139 research outputs found

    On the ecological relevance of landscape mapping and its application in the spatial planning of very large marine protected areas

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    In recent years very large marine protected areas (VLMPAs) have become the dominant form of spatial protection in the marine environment. Whilst seen as a holistic and geopolitically achievable approach to conservation, there is currently a mismatch between the size of VLMPAs, and the data available to underpin their establishment and inform on their management. Habitat mapping has increasingly been adopted as a means of addressing paucity in biological data, through use of environmental proxies to estimate species and community distribution. Small-scale studies have demonstrated environmental-biological links in marine systems. Such links, however, are rarely demonstrated across larger spatial scales in the benthic environment. As such, the utility of habitat mapping as an effective approach to the ecosystem-based management of VLMPAs remains, thus far, largely undetermined. The aim of this study was to assess the ecological relevance of broadscale landscape mapping. Specifically we test the relationship between broad-scale marine landscapes and the structure of their benthic faunal communities. We focussed our work at the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia, site of one of the largest MPAs in the world. We demonstrate a statistically significant relationship between environmentally derived landscape mapping clusters, and the composition of presence-only species data from the region. To demonstrate this relationship required specific re-sampling of historical species occurrence data to balance biological rarity, biological cosmopolitism, range-restricted sampling and fine-scale heterogeneity between sampling stations. The relationship reveals a distinct biological signature in the faunal composition of individual landscapes, attributing ecological relevance to South Georgia's environmentally derived marine landscape map. We argue therefore, that landscape mapping represents an effective framework for ensuring representative protection of habitats in management plans. Such scientific underpinning of marine spatial planning is critical in balancing the needs of multiple stakeholders whilst maximising conservation payoff

    Distribution of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems at the South Sandwich Islands: Results From the Blue Belt Discovery Expedition 99 Deep-Water Camera Surveys

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    The South Sandwich Islands (SSI) are a chain of volcanic islands located to the east of the Scotia Sea, approximately 700 km south-east of South Georgia. To date, knowledge of the SSI benthic environment remains limited. In this context, the Blue Belt Programme conducted a scientific survey in the SSI Marine Protected Area (MPA) during February/March 2019 to examine the biodiversity and distribution of benthic communities and their potential vulnerability to licensed longline research fisheries. Here we report results from analysis of multibeam echosounder (MBES) data and drop camera imagery data collected in selected locations around the SSI. A total of eight vulnerable marine ecosystem (VME) indicator morphotaxa were mapped along the slopes of the SSI, showing a substantial variation in taxon composition and frequency of occurrence, both along bathymetric and latitudinal gradients. Our results suggest that VME indicator taxa are mostly restricted to waters shallower than 700 m. As such, based on our present understanding of the region’s benthic environment the MPA, as currently established, offers effective protection for the majority of the VME indicator taxa

    The velocity distribution of nearby stars from Hipparcos data I. The significance of the moving groups

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    We present a three-dimensional reconstruction of the velocity distribution of nearby stars (<~ 100 pc) using a maximum likelihood density estimation technique applied to the two-dimensional tangential velocities of stars. The underlying distribution is modeled as a mixture of Gaussian components. The algorithm reconstructs the error-deconvolved distribution function, even when the individual stars have unique error and missing-data properties. We apply this technique to the tangential velocity measurements from a kinematically unbiased sample of 11,865 main sequence stars observed by the Hipparcos satellite. We explore various methods for validating the complexity of the resulting velocity distribution function, including criteria based on Bayesian model selection and how accurately our reconstruction predicts the radial velocities of a sample of stars from the Geneva-Copenhagen survey (GCS). Using this very conservative external validation test based on the GCS, we find that there is little evidence for structure in the distribution function beyond the moving groups established prior to the Hipparcos mission. This is in sharp contrast with internal tests performed here and in previous analyses, which point consistently to maximal structure in the velocity distribution. We quantify the information content of the radial velocity measurements and find that the mean amount of new information gained from a radial velocity measurement of a single star is significant. This argues for complementary radial velocity surveys to upcoming astrometric surveys

    ImpZ: a new photometric redshift code for galaxies and quasars

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    We present a combined galaxy-quasar approach to template-fitting photometric redshift techniques and show the method to be a powerful one. The code (ImpZ) is presented, developed and applied to two spectroscopic redshift catalogues, namely the Isaac Newton Telescope Wide Angle Survey ELAIS N1 and N2 fields and the Chandra Deep Field North. In particular, optical size information is used to improve the redshift determination. The success of the code is shown to be very good with Delta z/(1+z) constrained to within 0.1 for 92 per cent of the galaxies in our sample. The extension of template-fitting to quasars is found to be reasonable with Delta z/(1+z) constrained to within 0.25 for 68 per cent of the quasars in our sample. Various template extensions into the far-UV are also tested.Comment: 21 pages. MNRAS in press. Minor alterations to match MNRAS final proo

