92 research outputs found

    The evolution of galaxy formation

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    Our history of understanding galaxy formation could be traced through the development of individual ideas. A cynic might be tempted to suggest that new catchphrases are developed at a faster rate than genuine progress is made.Comment: 10 pages, Plain TeX, no figures. A slightly abbreviated version of this article appears in the December issue of Astronomy & Geophysic

    Matter temperature after cosmological recombination

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    The temperature of the atomic matter in the Universe is held to that of the Cosmic Background radiation until decoupling at z~100. After this it cools faster than the radiation (\propto(1+z)^2 rather than (1+z)) and would have fallen to about 20mK today if astrophysical feedback processes had not heated up the interglactic medium. We show how the derivative of the Compton coupling equation helps numerically to follow the decoupling process.Comment: 2 pages, short and sweet, MNRAS in press, revised to match accepted versio

    Anthropic Distribution for Cosmological Constant and Primordial Density Perturbations

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    The anthropic principle has been proposed as an explanation for the observed value of the cosmological constant. Here we revisit this proposal by allowing for variation between universes in the amplitude of the scale-invariant primordial cosmological density perturbations. We derive a priori probability distributions for this amplitude from toy inflationary models in which the parameter of the inflaton potential is smoothly distributed over possible universes. We find that for such probability distributions, the likelihood that we live in a typical, anthropically-allowed universe is generally quite small.Comment: 12 pages, 2 tables. v3: Replaced to match published version (minor corrections of form

    A comparison of the galaxy peculiar velocity field with the PSCz gravity field-- A Bayesian hyper-parameter method

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    We constructed a Bayesian hyper-parameter statistical method to quantify the difference between predicted velocities derived from the observed galaxy distribution in the \textit{IRAS}-PSCzz redshift survey and peculiar velocities measured using different distance indicators. In our analysis we find that the model--data comparison becomes unreliable beyond 70 \hmpc because of the inadequate sampling by \textit{IRAS} survey of prominent, distant superclusters, like the Shapley Concentration. On the other hand, the analysis of the velocity residuals show that the PSCzz gravity field provides an adequate model to the local, \le 70 \hmpc, peculiar velocity field. The hyper-parameter combination of ENEAR, SN, A1SN and SFI++ catalogues in the Bayesian framework constrains the amplitude of the linear flow to be β=0.53±0.014\beta=0.53 \pm 0.014. For an rms density fluctuations in the PSCzz galaxy number density σ8gal=0.42±0.03\sigma_8^{\rm gal}=0.42\pm0.03, we obtain an estimate of the growth rate of density fluctuations fσ8(z0)=0.42±0.033f\sigma_{8}(z\sim0) = 0.42 \pm 0.033, which is in excellent agreement with independent estimates based on different techniques.Comment: 14 pages, 32 figures, MNRAS in press, matched the MNRAS published versio

    Anthropic predictions for vacuum energy and neutrino masses

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    It is argued that the observed vacuum energy density and the small values of the neutrino masses could be due to anthropic selection effects. Until now, these two quantities have been treated separately from each other and, in particular, anthropic predictions for the vacuum energy were made under the assumption of zero neutrino masses. Here we consider two cases. In the first, we calculate predictions for the vacuum energy for a fixed (generally non-zero) value of the neutrino mass. In the second we allow both quantities to vary from one part of the universe to another. We find that the anthropic predictions for the vacuum energy density are in a better agreement with observations when one allows for non-zero neutrino masses. We also find that the individual distributions for the vacuum energy and the neutrino masses are reasonably robust and do not change drastically when one adds the other variable.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Implications of primordial black holes on the first stars and the origin of the super--massive black holes

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    If the cosmological dark matter has a component made of small primordial black holes, they may have a significant impact on the physics of the first stars and on the subsequent formation of massive black holes. Primordial black holes would be adiabatically contracted into these stars and then would sink to the stellar center by dynamical friction, creating a larger black hole which may quickly swallow the whole star. If these primordial black holes are heavier than 1022g\sim 10^{22} {\rm g}, the first stars would likely live only for a very short time and would not contribute much to the reionization of the universe. They would instead become 10103M10 - 10^3 M_\odot black holes which (depending on subsequent accretion) could serve as seeds for the super--massive black holes seen at high redshifts as well as those inside galaxies today.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures. v2: refereed versio

