41 research outputs found

    El uso del hipérico como tratamiento antidepresivo

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    El Hypericum perforatum, o comúnmente conocido como Hipérico, hipericón, Hierba de San Juan o corazoncillo ha sido históricamente utilizado para el tratamiento de diversas dolencias, desde problemas gastrointestinales hasta para la cicatrización de heridas. Sin embargo, uno de los usos más interesantes es el que se le ha dado para el tratamiento de la depresión, para el que está ampliamente documentada su efectividad y seguridad. Los tratamientos convencionales para la depresión acarrean diversos problemas y efectos no deseados, por lo que en esta revisión bibliográfica se pretende profundizar en las propiedades antidepresivas del hipérico, así como en su composición química y se analizará por qué puede suponer una herramienta interesante para el tratamiento de la depresión. El Hipérico emerge como una opción prometedora y valiosa para este fin. Tras demostrar una eficacia comparable a los fármacos de primera y segunda línea, junto con un perfil de seguridad favorable, lo hacen atractivo para aquellos pacientes que necesitan una alternativa a los antidepresivos convencionales.Hypericum perforatum, commonly known as St. John's Wort, has historically been used for the treatment of various ailments, from gastrointestinal issues to wound healing. However, one of the most intriguing uses is for the treatment of depression, for which its effectiveness and safety are well well-documented. Conventional depression treatments carry various problems and unwanted effects, so this literature review aims to delve deeper into the antidepressant properties of St. John's Wort, as well as its chemical composition, and will analyze why it can be an interesting tool for the current treatment of depression. St. John's Wort emerges as a promising and valuable option for this purpose. Demonstrating efficacy comparable to first and second second-line drugs, along with a favorable safety profile, it becomes attractive for those patients who need an alternative to conventional antidepre ssants

    Domino Synthesis of Benzo-fused β,γ-Unsaturated Ketones from Alkenylboronic acids and N-Tosylhydrazone-tethered Benzonitriles

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    The transition-metal-free domino reaction between alkenylboronic acids and N-tosylhydrazones from o-(2-oxoalkyl)- and o-(3-oxoalkyl)benzonitriles leads to β,γ-unsaturated indanones and tetralones featuring an α-“all-carbon” quaternary center. The employment of derivatives of α-substituted cyclopentanones and cyclohexanones led to the stereoselective preparation of β,γ-unsaturated tetrahydrocyclopenta[a]inden-8(1H)-ones, hexahydrofluorenones, and hexahydroanthracenones as cis-fused single stereoisomers. A domino sequence involving diazo compound formation/reductive alkenylation/1,3-borotropic rearrangement/intramolecular bora-aza-ene reaction is proposed to justify the formation of the products as well as the stereoselectivity

    Six-membered ring systems: with O and/or S atoms

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    A large variety of publications involving O- and S-6-membered ring systems have appeared in 2017. The importance of these heterocyclic compounds is highlighted by the huge number of publications on the total synthesis of natural oxygen derivatives and of other communications dedicated to synthetic derivatives. Reviews on stereoselective organocatalytic synthesis of tetrahydropyrans (17EJO4666), of tetrahydropyrans and their application in total synthesis of natural products (17CSR1661), on the synthesis of the less thermodynamically stable 2,6-trans-tetrahydropyrans (17S4899), on enantioselective synthesis of polyfunctionalized pyran and chromene derivatives (17TA1462), and on enantioselective and racemic total synthesis of camptothecins, including the formation of their pyran-2-one ring (17SL1134), have appeared. Advances in the transition metal-catalyzed synthesis of pyran-2/4-ones (17TL263), N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC)-catalyzed achiral synthesis of pyran-2-one, coumarin and (thio)chromone derivatives (17OBC4731), on the synthesis and transformation of 2H-pyran-2-ones (17T2529) and 2-styrylchromones (17EJO3115) into other heterocyclic compounds, have been surveyed. The strategies to build up the tetrahydropyranyl core of brevisamide (17H(95)81) and the reactions of ketyl radicals, generated from carbonyl derivatives under transition-metal photoredox-catalyzed conditions, leading to isochromen- and chroman-type compounds (17CC13093) were disclosed. Developments in the synthesis of pentafluorosulfanyl(chromene and coumarin) derivatives (17TL4803), photoswitchable D9-tetrahydrocannabinol derivatives (17JA18206), and aminobenzopyranoxanthenes with nitrogen-containing rings (17JOC13626) have been studied.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Polyether Natural Product Inspired Cascade Cyclizations: Autocatalysis on π‐Acidic Aromatic Surfaces

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    Anion‐π catalysis functions by stabilizing anionic transition states on aromatic π surfaces, thus providing a new approach to molecular transformation. The delocalized nature of anion–π interactions suggests that they serve best in stabilizing long‐distance charge displacements. Aiming therefore for an anionic cascade reaction that is as charismatic as the steroid cyclization is for conventional cation‐π biocatalysis, reported here is the anion‐π‐catalyzed epoxide‐opening ether cyclizations of oligomers. Only on π‐acidic aromatic surfaces having a positive quadrupole moment, such as hexafluorobenzene to naphthalenediimides, do these polyether cascade cyclizations proceed with exceptionally high autocatalysis (rate enhancements kauto/kcat >104 m−1). This distinctive characteristic adds complexity to reaction mechanisms (Goldilocks‐type substrate concentration dependence, entropy‐centered substrate destabilization) and opens intriguing perspectives for future developments