48 research outputs found

    Half a century of amyloids: past, present and future

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    Amyloid diseases are global epidemics with profound health, social and economic implications and yet remain without a cure. This dire situation calls for research into the origin and pathological manifestations of amyloidosis to stimulate continued development of new therapeutics. In basic science and engineering, the cross-ß architecture has been a constant thread underlying the structural characteristics of pathological and functional amyloids, and realizing that amyloid structures can be both pathological and functional in nature has fuelled innovations in artificial amyloids, whose use today ranges from water purification to 3D printing. At the conclusion of a half century since Eanes and Glenner's seminal study of amyloids in humans, this review commemorates the occasion by documenting the major milestones in amyloid research to date, from the perspectives of structural biology, biophysics, medicine, microbiology, engineering and nanotechnology. We also discuss new challenges and opportunities to drive this interdisciplinary field moving forward. This journal i

    Forest and game

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    Modernization of Curriculum in Construction Management Based on EU Funds

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    The need for modernization of curricula is growing with the development of new technologies to support teaching, changes in business strategy of universities in Poland and European Union, and development of the society. In response to these changes, at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Poznan University of Technology, new English-language specialty master studies - Construction Technology Management was launched in March 2014. Studies are based on the cooperation between the student, the industry and the university, allowing students to get to know the specifics of the construction industry. In addition, Poznan University of Technology is involved in an MBAIC project MBA in construction aimed at common study for postgraduates. The synergy achieved through the implementation of these two projects enables the possibility to educate construction managers capable of communication in English, possessing knowledge regarding innovation in the construction industry, who are well prepared to enter the labour market and have the possibility of subsequent improvement of managerial competences

    Short-term and long-term PQ, QT and R-R intervals' variability at the resting condition and after exercise testing in healthy Anglo-Arabian horses

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    The duration of electrocardiographic (ECG) parameters: PQ, QT and R-R intervals change during long-term and short-term observation as the consequence of the fluctuations in autonomic nervous system activity among others dependent on the exercise and resting. There is no data of horse breed influence on these parameters. The aim of the study was to assess the duration and the variability of the PQ, QT and R-R intervals in the resting conditions and after exercise testing in Anglo-Arabian horses. Material and Methods: 27 healthy Anglo-Arabian horses aged 3.4 ± 1.0 years (15 male, 12 female) had ECG examination in the standing position using Einthoven system of leads. The longest and the shortest PQ, QT and R-R intervals were measured after night rest and after exercise testing and the means were calculated. Conclusions: 1) In Anglo-Arabian horses the difference between the longest and the shortest PQ interval at rest vs. after exercise is 0.06 ± 0.05 vs. 0.03 ± 0.02, QT interval is 0.04 ± 0.03 vs. 0.04 ± 0.04, R-R interval 0.19 ± 0.15 vs. 0.08 ± 0.11. 2) The PQ and R-R intervals reveal high short-term variability either at the resting conditions or after exercise testing. 3) After exercise testing PQ, QT and R-R intervals are shorter than at the resting conditions. The delta PQ and R-R are 2 times smaller in contrast to delta QT which is constant. 4) The PQ and R-R interval variability was greater at the baseline condition than after exercise testing. The QT variability was similar at baseline condition to that after exercise testing

    Retrospective analysis of co - occurrence of congenital aortic stenosis and pulmonary artery stenosis in dogs

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    The study has focused on the retrospective analysis of cases of coexisting congenital aortic stenosis (AS) and pulmonary artery stenosis (PS) in dogs. The research included 5463 dogs which were referred for cardiological examination (including clinical examination, ECG and echocardiography) between 2004 and 2014. Aortic stenosis and PS stenosis were detected in 31 dogs. This complex defect was the most commonly diagnosed in Boxers – 7 dogs, other breeds were represented by: 4 cross-breed dogs, 2 Bichon Maltais, 3 Miniature Pinschers, 2 Bernese Mountain Dogs, 2 French Bulldogs, and individuals of following breeds: Bichon Frise, Bull Terrier, Czech Wolfdog, German Shepherd, Hairless Chinese Crested Dog, Miniature Schnauzer, Pug, Rottweiler, Samoyed, West Highland White Terrier and Yorkshire Terrier. In all the dogs, the murmurs could be heard, graded from 2 to 5 (on a scale of 1-6). Besides, in 9 cases other congenital defects were diagnosed: patent ductus arteriosus, mitral valve dysplasia, pulmonary or aortic valve regurgitation, tricuspid valvedysplasia, ventricular or atrial septal defect. The majority of the dogs suffered from pulmonary valvular stenosis (1 dog had supravalvular pulmonary artery stenosis) and subvalvular aortic stenosis (2 dogs had valvular aortic stenosis). Conclusions and clinical relevance – co-occurrence of AS and PS is the most common complex congenital heart defect. Boxer breed was predisposed to this complex defect. It was found that coexisting AS and PS is more common in male dogs and the degree of PS and AS was mostly similar

