76 research outputs found

    Cancer immunotherapy with surgery

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    With the recent advances in the immunological surveillance system, an understanding of the role of host immunity has become essential to the management of carcinogenesis, tumor proliferation, recurrence and metastasis. Although it is important to continue chemical and surgical treatment of cancer, support of the anti-tumor immune system of the host should also be considered. Long term remission has been reported in leukemia by treating with BCG after chemotherapy whereas surgical treatment is usually more effective in preventing cancer recurrence in digestive organ cancer. The first step is extirpating the tumor as thoroughly as possible and the second step is chemo-immunotherapy. Cancer immunity, however weak, constitutes the basis for other treatments in selectively attacking cancer cells remaining after surgery, chemotherapy or irradiation. Immunotherapy should thus not replace chemotherapy or radiotherapy, but these methods should be employed in combination to attain more favorable results.</p

    Brown adipose tissue dysfunction promotes heart failure via a trimethylamine N-oxide-dependent mechanism.

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    Low body temperature predicts a poor outcome in patients with heart failure, but the underlying pathological mechanisms and implications are largely unknown. Brown adipose tissue (BAT) was initially characterised as a thermogenic organ, and recent studies have suggested it plays a crucial role in maintaining systemic metabolic health. While these reports suggest a potential link between BAT and heart failure, the potential role of BAT dysfunction in heart failure has not been investigated. Here, we demonstrate that alteration of BAT function contributes to development of heart failure through disorientation in choline metabolism. Thoracic aortic constriction (TAC) or myocardial infarction (MI) reduced the thermogenic capacity of BAT in mice, leading to significant reduction of body temperature with cold exposure. BAT became hypoxic with TAC or MI, and hypoxic stress induced apoptosis of brown adipocytes. Enhancement of BAT function improved thermogenesis and cardiac function in TAC mice. Conversely, systolic function was impaired in a mouse model of genetic BAT dysfunction, in association with a low survival rate after TAC. Metabolomic analysis showed that reduced BAT thermogenesis was associated with elevation of plasma trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) levels. Administration of TMAO to mice led to significant reduction of phosphocreatine and ATP levels in cardiac tissue via suppression of mitochondrial complex IV activity. Genetic or pharmacological inhibition of flavin-containing monooxygenase reduced the plasma TMAO level in mice, and improved cardiac dysfunction in animals with left ventricular pressure overload. In patients with dilated cardiomyopathy, body temperature was low along with elevation of plasma choline and TMAO levels. These results suggest that maintenance of BAT homeostasis and reducing TMAO production could be potential next-generation therapies for heart failure.We thank Kaori Yoshida, Keiko Uchiyama, Satomi Kawai, Naomi Hatanaka, Yoko Sawaguchi, Runa Washio, Takako Ichihashi, Nanako Koike, Keiko Uchiyama, Masaaki Nameta (Niigata University), Kaori Igarashi, Kaori Saitoh, Keiko Endo, Hiroko Maki, Ayano Ueno, Maki Ohishi, Sanae Yamanaka, Noriko Kagata (Keio University) for their excellent technical assistance, C. Ronald Kahn (Joslin Diabetes Center and Harvard Medical School) for providing the BAT cell line, Evan Rosen (Harvard Medical School) for providing us Ucp-Cre mice, Kosuke Morikawa (Kyoto University), Tomitake Tsukihara (University of Hyogo) and Shinya Yoshikawa (University of Hyogo) for their professional opinions and suggestions. Tis work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientifc Research (A) (20H00533) from MEXT, AMED under Grant Numbers JP20ek0210114, and AMED-CREST under Grant Number JP20gm1110012, and Moonshot Research and Development Program (21zf0127003s0201), MEXT Supported Program for the Strategic Research Foundation at Private Universities Japan, Private University Research Branding Project, and Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers, and grants from the Takeda Medical Research Foundation, the Vehicle Racing Commemorative Foundation, Ono Medical Research Foundation, and the Suzuken Memorial Foundation (to T.M.). Support was also provided by a Grants-in-Aid for Young Scientists (Start-up) (26893080), and grants from the Uehara Memorial Foundation, Kowa Life Science Foundation, Manpei Suzuki Diabetes Foundation, SENSHIN Medical Research Foundation, ONO Medical Research Foundation, Tsukada Grant for Niigata University Medical Research, Te Nakajima Foundation, SUZUKEN memorial foundation, HOKUTO Corporation, Mochida Memorial Foundation for Medical & Pharmaceutical Research, Grants-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A) (16H06244), Daiichi Sankyo Foundation of Life Science, AMED Project for Elucidating and Controlling Mechanisms of Aging and Longevity under Grant Number JP17gm5010002, JP18gm5010002, JP19gm5010002, JP20gm5010002, JP21gm5010002, Astellas Foundation for Research on Metabolic Disorders, Research grant from Naito Foundation, Te Japan Geriatrics Society (to I.S.); by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientifc Research (C) (19K08974), Yujin Memorial Grant, Sakakibara Memorial Research Grant from Te Japan Research Promotion Society for Cardiovascular Diseases, TERUMO Life Science Foundation, Kanae Foundation (to Y.Y.), JST ERATO (JPMJER1902), AMED-CREST (JP20gm1010009), the Takeda Science Foundation, the Food Science Institute Foundation (to S.F.), and by a grant from Bourbon (to T.M., I.S. and Y.Y.).S

