161 research outputs found

    A-Na(d) tayaSati Hubungan Anapanasati (Nafas Buddha) di dalam Struktur Tari Klasik Thailand

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    RingkasanA-Na(d)tayaSati adalah penciptaan karya tari dengan menyatukan prinsip hubungan Anapanasati (napas Buddha) dengan struktur gerak tari klasik Thailand. Tujuan penciptaan agar bisa mengarah pada salah satu bentuk atau metode gerakan tari Thailand yang berfokus pada penggunaan napas sebagai landasan struktur gerakan independen, alami, dengan mengambil kekuatan energi dari dalam ke luar. Hal ini untuk membuat gerakan tersebut bertahan lama sehingga bisa bergerak dalam jangka waktu yang lebih lama, dan merupakan gerak yang tenang melalui meditasi yang alami, tanpa memaksa tubuh. Karya ini bertujuan pula untuk menciptakan gerakan lain dalam tarian Thailand yang konsisten dengan doktrin Buddha, yang sadar akan jangkauannya saat ini dan alami melalui latihan dan kesadaran diri. Dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip meditasi dalam bentuk Anapanasati dan teori gerakan tubuh sesuai dengan (teori Pemrograman Motor) dalam anatomi untuk menemukan hubungan dari gerakan tari klasik Thailand yang memberikan arti penting bagi gerakan dengan napas penari. Proses penciptaan hubungan Anapanasati (Napas Buddha) dengan struktur gerak tari klasik Thailand, sebagai pengakuan adanya gerakan baru yang memiliki energi aerobik (Aerobic system) yang beredar sepanjang waktu. Hal ini merupakan sistem tubuh yang menggunakan oksigen untuk membakar sepenuhnya dan terbentuk sebagai energi yang berkelanjutan dan damai dari dalam tubuh yang disebabkan oleh meditasi dengan metode pernapasan sambil melalukan gerakan tari klasik Thailand. Selain itu, tubuh tetap memiliki postur yang jelas, kuat dan unik dengan struktur gerakan tari klasik Thailand namun menjadi lebih ringan, lebih nyaman dan lebih alami. Energi dari napas masuk dan ke luar itu membuat gerakan menjadi terus-menerus, tanpa akhir, tanpa masalah kelelahan dan kontraksi otot saat bergerak ketika menari.AbstractThe dance work creation with the principle of the relationship of Anapanasati (Buddha's breath) in the structure of the classical Thai dance movement. In the aim of being able to lead to one form or method of Thai dance movements that focuses on the use of breath as a foundation for the structure of independent movements, natural, and take energy from the inside to outside. This makes the movement very durable so that it can move for a longer period of time and is a quiet movement through natural meditation, without force. To create another movement in Thai dance that is consistent with Buddhist doctrine, which is aware of its current and natural reach through practice and self-awareness. By applying the principles of meditation in the form of Anapanasati and the theory of appropriate body movements (Motor Programming theory) in anatomy to find the connection of classical dance movements Thailand which gives importance mean to movement with the breath of dancers. The process of creating Anapanasati (Buddha's Breath) with the movement structure of the Thai classical dance as recognition of a new movement that has an aerobic system circulating around the time. This is a body system that uses oxygen to burn completely and is formed as a continuous and peaceful energy from the inside caused by meditation with the breathing method while moving the Thai classical dance movement. Besides that, the body still has a clear and strong posture that is unique with the structure of Thai classical dance movements such as lighter, more comfortable and more natural. The energy of in and out breath makes the movement become continuous, endless, without a problem of fatigue and muscle contraction during movements in the dance

    Elimination of deduplication and reduce communication overhead in cloud

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    We extend an attribute-based storage system with safe deduplication in a hybrid cloud setting, where a private cloud is accountable for duplicate detection and a public cloud manages the storage. Related with the prior data deduplication systems, our system has two compensations. It can be used to private portion data with users by agreeing access policies slightly distribution of decryption keys. It realizes the typical view of semantic security for data privacy while existing systems only accomplish it by critical and punier security notion. In adding, we set into view an organization to alter a cipher text over one starter policy into cipher texts of the equal plaintext but beneath other starter guidelines deprived of revealing the basic plaintext

