925 research outputs found

    The Bieri-Neumann-Strebel Invariant of the Pure Symmetric Automorphisms of a Right-Angled Artin Group

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    We compute the BNS-invariant for the pure symmetric automorphism groups of right-angled Artin groups. We use this calculation to show that the pure symmetric automorphism group of a right-angled Artin group is itself not a right-angled Artin group provided that its defining graph contains a separating intersection of links

    A modular triple characterization of circuit signatures

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    AbstractWe study the modular triples of circuits of a matroid and use them to characterize four types of circuit signatures, three of which are known (weak orientations, orientations, and ternary signatures) and one of which is new (lifting signatures). Lifting signatures allow us to specify a linear class of circuits in a matroid, and thereby the lift of the matroid, by labeling the elements from a group in the manner of Dowling and Kelly

    Examining the Relationship between Family Routines during Adolescence and Young Adult Health Behaviors

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    Research has found significant associations between family routines, like the frequency of family meals, and later adolescent health behaviors. The current study adds to this literature by (a) replicating previous findings utilizing a larger national dataset of youth and (b) incorporating much longer-term outcomes (10 and 14 years). Data comes from the NLSY97. A total of 5,419 youth were surveyed at 12-14 years of age, and then annually for 14 years (84% retention at 14 years). Results indicate that more family routines during adolescence are associated with better general health during young adulthood (p’s \u3c 0.001). Routines are also positively associated with healthy diet and behaviors in young adulthood (p’s \u3c 0.001). This study highlights the lasting impact of family interactions across development. Subsequent analyses will parse out the specific predictive contribution of family meals shared, as well as the impact of family routines on substance use

    Opening the Black box of the 2015 Baltimore riots: an actor-network theory contribution to composition

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    Includes bibliographical references.2016 Summer.The purpose of this project is to experiment with new ways of supplementing the "social turn" in composition by using Actor-Network Theory (ANT) as a methodology. In demonstrating the ways ANT could support composition, I conduct a study of the 2015 Baltimore riots in the wake of the fatal injury of Freddie Gray by Baltimore police. In understanding the events the focus is not on the riots themselves but the place where the riots occurred, Baltimore’s Sandtown-Winchester neighborhood, also the home of Freddie Gray and his family. The social focus of this study is to demonstrate how ANT could support an anti-racist composition theory and practice. Herein I argue that ANT has much to offer anti-racist composition theory, arguing that when the methodology is deployed that researchers can arrive at robust findings that supports writing that produces action. In making this argument I identify four general areas that ANT contributes to composition theory: the first area is that the theory behind the method is non-critical in nature. This simply means that instead of relying on critique as means to achieve social justice and critical thinking that we also spend more time describing and assembling and composing--drawing a picture of the social--before beginning the work of critical analysis. The second area ANT adds to composition theory is that in drawing the non-critical pictures of the social that we pay close attention to all agents in the site, and this means that we pay attention to the agency of the nonhumans in addition to the humans. We do this because humans do not exist and act without the agency of nonhumans. The idea here is that any kind of rhetorical work we do will be more robust when we pay more attention to all parts of context and rhetorical situations. The third area ANT contributes is that can cultivate an attunement between and among researchers and the ambient environment or site of study. In other words, in doing the slow work that ANT requires, the researcher has greater opportunity to cultivate an affective engagement with the other agents in the site of study, and when this happens then there is greater opportunity for researchers and students to engage with exigent sites of concern, in both material and affective ways. The fourth way ANT supports composition theory is in that it promotes an ethic of amateurism that allows researchers to tinker with texts and sites and studies in playful and amateurish ways. ANT is a relativistic and objective approach that seeks as its goal consensus through description and slow analysis and work with others and as such this method is a friendlier and less dogmatic form of empiricism. Because of the relativism, the researcher needs to be comfortable with uncertainty, but this uncertainty is beneficial because it allows the researcher to constantly inquire until a consensus and plan of action is reached. After conducting my study of Sandtown-Winchester, I found that the problem of something akin to racism is distributed across the material and discursive space of the neighborhood, arguing that if we only pay attention to the racist discourse in or about the neighborhood that we miss out on half of the picture (the material side of the picture), and that the kinds of actions that could support the neighborhood may be overlooked with only a focus on language and discourse

