214 research outputs found

    Formalization and Correctness of the PALS Architectural Pattern for Distributed Real-Time Systems

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    Many Distributed Real-Time Systems (DRTS), such as integrated modular avionics systems and distributed control systems in motor vehicles, are made up of a collection of components communicating asynchronously among themselves and with their environment that must change their state and respond to environment inputs within hard real-time bounds. Such systems are often safety-critical and need to be certi???ed; but their certi???cation is currently very hard due to their distributed nature. The Physically Asynchronous Logically Synchronous (PALS) architectural pattern can greatly reduce the design and veri???cation complexities of achieving virtual synchrony in a DTRS. This work presents a formal speci???cation of PALS as a formal model transformation that maps a synchronous design, together with a set of performance bounds of the underlying infrastructure, to a formal DRTS speci???cation that is semantically equivalent to the synchronous design. This semantic equivalence is proved, showing that the formal veri???cation of temporal logic properties of the DRTS can be reduced to their veri???cation on the much simpler synchronous design. An avionics system case study is used to illustrate the usefulness of PALS for formal verification purposes.unpublishednot peer reviewe

    A Formal Framework for Mobile Ad hoc Networks in Real-Time Maude

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    Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are increasingly popular and deployed in a wide range of environments. However, it is challenging to formally analyze a MANET, both because there are few reasonably accurate formal models of mobility, and because the large state space caused by the movements of the nodes renders straight-forward model checking hard. In particular, the combination of wireless communication and node movement is subtle and does not seem to have been adequately addressed in previous formal methods work. This paper presents a formal executable and parameterized modeling framework for MANETs in Real-Time Maude that integrates several mobility models and wireless communication. We illustrate the use of our modeling framework with the Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol, which allows us to analyze this protocol under different mobility models.Ope

    Formal Modeling and Analysis of Leader Election in MANETs

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    The modeling and analysis of mobile ad hoc networks MANETs pose non-trivial challenges to formal methods. Time, geometry, communication delays and failures, mobility, and uni- and bidirectionality can interact in unforeseen ways that are hard to model and analyze by automatic formal methods. In this work we use rewriting logic and Real-Time Maude to address this challenge. We propose a composable formal framework for MANET protocols and their mobility models that can take into account such complex interactions. We illustrate our framework by analyzing a well-studied leader election protocol for MANETs in the presence of both mobility and uni- and bidirectional links.NSF Grant CNS 13-19109AFOSR Grant FA8750-11-2-0084Ope

    Sensitisation waves in a bidomain fire-diffuse-fire model of intracellular Ca²⁺ dynamics

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    We present a bidomain threshold model of intracellular calcium (Ca²⁺) dynamics in which, as suggested by recent experiments, the cytosolic threshold for Ca²⁺ liberation is modulated by the Ca²⁺ concentration in the releasing compartment. We explicitly construct stationary fronts and determine their stability using an Evans function approach. Our results show that a biologically motivated choice of a dynamic threshold, as opposed to a constant threshold, can pin stationary fronts that would otherwise be unstable. This illustrates a novel mechanism to stabilise pinned interfaces in continuous excitable systems. Our framework also allows us to compute travelling pulse solutions in closed form and systematically probe the wave speed as a function of physiologically important parameters. We find that the existence of travelling wave solutions depends on the time scale of the threshold dynamics, and that facilitating release by lowering the cytosolic threshold increases the wave speed. The construction of the Evans function for a travelling pulse shows that of the co-existing fast and slow solutions the slow one is always unstable

    A New Distributed Transaction Protocol and Its Formal Analysis in Maude

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    Designers of distributed database systems face the choice between performance and consistency guarantees: with stronger consistency guarantees comes higher transactional latency and lower throughput. Certain collaborative editing application scenarios only require read atomicity (either all or none of a transaction's updates are visible to another transaction) and no lost updates (all updates are incrementally performed). Many existing distributed database systems meet these requirements. However, they all provide additional stronger consistency guarantees (such as causal consistency), and therefore incur lower performance. In this paper we define a new distributed transaction protocol, ROLA, that targets application scenarios where only read atomicity and no lost updates are needed. We formally model ROLA in Maude. We then perform model checking to analyze both the correctness and the performance of ROLA. For correctness, we use standard model checking to analyze ROLA's satisfaction of read atomicity and prevention of lost updates. Our results show that ROLA satisfies the correctness properties with a bounded number of parameters. To analyze performance we: (a) perform statistical model checking to analyze key performance properties such as throughput, averange latency, and commit rate; and (b) compare these performance results with those obtained by also modeling and analyzing in Maude the same performance properties for Walter, a well-known high-performance protocol meeting the requirements of read atomicity and preservation of lost updates. Our statistical model checking results show that ROLA outperforms Walter.Ope

    General features of the retinal connectome determine the computation of motion anticipation

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    Motion anticipation allows the visual system to compensate for the slow speed of phototransduction so that a moving object can be accurately located. This correction is already present in the signal that ganglion cells send from the retina but the biophysical mechanisms underlying this computation are not known. Here we demonstrate that motion anticipation is computed autonomously within the dendritic tree of each ganglion cell and relies on feedforward inhibition. The passive and non-linear interaction of excitatory and inhibitory synapses enables the somatic voltage to encode the actual position of a moving object instead of its delayed representation. General rather than specific features of the retinal connectome govern this computation: an excess of inhibitory inputs over excitatory, with both being randomly distributed, allows tracking of all directions of motion, while the average distance between inputs determines the object velocities that can be compensated for

    Formal Modeling and Analysis of RAMP Transaction Systems in Maude

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    To cope with ever-increasing data sets, distributed data stores partition their data across servers. However, real-world systems usually do not provide useful transactional semantics for operations accessing multiple partitions due to the delays involved in achieving multi-partition consistency. Read Atomic Multi-Partition (RAMP) transactions have recently been proposed as efficient light-weight multi-partition transactions that guarantee read atomicity: either all updates or no updates of a transaction are visible to other transactions. In this paper we formalize RAMP transactions in rewriting logic and perform model checking verification of key properties using the Maude tool. In particular, we develop detailed formal models---and formally analyze---a number of extensions and optimizations of RAMP that are only briefly mentioned by the RAMP developers.AFOSR/AFRL FA8750-11-2-0084NSF CCF 0964471NSF CNS 1319527NSF CNS 1409416Ope

    Design, Formal Modeling, and Validation of Cloud Storage Systems using Maude

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    To deal with large amounts of data while offering high availability, throughput and low latency, cloud computing systems rely on distributed, partitioned, and replicated data stores. Such cloud storage systems are complex software artifacts that are very hard to design and analyze. We argue that formal specification and model checking analysis should significantly improve their design and validation. In particular, we propose rewriting logic and its accompanying Maude tools as a suitable framework for formally specifying and analyzing both the correctness and the performance of cloud storage systems. This chapter largely focuses on how we have used rewriting logic to model and analyze industrial cloud storage systems such as Google's Megastore, Apache Cassandra, Apache ZooKeeper, and RAMP. We also touch on the use of formal methods at Amazon Web Services.This work is based on research sponsored by the Air Force Research Laboratory and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, under agreement number FA8750-11-2-0084. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Government purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation thereon. This work is also based on research supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. NSF CNS 1409416 and NSF CNS 1319527.Ope