    Inflation from Warped Space

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    A long period of inflation can be triggered when the inflaton is held up on the top of a steep potential by the infrared end of a warped space. We first study the field theory description of such a model. We then embed it in the flux stabilized string compactification. Some special effects in the throat reheating process by relativistic branes are discussed. We put all these ingredients into a multi-throat brane inflationary scenario. The resulting cosmic string tension and a multi-throat slow-roll model are also discussed.Comment: 39 pages; v4, added reference, to appear in JHE

    The Kinematics of the Globular Cluster System of NGC 5128 with a New, Large Sample of Radial Velocity Measurements

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    New radial velocity measurements for previously known and newly confirmed globular clusters (GCs) in the nearby massive galaxy NGC 5128 are presented. We have obtained spectroscopy from LDSS-2/Magellan, VIMOS/VLT, and Hydra/CTIO from which we have measured the radial velocities of 218 known, and identified 155 new, GCs. The current sample of confirmed GCs in NGC 5128 is now 605 with 564 of these having radial velocity measurements. We have performed a new kinematic analysis of the GC system that extends out to 45 arcmin in galactocentric radius. We have examined the systemic velocity, projected rotation amplitude and axis, and the projected velocity dispersion of the GCs as functions of galactocentric distance and metallicity. Our results indicate that the metal-poor GCs have a very mild rotation signature of (26 pm 15) km/s. The metal-rich GCs are rotating with a higher, though still small signature of (43 pm 15) km/s around the isophotal major axis of NGC 5128 within 15 arcmin. Their velocity dispersions are consistent within the uncertainties and the profiles appear flat or declining within 20 arcmin. We note the small sample of metal-rich GCs with ages less than 5 Gyr in the literature appear to have different kinematic properties than the old, metal-rich GC subpopulation. The mass and mass-to-light ratios have also been estimated using the GCs as tracer particles for NGC 5128. Out to a distance of 20 arcmin, we have obtained a mass of (5.9 pm 2.0) x 10^(11) M_(sun) and a mass-to-light ratio in the B-band of 16 M_(sun)/L_(B,sun). Combined with previous work on the ages and metallicities of its GCs, as well as properties of its stellar halo, our findings suggest NGC 5128 formed via hierarchical merging over other methods of formation, such as major merging at late times.Comment: Accepted for The Astronomical Journal, 14 pages plus 12 figures and 7 table

    The Clustering of Luminous Red Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Imaging Data

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    We present the 3D real space clustering power spectrum of a sample of \~600,000 luminous red galaxies (LRGs) measured by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), using photometric redshifts. This sample of galaxies ranges from redshift z=0.2 to 0.6 over 3,528 deg^2 of the sky, probing a volume of 1.5 (Gpc/h)^3, making it the largest volume ever used for galaxy clustering measurements. We measure the angular clustering power spectrum in eight redshift slices and combine these into a high precision 3D real space power spectrum from k=0.005 (h/Mpc) to k=1 (h/Mpc). We detect power on gigaparsec scales, beyond the turnover in the matter power spectrum, on scales significantly larger than those accessible to current spectroscopic redshift surveys. We also find evidence for baryonic oscillations, both in the power spectrum, as well as in fits to the baryon density, at a 2.5 sigma confidence level. The statistical power of these data to constrain cosmology is ~1.7 times better than previous clustering analyses. Varying the matter density and baryon fraction, we find \Omega_M = 0.30 \pm 0.03, and \Omega_b/\Omega_M = 0.18 \pm 0.04, The detection of baryonic oscillations also allows us to measure the comoving distance to z=0.5; we find a best fit distance of 1.73 \pm 0.12 Gpc, corresponding to a 6.5% error on the distance. These results demonstrate the ability to make precise clustering measurements with photometric surveys (abridged).Comment: 23 pages, 27 figures, submitted to MNRA