689 research outputs found

    Transition from Regular to Chaotic Circulation in Magnetized Coronae near Compact Objects

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    Accretion onto black holes and compact stars brings material in a zone of strong gravitational and electromagnetic fields. We study dynamical properties of motion of electrically charged particles forming a highly diluted medium (a corona) in the regime of strong gravity and large-scale (ordered) magnetic field. We start our work from a system that allows regular motion, then we focus on the onset of chaos. To this end, we investigate the case of a rotating black hole immersed in a weak, asymptotically uniform magnetic field. We also consider a magnetic star, approximated by the Schwarzschild metric and a test magnetic field of a rotating dipole. These are two model examples of systems permitting energetically bound, off-equatorial motion of matter confined to the halo lobes that encircle the central body. Our approach allows us to address the question of whether the spin parameter of the black hole plays any major role in determining the degree of the chaoticness. To characterize the motion, we construct the Recurrence Plots (RP) and we compare them with Poincar\'e surfaces of section. We describe the Recurrence Plots in terms of the Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA), which allows us to identify the transition between different dynamical regimes. We demonstrate that this new technique is able to detect the chaos onset very efficiently, and to provide its quantitative measure. The chaos typically occurs when the conserved energy is raised to a sufficiently high level that allows the particles to traverse the equatorial plane. We find that the role of the black-hole spin in setting the chaos is more complicated than initially thought.Comment: 21 pages, 20 figures, accepted to Ap

    The Star Cluster Population of the Collisional Ring Galaxy NGC 922

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    We present a detailed study of the star cluster population detected in the galaxy NGC922, one of the closest collisional ring galaxies known to date, using HST/WFPC2 UBVI photometry, population synthesis models, and N-body/SPH simulations.We find that 69% of the clusters are younger than 7Myr, and that most of them are located in the ring or along the bar, consistent with the strong Halpha emission. The cluster luminosity function slope of 2.1-2.3 for NGC922 is in agreement with those of young clusters in nearby galaxies. Models of the cluster age distribution match the observations best when cluster disruption is considered. We also find clusters with ages (>50Myr) and masses (>10^5 Msun) that are excellent progenitors for faint fuzzy clusters. The images also show a tidal plume pointing toward the companion. Its stellar age from our analysis is consistent with pre-existing stars that were stripped off during the passage of the companion. Finally, a comparison of the star-forming complexes observed in NGC922 with those of a distant ring galaxy from the GOODS field indicates very similar masses and sizes, suggesting similar origins.Comment: 17 pages including 13 figures. Accepted for publication in AJ. Full resolution version at http://people.physics.tamu.edu/pellerin/Pellerin_etal_NGC922.pd

    The pertinence of Jet Emitting Discs physics to Microquasars: Application to Cygnus X-1

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    The interpretation of the X-ray spectra of X-ray binaries during their hard states requires a hot, optically thin medium. There are several accretion disc models in the literature that account for this aspect. However, none is designed to simultaneously explain the presence of powerful jets detected during these states. A new quasi-keplerian hot accretion disc solution, a Jet Emitting disc (JED hereafter), which is part of a global disc-jet MHD structure producing stationary super-alfv\'enic ejection, is investigated here. Its radiative and energetic properties are then compared to the observational constraints found in Cygnus X-1. We solve the disc energy equation by balancing the local heating term with advection and cooling by synchrotron, bremsstrahlung and Comptonization processes. The heating term, disc density, accretion velocity and magnetic field amplitude were taken from published self-similar models of accretion-ejection structures. Both optically thin and thick regimes are considered in a one temperature gas supported disc. Three branches of solutions are found possible at a given radius but we investigate only the hot, optically thin and geometrically slim solutions. These solutions give simultaneously, and in a consistent way, the radiative and energetics properties of the disc-jet system. They are able to very well reproduce the accretion-ejection properties of Cygnus X-1, namely its X-ray spectral emission, jet power and jet velocity. About half of the released accretion power is used to produce two mildly relativistic (v/c~0.5) jets and for a luminosity of the order of 1\% of the Eddington luminosity, the JED temperature and optical depth are close to that observed in the hard state Cygnus X-1. The JEDs properties are in agreement with the observations of the prototypical black hole binary Cygnus X-1. and are likely to be relevant to the whole class of microquasars.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures. Accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Radio continuum observations of Class I protostellar disks in Taurus: constraining the greybody tail at centimetre wavelengths