    Vascular Malformation Involving the Maxillofacial Region: A Case Report

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    Vascular anomalies constitute some of the most difficult diagnostic and therapeutic enigmas in the head and neck region and most of the congenital vascular malformations were often misdiagnosed and left untreated. These lesions are the result of an embryonic abnormality of the vascular system. Vascular lesions in the maxillofacial region are rare. These lesions can cause facial asymmetry, loose teeth, tinnitus, headache, and bruits and can be complicated by life threatening conditions such as haemorrhage and heart failure. This article presents a case of 25-year old female patient reported to the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology with a chief complaint of swelling on the left side of the face. Based on the clinical findings and radiological investigations such as USG with Color Doppler, MR Angiography and CBCT the case was diagnosed as slow flow venous malformation involving the left maxillofacial region. So, the present case report depicts that apart from the clinical findings advanced radiological techniques like contrast enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging and CBCT will acts as a useful tool for the accurate diagnosis of Vascular Anamolies (VA)

    "The fruits of independence": Satyajit Ray, Indian nationhood and the spectre of empire

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    Challenging the longstanding consensus that Satyajit Ray's work is largely free of ideological concerns and notable only for its humanistic richness, this article shows with reference to representations of British colonialism and Indian nationhood that Ray's films and stories are marked deeply and consistently by a distinctively Bengali variety of liberalism. Drawn from an ongoing biographical project, it commences with an overview of the nationalist milieu in which Ray grew up and emphasizes the preoccupation with colonialism and nationalism that marked his earliest unfilmed scripts. It then shows with case studies of Kanchanjangha (1962), Charulata (1964), First Class Kamra (First-Class Compartment, 1981), Pratidwandi (The Adversary, 1970), Shatranj ke Khilari (The Chess Players, 1977), Agantuk (The Stranger, 1991) and Robertsoner Ruby (Robertson's Ruby, 1992) how Ray's mature work continued to combine a strongly anti-colonial viewpoint with a shifting perspective on Indian nationhood and an unequivocal commitment to cultural cosmopolitanism. Analysing how Ray articulated his ideological positions through the quintessentially liberal device of complexly staged debates that were apparently free, but in fact closed by the scenarist/director on ideologically specific notes, this article concludes that Ray's reputation as an all-forgiving, ‘everybody-has-his-reasons’ humanist is based on simplistic or even tendentious readings of his work

    Extracellular vesicles generated by placental tissues ex vivo: A transport system for immune mediators and growth factors

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144634/1/aji12860_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144634/2/aji12860.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144634/3/aji12860-sup-0001-Supinfo.pd

    A-Na(d)tayaSati (Hubungan Anapanasati dalam Gerakan Tari Klasik Thailand dengan Kesadaran)

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    Penciptaan karya tari ini dilandasi dengan prinsip hubungan Anapanasati dalam gerakan tari klasik Thailand. Tujuannya untuk mendalami dan mengembangkan salah satu bentuk atau metode gerakan tari Thailand yang berfokus pada penggunaan napas sebagai landasan gerakan independen, alami, yang mengambil energi kekuatan dari dalam ke luar. Hal ini membuat gerakan tersebut tahan sangat lama sehingga bisa bergerak dalam jangka waktu yang lebih lama dan merupakan gerakan yang tenang melalui meditasi yang alami, tanpa memaksa tubuh. Untuk menciptakan gerakan baru dalam tarian Thailand yang konsisten dengan doktrin Buddha, yang sadar akan jangkauannya saat ini dan alami melalui latihan dan kesadaran diri. Proses perjelajahan hubungan Anapanasati dalam gerakan tari klasik Thailand, menghasilkan gerakan baru yang memiliki energi aerobic ( Aerobic system) yang beredar sepanjang waktu. Hal ini merupakan sistem tubuh yang menggunakan oksigen untuk membakar sepenuhnya dan terbentuk sebagai energi yang berkelanjutan dan damai dari dalam yang disebabkan oleh meditasi dengan metode pernapasan sambil menggerakkan gerakan tari klasik Thailand
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