119 research outputs found

    Efficient optical pumping of Zeeman spin levels in Nd3+:YVO4

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    We demonstrate that Zeeman ground-state spin levels in Nd3+:YVO4 provides the possibility to create an efficient lambda-system for optical pumping experiments. The branching ratio R in the lambda-system is measured experimentally via absorption spectroscopy and is compared to a theoretical model. We show that R can be tuned by changing the orientation of the magnetic field. These results are applied to optical pumping experiments, where significant improvement is obtained compared to previous experiments in this system. The tunability of the branching ratio in combination with its good coherence properties and the high oscillator strength makes Nd3+:YVO4 an interesting candidate for various quantum information protocols.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Bioanalytical characterisation of multiple endocrine- and dioxin-like activities in sediments from reference and impacted small rivers.

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    International audienceA comprehensive evaluation of organic contamination was performed in sediments sampled in two reference and three impacted small streams where endocrine disruptive (ED) effects in fish have been evidenced. The approach combined quantitative chemical analyses of more than 50 ED chemicals (EDCs) and a battery of in vitro bioassays allowing the quantification of receptor-mediated activities, namely estrogen (ER), androgen (AR), dioxin (AhR) and pregnane X (PXR) receptors. At the most impacted sites, chemical analyses showed the presence of natural estrogens, organochlorine pesticides, parabens, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (16 PAHs), bisphenol A and alkylphenols, while synthetic steroids, myco-estrogens and phyto-estrogens were not detected. Determination of toxic-equivalent amounts showed that 28-96% of estrogenic activities in bioassays (0.2-6.3 ng/g 17beta-estradiol equivalents) were explained by 17beta-estradiol and estrone. PAHs were major contributors (20-60%) to the total dioxin-like activities. Interestingly, high PXR and (anti)AR activities were detected; however, the targeted analysed compounds could not explain the measured biological activities. This study highlighted the presence of multiple organic EDCs in French river sediments subjected to mixed diffuse pollution, and argues for the need to further identify AR and PXR active compounds in the aquatic environment

    NKX3.1 is a direct TAL1 target gene that mediates proliferation of TAL1-expressing human T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    TAL1 (also known as SCL) is expressed in >40% of human T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemias (T-ALLs). TAL1 encodes a basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor that can interfere with the transcriptional activity of E2A and HEB during T cell leukemogenesis; however, the oncogenic pathways directly activated by TAL1 are not characterized. In this study, we show that, in human TAL1–expressing T-ALL cell lines, TAL1 directly activates NKX3.1, a tumor suppressor gene required for prostate stem cell maintenance. In human T-ALL cell lines, NKX3.1 gene activation is mediated by a TAL1–LMO–Ldb1 complex that is recruited by GATA-3 bound to an NKX3.1 gene promoter regulatory sequence. TAL1-induced NKX3.1 activation is associated with suppression of HP1-α (heterochromatin protein 1 α) binding and opening of chromatin on the NKX3.1 gene promoter. NKX3.1 is necessary for T-ALL proliferation, can partially restore proliferation in TAL1 knockdown cells, and directly regulates miR-17-92. In primary human TAL1-expressing leukemic cells, the NKX3.1 gene is expressed independently of the Notch pathway, and its inactivation impairs proliferation. Finally, TAL1 or NKX3.1 knockdown abrogates the ability of human T-ALL cells to efficiently induce leukemia development in mice. These results suggest that tumor suppressor or oncogenic activity of NKX3.1 depends on tissue expression