    Kebijakan Pemberantasan Wabah Penyakit Menular: Kasus Kejadian Luar Biasa Demam Berdarah Dengue (Klb Dbd)

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    Dalam Rencana Pembangunan Nasional Jangka Panjang (RPJP) 2005-2025 disebutkan bahwa pembangunan sumber daya manusia diarahkan untuk terwujudnya manusia Indonesia yang sehat, cerdas, produktif dan masyarakat yang semakin sejahtera (Bappenas 2005). Melalui Program Indonesia Sehat 2010, gambaran masyarakat Indonesia di masa depan yang ingin dicapai adalah masyarakat yang antara lain hidup dalam lingkungan yang sehat dan mempraktekkan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat (Depkes 2003). Lingkungan yang sehat termasuk di dalamnya bebas dari wabah penyakit menular. Dalam Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Menengah (RPJM) 2004-2009, salah satu program di bidang kesehatan adalah pencegahan dan pemberantasan penyakit, termasuk wabah penyakit menular (Bappenas 2004c). Penanganan secara cepat terhadap wabah penyakit juga merupakan bagian dari peningkatan pelayanan kesehatan dasar yang menjadi satu dari tiga prioritas program 100 hari pertama Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu 2004-2009 di bidang kesehatan (Bappenas 2004a; Depkes 2005a)

    The Objective Standard for Holding a Creditor in Civil Contempt for Violating a Discharge Order

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    (Excerpt) An individual debtor is generally entitled to a discharge at the conclusion of a bankruptcy case. A discharge is a legal injunction that both releases the debtor from liability for most pre-bankruptcy debts and bars creditors from collecting any debt that has been discharged. A creditor that violates the discharge may be held in contempt and subject to sanctions by a court. In Taggart v. Lorenzen, the Supreme Court set the standard for when to impose civil contempt, holding that “a court may hold a creditor in civil contempt for violating a discharge order if there is no fair ground of doubt as to whether the order barred the creditor\u27s conduct.” Simply put, “civil contempt may be appropriate if there is no objectively reasonable basis for concluding that the creditor\u27s conduct might be lawful.” It follows that a court may refrain from holding creditors in contempt if there was an objectively reasonable basis for concluding that the creditor’s conduct might be lawful. This memorandum explores when a court may hold a creditor in civil contempt for violating a discharge order. Part I analyzes the legal standard for holding a creditor in civil contempt for violating a discharge order. Part II analyzes common law principles of civil contempt and how these principles both grant and limit the power of courts to use civil contempt through their incorporation into the Bankruptcy Code. Part III examines subsequent decisions to see how courts have applied the new standard for civil contempt for violating a discharge order

    Refrigerant Concentration Mapping Using Real-Time Gas Monitoring; Phase I- Data Collection System Verification

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    Environmental regulations are increasingly restricting the use of traditional high global warming potential (GWP) fluorinated refrigerants (1). Hydrofluorocarbons or HFCs are fluorinated refrigerants with zero ozone depletion potential (ODP). They are typified by having good shelf and use stability, material compatibility, adequate capacity and generally good performance across a range of operating conditions all while being non-flammable. However, due to the high GWP (\u3e1000-5000), they are losing favor in the marketplace. Many international equipment standards (IEC 60335-2-24, IEC 60335-2-40, IEC 60335-2-89, etc.) and installation standards (ISO 5149) are being revised to further enable use of lower GWP, 0 ODP refrigerants which are flammable (2,3,4,5) Therefore, understanding how different classes of flammable refrigerants leak and pool is a key input to equipment safety standard design. While there have been many recent studies focusing on ASHRAE class 2L (low) flammability refrigerants not much work has been done reviewing ASHRAE class 3 (high) flammable refrigerants, such as propane (6). Therefore, this work was to review how a hydrocarbon, namely propane, could leak from refrigerant A/C equipment and the size and potential concentration pattern from such a leak. Due to the size and scope of this project, it was divided into three parts. The first part of this project was to construct a typical room with an installed packaged heating/air-conditioning unit (PTAC, frequently used in motels) and set-up data collection equipment to reliably collect point concentration and area (room) concentration data. The next part of the project will focus on reviewing leak patterns from equipment using thermal imaging. The third and final part of the project will connect the leak concentrations and patterns together to provide an overview of real-time leakage of propane from an installed PTAC
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