481 research outputs found

    O dynamizmie obrazów. Podstawowe kategorie estetyczne w koncepcji obrazu Věry Linhartovej

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    On Dynamism of Images. Primary Aesthetic Categories in Věra Linhartová’s Concept of Image The aim of this paper is to argue the thesis that the theory of art and literature postulated by Věra Linhartová, a Czech writer, art and literary theorist who has been living in exile in France since 1968, is based on two significant categories – spatiality and movement. While both notions are strictly entwined with each other, it is the movement that plays the role of the key denominator in Linhartová’s theoretical and literary works which is pointed out by the author herself in her essay For an Ontology of Exile (1994). Due to a twofold – expository and comparative – character of the study, it is structured as an open and complementary diptych. First of all, drawing on Linhartová’s interpretative and theoretical essays, the analysis strives to retrace her individual and peculiar vision of image. The exposition of Linhartová’s methodological approach serves as the starting point for the comparison and contrast between her theory and methodological concepts concerning the theory of image – mainly Georges Didi-Huberman’s idea of image. The paper concludes with an opening to further analysis and interpretation of Linhartová’s theoretical and literary texts

    Wyzwoleni z tradycji? : literatura i krytyka postkolonialna wobec kanonu

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    Poetics of violence in the novel "Vomito negro" by Pavel Hak

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    The intention of this paper is to give a coherent, and possibly complete interpretation of violence representation in Pavel Hak’s novel Vomito negro, and to argue the thesis that the analysed text is an emblematic expression of a new vision of literature, namely “effective literature”. Drawing on the approach proposed by the postcolonial studies, the analysis conducted here aims to explore violence present in Hak’s novel in order to give a novel insight into the techniques of textualizing this phenomenon. The study is divided into two parts –expository that intends to present the author, his concept of literature, and features symptomatic for his literary texts; and analytical in which Vomito Negro is explored in the light of the main thesis argued in the paper. Finally, conclusive remarks introduce an opening to further interpretations of Hak’s literary texts

    The use of fixed-base simulators in pilot training

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    PALICH, K. Využití simulátorů s pevnou základnou v pilotním výcviku. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2013. 80 s. Vedoucí diplomové práce Ing. Jiří Chlebek, Ph.D. Tato práce pojednává o simulátorech a výcvikových zařízeních používaných v pilotním výcviku, jejich rozdělení dle předpisů zabývajících se touto problematikou. K obecnému popisu simulátorů patří i kapitola historie těchto zařízení, jejich vývoj od samých počátků až po současnost a také popis jednotlivých zobrazovacích, pohybových nebo audio-vizuálních systémů. Značná část práce se zabývá využitím školního simulátoru Jeppesen Flite Pro, který je součástí leteckého ústavu. Práce zahrnuje využitelnost ve výuce na bakalářském i navazujícím magisterském studiu, rozpis jednotlivých předmětů dle aktuálních osnov, ve kterých by bylo možné simulátor využívat.PALICH, K. The use of fixed-base simulators in pilot training. Brno: Brno university of technology, Faculty of mechanical engineering, 2013. 80 s. Diploma thesis head: Ing. Jiří Chlebek, Ph.D. This diploma thesis deals with aircraft simulators and syntethic training devices which are used for pilot training. One of the chapters consist of division of syntethic training devices, which is defined by ordinance. In the next chapter there is general description of the basic function of those devices, history of simulators and their development from the very beggining to the present. A significant part of this diploma thesis is about flight simulator Jeppesen Flite Pro, which is at Institute of Aerospace at VUT. In the following chapters there is information about usage of this simulator in the education at this institute and there are picked specific subjects, where this simulator can be used.

    Experiencing space according to LubomĂ­r MartĂ­nek

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    The intention of this paper is to argue the thesis that the literary texts and essays written by Lubomír Martínek are dominated by the notion of space and experience. Both categories are defined in the author’s essay Nomad’s Land that represents the framework for Martínek’s understanding of the spatial experience. The study is divided into three analytical parts in which Martínek’s concept, paratexts, relations between the characters and space are explored in the light of the main thesis argued in the paper. The analysis is preceded by the theoretical remarks about the literary space and poetics of experience. Finally, an opening to further interpretations of Martínek’s texts is introduced in the conclusion

    The Evolution of Abdominal Compression in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

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    Objective: To review the history of external abdominal compression as an adjunct to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), tracking the development of five major themes over the course of the 20th century: 1) augmentation of peripheral resistance by physical means, 2) risk of hepatic injury with abdominal compression, 3) counterpulsation vs. sustained compression, 4) the abdominal pump mechanism, and 5) contact compression techniques. Methods: Literature retrieved from successive MEDLINE English-language searches was reviewed with a special emphasis on work and concepts highlighted by participants at the First Purdue Conference on Interposed Abdominal Compression-CPR, September 1992. Results: External abdominal compression of one form or another has been studied as a means of resuscitation by many investigators throughout the 20th century. Experimental and clinical studies have shown generally consistent evidence of hemodynamic augmentation by abdominal compression during various forms of CPR. Recent advances include a modified theoretical understanding of hemodynamic mechanisms and demonstration of clinical potential in humans. Inconsistencies in published results may be due to differences in mechanical techniques of abdominal compression. Based on these studies, a modified manual technique for contact compression of the abdominal aorta is recommended. Conclusions: A technique for left-of-center, angled compression of the abdominal aorta against the crest of the spine is recommended. Further well-supervised and controlled clinical trials using this standardized technique are warranted as a prelude to more widespread clinical application of abdominal compression in CPR