    Understanding human-animal relations from the perspective of work

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    International audienceOur relations with farm animals are widely criticised because of their impact on the environment, on human health, and on the animals themselves. Work, understood here as the central driving force behind our relationship with animals, has been underexamined or considered primarily as a relationship of domination and exploitation. This chapter focuses instead on the cooperative working relationship between humans and animals. Based on the results of two research projects, one on elephants in Asia, the other on farm animals in France, the authors study the interspecific relations and the agency of animals at work. The chapter’s main theoretical framework, the psychodynamics of work, brings authors to question the engagement of animal subjectivity in work, but also the impact of work on the subjectivity of animals and on their lives. The methods used, interviews with humans and videos of animals, allow for an understanding of what the animals were actually doing in the work, in particular what they were doing beyond the prescribed procedures. It is in this gap between prescribed and actual work that we observe the work of animals and their cooperation - or lack thereof - in the process of producing goods or services

    Hommes et animaux domestiques . Le travail en partage

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    International audienceDans cet entretien, la sociologue Jocelyne Porcher revient sur la construction d’un nouveau champ de recherche en sciences sociales, le travail animal, situĂ© au croisement de la sociologie du travail et des Ă©tudes animales. Revenant sur son cheminement intellectuel, qui s’enracine dans les apports de la psychodynamique du travail et plus largement dans la pensĂ©e de Marx, elle expose la genĂšse du travail animal en tant que question de recherche. Le travail animal invite Ă  repenser historiquement la domestication animale. Il s’agit Ă©galement d’une proposition Ă©thique et politique qui rĂ©habilite le travail en tant que modalitĂ© de vivre ensemble entre humains et animaux dans nos sociĂ©tĂ©s contemporaines, face Ă  l’abolitionnisme des mouvements animalitaires et la permanence des productions animales. Jocelyne Porcher invite ainsi Ă  voir le travail comme maniĂšre de rĂ©inventer nos relations aux animaux domestiques

    Vivre et travailler avec les éléphants (une option durable pour la protection et la conservation de l'espÚce)

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    Dans un contexte de remise en cause de la prĂ©sence animale au sein des sociĂ©tĂ©s humaines, cette thĂšse propose une analyse des conditions et des implications du vivre-ensemble entre les Ă©lĂ©phants et les Khamti dans le Nord-Est indien. L approche retenue se situe Ă  la croisĂ©e de l anthropologie des humains et des non-humains, de l anthropologie de la nature, de l anthropologie de la conservation, ainsi que de la sociologie et de la clinique du travail. L enquĂȘte se base sur un travail ethnographique qui a pris en compte la participation et l engagement intersubjectif des Khamti et des pachydermes. Elle traite des diffĂ©rents aspects du vivre-ensemble avec les Ă©lĂ©phants : depuis la naissance, qui passe par la capture et la socialisation d un Ă©lĂ©phant de forĂȘt, jusqu Ă  la maniĂšre dont Ă©voluent et perdurent les liens initialement nouĂ©s au travail. Élargissant l objet d Ă©tude Ă  l Ă©chelle nationale indienne et au sort des Ă©lĂ©phants vivant Ă  l Ă©tat de libertĂ© naturelle, une rĂ©flexion est menĂ©e sur le devenir du vivre-ensemble. Les conclusions soulignent la centralitĂ© du travail dans les liens entre les Khamti et les Ă©lĂ©phants. De maniĂšre plus gĂ©nĂ©rale, la thĂšse ouvre un questionnement sur la place des animaux dans les sociĂ©tĂ©s humaines. Concernant l Ă©lĂ©phant d Asie, face aux effets pervers des projets de conservation engagĂ©s en faveur de l espĂšce (menacĂ©e d extinction) et contre les campagnes menĂ©es pour libĂ©rer les Ă©lĂ©phants vivant parmi les hommes, les Khamti, en travaillant avec ces animaux, pĂ©rennisent leurs relations avec eux et apparaissent comme Ă©tant les meilleurs protecteurs des Ă©lĂ©phants et, potentiellement, les meilleurs conservateurs de l espĂšce aujourd hui.In a context of called into question the presence of animals within human societies, this thesis proposes an analysis of the conditions and implications of living together between elephants and the Khamtis in Northeast India. The approach adopted is at the crossroads of the anthropology of humans and non-humans, the anthropology of nature, the anthropology of conservation, as well as the sociology and clinic of work. The survey is based on an ethnographic work that took into account the participation and the intersubjective engagement of the Khamtis and the pachyderms. It deals with various aspects of living together with elephants: since the birth, which involves the capture and socialization of a forest elephant, to the way in which links initially tied evolve and persist in their work. Expanding the scope of the study on the Indian national level and on the fate of elephants living in a state of natural liberty, a reflection on the future of living together is made. The conclusions stress the centrality of work in the relationships between elephants and the Khamtis. More generally, this thesis opens a questioning of animal's place in human societies. Regarding the Asian elephant, against the side effects of conservation projects committed to the species (endangered) and against the campaigns to "liberate" the animals living among men, the Khamtis, by working with those animals, perpetuate their relationships with them and appear to be the best protectionists of elephants and, potentially, the best conservationists of the species nowadays.NANTERRE-PARIS10-Bib. Ă©lec. (920509901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Bioanalyse des perturbateurs endocriniens dans les milieux aquatiques

