40 research outputs found

    Які соціально-економічні наслідки матиме скасування мораторію на продаж земель сільськогосподарського призначення в Україні?

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    This study investigated the long-term effects of total and partial replacement of dietary fish meal (FM) by a mixture of agricultural products on sperm quality of African catfish Clarias gariepinus. Four isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets were formulated containing graded levels of either 50% FM and maize meal (diet 1); 25% FM mixed with crude sunflower oil cake (SFOC) and bean meal (BM) (diet 2); 12.5% FM mixed with sunflower oil cake, BM and ground nut oil cake (GOC) (diet 3) and 0% FM mixed with de-hulled sunflower oil cake (SFOCD), BM and ground nut oil cake (diet 4). Gonadosomatic index (GSI), sperm quality, plasma sex steroids (11-keto testosterone [11-KT]; testosterone [T]; estradiol-17beta [E2]) were evaluated on 10 to 24 fish fed on each diet. Sperm quality was assessed using computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA). Total replacement of fish meal by plant products markedly increased sperm volume, spermatocrit, spermatozoa integrity, and sperm motility. Fish fed diet 3 (12.5% fish meal) provided intermediate results on sperm quality whereas the lowest values were obtained in fish fed diets 1 and 2. In fish fed 0% fish meal (diet 4), androgen levels were higher and estrogen levels were lower than in fish fed fish meal diets. Based on dietary lipid and fatty acid analyses, these results suggest a positive impact of short chain n-6 fatty acids on androgen synthesis and sperm quality. In conclusion, a combination of ground nut oil cake, bean meal and sunflower oil cake (preferably when the sunflower is dehulled) in African catfish diet improves the sperm quality

    Impact of dietary fatty acids on muscle composition, liver lipids, milt composition and sperm performance in European eel

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    [EN] In order for European eel aquaculture to be sustainable, the life cycle should be completed in captivity. Development of broodstock diets may improve the species' reproductive success in captivity, through the production of high-quality gametes. Here, our aim was to evaluate the influence of dietary regime on muscle composition, and liver lipids prior to induced maturation, and the resulting sperm composition and performance. To accomplish this fish were reared on three "enhanced" diets and one commercial diet, each with different levels of fatty acids, arachidonic acid (ARA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Neutral lipids from the muscle and liver incorporated the majority of the fatty acid profile, while phospholipids incorporated only certain fatty acids. Diet had an effect on the majority of sperm fatty acids, on the total volume of extractable milt, and on the percentage of motile sperm. Here, our results suggest that the total volume of extractable milt is a DHA-dependent process, as we found the diets with the highest DHA levels induced the most milt while the diet with the lowest DHA level induced the least amount of milt The diet with the highest level of ARA induced medium milt volumes but had the highest sperm motility. EPA also seems important for sperm quality parameters since diets with higher EPA percentages had a higher volume of milt and higher sperm motility. In conclusion, dietary fatty acids had an influence on fatty acids in the tissues of male eel and this impacted sperm performance. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved.This study relates to the project: Reproduction of European Eel: Towards a Self-sustained Aquaculture (PRO-EEL) funded by the European Commission 7th Framework Programme under the Theme 2 "Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology" (Grant Agreement no. 245257). JFA and LP had a grant to stay in Denmark from the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (PAID-00-11). Special thanks to P. Lauesen (Billund Aquaculture Service), and C. Graver (Danish Aquaculture Organisation) for help during experimentation, and Lars Holst, BioMar A/S, who took part in sourcing and feed production. IAEB, RB, LP, JFA and JT received travel grants from COST Office (Food and Agriculture COST Action FA1205: AQUAGAMETE).Butts, IAE.; Baeza Ariño, R.; Stottrup, JG.; Kruger-Johnsen, M.; Jacobsen, C.; Pérez Igualada, LM.; Asturiano Nemesio, JF.... (2015). Impact of dietary fatty acids on muscle composition, liver lipids, milt composition and sperm performance in European eel. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology. 183:87-96. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpa.2015.01.015S879618

    Impact of diets with different proportions of linseed and sunflower oils on the growth, liver histology, immunological and chemical blood parameters, and proximate composition of pikeperch Sander lucioperca (L.)

