning, assimilation and allocation in six Fabaceae species cultivated on a degraded area where soil nutrient availability was increased by fertilizer application. In addition, intraspecific differences in nitrate and ammonium partitioning, assimilation and allocation were evaluated in A. mangium and D. odorata species cultivated with and without fertilization. The experiment was installed in an area around the Balbina Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP - Balbina) in the municipality of Presidente Figueiredo, AM. Of all six evaluated species, three are able to perform biological nitrogen fixation (A. mangium, C. fairchildiana and I. edulis) while the other half (S. reticulata, D. odorata and C. tocantinum) are not. The variables analyzed were soil, root, leaf and sap NH 4 +, and NO 3 – contents; root and leaf nitrate reductase activity; nitrogen use efficiency, nodule production amount of leaf chloroplastidic pigments and soluble proteins. The strategies of partitioning and assimilation of mineral nitrogen varied specifically without grouping by functional traits. Protein content was higher in all noduliferous species. Nitrogen efficiency was correlated with photosynthetic capacity, but not with total leaf nitrogen content. C. fairchildiana species showed lower nodule production than the other noduliferous species. A. mangium cultivated with and without fertilizer application exhibited similar strategy of partitioning and assimilation of nitrate, although fertilization stimulated nodule production. D. odorata changed its nitrate assimilation strategy when fertilized and accumulated more nitrate in roots and leaves when it was not fertilized.Estimativas recentes dão conta que um quinto da cobertura florestal da Amazônia Legal foi bastante alterada e apesar das taxas de desmatamento flutuarem elas têm se mantido crescentes e, por conseguinte, estimulam o crescimento das áreas degradadas. Espécies da família Fabaceae têm sido indicadas para recuperação de áreas alteradas devido a características funcionais como alta rusticidade, fixação de nitrogênio (N), rápido crescimento e grande produção de biomassa. Um fato importante é que somente algumas dessas espécies são capazes de fixar nitrogênio atmosférico, característica que merece destaque, uma vez que em áreas tropicais degradadas este elemento pode se tornar fator limitante para o estabelecimento e crescimento vegetal. Neste sentido, foram estudadas as diferenças interespecíficas no particionamento, assimilação e alocação de nitrogênio mineral de seis espécies da família Fabaceae (C. fairchildiana, A. mangium, C. tocantinum, S. reticulata, D. odorata e I. edulis) cultivadas em área degradada cuja disponibilidade de nutrientes no solo foi elevada via fertilização mineral. Além disso, avaliaram- se diferenças intraespecíficas no particionamento, assimilação e alocação de nitrato e amônio nas espécies A. mangium e D. odorata quando cultivadas com e sem fertilização. O experimento foi instalado em área da Usina Hidrelétrica Balbina (UHE – Balbina) no município de Presidente Figueiredo, AM. Das seis espécies estudadas três são capazes de fixar N; A. mangium, C. fairchildiana e I. edulis; enquanto a outra metade; S. reticulata, D. odorata e C. tocantinum; não fixam. As variáveis analisadas foram NH 4+ e NO 3- no solo, na raiz, na folha e na seiva, atividade radicular e foliar da redutase do nitrato, eficiência no uso do nitrogênio, produção de nódulos, teores de pigmentos cloroplastídicos foliares e proteínas solúveis. As estratégias de particionamento e assimilação de nitrogênio mineral variaram especificamente sem separação por grupo funcional. O teor de proteínas foi maior em todas as espécies nodulíferas. A eficiência no uso de nitrogênio foi correlacionada à capacidade fotossintética, mas não ao teor total de nitrogênio foliar. A espécie C. fairchildiana apresentou produção de nódulos inferior às demais espécies nodulíferas. A espécie A. mangium exibiu estratégia similar de particionamento e assimilação de nitrato quando cultivada com e sem aplicação de fertilizantes, embora a fertilização tenha estimulado a produção de nódulos. A espécie D. odorata variou sua estratégia de assimilação nitrato quando fertilizada e acumulou mais nitrato nas raízes e folhas quando não fertilizada

    Soil nitrogen recovery and seasonal changes of xylem sap amino acids of Amazonian tree species following pasture abandonment

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    We conducted this study to understand the dynamics of revegetation by examining the levels of mineral nitrogen (NO3− and NH4+) in soil and the capacity of nitrogen use by the principal species growing in secondary forest in central Amazonia. For this, we measured the nitrate and ammonium content of soil, leaves and xylem sap, nitrate reductase activity of the leaves and free amino acid contents of the xylem sap in five tree species (Vismia cayennensis, Vismia japurensis, Bellucia dichotoma, Laetia procera and Goupia glabra) over a chronosequence during recovery after pasture abandonment at two seasons. Soil ammonium was higher in the dry season and nitrate higher in the wet season and increased these with pasture abandonment age. V. japurensis, B. dichotoma and G. glabra decreased foliar ammonium due to pasture abandonment in the dry season and foliar ammonium increased in L. procera in the wet season. V. japurensis and V. cayennensis showed a decrease in nitrate reductase activity, while B. dichotoma and L. procera showed an increase. Xylem nitrate decreased in L. procera and B. dichotoma in the dry and wet seasons, respectively, and ammonium increased only in V. japurensis and V. cayennensis in the wet. Xylem arginine increased in all plant species after a period of pasture abandonment (except B. dichotoma). Tree species growing in pasture abandoned areas didn’t show the same pattern of use of nitrogen, and this can be important in order to understand the nitrogen metabolism of trees in the Amazon region during forest restoration2206633648CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal e Nível SuperiorCNPQ - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico554307/2010–3; 480233/2011–0; 3390/2013Não temThe authors are grateful to the National Institute for Amazonian Research/ Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communication (INPA/MCTIC), the members of the Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry and the funding agencies: Brazilian Council for Research and Development - CNPq and Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level Personnel - CAPES for financing the research projects (Bionorte 554307/2010–3, Universal 480233/2011–0 and Pró-Amazônia AUXPE 3390/2013). J. F. C. Gonçalves is a researcher of CNP

    Colonial Brazilian literature

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    Brazilian fiction from 1900 to 1945

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    The Brazilian novel from 1850 to 1900

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    Brazilian poetry from 1878 to 1902

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    Literary criticism in Brazil

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