    In vitro generation of cytotoxic and regulatory T cells by fusions of human dendritic cells and hepatocellular carcinoma cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells express WT1 and/or carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) as potential targets for the induction of antitumor immunity. In this study, generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) and regulatory T cells (Treg) by fusions of dendritic cells (DCs) and HCC cells was examined.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>HCC cells were fused to DCs either from healthy donors or the HCC patient and investigated whether supernatants derived from the HCC cell culture (HCCsp) influenced on the function of DCs/HCC fusion cells (FCs) and generation of CTL and Treg.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>FCs coexpressed the HCC cells-derived WT1 and CEA antigens and DCs-derived MHC class II and costimulatory molecules. In addition, FCs were effective in activating CD4<sup>+ </sup>and CD8<sup>+ </sup>T cells able to produce IFN-γ and inducing cytolysis of autologous tumor or semiallogeneic targets by a MHC class I-restricted mechanism. However, HCCsp induced functional impairment of DCs as demonstrated by the down-regulation of MHC class I and II, CD80, CD86, and CD83 molecules. Moreover, the HCCsp-exposed DCs failed to undergo full maturation upon stimulation with the Toll-like receptor 4 agonist penicillin-inactivated <it>Streptococcus pyogenes</it>. Interestingly, fusions of immature DCs generated in the presence of HCCsp and allogeneic HCC cells promoted the generation of CD4<sup>+ </sup>CD25<sup>high </sup>Foxp3<sup>+ </sup>Treg and inhibited CTL induction in the presence of HCCsp. Importantly, up-regulation of MHC class II, CD80, and CD83 on DCs was observed in the patient with advanced HCC after vaccination with autologous FCs. In addition, the FCs induced WT1- and CEA-specific CTL that were able to produce high levels of IFN-γ.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The current study is one of the first demonstrating the induction of antigen-specific CTL and the generation of Treg by fusions of DCs and HCC cells. The local tumor-related factors may favor the generation of Treg through the inhibition of DCs maturation; however, fusion cell vaccination results in recovery of the DCs function and induction of antigen-specific CTL responses in vitro. The present study may shed new light about the mechanisms responsible for the generation of CTL and Treg by FCs.</p

    The Constrained Maximal Expression Level Owing to Haploidy Shapes Gene Content on the Mammalian X Chromosome.

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    X chromosomes are unusual in many regards, not least of which is their nonrandom gene content. The causes of this bias are commonly discussed in the context of sexual antagonism and the avoidance of activity in the male germline. Here, we examine the notion that, at least in some taxa, functionally biased gene content may more profoundly be shaped by limits imposed on gene expression owing to haploid expression of the X chromosome. Notably, if the X, as in primates, is transcribed at rates comparable to the ancestral rate (per promoter) prior to the X chromosome formation, then the X is not a tolerable environment for genes with very high maximal net levels of expression, owing to transcriptional traffic jams. We test this hypothesis using The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) and data from the Functional Annotation of the Mammalian Genome (FANTOM5) project. As predicted, the maximal expression of human X-linked genes is much lower than that of genes on autosomes: on average, maximal expression is three times lower on the X chromosome than on autosomes. Similarly, autosome-to-X retroposition events are associated with lower maximal expression of retrogenes on the X than seen for X-to-autosome retrogenes on autosomes. Also as expected, X-linked genes have a lesser degree of increase in gene expression than autosomal ones (compared to the human/Chimpanzee common ancestor) if highly expressed, but not if lowly expressed. The traffic jam model also explains the known lower breadth of expression for genes on the X (and the Z of birds), as genes with broad expression are, on average, those with high maximal expression. As then further predicted, highly expressed tissue-specific genes are also rare on the X and broadly expressed genes on the X tend to be lowly expressed, both indicating that the trend is shaped by the maximal expression level not the breadth of expression per se. Importantly, a limit to the maximal expression level explains biased tissue of expression profiles of X-linked genes. Tissues whose tissue-specific genes are very highly expressed (e.g., secretory tissues, tissues abundant in structural proteins) are also tissues in which gene expression is relatively rare on the X chromosome. These trends cannot be fully accounted for in terms of alternative models of biased expression. In conclusion, the notion that it is hard for genes on the Therian X to be highly expressed, owing to transcriptional traffic jams, provides a simple yet robustly supported rationale of many peculiar features of X's gene content, gene expression, and evolution