2,357 research outputs found

    San Sebastián de Silos: la iglesia dedicada o consagrada en torno a 1088 a través de la documentación y los restos arqueológicos

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    Se plantea la reconstrucción de la iglesia dedicada o consagrada hacia 1088. Contamos con la documentación existente en el monasterio, ante todo de los siglos XVI y XVIII e informaciones de monjes silenses del siglo XVII. Junto a lo anterior hacemos una relectura de los restos arqueológicos, puestos en relación, ante todo, con la información de las Memoriae Silenses. Se plantea la fecha de dicho templo y su relación con el plan del monasterio románico

    San Sebatián de Silos : the Church Dedicated or Consecrated around 1088 through the Documentation and Archaeological Remains

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    This article addresses the reconstruction of the church that was dedicated or consecrated around 1088. We have used the documents found in the monastery, mainly descriptions from the 16th and especially the 18th century, and other information provided by some monks from Silos in the 17th century. To this, we must add the reinterpretation of the archaeological remains, together with the information in the Memoriae Silenses. From all this, we propose the chronology of the church and its relation with the general plan of the Romanesque monastery. Based on archaeological information from the north wall of the church and the foundations of the tower, together with the descriptions from when the building was demolished in 1761 and information from coins, we are able to conjecture about the date and characteristics of the building

    Manipulation of environmental oxygen modifies reactive oxygen and nitrogen species generation during myogenesis

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    Regulated changes in reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) activities are important in maintaining the normal sequence and development of myogenesis. Both excessive formation and reduction in RONS have been shown to affect muscle differentiation in a negative way. Cultured cells are typically grown in 20% O2 but this is not an appropriate physiological concentration for a number of cell types, including skeletal muscle. The aim was to examine the generation of RONS in cultured skeletal muscle cells under a physiological oxygen concentration condition (6% O2) and determine the effect on muscle myogenesis. Primary mouse satellite cells were grown in 20% or 6% O2 environments and RONS activity was measured at different stages of myogenesis by real-time fluorescent microscopy using fluorescent probes with different specificities i.e. dihydroethidium (DHE), 4-amino-5-methylamino-2′,7′-difluorofluorescein diacetate (DAF-FM DA) and 5-(and-6)-chloromethyl-2′,7′ -dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (CM-DCFH-DA). Data demonstrate that satellite cell proliferation increased when cells were grown in 6% O2 compared with 20% O2. Myoblasts grown in 20% O2 showed an increase in DCF fluorescence and DHE oxidation compared with myoblasts grown at 6% O2. Myotubes grown in 20% O2 also showed an increase in DCF and DAF-FM fluorescence and DHE oxidation compared with myotubes grown in 6% O2. The catalase and MnSOD contents were also increased in myoblasts and myotubes that were maintained in 20% O2 compared with myoblasts and myotubes grown in 6% O2. These data indicate that intracellular RONS activities in myoblasts and myotubes at rest are influenced by changes in environmental oxygen concentration and that the increased ROS may influence myogenesis in a negative manner

    Nota introductòria

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    ChIP-on-chip significance analysis reveals large-scale binding and regulation by human transcription factor oncogenes

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    ChIP-on-chip has emerged as a powerful tool to dissect the complex network of regulatory interactions between transcription factors and their targets. However, most ChIP-on-chip analysis methods use conservative approaches aimed to minimize false-positive transcription factor targets. We present a model with improved sensitivity in detecting binding events from ChIP-on-chip data. Biochemically validated analysis in human T-cells reveals that three transcription factor oncogenes, NOTCH1, MYC, and HES1, bind one order of magnitude more promoters than previously thought. Gene expression profiling upon NOTCH1 inhibition shows broad-scale functional regulation across the entire range of predicted target genes, establishing a closer link between occupancy and regulation. Finally, the resolution of a more complete map of transcriptional targets reveals that MYC binds nearly all promoters bound by NOTCH1. Overall, these results suggest an unappreciated complexity of transcriptional regulatory networks and highlight the fundamental importance of genome-scale analysis to represent transcriptional programs

    A propòsit de "Els cucs de seda"

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    The teaching profession: scenarios, profiles and tendencies

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    This article introduces the special issue of the Revista Electrónica Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, 35, volumen 13 (4) entitled The teaching profession: Scenarios, profiles and tendencies. It contains contributions from authors affiliated to twenty-eight different institutions across five countries: Spain, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Peru. The twenty-eight articles included are followed by a number of PhD thesis summaries and book reviews, whose general framework is that of the teaching profession

    M. Luz Palomero entrevista a Emilia Boneva

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    A Emilia Boneva tuve el placer de conocerla en el año 1982, recién llegada a España, en un campeonato que se celebró en Tenerife y al que yo asistí como entrenadora del equipo de Gimnasia Rítmica del INEFC de Barcelona del que soy profesora. Desde entonces he seguido muy de cerca su largo recorrido, lo que me ha permitido aprender constantemente, mucho y bueno, de esta gran persona y técnica. Emilia Boneva nació en Sofía (Bulgaria) en 1938. Cursó estudios en el Instituto Superior de Educación Física, especializándose en Gimnasia Rítmica. Su vida ha estado vinculada desde la infancia a la gimnasia, ya que practicó la gimnasia artística en sus primeros años y posteriormente, y durante unos doce años, fue gimnasta de gimnasia rítmica. También fue entrenadora de esta especialidad en su país desde el año 1965 hasta 1982, fecha en que vino a España para incorporarse a la Selección Nacional. Desde su llegada a España en 1982, la progresión de la gimnasia rítmica española en la alta competición ha sido constante, alcanzando las más altas cotas y su proyección internacional. Los numerosos éxitos conseguidos han sido coronados con el máximo galardón deportivo, la medalla de oro olímpica, conseguida por el equipo de Conjunto español. Haciendo un breve resumen, diremos que desde la consecución por parte del equipo de conjunto español, de la medalla de bronce en la clasificación general del IV Campeonato de Europa, celebrado en Viena en 1984, la selección española ha mantenido prácticamente su puesto de clasificación en el podium, en todas las competiciones internacionales relevantes de esta especialidad deportiva