    Opportunity costs and non-scale free capabilities: profit maximization, corporate scope, and profit margins

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    The resource-based view on firm diversification, subsequent to Penrose ( 1959 ), has focused primarily on the fungibility of resources across domains. We make a clear analytical distinction between scale free capabilities and those that are subject to opportunity costs and must be allocated to one use or another, thereby shifting the discourse back to Penrose's ( 1959 ) original argument regarding the stock of organizational capabilities. The existence of resources and capabilities that must be allocated across alternative uses implies that profit-maximizing diversification decisions should be based upon the opportunity cost of their use in one domain or another. This opportunity cost logic provides a rational explanation for the divergence between total profits and profit margins. Firms make profit-maximizing decisions to increase total profit via diversification when the industries in which they are currently competing become relatively mature. Due to the spreading of these capabilities across more segments, we may observe that firms' profit-maximizing diversification actions lead to total profit growth but lower average returns. The model provides an alternative explanation for empirical observations regarding the diversification discount. The self-selection effect noted in recent work in corporate finance may not be indicative of inferior capabilities of diversifying firms but of the limited opportunity contexts in which these firms are operating. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/75778/1/845_ftp.pd

    Success Factors in New Ventures: A Meta-analysis

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    Technology entrepreneurship is key to economic development. New technology ventures (NTVs) can have positive effects on employment and could rejuvenate industries with disruptive technologies. However, NTVs have a limited survival rate. In our most recent empirical study of 11,259 NTVs established between 1991 and 2000 in the United States, we found that after four years only 36 percent, or 4,062, of companies with more than five full-time employees, had survived. After five years, the survival rate fell to 21.9 percent, leaving only 2,471 firms still in operation with more than five full-time employees. Thus, it is important to examine how new technology ventures can better survive. In the academic literature, a number of studies focus on success factors for NTVs. Unfortunately, empirical results are often controversial and fragmented. To get a more integrated picture of what factors lead to the success or failure of new technology ventures, we conducted a meta-analysis to examine the success factors in NTVs. We culled the academic literature to collect data from existing empirical studies. Using Pearson correlations as effect size statistics, we conducted a meta-analysis to analyze the findings of 31 studies and identified the 24 most widely researched success factors for NTVs. After correcting for artifacts and sample size effects, we found that among the 24 possible success factors identified in the literature, 8 are homogeneous significant success factors for NTVs (i.e., they are homogeneous positive significant metafactors that are correlated to venture performance): (1) supply chain integration; (2) market scope; (3) firm age; (4) size of founding team; (5) financial resources; (6) founders' marketing experience; (7) founders' industry experience; and (8) existence of patent protection. Of the original 24 success factors, 5 were not significant: (1) founders' research and development (R&D) experience; (2) founders' experience with start-ups; (3) environmental dynamism; (4) environmental heterogeneity; and (5) competition intensity. The remaining 11 success factors are heterogeneous. For those heterogeneous success factors, we conducted a moderator analysis. Of this set, three appeared to be success factors, and two were failure factors for subgroups within the NTVs' population. To facilitate the development of a body of knowledge in technology entrepreneurship, this study also identifies high-quality measurement scales for future research. The article concludes with future research direction

    Diversification strategies and firm performance in Vietnam: Evidence from parametric and semi-parametric approaches

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    This paper is based upon the assumption that a firm's profitability is determined by its degree of diversification which is, in turn, strongly related to the antecedent decision to carry out diversification activities. This calls for an empirical approach that permits the joint analysis of the three interrelated and consecutive stages of the overall diversification process: diversification decision, degree of diversification and outcome of diversification. We apply parametric and semi-parametric approaches to control for sample selection and the endogeneity of the diversification decision in both static and dynamic models. For the analysis, we use the census dataset on the whole firm population in Vietnam, as a representative of transition countries. After controlling for industry fixed-effects, the empirical evidence from the firm-level data shows that diversification has a curvilinear effect on profitability: it improves firms' profit up to a point, after which a further increase in diversification is associated with declining performance. This implies that firms should consider optimal levels of product diversification when they expand their product offerings beyond their core business. Other noteworthy findings include the following: (i) the factors that stimulate firms to diversify do not necessarily encourage them to extend their diversification strategy; (ii) firms that are endowed with highly technological resources and innovation investment are likely to successfully exploit diversification as an engine of growth; and (iii) while industry performance does not have a strong influence on the profitability of firms, it impacts their diversification decision as well as the degree of diversification
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