    Optical and Infrared Diagnostics of SDSS galaxies in the SWIRE Survey

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    We present the rest-frame optical and infrared colours of a complete sample of 1114 z<0.3 galaxies from the Spitzer Wide-area InfraRed Extragalactic Legacy Survey (SWIRE) and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We discuss the optical and infrared colours of our sample and analyse in detail the contribution of dusty star-forming galaxies and AGN to optically selected red sequence galaxies. We propose that the optical (g-r) colour and infrared log(L_{24}/L_{3.6}) colour of galaxies in our sample are determined primarily by a bulge-to-disk ratio. The (g-r) colour is found to be sensitive to the bulge-to-disk ratio for disk-dominated galaxies, whereas the log(L_{24}/L_{3.6}) colour is more sensitive for bulge-dominated systems. We identify ~18% (195 sources) of our sample as having red optical colours and infrared excess. Typically, the infrared luminosities of these galaxies are found to be at the high end of star-forming galaxies with blue optical colours. Using emission line diagnostic diagrams, 78 are found to have an AGN contribution, and 117 are identified as star-forming systems. The red (g-r) colour of the star-forming galaxies could be explained by extinction. However, their high optical luminosities cannot. We conclude that they have a significant bulge component. The number densities of optically red star-forming galaxies are found to correspond to ~13% of the total number density of our sample. In addition, these systems contribute ~13% of the total optical luminosity density, and 28% of the total infrared luminosity density of our SWIRE/SDSS sample. These objects may reduce the need for "dry-mergers".Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Bioregionalization of the South Sandwich Islands through community analysis of bathyal fish and invertebrate assemblages using fishery-derived data

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    The South Sandwich Islands (SSI) are a volcanic archipelago in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean; they are a biologically rich area, home to a range of benthic habitats such as hydrothermal vents and seamounts. A commercial longline fishery for two congeneric species of deep-sea fish, the Patagonian (Dissostichus eleginoides) and Antarctic (D. mawsoni) toothfish has been in operation annually at the SSI since 2005 and throughout its history has employed scientific observers to collect detailed information on the species caught during fishing operations. Previous studies have investigated the distributions and communities of benthic invertebrates, sampled via scientific cruises. Here we highlight the utility of demersal longlines as spatially extensive sampling tools to investigate both invertebrate and fish communities at the SSI. A clear gradient in the distribution of many fish and invertebrate species is evident across the latitudinal range of the archipelago, these distributions result in clear differences in fish communities between the north, mid, and south of the islands, whilst the invertebrate communities are less clearly delineated. Environmental variables were investigated as drivers in these communities, and seawater temperature appears to be a key abiotic factor in mediating the distributions of species and communities. As many of these communities are structured based on temperature dependent species distributions, it is likely climate change will alter these communities with poleward shifts in the ranges of many species

    A deep 6.7um survey in the SSA13 field with ISO

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    We present results of a deep mid-infrared survey in the SSA13 field with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). In order to probe the near-infrared light at high redshifts, we surveyed the field with the broad band LW2 (5-8.5um) filter of the mid-infrared camera ISOCAM. Adopting a highly redundant imaging strategy for the 23 hour observation and carefully treating gradual changes in the detector responsivity caused by a very high rate of cosmic ray impacts, we succeeded in reaching an 80% completeness limit of 16uJy in the central 7 arcmin2 region. Utilizing the signal-to-noise ratio map, we detected 65 sources down to 6uJy in the 16 arcmin2 field. Integral galaxy number counts at 6.7um are then derived, reaching 1.3e4/deg2 at the faint limit with a slope of -1.6 between 13uJy and 130uJy. Integrating individual sources in this flux range, the resolved fraction of the extragalactic background light at 6.7um is estimated to be 0.56nW/m2/sr. These results, which reach a flux limit three times fainter than those in the Hubble Deep Fields, are in fairly good agreement with a model prediction by Franceschini et al. (1997). Finally, we discuss the relation of distant massive E/S0 galaxies to the faint 6.7um galaxy population.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures (3 JPEG files), A&A (accepted), an original resolution file is at http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~ysato/pub/1/sato.ps.gz, v2: several typos correcte

    Vessel-Associated Transforming Growth Factor-Beta1 (TGF-β1) Is Increased in the Bronchial Reticular Basement Membrane in COPD and Normal Smokers