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    We present deep 1.8 cm (16 GHz) radio continuum imaging of seven young stellar objects in the Taurus molecular cloud. These objects have previously been extensively studied in the sub-mm to NIR range and their SEDs modelled to provide reliable physical and geometrical parametres.We use this new data to constrain the properties of the long-wavelength tail of the greybody spectrum, which is expected to be dominated by emission from large dust grains in the protostellar disk. We find spectra consistent with the opacity indices expected for such a population, with an average opacity index of beta = 0.26+/-0.22 indicating grain growth within the disks. We use spectra fitted jointly to radio and sub-mm data to separate the contributions from thermal dust and radio emission at 1.8 cm and derive disk masses directly from the cm-wave dust contribution. We find that disk masses derived from these flux densities under assumptions consistent with the literature are systematically higher than those calculated from sub-mm data, and meet the criteria for giant planet formation in a number of cases.Comment: submitted MNRA

    GEMS: Galaxy Evolution from Morphologies and SEDs

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    GEMS, Galaxy Evolution from Morphologies and SEDs, is a large-area (800 arcmin2) two-color (F606W and F850LP) imaging survey with the Advanced Camera for Surveys on HST. Centered on the Chandra Deep Field South, it covers an area of ~28'x28', or about 120 Hubble Deep Field areas, to a depth of m_AB(F606W)=28.3 (5sigma and m_AB(F850LP)=27.1 (5sigma) for compact sources. In its central ~1/4, GEMS incorporates ACS imaging from the GOODS project. Focusing on the redshift range 0.2<=z<=1.1, GEMS provides morphologies and structural parameters for nearly 10,000 galaxies where redshift estimates, luminosities and SEDs exist from COMBO-17. At the same time, GEMS contains detectable host galaxy images for several hundred faint AGN. This paper provides an overview of the science goals, the experiment design, the data reduction and the science analysis plan for GEMS.Comment: 24 pages, TeX with 6 eps Figures; to appear in ApJ Supplement. Low resolution figures only. Full resolution at http://zwicky.as.arizona.edu/~rix/Misc/GEMS.ps.g

    Sex differences in perceived risk and testing experience of HIV in an urban fishing setting in Ghana

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    The concept of neighborhood remains important in criminology but there is an increasing academic interest in the potential impact of the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP) on neighborhood based studies. In the present study data over arson from the Swedish rescue services 2007-2012 have been employed to analyze MAUP in the city of Malmö, Sweden. The city has been divided into 50*50 meter pixels as micro-places (n=64540) which have been assigned a value for arson from frequency of arson within the pixel. The analysis is based on a comparison of two types of administrative geographical units alongside 40 randomly generated sets of thiessen polygon geographical units. Empty two-level hierarchical regression models with the micro-places as level 1 unit have been used to calculate Intra-Class Correlations (ICC) separately with each of the 42 different geographical units of analysis as level 2 units. The analysis is repeated with two alternative methods, kernel density and euclidian distance, to calculate a value for each micro-place. Results show that administrative geographical units of analysis in some cases just are marginally better than geographical units with random boundaries if the basic urban structure is taken into account

    Probing dust grain evolution in IM Lupi's circumstellar disc. Multi-wavelength observations and modelling of the dust disc

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    We present a panchromatic study, involving a multiple technique approach, of the circumstellar disc surrounding the T Tauri star IM Lupi (Sz 82). We have undertaken a comprehensive observational study of IM Lupi using photometry, spectroscopy, millimetre interferometry and multi-wavelength imaging. For the first time, the disc is resolved from optical and near-infrared wavelengths in scattered light, to the millimetre regime in thermal emission. Our data-set, in conjunction with existing photometric data, provides an extensive coverage of the spectral energy distribution, including a detailed spectrum of the silicate emission bands. We have performed a simultaneous modelling of the various observations, using the radiative transfer code MCFOST, and analysed a grid of models over a large fraction of the parameter space via Bayesian inference. We have constructed a model that can reproduce all of the observations of the disc. Our analysis illustrates the importance of combining a wide range of observations in order to fully constrain the disc model, with each observation providing a strong constraint only on some aspects of the disc structure and dust content. Quantitative evidence of dust evolution in the disc is obtained: grain growth up to millimetre-sized particles, vertical stratification of dust grains with micrometric grains close to the disc surface and larger grains which have settled towards the disc midplane, and possibly the formation of fluffy aggregates and/or ice mantles around grains.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Quantum Pair Creation of Soliton Domain Walls