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    The aim of the study was to determine the impact of applying different proportions of linseed (LO) and sunflower (SFO) oils in pikeperch diets on growth, histological changes in the liver, immunological and blood chemical parameters. The fish were fed isoenergetic and isoprotein feeds containing SFO (group 100SFO) or LO (group 100LO) in quantities of 67 g kg/feed, and a mixture of oils: 47 g SFO and 20 g LO kg/feed (group 70SFO/30LO) and 20 g SFO and 47 g LO kg/feed (group 30SFO/70LO). Dietary ratios of polyunsaturated fatty acids from the n-3 and n-6 series (n3/n6 index) were 0.36–2.15. Pikeperch were reared for 56 days in three replicates for each dietary treatment. Various dietary oils and ratios of n3/n6 did not impact fish growth, feed conversion ratio, viscerosomatic and hepatosomatic index, and size of the hepatocytes. Feeding the fish high quantities of LO and SO oils (groups 100LO and 100SFO) reduced the immunological response of the phagocytes and lymphocytes in the fish. Moreover, this resulted in significant differences among groups in the quantity of linolenic and linoleic acid in whole fish bodies, viscera, fillets, and livers. Various quantities of vegetable oils in the fish diets did not impact the quantity of arachidonic, eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid in the fillets and livers. The immunological index and low quantities of linoleic acid in the fillets obtained in group 30SFO/70LO indicate that the n3/n6 dietary ratio of 1.35 was the most advantageous for feeding juvenile pikeperch feeds with vegetable oils

    Sperm motility in fish: technical applications and perspectives through CASA systems

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    [EN] Although a relatively high number of sperm quality biomarkers have been reported over the years in several fish species, sperm motility is nowadays considered the best biomarker for fish spermatozoa. The first scientific reports focusing on fish sperm motility date from a century ago, but the objective assessment allowed by computer-aided sperm analysis (CASA-Mot) systems was not applied to fish species until the mid-1980s. Since then, a high number of sperm kinetic parameters from more than 170 fish species have been reported in more than 700 scientific articles, covering a wide range of topics, such as sperm physiology, sperm storage, broodstock management, the phenomenon of sperm competition, ecotoxicology and understanding the life cycle of the species. The sperm kinetic parameters provided by CASA-Mot systems can serve as powerful and useful tools for aquaculture and ecological purposes, and this review provides an overview of the major research areas in which fish sperm motility assessment by a CASA-Mot system has been used successfully.This writing of this manuscript as received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 642893 (ETN IMPRESS). V. Gallego has a postdoctoral grant from the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (PAID-10-16).Gallego Albiach, V.; Asturiano Nemesio, JF. (2018). Sperm motility in fish: technical applications and perspectives through CASA systems. Reproduction Fertility and Development. 30(6):820-832. https://doi.org/10.1071/RD17460S82083230

    Fish sperm motility assessment as a tool for aquaculture research, a historical approach

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    [EN] Fish sperm motility is nowadays considered the best biomarker for the quality of fish spermatozoa, and sperm motion parameters from more than 300 fish species have been reported in more than 1500 scientific articles covering a wide range of topics, from molecular biology to ecology. The most studied topics have been (i) the sperm storage (involving both the use of chilled¿storage protocols for short¿term periods and sperm cryopreservation techniques for long¿term storage), (ii) the sperm physiology (fathom in the spermatozoa activation process and the whole propulsion machinery of the sperm cells) and (iii) the broodstock management (covering aspects such as rearing conditions, dietary requirements or hormonal induction treatments). In addition, other aquaculture and ecological topics, such as (iv) the knowledge of the breeding cycle of the species, (v) the phenomenon of the sperm competition and (vi) ecotoxicological studies for the evaluation of aquatic environments, have also been approached from the evaluation of sperm motion performance. Therefore, fish sperm motility assessment can serve as a potential tool for aquaculture and ecological purposes, covering key topics of fundamental and applied research. This review gives an overview of the major research areas in which fish sperm motility has been applied successfully.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 642893 (IMPRESS). VG has a postdoc grant from the UPV (PAID-10-16).Gallego Albiach, V.; Asturiano Nemesio, JF. (2018). Fish sperm motility assessment as a tool for aquaculture research, a historical approach. Reviews in Aquaculture (Online). 1-28. https://doi.org/10.1111/raq.12253S12