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    BACKGROUND: Transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-β1) is a multipotential cytokine with angiogenic activity. There are only limited data about its role in airway remodeling in COPD. We have previously shown that the reticular basement membrane (Rbm) is hypervascular in the airways of current smokers either with or without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This study evaluated TGF-β1 immunostaining in the Rbm and its relationship to vascularity in smokers with or without COPD. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Bronchial biopsies from 15 smokers with normal lung function, 19 current and 14 ex-smokers with COPD were immunostained for TGF-β1 antibody and compared to 17 healthy controls. The percentage area of tissue and also number and area of vessels staining positively for TGF-β1 were measured and compared between groups. Some bronchial biopsies from current smoking COPD subjects were also stained for phosphorylated (active) Smad2/3. Epithelial TGF- β1 staining was not different between COPD current smokers and normal controls. TGF-β1 stained vessels in the Rbm were increased in smokers with normal lung function, current smoking COPD and ex-smokers with COPD compared to controls [median (range) for number of vessels/mm Rbm 2.5 (0.0-12.7), 3.4 (0.0-8.1) and 1.0 (0.0-6.3) vs. 0.0 (0.0-7.0), p<0.05]. Percentage of vessels stained was also increased in these clinical groups. Preliminary data suggest that in current smoking COPD subjects endothelial cells and cells in the Rbm stain positively for phosphorylated Smad2/3 suggesting TGF-β1 is functionally active in this situation. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Vessel-associated TGF-β1 activity is increased in the bronchial Rbm in smokers and especially those with COPD

    The Role of Circulating Serotonin in the Development of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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    BACKGROUND: Cigarette smoking is a major risk factor in the development of age-related chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The serotonin transporter (SERT) gene polymorphism has been reported to be associated with COPD, and the degree of cigarette smoking has been shown to be a significant mediator in this relationship. The interrelation between circulating serotonin (5-hydroxytyptamine, 5-HT), cigarette smoking and COPD is however largely unknown. The current study aimed at investigating the mediation effects of plasma 5-HT on cigarette smoking-induced COPD and the relation between plasma 5-HT levels and age. METHODS: The association between plasma 5-HT, age and COPD was analyzed in a total of 62 COPD patients (ever-smokers) and 117 control subjects (healthy non-smokers and ever-smokers). Plasma 5-HT levels were measured by enzyme-linked immuno assay (EIA). RESULTS: The elevated plasma 5-HT levels were significantly associated with increased odds for COPD (OR = 1.221, 95% CI = 1.123 to 1.319, p<0.0001). The effect remained significant after being adjusted for age and pack-years smoked (OR = 1.271, 95% CI = 1.134 to 1.408, p = 0.0003). Furthermore, plasma 5-HT was found to mediate the relation between pack-years smoked and COPD. A positive correlation (r = 0.303, p = 0.017) was found between plasma 5-HT levels and age in COPD, but not in the control subjects (r = -0.149, p = 0.108). CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that cigarette smoke-induced COPD is partially mediated by the plasma levels of 5-HT, and that these become elevated with increased age in COPD. The elevated plasma 5-HT levels in COPD might contribute to the pathogenesis of this disease.published_or_final_versio

    The Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey of SDSS-III

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    The Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) is designed to measure the scale of baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) in the clustering of matter over a larger volume than the combined efforts of all previous spectroscopic surveys of large scale structure. BOSS uses 1.5 million luminous galaxies as faint as i=19.9 over 10,000 square degrees to measure BAO to redshifts z<0.7. Observations of neutral hydrogen in the Lyman alpha forest in more than 150,000 quasar spectra (g<22) will constrain BAO over the redshift range 2.15<z<3.5. Early results from BOSS include the first detection of the large-scale three-dimensional clustering of the Lyman alpha forest and a strong detection from the Data Release 9 data set of the BAO in the clustering of massive galaxies at an effective redshift z = 0.57. We project that BOSS will yield measurements of the angular diameter distance D_A to an accuracy of 1.0% at redshifts z=0.3 and z=0.57 and measurements of H(z) to 1.8% and 1.7% at the same redshifts. Forecasts for Lyman alpha forest constraints predict a measurement of an overall dilation factor that scales the highly degenerate D_A(z) and H^{-1}(z) parameters to an accuracy of 1.9% at z~2.5 when the survey is complete. Here, we provide an overview of the selection of spectroscopic targets, planning of observations, and analysis of data and data quality of BOSS.Comment: 49 pages, 16 figures, accepted by A