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    A large body of experimental evidence suggests that the decay of the false vacuum, accompanied by quantum pair creation of soliton domain walls, can occur in a variety of condensed matter systems. Examples include nucleation of charge soliton pairs in density waves [eg. J. H. Miller, Jr. et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 1555 (2000)] and flux soliton pairs in long Josephon junctions. Recently, Dias and Lemos [J. Math. Phys. 42, 3292 (2001)] have argued that the mass mm of the soliton should be interpreted as a line density and a surface density, respectively, for (2+1)-D and (3+1)-D systems in the expression for the pair production rate. As the transverse dimensions are increased and the total mass (energy) becomes large, thermal activation becomes suppressed, so quantum processes can dominate even at relatively high temperatures. This paper will discuss both experimental evidence and theoretical arguments for the existence of high-temperature collective quantum phenomena

    Wide and deep near-UV (360nm) galaxy counts and the extragalactic background light with the Large Binocular Camera

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    Deep multicolour surveys are the main tool to explore the formation and evolution of the faint galaxies which are beyond the spectroscopic limit with the present technology. The photometric properties of these faint galaxies are usually compared with current renditions of semianalytical models to provide constraints on the fundamental physical processes involved in galaxy formation and evolution, namely the mass assembly and the star formation. Galaxy counts over large sky areas in the near-UV band are important because they are difficult to obtain given the low efficiency of near-UV instrumentation, even at 8m class telescopes. A large instrumental field of view helps in minimizing the biases due to the cosmic variance. We have obtained deep images in the 360nm U band provided by the blue channel of the Large Binocular Camera at the prime focus of the Large Binocular Telescope. We have derived over an area of ~0.4 sq. deg. the galaxy number counts down to U=27 in the Vega system (corresponding to U=27.86 in the AB system) at a completeness level of 30% reaching the faintest current limit for this wavelength and sky area. The shape of the galaxy counts in the U band can be described by a double power-law, the bright side being consistent with the shape of shallower surveys of comparable or greater areas. The slope bends over significantly at U>23.5 ensuring the convergence of the contribution by star forming galaxies to the EBL in the near-UV band to a value which is more than 70% of the most recent upper limits derived for this band. We have jointly compared our near-UV and K band counts collected from the literature with few selected hierarchical CDM models emphasizing critical issues in the physical description of the galaxy formation and evolution.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. Uses aa.cls, 9 pages, 4 figures. Citations update

    The close circumstellar environment of the semi-regular S-type star Pi^1 Gruis

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    We study the close circumstellar environment of the nearby S-type star Pi^1 Gruis using high spatial-resolution, mid-infrared observations from the ESO/VLTI. Spectra and visibilities were obtained with the MIDI interferometer on the VLT Auxiliary Telescopes. The cool M5III giant Beta Gruis was used as bright primary calibrator, and a dedicated spectro-interferometric study was undertaken to determine its angular diameter accurately. The MIDI measurements were fitted with the 1D numerical radiative transfer code DUSTY to determine the dust shell parameters of Pi^1 Gruis. Taking into account the low spatial extension of the model in the 8-9 Ό\mum spectral band for the smallest projected baselines, we consider the possibility of a supplementary molecular shell. The MIDI visibility and phase data are mostly dominated by the spherical 21 mas (694 Rsol) central star, while the extended dusty environment is over-resolved even with the shortest baselines. No obvious departure from spherical symmetry is found on the milliarcsecond scale. The spectro-interferometric observations are well-fitted by an optically thin (tau(dust)<0.01 in the band) dust shell that is located at about 14 stellar radii with a typical temperature of 700 K and composed of 70% silicate and 30% of amorphous alumina grains. An optically thin (tau(mol)<0.1 in the N band) H2O+SiO molecular shell extending from the photosphere of the star up to 4.4 stellar radii with a typical temperature of 1000 K is added to the model to improve the fit in the 8-9 Ό\mum spectral band. We discuss the probable binary origin of asymmetries as revealed by millimetric observations