    La perspectiva integrada com a nou paradigma del desenvolupament urbà sostenible: una aproximació a partir de la iniciativa comunitària URBAN

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    Un dels efectes més notables de la reestructuració econòmica viscuda a Europa durant les darreres dècades ha estat la intensificació dels processos de pobresa urbana i exclusió social. El que ha comportat el reforçament i agudització de les desigualtats socials i la segregació espacial, consolidant-se així una realitat urbana dualitzada. Les situacions d’exclusió social han tendit a concentrar-se en aquelles àrees urbanes que pateixen majors processos de degradació, amb una qualitat de vida i unes oportunitats econòmiques sensiblement inferiors a la del conjunt urbà més proper. Per treballar en favor d’un model de desenvolupament urbà sostenible i socialment més just, així com per donar resposta als reptes i necessitats especials dels barris amb dificultats, s’estan implementant, en diferents ciutats europees, respostes conegudes com programes d’intervenció integral. Aquests programes recullen de forma explícita la voluntat d’actuar sobre les múltiples variables que configuren i expliquen les situacions de marginalitat urbana. No plantegen actuacions focalitzades en la transformació de l’espai físic, sinó que també atorguen una atenció especial als diferents factors que interaccionen en la configuració social i econòmica de l’espai urbà. La perspectiva integrada implica la superació del model clàssic de compartimentació sectorial. L’element que canalitza l’actuació pública no són les responsabilitats i fronteres competencials, sinó els dèficits i les oportunitats que manifesta una determinada àrea urbana. Aquest model d’intervenció ha assolit un creixent protagonisme, tant en l’agenda política de diferents Estats i regions europees, com en la pròpia UE. L’any 1994, la UE creà la Iniciativa Comunitària URBAN. El programa recollia com a objectius generals la necessitat de fer front a la degradació de la qualitat de vida en determinats espais de les ciutats i actuar en favor de la redinamització socioeconòmica i ambiental de les àrees urbanes amb dificultats. A través de dues edicions (1994-1999 i 2000-2006), URBAN ha permès cofinançar 188 programes en 15 Estats Membres. En aquesta comunicació es presentarà els resultats d’una recerca sobre la IC URBAN, tot centrant l’atenció de l’anàlisi en el model d’aproximació a la realitat urbana que planteja. Aquest model es caracteritza per la perspectiva integrada de les qüestions socials, econòmiques i medi ambientals com a mecanisme per donar una millor resposta als problemes locals. Finalment, s’interpretarà l’impacte assolit per URBAN, emprant com a indicador l’anàlisi de diferents casos d’estudi de ciutats angleses, espanyoles, franceses i italianesOne of the most notable effects of the economic restructuring undertaken in Europe during recent decades has been the intensification of processes that give rise to urban poverty and social exclusion. This has led to the reinforcing and sharpening of social inequalities and spatial segregation and to the consolidation of a dichotomous urban reality. Situations of social exclusion have tended to concentrate in urban areas that have suffered major processes of degradation and which have levels of quality of life and economic opportunity that are appreciably inferior to those of their nearest urban neighbours. Several European cities are currently working towards the creation of a model of sustainable and more socially just urban development and towards providing responses to the challenges and special needs of neighbourhoods with difficulties. This initiative forms part of what are known as integrated intervention programmes. These programmes explicitly share the will to take appropriate action to influence the many variables that configure and explain situations of urban marginality. They do not only propose interventions aimed at physically transforming space, but also dedicate special attention to the different factors that interact to determine the social and economic configuration of urban space. The integrated approach implies improving on the classical model of sectorial division. The elements that channel public responses are not responsibility and competence frontiers, but rather the deficits and opportunities manifested by a given urban area. This new model for intervention has gained increasing protagonism, both in the political agendas of various European states and regions and in the European Union itself. In 1994, the EU established the URBAN Community Initiative. The general objectives of this programme were related to the need to take measures against the loss of quality of life in certain parts of cities and to take action to promote the socioeconomic and environmental revitalisation of urban areas with difficulties. To date, two editions of URBAN (1994-1999 and 2000-2006) have permitted the co-financing of 188 programmes in 15 EU member states. In this communication, we will present the results of research relating to the URBAN Community Initiative, specifically focusing our attention and analysis on the model for urban reality that it proposes. This model is characterised by the way in which social, economic and environmental questions are addressed from an integrated approach, which serves as a mechanism for providing better responses to local problems. Finally, we will analyse the impact that the URBAN has achieved, using case studies based on British, Spanish, French and Italian cities as indicators in this analysis.Peer Reviewe