253 research outputs found

    Lineamientos y/o ejes implementados en Nicaragua para la optimización del crecimiento económico y el trabajo decente durante el periodo 2010-2016

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    En el siguiente trabajo de grado se reconocen y analizan exhaustivamente los distintos enfoques económicos y sociales que el estado de Nicaragua ha abordado con relación a la optimización del crecimiento económico medido principalmente por el Producto interno bruto y el mercado laboral, para ello, se procedió a analizar diversos indicadores que plasmaran el resultado de las políticas implementadas durante el periodo de estudio y como estas se correlacionan con el objetivo numero 8 de las naciones unidas el cual se define como ¨Promover el crecimiento económico sostenido inclusivo y sostenible, el empleo pleno y productivo y el trabajo decente para todos¨ Se concluyó a grandes rasos que efectivamente Nicaragua alcanzó optimizar las variables antes mencionadas sin embargo, se encontraron aspectos que no están siendo satisfactoriamente cumplido

    FU Orionis: A Binary Star?

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    By using the ALFA adaptive optics system at the 3.6m telescope of the Calar Alto Observatory we detected a faint red star in the apparent vicinity of FU Ori, the prototype of the FUor outburst stars. Independent confirmation of the detection is obtained from archival PUEO/CFHT images. The separation between the companion candidate and FU Ori is 0."50 and their brightness contrast is around 4 magnitudes. We discuss the possible nature of the newly detected star based on near-infrared photometry and its proper motion relative to FU Ori. The photometric data are consistent with a nearby late-type main sequence star, a background giant star, and a pre-main sequence star. On the basis of the proper motion and the stellar surface density in the direction towards FU Ori, we argue that the probabilities of the first two options are very low.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, to be published in ApJ Letter

    The impact of sex on severe asthma: a cross-sectional retrospective analysis of UK primary and specialist care:a cross-sectional retrospective analysis of UK primary and specialist care

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    After puberty, females are more likely to develop asthma and in a more severe form than males. The associations between asthma and sex are complex with multiple intrinsic and external factors. To evaluate the sex differences in the characteristics and treatment of patients with severe asthma (SA) in a real-world setting. Demographic, clinical and treatment characteristics for patients with SA in the UK Severe Asthma Registry (UKSAR) and Optimum Patient Care Research Database (OPCRD) were retrospectively analysed by sex using univariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses adjusted for year, age and hospital/practice. 3679 (60.9% female) patients from UKSAR and 18 369 patients (67.9% female) from OPCRD with SA were included. Females were more likely to be symptomatic with increased Asthma Control Questionnaire-6 (UKSAR adjusted OR (aOR) 1.14, 95% CI 1.09 to 1.18) and Royal College of Physicians-3 Question scores (OPCRD aOR 1.29, 95% CI 1.13 to 1.47). However, they had a higher forced expiratory volume in 1 second per cent (FEV %) predicted (UKSAR 68.7% vs 64.8%,

    Ice margin oscillations during deglaciation of the northern Irish Sea Basin

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    We present a new chronology to constrain ice‐margin retreat in the northern Irish Sea Basin. Estimates on the timing of ice thinning derived from surface exposure ages for boulders from the summits of the Isle of Man and south‐west Cumbria suggest that ice thinning was commensurate with the rapid retreat that followed the short‐lived advance of the Irish Sea Ice Stream (ISIS) to maximum limits in the Celtic Sea. This ice retreat in the northern Irish Sea Basin was fastest at 20 ka in response to a wider calving margin, but slowed as ice stabilized and oscillated against the Isle of Man. We provide the first age constraints for the Scottish Readvance (19.2–18.2 ka) and demonstrate that it was a potentially regional event across the Isle of Man and Cumbrian lowlands not linked with Heinrich Event 1. After the Scottish Readvance, the ice front retreated northwards towards the Southern Uplands of Scotland at the same time as climate north of ∼45°N warmed in response to summer insolation. This sequence demonstrates the importance of internal dynamics in controlling ice retreat rates in the Irish Sea, but also that deglaciation of the northern Irish Sea Basin was a response to climate warming

    Quasar induced galaxy formation: a new paradigm ?

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    We discuss observational evidence that quasars play a key role in the formation of galaxies starting from the detailed study of the quasar HE0450-2958 and extending the discussion to a series of converging evidence that radio jets may trigger galaxy formation. The direct detection with VISIR at the ESO-VLT of the 7 kpc distant companion galaxy of HE0450-2958 allows us to spatially separate the sites of quasar and star formation activity in this composite system made of two ultra-luminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs). No host galaxy has yet been detected for this quasar, but the companion galaxy stellar mass would bring HE0450-2958 in the local M(BH)-M(stellar bulge) relation if it were to merge with the QSO. This is bound to happen because of their close distance (7 kpc) and small relative velocity (~60-200 km/s). We conclude that we may be witnessing the building of the M(BH)-M(stellar bulge) relation, or at least of a major event in that process. The star formation rate (~340 Msun/yr), age (40-200 Myr) and stellar mass ([5-6]x10^10 Msun) are consistent with jet-induced formation of the companion galaxy. We suggest that HE0450-2958 may be fueled in fresh material by cold gas accretion from intergalactic filaments. We map the projected galaxy density surrounding the QSO as a potential tracer of intergalactic filaments and discuss a putative detection. Comparison to other systems suggests that inside-out formation of quasar host galaxies and jet-induced galaxy formation may be a common process. Two tests are proposed for this new paradigm: (1) the detection of offset molecular gas or dust emission with respect to the position of distant QSOs, (2) the delayed formation of host galaxies as a result of QSO activity, hence the two step building of the M(BH)/M(stellar bulge) ratio.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics (with minor corrections