809 research outputs found

    Towards a complete treatment of the cosmological recombination problem

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    A new approach to the cosmological recombination problem is presented, which completes our previous analysis on the effects of two-photon processes during the epoch of cosmological hydrogen recombination, accounting for ns-1s and nd-1s Raman events and two-photon transitions from levels with n>=2. The recombination problem for hydrogen is described using an effective 400-shell multi-level approach, to which we subsequently add all important recombination corrections discussed in the literature thus far. We explicitly solve the radiative transfer equation of the Lyman-series photon field to obtain the required modifications to the rate equations of the resolved levels. In agreement with earlier computations we find that 2s-1s Raman scattering leads to a delay in recombination by DN_e/N_e~0.9% at z~920. Two-photon decay and Raman scattering from higher levels (n>3) result in a small additional modifications, and precise results can be obtained when including their effect for the first 3-5 shells. This work is a major step towards a new cosmological recombination code (CosmoRec) that supersedes the physical model included in Recfast, and which, owing to its short runtime, can be used in the analysis of future CMB data from the Planck Surveyor.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, minor typos corrected, accepted by MNRAS, CosmoRec available at http://www.Chluba.de/CosmoRe

    Which spectral distortions does Λ\LambdaCDM actually predict?

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    Ever refined cosmological measurements have established the Λ\LambdaCDM concordance model, with the key cosmological parameters being determined to percent-level precision today. This allows us to make explicit predictions for the spectral distortions of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) created by various processes occurring in the early Universe. Here, we summarize all guaranteed CMB distortions and assess their total uncertainty within Λ\LambdaCDM. We also compare simple methods for approximating them, highlighting some of the subtle aspects when it comes to interpreting future distortion measurements. Under simplified assumptions, we briefly study how well a PIXIE-like experiment may measure the main distortion parameters (i.e., μ\mu and yy). Next generation CMB spectrometers are expected to detect the distortion caused by reionization and structure formation at extremely high significance. They will also be able to constrain the small-scale power spectrum through the associated μ\mu-distortion, improving limits on running of the spectral index. Distortions from the recombination era, adiabatic cooling of matter relative to the CMB and dark matter annihilation require a higher sensitivity than PIXIE in its current design. The crucial next step is an improved modeling of foregrounds and instrumental aspects, as we briefly discuss here.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables, accepted by MNRA

    Time-Dependent Corrections to the Ly-alpha Escape Probability During Cosmological Hydrogen Recombination

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    We consider the effects connected with the detailed radiative transfer during the epoch of cosmological recombination on the ionization history of our Universe. We focus on the escape of photons from the hydrogen Lyman-alpha resonance at redshifts 600<~ z <~ 2000, one of two key mechanisms defining the rate of cosmological recombination. We approach this problem within the standard formulation, and corrections due to two-photon interactions are deferred to another paper. As a main result we show here that within a non-stationary approach to the escape problem, the resulting correction in the free electron fraction, N_e, is about ~1.6-1.8% in the redshift range 800<~z<~1200. Therefore the discussed process results in one of the largest modifications to the ionization history close to the maximum of Thomson-visibility function at z~1100 considered so far. We prove our results both numerically and analytically, deriving the escape probability, and considering both Lyman-alpha line emission and line absorption in a way different from the Sobolev approximation. In particular, we give a detailed derivation of the Sobolev escape probability during hydrogen recombination, and explain the underlying assumptions. We then discuss the escape of photons for the case of coherent scattering in the lab frame, solving this problem analytically in the quasi-stationary approximation and also in the time-dependent case. We show here that during hydrogen recombination the Sobolev approximation for the escape probability is not valid at the level of DP/P~5-10%. This is because during recombination the ionization degree changes significantly over a characteristic time Dz/z~10%, so that at percent level accuracy the photon distribution is not evolving (abridged)Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, accepted versio

    Could the Cosmological Recombination Spectrum Help Us Understand Annihilating Dark Matter?

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    In this paper we explore the potential effects of DM annihilations on the cosmological recombination spectrum. With this example we want to demonstrate that the cosmological recombination spectrum in principle is sensitive to details related to possible extra energy release during recombination. We restrict ourselves to DM models which produce a negligible primordial distortion of the CMB energy spectrum. However, since during the epoch of cosmological recombination a large fraction of the deposited energy can directly go into ionizations and excitations of neutral atoms, both the cosmological recombination spectrum and ionization history can still be affected significantly. We compute the modifications to the cosmological recombination spectrum using our multi-level HI and HeI recombination code, showing that additional photons are created due to uncompensated loops of transitions which are induced by DM annihilations. As we illustrate here, the results depend on the detailed branching of the deposited energy into heating, ionizations and excitations. This dependence in principle should allow us to shed light on the nature of the underlying annihilating DM model (or more generally speaking, the mechanism leading to energy injection) when measuring the cosmological recombination spectrum. However, for current upper limits on the potential DM annihilation rate during recombination the cosmological recombination spectrum is only affected at the level of a few percent. Nevertheless, we argue here that the cosmological recombination spectrum would provide another independent and very direct way of checking for the presence of sources of extra ionizing or exciting photons at high redshifts. This would open an new window to possible (non-standard) processes occurring (abridged)Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure, submitted to MNRA
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