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    Mechanism-based in vitro and in vivo bioassays are increasingly used as part of integrated bio-analytical strategies, for the monitoring of both classical and emerging chemical contaminants in the aquatic environment. Here, we describe such an approach based on the combination of in vitro screening biological tools and physic-chemical methods and used to detect and identify endocrine disruptive chemicals (EDCs) in different environmental matrices such as effluents, sediment or surface waters. The developed approach is exemplified by the determination of steroid and xenobiotic activities profiles in various wastewater effluents and the further chemical identification of active compounds using bioassay-directed analysis. Eventually, the complementary use of innovative in vivo screening assays using zebrafish provide further useful information on the biological impact of active contaminants or samples, hence improving significantly chemical hazard assessment of analyzed samples.Les systĂšmes aquatiques sont aujourd’hui contaminĂ©s par une multitude de polluants organiques, qui contribuent Ă  l’altĂ©ration de l’état chimique et Ă©cologique des Ă©cosystĂšmes. Actuellement, la surveillance de la qualitĂ© chimique des eaux est principalement rĂ©alisĂ©e au travers d’analyses chimiques ciblant des composĂ©s dĂ©finis comme prioritaires ou pertinents (par exemple, liste des substances prioritaires - Directive-cadre sur l’eau, 2000/60/CE). NĂ©anmoins, du fait de la grande diversitĂ© des familles de contaminants prĂ©sents et des multiples transformations qu’ils subissent dans le milieu, ces analyses ciblĂ©es ne donnent qu’une image partielle de la contamination, et donc du danger (Ă©co)toxique associĂ©. D’autres approches, dites bioanalytiques, sont aujourd’hui disponibles et opĂ©rationnelles pour rĂ©pondre aux enjeux de la surveillance de l’état chimique des eaux (effluents, riviĂšres, etc.). En effet, l’utilisation de bioessais in vitro et in vivo, basĂ©s sur le mĂ©canisme d’action molĂ©culaire des substances, permet une dĂ©tection sensible et pertinente du point de vue (Ă©co)toxicologique de polluants actifs au sein de matrices environnementales (c’est-Ă -dire le profilage toxicologique). La combinaison de ces bio essais Ă  des mĂ©thodes physico-chimiques d’analyse au sein de stratĂ©gies intĂ©grĂ©es (notamment analyses dirigĂ©es par l’effet ou Effect Directed Analysis - EDA) permet l’identification chimique des contaminants effectivement responsables de l’activitĂ© biologique mesurĂ©e. L’ensemble fournit in fine un diagnostic intĂ©grĂ© de la qualitĂ© chimique renseignant sur l’identitĂ© et sur le mode d’action des composĂ©s. Dans un contexte de surveillance, ces approches tendent Ă  s’imposer comme la base de nouvelles stratĂ©gies qui permettent de caractĂ©riser l’occurrence et les effets (Ă©co)toxicologiques des polluants chimique