    Wpływ typu karmy na długookresową kinetykę konsumpcji u kotów domowych (Felis catus) utrzymywanych w kolonii

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    Impact of food type on long term consumption kinetics in group-housed domestic cats (Felis catus). The aim of the current research was to assess the impact of the type of dry food on the long term acceptance in cats, expressed as consumption curves. A group of 14 adult neutered domestic cats were subsequently offered three types of products: economy, medium and premium. The consumption of food has been carefully monitored each day of the experiment, which enabled the drawing of the precise consumption curve. The average daily consumption showed differences between feeding periods (98.33%, 61.17% and 55.04% for premium, medium and economy diet type, respectively). In all groups the monotony effect has been observed, but the relative stability of the consumption has been observed only in cats fed with the premium type of food. The attractiveness of the economy type of food was distinctively low, resulting in a regularly waved consumption curve. It can be concluded, that the prolonged offering of a particular type of complete dry pet food within the limits of metabolizable energy requirements may potentially lead to adverse consequences for cats. The food consumption level that supplies the minimal daily energy amount can likely result in imbalanced macronutrient intake.Wpływ typu karmy na długookresową kinetykę konsumpcji u kotów (Felis catus) utrzymywanych w kolonii. Celem doświadczenia było określenie wpływu typu podawanej suchej karmy pełnoporcjowej na długookresowe wskaźniki akceptacji określane dla utrzymywanych grupowo kotów. Grupa 14 dorosłych, kastrowanych kotów otrzymywała kolejno karmę typu medium, economy i premium w okresach trwających 31 dni. Spożycie było ściśle kontrolowane każdego dnia trwania eksperymentu, co pozwoliło na wykreślenie dokładnych krzywych. Zaobserwowano istotne różnice wartości średniego współczynnika konsumpcji pomiędzy poszczególnymi okresami żywienia(98.33%, 61.17% i 55.04% odpowiednio dla karmy typu premium, medium i economy). We wszystkich okresach zaobserwowano efekt "monotonii" jednak relatywnie stabilne wskaźniki akceptacji zanotowano jedynie w okresie podawania karmy typu premium. Atrakcyjność karmy typu economy była wyraźnie niższa w porównaniu do pozostałych. Zaobserwowano znaczące fluktuacje przebiegu krzywej konsumpcji tego produktu. Można stwierdzić, że długotrwałe podawanie kotom jednego typu karmy, w ilości zapewniającej pokrycie dziennego zapotrzebowania na energię metaboliczną potencjalnie może mieć niepożądane konsekwencje. Regularne pobieranie taniej karmy pełnoporcjowej w ilości zapewniającej pokrycie jedynie minimalnego zapotrzebowania energetycznego może spowodować zaburzenie właściwego bilansu podaży podstawowych składników odżywczych

    CD4 T cells react to local increase of α-synuclein in a pathology-associated variant-dependent manner and modify brain microglia in absence of brain pathology

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    We have previously shown that immunological processes in the brain during α-synuclein-induced neurodegeneration vary depending on the presence or absence of cell death. This suggests that the immune system is able to react differently to the different stages of α-synuclein pathology. However, it was unclear whether these immune changes were governed by brain processes or by a direct immune response to α-synuclein modifications. We have herein locally increased the peripheral concentration of α-synuclein or its pathology-associated variants, nitrated or fibrillar, to characterize the modulation of the CD4 T cell pool by α-synuclein and brain microglia in the absence of any α-synuclein brain pathology. We observed that α-synuclein changed the CD4:CD8 ratio by contracting the CD3+CD4+ T cell pool and reducing the pool of memory Regulatory T cells (Treg). Nitrated α-synuclein induced the expansion of both the CD3+CD4+ and CD3+CD4− T cells, while fibrils increased the percentage of Foxp3+ Treg cells and induced anti-α-synuclein antibodies. Furthermore, the activation pattern of CD3+CD4+ T cells was modulated in a variant-dependent manner; while nitrated and fibrillar α-synuclein expanded the fraction of activated Treg, all three α-synuclein variants reduced the expression levels of STAT3, CD25 and CD127 on CD3+CD4+ T cells. Additionally, while monomeric α-synuclein increased CD103 expression, the fibrils decreased it, and CCR6 expression was decreased by nitrated and fibrillar α-synuclein, indicating that α-synuclein variants affect the homing and tolerance capacities of CD3+CD4+ T cells. Indeed, this correlated with changes in brain microglia phenotype, as determined by FACS analysis, in an α-synuclein variant-specific manner and coincided in time with CD4+ T cell infiltration into brain parenchyma. We have shown that the peripheral immune system is able to sense and react specifically to changes in the local concentration and structure of α-synuclein, which results in variant-specific T cell migration into the brain. This may have a specific repercussion for brain microglia